Official Immortal

Chapter 609: 1 more hand

Dare to love, after receiving the report call, the military region quickly dispatched a company of guards, mounted a machine gun and surrounded Guan Zhijun's home. After breaking in, he easily found the "trace" on the land, and then found in amazement, Xiao Er There is a cellar in front of the building. ==Net==m

     Inside the cellar, of course, there are stolen weapons and ammunition.

     Then, they found another cellar. In that cellar, some potatoes, carrots, cabbage, bacon, etc. were stored. It was a vegetable cellar for storing winter vegetables.

     This was Chen Taizhong's negligence. He did not expect that there was a cellar in the house, but it was not easy for him to make a decent cellar without making a sound.

     two cellars! The problem is very serious. Obviously, this is a carefully planned case. The perpetrators obviously have very clear goals and great ambitions. They will actually open up a cellar for storing guns and ammunition.

     Therefore, it is no accident that Director Xiang received this kind of treatment, and it is impossible not to be serious.

     Hearing the news from Wang Haobo, Chen Taizhong was upset for a while: Damn, deserve it, I don’t know...what can this guy do this time?

     In a good mood, he actually ran back to the Provincial Party School to listen to two classes. After the class, he pulled Wang Simin and contacted Wang Haobo and Lei Lei to have a meal together.

     At this time, Lei Lei also knew that Guan Zhijun had been captured by the provincial military district because of some things. Since the old secretary Lei was able to find Director Xiang, he would naturally be able to grasp the movements of Guan Zhijun.

     After learning the news, of course she understood why Chen Taizhong had left. The entanglement and loss in her heart immediately disappeared. However, she was still a little curious. How could Chen Taizhong know the news before me?

     In fact, Secretary Lei knew that it was normal for the news to be late, and Director Xiang was also investigated. I only had a little freedom. After the initial shock, I complained for a long time before I remembered the entrustment of others.

     The next moment, Lei Lei put this question aside, because her professional qualities reminded her of another thing. She stood up and went to look for Director Hu, \"Director, there is a material outside, I want to interview."

    \"Well," Director Hu didn't say anything to Lei Lei's request, but just nodded lightly, \"Hide the shabby residence. It doesn't matter if the interview is longer."

Director      really cared about me. At this moment, Lei Lei felt refreshed and light, smiled lightly, her face was full of joy and pride, \"I'm going to interview this."

    \"Huh?" is also pronounced with the nose. This time, Director Hu's meaning must be different. She looked at her in surprise, \"The old secretary got him done?"

\"No, he was taken away by someone from the provincial military district in his unit, haha," Lei Lei smiled happily, and two naughty little tiger teeth showed up again.\"I'll see what happened, I heard it was It’s a serious matter."

    \"Anyone from the Provincial Military Command took it away?" Director Hu was taken aback. \"Did the old secretary do it, or... or did Chen Taizhong do it?"

Ok? Lei Lei was taken aback when she heard it. To be honest, she really didn't expect this possibility. She was only the one who recruited the army after Guan Zhijun had done something damaging to the world, such as destroying the military marriage.

     Hearing what Director Hu said, she was shocked to react, dare to love, she might have been the cause of this incident. However, the next moment she shook her head resolutely, \"It's definitely not my dad."

    \"Well," Director Hu murmured again intentionally or unconsciously in his nose. \"Actually. That Chen Taizhong is not simple..."

     Of course, if you let Chen Taizhong hear this. Director Hu has the possibility of suicide, but for Lei Lei, this is just to help her expand her thinking. The truth is-in fact, neither the speaker nor the listener takes this matter too seriously. .

     However, Lei Lei had just arrived at the Water Conservancy Bureau and before entering the gate, she received a call from Chen Taizhong, \"Ha, Lei Lei, are you free at noon, eat together?"

\"Well, I'm about to interview." Lei Lei raised her hand to look at the watch and found that it was half past eleven. However, she felt a little warmth in her heart when she touched this mechanical Torx watch, which he gave to Own gift.

    \"That's right," she suddenly remembered her doubts, and she had to talk about it, \"What is going on with Guan Zhijun? Did you do it? The target of my interview is the Water Resources Bureau."

    \"Water Conservancy Bureau?" Chen Taizhong chuckled and did not answer her question, \"Okay, it's this o'clock, who is still thinking about accepting your interview? In the afternoon."

