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Chapter 87:

“Burn Everything, Fire Lion !!!!!!!!!!”

Following Florn’s pertinent advice, Raul called out the name of the magic sword!

Huge black flames spewed out from the sword, and the redder turned into a huge black flame lion’s head, and rushed towards the monster.

“Boom, boom!”

As soon as the magic sword came out, the furious AOE attack was not at all something that the monster could resist, and easily swept away a large area of black rhinos and rescued the Amazon sisters from the encirclement.

“This… What the hell is this powerful magic sword. Tiona

, who was holding her sister, was confused, and then looked at the cleared field and the black flames on the ground that were still destroying the environment…

“Gollum” – the throat slid a little.

“Duh” – Raul looked at the magic sword in his hand. As the mana was consumed, cracks had appeared on the sword.

“This kind of power, up to three shots, is simply not enough!”

Three seven zero “…”

Not enough, Nima, your knife is millions of fari, isn’t it cool enough.

“There’s another one here, support them, I’m going to start too!”

Glancing at Lephia, who had activated the Goblin Ring, Florn handed the second magic sword to Raul and reminded him.

“Leave it to me!”

Taking a deep breath, Flohn adjusted his breathing, and then stood side by side with Lephia.

“Here we go, Refia!”

Lephia, who kept the magic array on standby, nodded vigorously, her little face did not have the previous regret and timidity, but only firmness and courage.

“Well, I understand, Mr. Flohn!”


The atmosphere changed abruptly in silence, and some kind of oppressive, surging, heavy force began to brew.

“[The fire of war that quietly advances, the inevitable destruction. “*2

“[The trumpet of war sounded high-pitched, enveloping all the tyrannical wars. *2

“Come, the flame of the red lotus, the fierce fire without mercy, the fire of Ru Naiye, sweeping away thousands of troops and horses, bringing the curtain to a great war.] *2

The male and female voices sang the apocalypse from Ragnarok, and the red magic array of calamity unfolded at the feet of the two.

The terrifying magic fluctuations spread wildly around, countless magic elements converged under the burning of the crazy injection of spiritual power by the two, and the magic light rose from the magic array, rendering the two of them sacred and dangerous.

Lephia’s long chestnut hair fluttered messily behind her head, and the pink long dress was slightly lifted by the rising magic element, revealing the sanctuary belonging to the girl between the white stockings and the short skirt.

It’s just that no one can appreciate the beauty of all this, whether it is Flohn or everyone who fights monsters.

“[Burn everything, Sword of Steltel—my name is Alph!]

“[Burn everything, Sword of Steltel—my name is Alver!] The

tone of the chant is accompanied by the generation of magic, and the increasingly intense and terrifying magic fluctuations have reached a certain critical point, making people feel a suffocating sense of oppression just by looking at it.


After the chant of magic was finished, Florn and Lephia simultaneously put the unlaunched terrorist shelling into standby, and reminded everyone with the loudest voice.

Finn turned his head and saw the huge red and blackened magic array of the two, and his eyes were blank.

“Retreat! Shelling is coming!!! Ace

, Thione, Tiona, Burt, and Grace heard Finn’s voice blessed with his skills, and quickly stepped back without hesitation.

Then, Florn and Lefia looked at each other and started the final activation procedure at the same time!




“Boom, boom

The indescribable pillar of heavenly fire filled the front of the huge cave in an instant.

What new species, what black rhinoceros, what deformed spiders, all were burned by the red lotus industry fire that rushed into the sky.

The flames stained everyone’s faces, and the burning sea of fire was reflected in the depths of their eyes, and their hearts trembled.

Finn, Bert, Grace, Thione, Thiona, and even Ace, everyone was blown away by this unconventional power.

The two Magi used magic outside the same specification, and that kind of scene, even if they had experienced hundreds of battles, was the first time they had seen such a spectacular and shocking scene.

This is the power called magic, which is another level of power, the power that brings calamity to monsters, and the power that protects partners!

The entire field, which was more than 400 meters in a straight line and more than 800 meters wide, was bulldozed by the magic of the two.

Even if Florne’s mental power hangs on the wall, and Lephia, the magic fool, the two are tired enough.

After all, this is a super large-scale wide-area annihilation magic that has almost exhausted all of the spiritual power of the two, and there is even an increase in skills to do this.

“Cheng… It worked!

“Even if it’s a new species, it’s no match for magic.”

“Whew… Inexplicably relieved. ”

Hahahaha, the young people are really reliable now, it seems that we are all old, Finn.”

“I guess Riveria is the happiest one.”

Ace returned to Florne and Lephia, and then touched her head.

“Lephia, protect everyone.”

