Old-time musicians

Chapter 644: Such a big pie (5K two-in-one)

Any more questions?

No more.

Completely gone!

Taiwan Novel Network →ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ

Some people shook their heads subconsciously.

The members of the Guidance School were thinking about keywords that rarely appear in daily life, such as "withdrawal of investment", "withdrawal from the association", and "shooting". However, the senior clergy of the Holy Sun Church

were all well-versed in doctrine after all. After their brains were down for a few minutes, most of them had already remembered which sermon the first part of the Pope's excerpt, "The Gospel of Lavoisier", corresponded to.

——Lavoisier first arrived in Lepici, and after fighting with the guy named Owen in the Special Patrol Office, he learned from Bishop Tukwell that Miss Roy was going to come to Janus to investigate the cooperation of chain cinemas.

Collaborating with the righteous is like imitating the covenant with the Lord? .

Who dares to have any other intentions?

The priests who stood up in front of them held their heads straighter than the pendant.

As for the few representatives of the "flower-touched people", they did not speak from beginning to end.

Now their forces are weak and incomplete, and the conditions are very difficult. The original art venues in the southern continent have been destroyed by 99%. Now that the Turner Art Theater has been laid out, it has improved a little. How dare they question it? Whatever decision the headquarters makes, just execute it obediently.

So after a while, including the members of the Bologna School who were watching the show, all the participants present have become quiet.

"Well, it seems that everyone is very supportive and looking forward to this audit work. Then when the telegram arrives tomorrow, everyone will start to move."

Fanning looked very relieved.

"Then it's the fourth thing."

"Miss Roy, please announce this."

Roy nodded slightly when he heard it.

Huh, this guy

Although Fanning started by saying five things, she didn't know the exact order and content, but since she was asked to announce it now, she immediately understood and picked up a thin bound book on the table.

It was finally the content that she had handled completely and knew completely, and the two had communicated with each other several times.

"Professors, priests, and more "cooperative artists" who are committed to risking talents, teaching and answering questions, and outputting inspiration for Turner Art Cinemas"

"Let me read through the "Turner Art Cinemas Contribution Rating Management Measures" for everyone."

Roy smiled down, and with a mysterious expression, he opened the first page of the booklet.

"Contribution rating?" "Contribution rating management method?"

The participants were once again distracted, and many members of the Bologna School had a vague feeling that the "onlookers" might be watching them.

The so-called "management method" in Roy's hand did not have any lengthy "putting on boots and hats". In the first part, she introduced the calculation method of this "contribution rating" straight to the point!

The objects of contribution rating are all "non-administrative management" personnel who are responsible for teaching, creation or performance work in Turner Art Theater.

——This scope is basically the opposite of the main audit object that was a hot topic just now.

Another group of people!

For example, a small number of professors of the City College of the Guidance School, priests of the Holy Sun Church who are purely involved in teaching activities except for fundraisers, and almost all members and professors of the Bologna School!

The rating of contribution is very simple, with four levels, from low to high, namely level three, level two, level one, and special level contribution.

There are many ways to accumulate contributions, including but not limited to daily teaching, open courses, conducting rehearsals, writing teaching materials, serving as a judge or examiner, etc. There are many calculation rules under each item. For example, for teaching, the subjects, levels, number of students, and duration of teaching are naturally different.

Of course, the above are all routine. If there are special contributions or achievements, it is another case.

The level of "grade" will be an important "multiplication factor", which is reasonable. A "moth" or "groom" teaches 30 classes for students throughout the year, while an art master only teaches 5 classes or rehearses 1-2 times. Of course, the latter master's contribution is greater.

The evaluation of students will also account for a part of the weight. Roy said, "Mr. Fanning has a simple and efficient way to make the feedback of students after each class flow into the Qiming Church like rainwater collected into the sea."

Everyone was listening with their ears perked up. No one was absent or expressed doubts, because they all showed a critical attitude.

