Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 746 Crater or crater?

Meng Chao and the exploration team set up a circle of firepower points near the portal, forming a small jungle fortress.

A large number of mines were laid outside the fortress.

Last time, a small team of Lu Siya also mysteriously disappeared behind the minefield.

This time, in addition to landmines, they also installed a large number of delayed detonation spar bombs.

This kind of bomb requires humans to send a safety signal every once in a while in order to continuously delay the detonation time.

In the unlikely event that human beings encounter an accident, the bomb will automatically detonate, bursting out a large amount of smoke generated by the friction of spar powder, providing the most conspicuous firepower guidance for the heavy artillery cluster tens of kilometers away.

After completing all this, Long Feijun and Meng Chao dispatched a group of the most elite exploration team members, and took nearly a hundred "bread crabs" and "peregrine falcons" on the road.

Because the "Pan-eating Pomfret" team and Lu Siya's team have already surveyed and mapped most of the topography and landforms in the Absolute Fog, and left behind a large number of beacons containing special radioactivity.

The third wave of exploration team progressed very smoothly, neither getting lost in the space gap, nor encountering vicious monsters.

The "green tides" on both sides of the mountain path are motionless as if in a deep sleep, turning a blind eye to the "intruders".

There is only death-like silence, like a cold scalpel, constantly scraping everyone's cerebral cortex.

Especially when the ten exploration teams approached the tiankeng from different directions, Meng Chao and Long Feijun felt even more uneasy.

"Senior Brother Long, do you think our operation went too smoothly?"

Meng Chao finally couldn't help it, and whispered, "If this is really a 'natural laboratory', the mastermind behind the monster civilization, at least some eyes and ears and guards should be arranged here to cause us some trouble, right?

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. Although the monsters have been beaten to pieces by us on all fronts in the past six months, the final remnants of the defeated generals are gathered together. They are also a force that cannot be underestimated. They really rely on the fog. The poor mountains and bad waters, the green tide, and the blood-patterned flowers in the Yin Absolute Territory are really hard to deal with if you resist stubbornly.

"Why, according to the map, we are almost approaching the heart of the monster civilization - the mysterious sinkhole, and there is still no movement around?"

"It's indeed a bit too smooth. When we are fighting, what we fear most is not the vicious monster, but the unknown monster that has never been seen before. The unknown is the most troublesome."

Long Feijun frowned and said, "But, we can't turn around and run away just because the operation is too smooth?"

This is naturally impossible.

Besides, ten expedition teams drove straight in, surveyed and mapped a lot of terrain, found out the direction, reserves and composition of many spar veins, and found many bombing targets with dense forests and green tides, which were of great strategic value. Fake this trip.

No matter how many conspiracies the monster civilization hides, it will be wiped out under the indiscriminate bombardment of human beings—people on earth are so simple and rude.

The two were muttering, when the "bread crab" walking in the front to explore the way suddenly flashed a green light.

This is the signal to reach the destination.

Passing through a few towering trees that grow obliquely, their branches are intertwined, like an arch, and vines hang down, like a curtain, the front suddenly opens up, and the mysterious tiankeng crashes into everyone's vision without warning.


Like all the exploration team members, Meng Chao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Trekking for too long in the dark, humid, cramped jungle, the human mind is gradually entangled in claustrophobia.

Suddenly seeing the cloud-shrouded tiankeng, which looks like a vast lake with vast expanse of blue waves and misty water, the visual impact is indeed refreshing.

However, the great lake surrounded by mountains is often more terrifying than the deep sea.

Not to mention it's not a lake yet.

It is the tiankeng that contains the ultimate secret of the monster civilization.

Between the surrounding mountains, wild beast-like winds shuttle through all the year round.

When the strong wind blows away the clouds and mist, you can vaguely see the rickety "air jungle" hanging in the center of the tiankeng.

In addition to the verdant mosses, lichens and creeps, the jungle is also rich in colorful flowers and fruits.

It's just that the colors of all the plants are extraordinarily bright, so gorgeous that they seem to be injected with inferior pigments and are about to rot.

If you don't know the details of the green tide, this scene may give people a sense of vitality.

But when they think of the deep jungle, where there are hundreds of millions of monster bones piled up in the intertwined places, the exploration team members can't help feeling thirsty and shuddering.

Because clouds and mist gushed out from the Wushen Mountain behind the tiankeng continuously, blocking sight and disturbing human surveying and mapping instruments.

The situation on the opposite side of the tiankeng is temporarily invisible, and the circumference, diameter and depth of the tiankeng cannot be measured.

However, the strong wind occasionally blows away the clouds and mist, and the curvature of the tiankeng can be seen.

The tiankeng is not straight up and down, but like a semicircle.

This is consistent with the characteristics of a meteorite impact.

