Old-time musicians

Chapter 11: The End of the Corridor

The top view of the museum is roughly L-shaped, with the long side longer and the short side shorter. The internal corridor distribution follows a scientific design to provide visitors with a smooth exhibition line.

The guide hall where he is now is located at a right angle to the L.

The first floor is several mobile exhibition halls, which were previously used to provide services for freelance artists. In addition, there is an activity hall.

The second floor is several permanent exhibition halls, which are used to exhibit Vincent Van Nin's own paintings.

The third floor is actually an attic, with an area less than half of the first and second floors, used as an office for employees and storage of materials.

The mobile exhibition hall on the first floor that he is going to go to first is on the long end of the L.

He walked through the reception desk and crossed the metal pillars with cordons - they were previously used to separate the audience and provide route guidance.

As he walked, he used a lantern to illuminate the walls and windows.

The walls were empty, and occasionally there were some graffiti that had not been cleaned up, or winding water-like stains that entered the aperture of the lantern.

The smell of rot mixed with the musty smell became stronger and stronger.

Should I continue walking in this direction? Fanning was really a little scared.

"It's been too long, and the atmosphere of this art gallery is completely different from what I remember."

He began to blame himself for coming here alone. Would it be better to ask Xilan to accompany him?

Well, the doors and windows of this place have been locked tightly for two or three years, so there won't be anything.

After calming down, he walked around the corner of the corridor and came to a place with a wider view. Fanning was dumbfounded.

Under the weak light of the lantern, the field of vision was filled with easels, frames, tables and benches, as well as dismantled doors and windows, and plaster bodies stuffed in the gaps: portraits, geometric bodies, fruit models, facial models

Various sundries were piled up almost as high as his own people.

Although the visibility was less than three or four meters, it was probably the same in the distance.

If he wanted to go forward, he had to cross mountains and ridges.

This gave Fanning a good reason to retreat, and he immediately returned.

This floor was a mobile exhibition hall for freelance artists. Now there must be nothing, so he went to the second floor.

After a lot of trouble, he finally returned to the guide hall.

The unpleasant stench did seem to have lessened, but the musty smell was also lessened. It was possible that his sense of smell had gradually adapted.

Fanning changed his route and walked to the right side of the guide hall.

"This large dark space in the distance should be the previous activity hall and auction house. There is nothing to see."

He chose to climb the corner stairs. The handrails had fallen off in large pieces, revealing the curled steel bars on one side of the steps.

"The quality is only a few years old."

After climbing to the second floor, he felt much more at ease.

Because the second floor was where he used to live, and the strange smell was almost gone.

The long end of the L-shape on the left is the permanent exhibition hall of his father's works, and the other side is the office, reception room, negotiation room, living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc.

He walked to the left side of the stairs with ease.

Holding the lantern, he slowly walked through the dim gallery, passed through several exhibition halls in a row, and was about to reach the top of the L-shape.

The corridor is like a tunnel, with light licking the deep space in front and leaving darkness behind.

"I've seen this place before!" Fanning suddenly felt in his heart.

Not because I used to come here often, but in my dreams!

Isn't this the dream about the corridor that he often had in recent days?

Except for the two sides, it is not hollowed-out glass windows and exhibits, but oil paintings.

Although a lot of works on the second floor have been sold, more are still hanging on the wall, extending forward one by one.

"Every time I approach the end of the corridor, my thoughts will be scattered, and then I will go to other dreams."

What is at the end?

Fanning looked at the darkest part and felt his heart pounding.

He couldn't help but list some possible situations in his heart, familiar, strange, dangerous, surprising, thrilling, or some indescribable scene.

But he felt that his imagination was clamped by something again.

One step, two steps

Fanning stretched the lantern in his hand as far forward as possible, and finally illuminated the wall at the end.

Okay, or painting?

There are seven paintings hanging on the wall in front of me, of different sizes and heights, arranged in a staggered manner.

The layout is somewhat similar to the decorative style on the walls that Fanning had seen in some literary cafes in his previous life.

The first thing that attracted his attention was naturally the largest one.

Fanning brought the lantern closer.

The countryside, fields, trees, mountains, colors spun passionately, and warm wind seemed to flow in the air.

"About the Air Flow and Warmth of the Field", 90x140 cm, oil on canvas, painted by Vincent Fanning in May 894 of the new calendar.

This work is a representative work of Vincent's further exploration on the basis of romanticism, and is called the "suggestive flow" style by the art world: through the comprehensive use of composition, color and brushstrokes, the audience can "think" about other elements beyond the limitations of the plane.

This style even had an impact on the music world. Virgil, a young composer born in 880, openly stated that his orchestral suite "Dynamic Trifold" created a few years ago was inspired by the "suggestive flow".

But overall, they are still new things outside the mainstream romantic art style.

Fanning moved the lantern while reminiscing.

In the second picture, only half of the female face is included in the frame, with one eye staring at the viewer. "Worry", 30x40 cm, watercolor on canvas.

In the third picture, the dark green moon shines through the clouds, illuminating the outline of the dark river bed, and the river water shines with sparkling light waves. 70×90 cm, oil on canvas

Wait, isn't this the painting "Moonlight on the Dnieper River" by the Russian artist Kuinzhi in his previous life?

Fanning illuminated the lower right corner with a lantern. There is no signature or a small patch with the title of the work written on it.

Although there have been some changes in size and detail, the original features of the painting are too obvious.

Painted by father Vincent?

Is he also a time traveler?

Or a coincidence?

Fanning feels that everything he experiences is surrounded by mysteries.

The original owner of these paintings, Carloun, had seen them before, but he definitely couldn't recognize the origin of this one.

"Suggestion Flow" Fan Ning looked at the largest painting "About the Air Current and Warmth of the Field" again.

What was my father hinting at me?


"Moonlight on the Dnieper River"

Moonlight night, moonlight night, moon, moonlight? It's easy to associate

"Moonlight Sonata"?

Beethoven's "Moonlight" Piano Sonata in C sharp minor?

C sharp! ? The only missing tonality among the eleven tonal fragments?

Time travel messages, audio fragments, past life works, art museum keys...

Sure enough, there is a connection.

Fan Ning's arm holding the lantern was sore and swollen. He changed his hand and shook it twice more.

Staring at "Moonlight on the Dnieper River", my brows furrowed tightly.

Suddenly, he put the lantern on the ground, stood on tiptoes, stretched out his hands, and without any hesitation

Take this painting off!

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