What is the use of such a "contribution evaluation level"?

"The second part of the management method is 'result application'!"

Roy's clear and noble voice sounded again.

"For the symbolic honor of each level of contributors, the headquarters will guide the theaters at all levels to provide good courtesy. This method mainly makes written provisions for the substantive application part."

Roy explained that as long as the professors and teachers who have reached the third level of contribution, the basic class fee will be increased by 20%, and the status of "administrative nominal position" is equivalent to the management of urban/small city-level theaters.

This means that suggestions can be made directly to them or communication and coordination should be made. The team should seriously respond and handle them. If it cannot be achieved, it should explain well and report to the superior theater!

In addition, the third-level contributors already have the right to write "recommendation letters" for their admired students!

The theater headquarters will seriously consider the value of each recommendation letter in the internal system, thereby giving students a better platform or opportunity!

To be honest, when Roy's explanation came to this point, many members or priests had already started to have some thoughts in their hearts.

Because they secretly calculated that as long as they think less and do more, teach or rehearse in a down-to-earth manner, it is relatively easy to achieve level three contribution in their own spare time!

And what can be gained from this.

Increased remuneration and recognition are one aspect.

Being able to directly communicate with the management of all theater chains at the urban or small town level also gives them the right to feel more face and dignity - how many theater chains of this level must there be in the world? It's equivalent to being greeted and contacted by people wherever you go, even if you are not good at socializing and unfamiliar with the place!

In addition, you can write a recommendation letter that can be fully circulated within the theater system without any barriers!

Yes, that's right. Most of the people who can sit here for meetings hold the title of associate professor or professor, and they have the authority to write recommendations.

But most of them are point-to-point, oriented to specific schools and specific professors, and are limited by network capabilities and academic influence!

Now, by doing this, my "right to speak in recommendations" has expanded exponentially.

Even as an associate professor or professor, I think so, not to mention those teachers from public schools or seminaries with lower teaching positions who are not here tonight?

Roy's voice continued as they pondered what-ifs.

For those who reach Level 2 contributors, the basic class fee will be increased by 50%, and their "administrative position" status will be the same as that of county-level theater management.

The "recommendation letters" they write can not only be circulated to any place internally, but as long as there are any worthy of consideration, the headquarters will coordinate and recommend them to any professor at any prestigious university in the world!

This is not over yet. Second-level contributors will also be invited by the headquarters to participate in the writing of some teaching courses or academic monographs, which will leave their signatures; if they are composers/conductors/or performers, the headquarters will We will also arrange for them no less than 2 opportunities for new work premieres/conductor collaborations/concerto collaborations every year, and we guarantee that the partners will be at least first-class symphony orchestras! Or the cooperating artist is "Blade Bearer" or above!

As for first-level contributors, the basic course fee will be increased by 100%; their post-employment status is the same as that of the head of the headquarters department; the recommendation letters sent out will have the opportunity to be recognized by Fan Ning, Sheeran, Roy and others, who are at least the "Lion Forging" level. Seconded to the signature"; the partners arranged by the headquarters every year are top symphony orchestras, and the cooperating artists are "Forged Lion" and above!

Moreover, those who have reached the first level of contribution will appear on the honor wall at the headquarters, with biographical information, a list of works, important awards and other information. The place is on the wall next to "former music directors/permanent conductors"!

The participants below were completely blown away!

"The highest level is the special contributor." Roy said with a smile on his face, "Well, the basic course fee will be increased by 300%. You can directly coordinate with the headquarters executives. The recommendation letter has the 'secondary signature' of Master Fan Ning, and the academic professional If you get to this level, your new composition will be a regular fixture in the rehearsal schedule of the old symphony orchestra, and it will be played regularly on records and radio, whatever you dream of. Whether it is the world's top symphony orchestras or art masters that you admire, want to cooperate with, or have in-depth exchanges with, Mr. Fan Ning and we will help you coordinate, or it would be good if you come and chat with Mr. Fan Ning directly."

