Official Immortal

Chapter 610: 5 years right

Han Tian was so happy doing things. He didn't even ask whether it was Xie Xiangnan's own business or to help others, but this was normal, because the rules of the Dao were like this. You shouldn't know it and never ask. www..

Besides, the second child of the Xie family generally doesn't ask others. If Xie Xiangnan can tell you to come forward, it is not appropriate for him to refuse. Last time at Marriott, the surname Chen let him go for Xiang Nan and made the scene complete. This favors him. Get it.

     Therefore, people with tight mouths have the advantage of having a tight mouth. Chen Taizhong did not know that there was still such a key in the meantime, which saved a lot of trouble.

However, with Xie Xiangnan’s call, Chen Taizhong could process it a bit, saying that his assistant inquired it out. It seems that Guan Zhijun stole the arms of the provincial military district. Um, the consequences are very serious. They will not be able to come out every ten or eight years. Or... will be pulled directly to be hit.

     Lei Lei and Wang Haobo were a little dumbfounded when they heard it. After a long time, Secretary Wang turned his head and nodded at Lei Lei.\"Xiao Lei, this...I guess you should ask the leader for advice. It's better."

\"This is not my news anymore," Lei Lei shook her head and sighed again, but then there was a smile on her face. Although she was a bit disappointed, the wicked person finally got retribution, which is a good thing.\ "This mouth is not my responsibility..."

Several people finished their meal and walked out of the Marriott. They were about to step down, but suddenly ran into Shang Caixia. She was walking out with the two women. They were taken aback when they saw him, \"Xiao Chen?" \"Uh...Hello Auntie," Chen Taizhong was in a bad mood for a while, and he was holding his breath in his heart, so don't mention it. You are not staying on your fourteenth. Why do you run out to eat?

     Actually, Shang Caixia was out for dinner because of him. Yesterday she went to dinner with two friends. Today, my friend called back, and the relationship between people, isn’t that the way it is?

    \"I was talking about looking for you," Shang Caixia smiled gracefully at him, \"By the way, are you free this afternoon?"

    \"In the afternoon...I'm going to class." Chen Taizhong replied bitterly, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded, \"Or, let them copy the notes for me."

    \"Okay, then I'll wait for you downstairs," Shang Caixia said on her own without asking for his opinion. Turned around and went downstairs with the two women.

    \"Who is this, such a big style?" Lei Lei was a little unhappy looking at Shang Caixia's disappearing back. ===m

     Yesterday she was very excited when she saw Chen Taizhong, but she didn't realize that Guan Zhijun was such a number one master, so she didn't dare to contact Chen Taizhong at night—the surname Guan was purely a villain. What if you stare in the dark?

Today everything is going well, and her mood has improved a lot. A woman is like this, a sensual creature, and when she is in a good mood, she will be interested in anything. Thinking that it is only a little bit now, Jinyuan Hotel is not far from here. Director Hu...Also allowed her to go late.

     Although there is still a little rain outside, it is spring. It is Chunyu, reporter Lei is also a human, and he also has seven emotions and six desires. Listening to the drizzle outside the window, playing a friendly game heartily, how poetic would it be "Spring Day"?

     However, someone crossed the bar, which obviously made her a little unacceptable, and there was a little dissatisfaction in the words.

    \"Hush," Chen Taizhong raised his finger. After waiting for a while, she was sure that Shang Caixia was going down, and then she gave a wry smile,\"This is Mengyi's wife, alas. It's really troublesome.

     He already thought of it. This is definitely Shang Caixia asking him why Ramon Qinqin drank so much wine yesterday. But... is this question important? The buddy didn't do anything to her again. Yesterday you had the same attitude, and today you are the same.

    \"Huh?" Wang Haobo screamed, looking at Chen Taizhong's eyes, he was already full of surprise and envy, \"Too know her very well? No wonder you can live in the luxurious suite of the guest house."

\"What are you familiar with, yesterday..." Chen Taizhong was about to say that he saw her for the first time last night, but suddenly thought that this would trigger some strange thoughts of others, and finally changed his words abruptly. \"Drinking with her daughter yesterday, I saw her for the first time."

    \"Drinking with her daughter?" Lei Lei glanced at him, with something strange in her eyes, \"Unexpectedly, you are not only familiar with Secretary Meng, but also with his daughter?"

Obviously, she should have pointed something, because reporter Lei knows that Section Chief Chen is not Liu Xiahui.On the contrary, this person can make a move when he should make a move. The demand is quite strong. Then, will he also follow Meng Meng The secretary's daughter... what happened?