     It’s the afternoon in the afternoon. Lei Lei also knows that there are always such people in the agency. When it is almost off work, that's it. It is said that you can’t take a taxi to the Marriott Hotel.

It wasn't until I met Wang Haobo and heard about this person's job that Lei Lei realized why Chen Taizhong knew that the news would be so early, so she started an interview at the wine table, \"Secretary Wang, this... the Water Conservancy Bureau, in the end What happened?"

\"It seems that... Guan Zhijun is involved in the possession of weapons," this kind of news, the military has blocked very tightly, but everyone can still analyze something from some clues. Secretary Wang’s words are just like others. \"His yard was demolished."

    \"Ah," Lei Lei covered her mouth in astonishment, and nodded for a long time.\"It seems that I have to get a letter of introduction from the newspaper. This kind of thing...It seems that a press card alone is not good."

\"That may not be true," The strange thing is that Wang Haobo, a layman, actually guided Lei Lei, an expert, but his reasons are quite good.\"This kind of thing still depends on how the troops want to deal. If Guan Zhijun can really open up the door and make major things smaller... it is not impossible."

     Of course, he didn’t know that Guan Zhijun’s \"private possession" is far more than \"firearms".

     When Chen Taizhong heard this, he used his brains. He really didn't have much confidence in the people now, because many things he encountered seemed to be even more outrageous than the book.

     Yes, in case Guan Zhijun can move out, then Lei Lei...isn’t it difficult again?

So, at the wine table, he picked up the phone and dialed Xie Xiangnan, \"Old Xie...Um, well, I know, yes, the thing I told you yesterday is very strange, he actually I was taken away by the military division, what a coincidence..."

Next, he wanted to state his wish, and he would not say anything else, but he must not let Guan Zhijun go easily.\"...Your father is also a deputy political commissar anyway. Can you help beat the drum?"

When      was picking up Ning Ruiyuan at the airport, Wang Haobo heard from Liao Hongzhi that Chen Taizhong’s deputy had a backing, but Lei Lei didn’t know. As soon as she heard this, she opened her mouth immediately.\"By the way, let him ask the truth..."

     Is it necessary to ask him the truth? Chen Taizhong glanced at her, but nodded with a smile, \"Yes, old Xie, make things clear."

     Xie Xiangnan still hesitated to evade, Chen Taizhong quit, and yelled, \"I said you are not over yet, just like that, when the task is completed, report to me within half an hour!"

     pressed the phone, he saw Lei Lei and Wang Haobo looking at him in amazement, he couldn't explain it with a smile, \"Ha, that guy is too courageous, he is afraid of his father, I have to give him some pressure."

    Wang Haobo and Lei Lei looked at each other, and finally Lei Lei shook his head and smiled.\"Too loyal, you are not so courageous."

     Then, everyone started talking and eating with laughter. The subject of the conversation during the period was Wang Haobo's question, "How much hatred is Guan Zhijun with you?"

     Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly, and he had to talk about cause and effect again. When Wang Simin heard that housekeeping is a kind of gratitude and revenge, he couldn't help cursing bitterly, \"How come there are so many scumbags these days?"

Within twenty minutes of the four people talking, Xie Xiangnan called, "Too loyal, I'm done," this guy said, always cherishing words like, what happened is what's up? Don't hang up the phone..." Chen Taizhong couldn't help but pretend to ask again.

\"I don't know," Xie Xiangnan's answer was really succinct, but he might think of Chen Taizhong's caring temperament, and actually added a sentence, \"I didn't find my dad, I was looking for Han day."

     dare to love, no matter how much pressure Chen Taizhong puts on him, Xie Xiangnan dare not call home, but honest people occasionally have a clever spirit, he suddenly thought of Han Tian.

     Han Tian and him are really young, and they are doing well in Subo now. Of course, the most important thing is that, as a kid who came out of the military area compound, he certainly knew that Han Tian and the military area commander Ma Qimin could hand over a message.

If you don’t know him, just call Han Tian. Whoever thinks Han Tiandi is overly informed, you will know when you hear it,\"Oh, that guy, someone asked me to go to the commander to protect him just now, I I'm thinking about it, can I protect you from such a big thing?"

\"However, Xiangnan's business is mine," Han Laowu is still very happy to do things, \"Since you have spoken, you don't say anything, **** him, the guarantor is not sure. …No problem, leave it to me."

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