The music practitioners in the audience almost fainted when they heard these words.

What a pity! Even though most of the people here are knowledgeable members, academic families or seminary professors

Most of them are "moths" and "grooms", not even a few "blade bearers"!

Well, imagine that in Fan Ning's previous life, Blue Star, you were a talented "music master" who returned from overseas. After returning to China, you entered a music college and served as an associate professor or professor. You held the title of "young pianist" everywhere and gave concerts. , it sounds really powerful, and it feels a bit like "people are superior to others".

But what is this pie that the other person drew for you now?

Who would you like to write a recommendation for? Name the music conservatories around the world and I will help you coordinate;

Oh, and the Berlin Philharmonic is planning to invite you to perform a piano concerto with you;

The Vienna Symphony Orchestra is going to record a new symphony of yours;

Karajan is going to discuss the art of conducting with you tonight;

Chopin or Liszt are going to rehearse a violin sonata with you, the violinist.

It's blown up, it's really blown up.

Could it be that Miss Roy was born with superb cake painting skills? Fan Ning on the side was thinking secretly. This management method has obviously been finalized item by item, so why is it that when she reads it, it is so mellow and provocative?

The thoughts of everyone attending the meeting began to rise.

Well, the higher you go, the higher the required contribution value is indeed.

But there is no threshold for conventional ways to increase contribution. Everyone can improve over time through class rehearsals and so on.

Even if you are not "great" or "famous", can you spend seven or eight years or more than ten years to gain the rights and status of the latter? ?

Well, in theory, the more time you spend, the faster you will go.

I have a bold idea. Some musicians who have worked hard in public schools and are still associate professors are getting wilder and wilder in measuring the speed of accumulation of contributions.

What's the fastest speed?

Full-time? Full-time?

No, no, the target of rating management is "non-administrative management" personnel.

Full-time employment is simply not within this scope.

When Ms. Roy read this, she probably didn’t want someone poaching her school’s corner.

The thoughts of these people are like a group of wild horses that are running wild, getting smaller and smaller in the wilderness and at the end of the world.

In fact, Fan Ning discovered in early conversations and investigations that the calls for "de-administration" by professors and priests were superficial.

Chancellor Frances had previously told Fanning that people below them were dissatisfied with the management of the Guidance School.

Roy also expressed his bitterness to Fan Ning. She was caught in the middle of all parties and had never been able to truly reconcile this conflict.

But Fan Ning discovered that these people did not really want to replace them, nor did they necessarily want to put their business ideas above these investors, or "make more money than them."

How could a professor at a public school or a seminary be motivated to seek a high-level administrative position in a college? How could he expect his income from teaching and educating people to be greater than that from investment and business?

It's just an emotional outlet for "the contribution is not intuitively reflected or fully recognized".

And now.

This series of "result application" content, if you want to say that there are any big financial benefits directly, there is really nothing.

But what a professor, scholar, or artist really values: reputation for writing books, dissemination of works or ideas, authority in industry recommendations, equal status with administrative superiors, and support or exchanges with higher-level artists. opportunity

All of them hit everyone's heart accurately! !

And smoothly, the topic that everyone was concerned about came to the next category.

Roy spoke at this moment:

“The third part of the management measures, the ‘supervision mechanism’!”

Who will count this contribution value, who will measure this contribution value, and how to negotiate in special circumstances, this is very important! Very very very important! !

Fan Ning has long considered this situation, and his plan is to establish a "Turner Arts Cinemas Contribution Rating Management Committee"!

Before the end of June, the headquarters will complete the statistics for the past year, and then update it every quarter. In the order of neighborhood/town → urban area/small town → county → headquarters, the supporting factual statistics of the theaters will be reported level by level. Each level is responsible for the authenticity of reports from the next level.

After all, I took classes and rehearsed, and the facts are the facts.

The county-level theaters will conduct summary and preliminary review, the headquarters administrative and personnel department will review, and the management committee will make the final review.