     This is it! When Wang Haobo on one side heard this, he couldn't help but clenched his hands. Xiao Chen really was a character with a big background. This time he didn't help much. Next time, he must not miss the place.

     But it’s not bad, right? In any case, this time I confided to prove that I was quite concerned about his affairs. Thinking of this, Secretary Wang rejoiced a little and made friends with heart. It really was kind and rewarding.

    \"I don't know him well, it's okay," Chen Taizhong heard Lei Lei's question, but he became more and more depressed, \"I also helped her...Oh, forget it, I'm too lazy to say it."

     The four people went downstairs and saw Shang Caixia waiting outside the door. Chen Taizhong bit his head and said hello to Lei Lei, \" can take a taxi back, I can't see you..."

    \"You are busy with you," Wang Haobo glanced at Shang Caixia, and waved to Leilei, \"Go, reporter Lei, I'll take you back..."

     Seeing the three people leave, Shang Caixia smiled at Chen Taizhong, with a very kind attitude, \"Xiao Chen, find a place to have a cup of coffee?"

On the second floor of the \"The Bund Fashion" coffee house, Chen Taizhong and Shang Caixia sat face to face. Originally, Chen Taizhong took a coffee spoon and stirred slowly. When he looked up, she saw Shang Caixia staring at him unblinkingly. , So he put the spoon down, sat up straight, and responded frankly with her eyes.

     This kind of aura, he will definitely not lack land. I think he can be neither humble nor overbearing under the eyes of Meng Yi's eye-catching eyes. Shang Caixia's aura is far from her husband...

     Shang Caixia's habit of staring at people has been around for a long time. She always believes that eyes are the windows of the soul, so those who are young or timid are generally unable to resist.

     And Chen Taizhong's ability to look at himself with clear eyes, frank and unconcealed, proves that this young man is a man with a strong mind, and she hesitated for a while. Such young people are actually... rare.

    \"You are really brave," she finally broke the silence and smiled kindly, \"It seems that Lao Meng has not read the wrong person. You are really a plastic talent."

     He read the wrong person and he was right, so what does it matter to me? Chen Taizhong smiled and didn't speak. He didn't like Shang Caixia's tone of speech, but... it was just a little bit.

\"Do you want to come to Subo?" Shang Caixia saw him look like this, knowing that this young man had already prepared a little in his heart, so she no longer covered it, \"I can transfer you to Subo, five During the year, if you go up and down, how about I keep you right?"

Of course, this is her bait. As long as Chen agrees, she will naturally offer an exchange condition, that is, not be close to Qinqin-in fact, she is more suspicious now that her daughter is attracted to him. , Not that this guy wants to take the initiative to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix.

     However, even if she takes the initiative, it is still unacceptable to her. The gap between the two parties is really too great. Therefore, she needs Chen Taizhong's cooperation, the two sides cooperate, and cut off Meng Qinqin's ideas.

     In fact, she also appreciates Chen Taizhong very much, otherwise she would not be able to offer such a condition. Yes, such a promise can not be easily obtained by just one person. Shang Caixia is a person who knows how to score.

     Even, every time she thinks about it, she feels a little bit regretful. How come you, a young man, come from a working family? Even if it's a scholar who came out of the school, I can't allow you to try it with Of course, this is just her hypothesis. Chen Taizhong really wants to have a professorship. Dad, maybe she thinks she is not an academician again, it's really hard to say clearly about the parents of Tianxia [Zhetian].

     Harem doing politics? Chen Taizhong looked at her, feeling a little unspeakable in his heart. Of course he knew that this wish was not made in vain. It must be made with a little condition, and the sky will not fall into the sky.

     He could guess that this request might have something to do with Meng Qinqin, but he was a bit upset with Shang Caixia's condescending attitude and didn't want to agree.

    Since he didn’t plan to accept it, he naturally didn’t bother to think about the possibility, so he smiled and shook his head.\"Thank you, auntie. I think I’m still young and lack abilities. It’s better to exercise at the grassroots level for a few years."

     Of course, the most critical reason for him to make the decision to refuse is: Zhang Yaodong said it a long time ago, and he will be referred to his deputy office in the next year.

He is about to be deputy office, and he believes that with his work ability-or Xianli, he is fully confident that he will be promoted to the right position in two to three years. Perhaps, the time when the academic qualifications is obtained is the time to improve. The biggest factor.

     That is the case, is he eating and holding? Waiting for that \"five years on the right" promise? Isn't that sick?

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