Old-time musicians

Chapter 12 Sunset and Moon Rise

Behind the wall where "Moonlight on the Dnieper River" is hung is a cloth wallpaper with blue and black elegant floral patterns. Fan Ning stretched out his hand and gently touched every part.

He suddenly touched an uneven place.

Push your fingernail into it and shake it several times until a stone brick becomes loose.

With Fan Ning's force, the entire wall tile was pulled out, and he threw it to the ground with a "clang", causing a hollow echo to resound in the corridor.

Not caring so much, he reached in and groped around on every side.

The lower brick of the movable wall brick was hollowed out to form a large groove.


Fan Ning felt nothing except the rough feeling from his fingertips.


Why is it empty?

If my father was indeed using some means to provide clues about the fragments of music and paintings to help him find this place, why was there nothing there?

Fragments of sound series

Fan Ning's mind reappeared in Fan Ning's mind, those yellowed and rough papyrus originals that he had seen at the party at Teacher Anton's home.

Their size, and the approximate thickness of eleven stacked

"Could it be that the hidden compartment behind the painting originally contained the fragments of the music series, and then someone took them away?" Fan Ning looked strange.

This is illogical. I can only take off this painting if I get the fragment and deduce the information.

Where is the key in the key cabinet?

No, strictly speaking, I did not pick up this painting based on the information in the fragment.

It's because of that dream

Fan Ning stood at the dark end of the corridor, his mind racing.

"Suppose I didn't get the scraps, or didn't deduce the missing C sharp information."

"With that dream, I would still come to the end of this corridor when I was searching the art gallery."

"And what will I do?"

"Of course I will take a look at the contents of these paintings. Then, the most special one among them is still the one I saw in my previous life. I will still take it off!"

Under this logic, playing the sound column fragments in the secret compartment is not of the nature of a "key-locked cabinet".

The fragment of the scroll is not the key, the dream given by the subconscious mind is the key. The fragment of the scroll is the item that one hopes to get!

After clarifying this relationship, Fan Ning made a hypothesis:

So, what is placed in the hidden grid is the sound sequence fragment?

Has it been taken? It was just by chance that it came into the hands of Teacher Anton, and he still learned the information on it? Although the result has not changed for me currently standing here,

If someone takes it away, it means that someone or a certain force has noticed you!

Fan Ning's thoughts drifted into the void darkness of the gallery, drifted down the stairs, drifted to the navigation hall on the first floor, drifted to the door that had been re-locked by himself, drifted to the courtyard, alleys and East Meckln outside. the bustling streets of the district.

He felt that the situation that was slightly safe now became dangerous again!

"First go to the other side of this floor, where you used to live in your home." Fan Ning leaned "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper River" against the wall and picked up the lantern again.

Go back through the permanent exhibition halls and go to the short side of the "L" and open the wooden door that is ajar in front of you. This was my father's former office.

The sound of the door opening was unusually loud in the silent environment.

This is a large room of more than fifty square meters. The floor is paved with Banton fine pottery produced in the south. A wooden storage grid divides the room into two parts. The outside is used as a reception room. There are three long dark-colored Leather sofas are placed in a U shape, with silk cushions scattered on the floor.

Fan Ning walked to the window and tried to open it to no avail, only getting rusty residue on his hands.

"The anti-theft measures are a bit excessive, but that's right. My father still has a lot of paintings."

He walked straight into the office area in the inner space, and the lantern in his hand slowly swept across the desk.

There are two piles of paper documents scattered on the table, and the light shines on them. The top is the "Ufranser Review" issued in early 1910. The headline is about the government's legislation to promote the popularization of Horde sterilization in the dairy industry. Legal reporting.

On the checkered wooden box in the corner of the table, there was a black telephone receiver upside down, with a black cord extending downward and breaking on the ground.

In addition, there is still a medium-sized glass greenhouse box, which displays something similar to a fern, which is of course in a mutilated and dead shape - this seems to have become popular among the residents of Ufranser in the past ten years. One of the strange hobbies.

Most of the drawers are empty, and the back of the office chair is also a storage compartment embedded in the wall, filled with miscellaneous items.

The search was fruitless, and Fanning returned to the external reception room.

"There are paintings on both walls." He took off his shoes, stepped on the old leather sofa, and raised the lantern to look at it carefully.

In terms of content, there are landscapes, figures, and still lifes.

"Still Life with Flowers and Plaster", 70x90 cm, oil on canvas, signed Vincent Van Nin, 1896.

"Twilight and Wall on the Mountain Top", 70x90 cm, oil on canvas, signed Vincent Van Nin, 1906.

"Laundress Drying Clothes", 70x90 cm, oil on canvas, signed Vincent Van Nin, 900.

"River of Silver Mirrors", 70x90 cm, oil on canvas, signed Vincent Van Nin, 1905.

Fanning reviewed its contents one by one, but found nothing special.

"If you don't have any ideas at this end, then think about it from the other end." Fan Ning decided to change his thinking.

If it is true that there is a secret code hidden in the audio fragments, then what form does it take?

"The missing C sharp is a dot-shaped code that can help me develop associations and lock in the relationship between certain special things and C sharp."

"And the other form is"

"The position in the sequence!" Fanning's eyes lit up, "Count the number of paintings!"

One, two, three paintings, a total of twelve!

There are also twelve note names in an octave!

From left to right on the piano, climbing up one semitone at a time, they are white key C, black key C sharp, white key D, black key E flat, white key E, white key F, black key G flat, white key G, black key A flat, white key A, black key B flat, white key B, and finally back to white key C.

The position of black key C sharp is the second one!

Fanning returned to the second painting "Twilight and Wall on the Top of the Mountain", brought the lantern closer, and examined it carefully.

This is a landscape. The ground on the top of the mountain is covered with dry grass. The afterglow of the setting sun hits a section of white broken wall, creating a strange light effect. In the distance are more distant green mountains.

"A normal original work, wouldn't it be another trick of hiding a secret compartment behind the painting?" Fanning was a little confused.

He stepped on the back of the sofa, moved "Twilight on the Hilltop and the Wall" down, then stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch it carefully.

On the wall with golden patterned wallpaper, there was nothing except the snap tracks and buckles of the picture frame.

"The content of "Twilight on the Hilltop and the Wall" is, in general, the scenery of sunset."

"No. 2 position, now sunset"

"And the original No. 2 position is C sharp, "Moonlight Sonata", moonlight?"

Sunset and moonrise?

Fanning suddenly had an idea and remembered the painting at the end of the corridor, "Moonlight on the Dnieper River"!

The size specifications of the two are also the same!

He jumped off the sofa, put on his shoes, took the lantern, and walked quickly to the permanent exhibition hall, completely ignoring the bumps and bumps in the dark twists and turns - if he was not worried that the tallow candle in the lantern would fall, he might have to run.

It took a long time to move the painting to the office because there was no portable lamp available, so he had to move it for lighting.

Finally, he hung "Moonlit Night on the Dnieper" in the original position of "Twilight on the Mountaintop and Wall" with a breathless voice.

"Why?" Fanning's muttering was not over yet, but was suddenly interrupted by a continuous, dull rumble!

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