Meng Chao's fingertips sprayed out a pale golden arc.

Wrapped a few harvesting blades around the cable and scraped off some samples of the mulch.

He put the mulch samples, the light green liquid extracted from the deformed monster's body, and the strange green lichen under the spar microscope for study.

Sure enough, they all found something that was extremely active between animal cells, plant cells, and fungal cells.

Meng Chao asked Long Feijun and others to come and observe.

I meditated on myself.

"I have an idea, or rather, a question."

After everyone had seen it, Meng Chao said, "Have you ever thought about how the monsters came about? I mean, like the 'Seven Star Tarantula' that can combine the characteristics of arthropods and mammals into one, Or a monster like a 'griffin' that can combine a liger-like monster with a falcon-like monster must not have evolved naturally, there must be a...'modulator', right?"

Long Feijun and the exploration team looked at each other, nodded at the same time and said: "That's right."

"And this kind of modulation of 'combining the most ferocious features of various animals to try to create the most powerful carbon-based biological weapon' must have a high probability of failure, because the organs and motor functions of most animals are the fundamental If it is not compatible, if you are not careful, it will appear like this small saber-toothed tiger with two wings, different organs contradict each other, not to mention fighting, even survival will become extremely difficult."

Meng Chao continued, "Therefore, the modulator must conduct a large number of experiments to fuse parts of the organs of countless monsters. No, we can't talk about fusion now. It should be 'stitched' together, and select the ones with stronger combat effectiveness and longer survival time." Longer varieties, ditch the misfits.

"This process is a bit like our human gene farm, where seeds are optimized and screened from generation to generation, and we can naturally get the crops we need most.

"The Absolute Fog is the 'gene farm' of the monster civilization, no, more precisely, it should be the 'laboratory'.

"The mastermind of the monster civilization sewed up a large number of deformed and ugly monsters in the depths of the Desolate Fog, and then released them to observe their traits, combat effectiveness and survival time, and analyze whether there is any possibility of further modulation.

"If the 'combat parameters' and 'survival time' are relatively good, it can be further modulated, or copied in large quantities, to become the 'beast tide' we see."

Everyone followed Meng Chao's train of thought, all showing expressions of sudden realization.

"How to explain the super active cells hidden in mosses, lichens and deformed monsters?" Long Feijun asked.

"I think it's some kind of... 'bioglue'."

Meng Chaodao, "The so-called 'monsters' are different animals across categories, and even the organs, characteristics, and traits of animals and plants are stitched together, which will inevitably lead to extremely strong rejection reactions. Two or even three sets of completely different organs Unable to coexist, at this time, it is necessary to use 'biological glue' to bond them together.

"Originally, a monster whose organs were forcibly put together might not survive for three to five hours.

"After bonding with 'biological glue', it may survive for three to five days or even longer.

"We originally thought that monsters were the product of natural evolution, and overestimated their survival time. Naturally, three to five days is far from enough.

"However, if some monsters are artificially prepared to attack Dragon City, as long as they can survive for three to five days, that's enough."

Long Feijun nodded again and again, thought for a while, and then asked: "Then, why didn't this mysterious 'biological glue' be found in the monsters captured by Dragon City in the past?"

"Two possibilities."

Meng Chao stretched out two fingers, "Or, those monsters are all 'mass-produced' after successful experiments, and their organs are already perfectly compatible, so there is no need to use 'biological glue' to stick them together.

"Or, this weird cell has been integrated into the monster's body in another more mature and more secretive way. With our current biochemical technology, we can't detect them yet.

"Wait, if that's the case..."

Meng Chao stopped talking suddenly.

Looking at the emerald green in the distance, so thick that it doesn't look like a real lichen, I thought silently again.

Suddenly, he threw the small saber-toothed tiger flying far away towards the lichen.

The dismembered, bloody corpse of the monster fell into the emerald green lichen, and immediately aroused a wave of green tide.

Countless lichens seemed to be stimulated, and tiny green filaments protruded from the depths of the creep blanket, tightly wrapping the monster's corpse.

At first, the corpse of the monster bulged like a small hill.

Soon, it became low and shrunk amidst the sound of "chiliuchiliu, chiliuchiliu".

After about a minute, the lichen returned to its original shape, as if nothing had happened.

Only one body was missing.

Meng Chao signaled to Long Feijun to let the exploration team boil the lichen.

The two exploration team members stepped forward again, holding the flamethrower.

The lichens turned to ash, revealing the tiny bones beneath.

Although this sabre-toothed tiger with wings was only the size of a lynx.

But with a pair of wide wings, it weighs several hundred kilograms.