“Yes, Lephia, it’s grown!”

“Everyone will be happy for you!”

“Thank you, thank you… However, this is not just my credit.

Florenguan smiled and flicked the dust on his cloak.

“It was everyone’s hard work together that led to the current victory, and without the strikers delaying time, we couldn’t sing this kind of super-large wide-area annihilation magic.”


Finn saw a smile on his companions’ faces, but he himself was still wearing the mask of the regiment leader.

“Okay everyone, let’s talk about it when we get back to the camp. And my thumb was faintly aching, and there was always a sense of foreboding. ”

Ominous foreboding? The leader of the little Terran has a certain metaphysical intuition and is very accurate. He said something bad, and then he was almost certain – there was trouble on the camp side too.

Arriving here first, everyone ended a short celebration and nodded with a serious expression.

“Yes, Colonel!”

The crowd obeyed Finn’s order and quickly used the regular route to rush towards the passage on the 50th floor.

The speed of the first-level adventurers who turned on the ability value even blurred the figure, and the complex maze path, whether climbing up or down, or finding the right route in the maze, was all seen through and crossed by the wisdom of the little Terran leader. Soon – the crowd approached the floor passage.


“I wanted to say I hoped Riveria and they were okay, but it seems that it is too late.”

“Hurry back to base camp!”

And then….

Facing the basic 90-degree slope, these powerful adventurers jumped up like flat, and even Florn and Refia had amazing athletic abilities.


Standing at the entrance of the passage overlooking the base camp on the 50th floor, Flohn immediately burst into a foul language.

Saw…… The dense new species have surrounded the entire camp, lying on the 10-meter-high rock platform from all directions, even if the companions use magic, bows and arrows, and throw weapons can not make them retreat, and if one dies, they will immediately replace the other…

Chapter 88:

These monsters give people the feeling that they have no intelligence at all, as if they are being manipulated by some kind of déjà vu.

After all, even if goblins have low intelligence, they still have the instinct of life, and they will go berserk when they are angry, and run away when they are afraid.

But these things don’t have this intelligence at all.

Finn narrowed his eyes and carefully examined the monsters’ movement patterns.

“Did the regiment commander also find out? These strange new types of monsters are like tentacles manipulated by some kind of existence, completely without their own thinking. The

slightly pale blond young man who was breathing heavily was carrying a huge supporter backpack and holding a wand at the side of the Terran leader, pointing thoughtfully.

“Ah, how do you think that there is no profession of beast trainer in these 50 floors? This is not funny at all. The

corner of Florne’s mouth twitched, should it be said that it is [Brave] Finn, what a keen intuition.

There are no trainers in this thing, but their heads are much more terrifying than trainers.

Looking at the new species that almost filled the horizon, Floren’s eyes were full of exhaustion.

Continuous combat and use of magic, physically and mentally exhausted, especially mentally, from entering the 50th floor, the number of short text chanting used more than 20 times along the way, plus two wide-area annihilation magic, one of which also drained 80% of the spiritual power…

By now, he hadn’t fainted from mental exhaustion, and he was already blessed by Loki, if he were to be replaced by any other Magister.

“Even my magic and spiritual power are not enough, I should say… Is it super deep. Finn

, who saw that Flohn’s state was not good, asked with a smile.

“How, can it hold up? After all, this is super deep, and it also bears most of the pressure of the team’s defenders, which is too heavy. The

Goliath cloak on Flohn’s body trembled, and he lowered his head slightly and pursed his lips, and the depths of his golden pupils kept struggling.

The scene flashed in his mind and everyone, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes unwaveringly looked at the battlefield, and he said touching words.

“Hey… No way, for everyone… Krypton gold.

“Krypton gold?”

And then…… Under Finn’s strange gaze, Flohn slowly and twistedly took out the two remaining elixirs from his pocket…

“Advanced Dual Attribute Restoration Elixir”, made by Naza, the head of the Mikh clan, 20,000 faries a piece, and Tong Ke 16 without deception.

“It’s all money, it’s a little reluctant.”

With a sigh, Flohn raised his head and drank all the elixir.

“…… How petty. ”

“…… How petty. ”

“…… How petty.

Lephia, Tianne, and Tiona whispered BB with a scowling expression.

Ace’s eyes wandered, and her cheeks flushed slightly, as if Flohn’s actions made her quite ashamed.

“Che, you people haven’t been poor, have you? It’s really not right, I don’t know that rice and firewood are expensive. Speaking

of which, the total price of the elixir he drank along the way was estimated to exceed one million.

“Okay everyone, now is not the time for small talk, quickly launch the formation support front, you must keep the camp!”

Finn raised his hand and gave the order to support.

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