On the edge of the tiankeng, the exploration team found some crystal clear and glazed rocks, which should be the product of melting and agglomerating different crystal stones and metal veins under extreme high temperature and pressure.

"So, this is a crater?"

Meng Chao asked the geological experts in the exploration team.

"It's strange, this big crater fits all the characteristics of a crater, but..."

The geologist tapped quickly on the military computer to combine and calculate a large number of parameters. The data and curves on the screen became more and more abundant, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"However, there are two things that are very strange. First, this meteorite is too big." The geological expert shook his head while analyzing.

Meng Chao and Long Feijun looked at each other, and continued to ask: "The meteorite is too big, what's the problem?"

"has a problem."

The geological expert pushed the computer screen to the two of them, "Although we can't accurately measure and map the diameter and depth of the tiankeng, based on the relative distance between us and the other nine exploration teams, as well as the radian of the tiankeng, we can estimate the cause of the tiankeng. Meteorites in tiankengs, approximate volume and mass.

"The problem is that the meteorite travels through the sea of ​​stars, is captured by the planet's gravity, passes through the atmosphere, and finally hits the surface of the planet, the speed must be extremely fast.

"When I input our estimated minimum mass and minimum velocity of the meteorite into the computer, the impact force output is ten times greater than that of the meteorite impact that destroyed the dinosaurs on Earth.

"You must know that the volume of the other world is equivalent to that of the earth, and there is not much difference in the composition of the atmosphere, the thickness of the earth's crust, and the laws of plate movement. A meteorite impact ten times more powerful than the destruction of dinosaurs can completely use the 'world-ending crisis. ' To describe it, it is bound to bring extremely profound changes to the surrounding terrain for thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles.

"However, although the topography from the Misty Absolute Territory to the Monster Mountain Range is fragmented and rugged, compared to the mass and speed of this meteorite, its power is still too small, too small, too small."

Both Meng Chao and Long Feijun were confused: "So, why did the power of the meteorite impact become smaller?"

"The power of a meteorite hitting a planet is determined by its speed and mass."

The geological expert said, "If the mass of the meteorite is about the same as our estimate, then its speed is far from as fast as we imagined - it did not come from outer space, but was thrown from a very close place. .”

"What, I studied martial arts in college, can you explain it in a more general way?" Meng Chao humbly asked for advice.

"Let's say, dropped from low Earth orbit."

The geological expert said, "In this case, it is understandable that the impact force becomes smaller."

"Low earth orbit..."

Meng Chao and Long Feijun looked up at the sky together.

The sky was firmly covered by a gray mist.

It seems to lie across the atmosphere, blocking the planet and space, an invisible iron wall.

Dragon City has traveled through more than half a century.

With the space exploration capabilities of the earth age before time travel, and the Dragon City civilization with complete military facilities, of course, it is still unable to launch manned spacecraft and deep space exploration satellites, and launch some weather balloons with cruising altitudes exceeding the atmosphere. possible.

But all the weather balloons, high-altitude reconnaissance planes, and disposable small rockets launched by Dragon City were blocked, strangled, and destroyed by some mysterious force before breaking out of the atmosphere.

"War God" Lei Zongchao told Meng Chao that he had also tried to use the power of magnetic levitation to float up all the way, trying to use the power of the gods to rush out of this planet called "Alien World" and see its whole picture clearly from outer space .

With Lei Zongchao's cultivation base, the low temperature, lack of oxygen and radiation above the atmosphere do not constitute a fatal obstacle.

But when he reached the edge of the atmosphere, he was blocked by a mysterious force.

That power was more terrifying than any doomsday beast he had encountered.

Lei Zongchao's original words were: "It swat me down like a fly."

To this day, outside the atmosphere of the other world, it is still a forbidden area for people on earth.

Launching satellites in synchronous orbit and erecting artificial facilities is even more whimsical.

Among Meng Chao's past life memory fragments, there are only a very small number of powerful life forms known as "otherworldly gods and demons", who can freely shuttle in and out of the atmosphere.

However, according to geological experts, a long time ago, there was some kind of force that dropped a huge meteorite from a synchronous orbit outside the atmosphere of another world to create this sinkhole?

Such a scene is too vast, just thinking about it makes people shake their minds.

Meng Chao took a deep breath, collected himself, and asked, "What else, you said there are two strange things, what is the second one?"

"Secondly, we have also found a large number of geological features unique to craters on the edge of the tiankeng." Geological experts said.

Meng Chao was confused: "Wait, is this a crater or a crater?"

"It's not good."

The geological expert slowly shook his head and said, "The energy falling from the sky and the energy erupting from the ground have completely different changes to the surrounding environment, but the samples we collected from the edge of the tiankeng, after preliminary analysis, are With both changes, it's like...

"It's as if a huge meteorite was blasted down from low-earth orbit and precisely hit a crater that is madly outputting energy."

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