It was devoured by the lichen in a minute.

Even the bones have countless needle-like holes, as if they have been soaked in extremely corrosive acid for a long time.

It seemed that if they had burned the lichens later, there would not even be bones left of this sabre-toothed cat.

Moreover, not far from the saber-toothed tiger corpse, they also found traces of more monster corpses.

Because they had been swallowed up by the lichen for too long, the corpses of these monsters were really only bits and pieces of bones left.

But the number is really quite a lot. According to Meng Chao's identification, there are at least dozens of different monsters, with the hardest claws, teeth and horns.

"This makes sense. Since the Absolute Fog is a natural large-scale laboratory, why don't we see too many corpses of 'experiments' and 'failures' here."

Meng Chao said, "The weird cells contained in these green lichens are not only magical 'biological glue', the lichen itself is also a natural 'scavenger', which can swallow up the weak and deadly losers among the experimental subjects, and wipe out the corpses. Re-decomposing it into the most basic raw materials and energy, perhaps, can be transmitted back to the ultimate lair of monster civilization in some incredible way, allowing the 'Master Brain' to conduct a new round of modulation.

"Now, there is only one problem left.

"These emerald green lichens should have smelled the blood on the monster's corpse, and their activity will increase sharply, devouring it.

"Will the blood of human beings also arouse their strong reaction?"

As Meng Chao spoke, the harvesting blade whirled, cutting a small wound on his fingertips, and touching it to another piece of lichen not far away.

A drop of blood oozed from the wound, and before it even fell, it triggered a reaction from the lichen directly under the finger.

Several tufts of lichens "hissed" and stretched out green threads, greedily asking for blood.

Meng Chao dripped blood into the lichen.

It's like ice water dripping into a boiling oil pan, causing a harsh "squeak, squeak, hiss" sound.

He squeezed another drop of blood to the edge of the lichen, about 20 to 30 centimeters away from the lichen, on the scorched ground.

The two tufts of lichens smelled the smell of blood, and struggled to wriggle over.

But among them, a tuft of lichens farther away, only wriggled five centimeters before shrinking back.

The remaining clusters have successfully licked to the drops of blood, and as wisps of bright red spread in the emerald green, it becomes more gorgeous and intense.

Meng Chao threw another drop of blood one meter away.

This time, none of the lichens moved.

"Can't they perceive flesh and blood one meter away?" Long Feijun asked.

"No, it's not worth it."

Meng Chao said, "Activate your super vision and you will find that when I squirted blood one meter away, several green threads protruded from several tufts of lichen, and the direction of the Korean blood trembled a few times.

"It should have sensed it, but the energy consumed by mobilizing the entire settlement to squirm is far more than a drop of blood can make up for, so it doesn't bother to move.

"If it's not a drop of blood, but a human being covered in cuts and bruises and bleeding profusely, I believe that they will definitely work tirelessly to sweep us here."

This sentence gave everyone goosebumps.

"It seems that the most terrifying thing in the Absolute Fog is not the monsters, but these weird lichens?" Long Feijun murmured.

Meng Chao agreed with his judgment.

They tentatively named these dangerous lichens "green tides."

After repeated tests, it was found that Green Tide possesses extremely strong maneuverability and regenerative ability. It can invade the bodies of animals and plants, devour flesh and blood, capture nutrients, proliferate infinitely, and even cover the entire jungle.

The good news is that the transcendent's psionic power has a strong curbing effect on the green tide.

Moreover, they are afraid of fire, and can be temporarily eliminated with flamethrowers and incendiary bombs.

If it was fired by the train cannon, the heavy incendiary bomb filled with fire spar might even solve it completely.

Of course, it is best not to stand next to people when it is "completely resolved".

Otherwise, it would be literally "burning jade and stone together".

Beyond that, there's more good news.

After testing the parts of the portal, the technicians pieced together all the parts needed for a portal.

Then it just takes the time to assemble it.

And after the psychic frenzy caused by the carpet bombing subsided, the correspondent also got in touch with the other nine exploration teams and the rear, and connected the tactical data link.

Except that the Kunpeng was attacked by a UHV transmission tower and had to call for long-range fire support, the other nine expedition teams went deep into the jungle without any risk.

Before the spiritual magnetic interference became stronger again, they successfully shared each other's location and the latest topographic map, and the degree of exploration of the fog-hidden area increased to more than 60%.

"Since the personnel are still in order, we will march towards the Tiankeng in ten routes according to the original plan!"

The weird green tide made Long Feijun feel terrified.

It was inevitable that the night would be long and dreamy, so he made a decisive decision.

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