The calculation of special contributions is provided by county-level theaters directly with application materials, which are also determined according to this process.

Roy then announced the names of the first "management committee" that Fanning had pushed for.

No one had any objection at all!

Because of the composition of this list, it includes Fanning, Sheeran, Roy, Claude, and Marais, five musicians or artists who are both headquarters executives, "Glass" and "Lion Forging" and above.

Including Frances, the Speaker of the House of Lords, Cardinal Mill of the Northern Continent, and Melaldine, the presiding judge of the Inquisition, these three core leaders of the school and the church - especially the latter's integrity, have a reputation second to none in the official circles.

Then, it also includes Viadlin, the piano master of the guiding school;

Academic composers Niemann and Schillings;

Galinitz, a conductor from the church and music director of the San Pelto Philharmonic Orchestra, and Zimmermann, a piano master from the Janus Music Academy.

Among the "foreign aids" alone, there are five "New Moons"!

Together with Fanning, there are 6!

No one doubts the authority of this committee.

It wants to give a fair contribution evaluation, which is not difficult at all. The only difficulty is that Fan Ning can actually obtain the consent of these big guys and put together this list!

Roy then showed the efficient execution of the headquarters. She "announced and demonstrated on the spot" and directly gave everyone a list.

——In accordance with this "Management Measures", a small-scale pilot project was conducted in the three counties of Tioline and the Holy City of Janus, and a temporary list of scores and ratings of a group of contributors was selected.

There are more than 300 teachers who have cooperative relationships, and two first-level contributors have appeared directly.

Dean Schütz of the St. Lenia Conservatoire was among them, and then another one, somewhat unexpectedly, turned out to be Priest Bartholomew who was the first to stand up and speak in the church just now.

This shows that although this priest "speaks for justice", his "style" of preaching and teaching on weekdays is still quite down-to-earth.

As for the second-level contributors, there are 6. Fan Ning’s alma mater, the University of St. Lenia, is also very popular: including Professor Commons, the chief conductor of the student symphony orchestra, Clark, the chief conductor of the choir, and two of Fan Ning’s former students. Classmates, Merici and Calvin.

The people behind this are actually just formal lecturers.

There are 17 third-level contributors.

There were more than 20 people who were not too far away from third-level contributors. Roy read them out, which played a very good role in encouraging them.

"The above results will be publicized for 7 days in accordance with normal procedures. During this period, the committee will accept any reports or inquiries." Roy said.

"Well, that's all I have to say about this matter. After I send the telegram to you tomorrow, please convey it to all the cooperating teachers step by step." She ended the topic and then cast her eyes on Fanning.

Both of them smiled and then exchanged positions. Roy returned to the podium and took a seat, while Fan Ning returned to the podium to stand.

Well, there seems to be one last thing left for the meeting.

Everyone is still energetic and focused.

Although there were some storms and dramas in the show that Master Fanning did tonight, looking back now, it doesn't seem bad at all.

The first two things, distributing money and launching a journal, are all good news; the audit made people a little nervous, but the president and Mr. Pope both expressed their opinions, as long as they have nothing to hide, they will naturally support and approve it; as for the last contribution rating method, not to mention the professors and priests, even the investors of the Guidance School said it was good, and I don't know how much response it will arouse when it is announced tomorrow.

"The last thing is for the public, haha. I guess you all, whether investors or teachers, will look forward to it. It is conducive to cultivating the authority of the theater, and it may bring you some extra income."

As the meeting was coming to an end, Fanning's expression was a bit funny.

The thing I am about to introduce, in the ridicule of some people in my previous life, can also be called the "root of all evil"

Especially for some piano children and parents

"Tomorrow we will also issue two documents to the public and announce a piece of news-"

"Turner Art Academy Grading Regulations" and "Turner Art Academy Grading Outline"!!"

It's a long chapter, so I won't divide it. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! ~

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