“Yes!” *N



On the other hand, Riveria was also troubled.

After being attacked, the team temporarily stabilized after a short panic, she could have taken this opportunity to directly chant magic to annihilate the enemy, but at this moment, the top of the team and has leadership and command is only her, if she does not stand up and give orders to coordinate the team, then let alone sing magic, it is estimated that the battle line will soon be broken through by a new type of monster that is difficult to give birth and then the whole army will be destroyed.

Will it command to maintain the battle line, protect the camp, or chant magic and then wipe it out? This option is simply not a choice….

Although the situation is still not good, Riveria knows in her heart… The main task of the partners guarding the camp is not annihilation, but to drag the enemy and buy time. When Finn and the other cadres rush back to the camp to support, then the situation will be turned around immediately.

“Central defender archers ready, release arrows!”

As a herald, Alicia’s face was equally anxious to remind the royal family.

“But, but Lord Riveria, this is the last batch of arrows, and our supplies will be exhausted.”

Riveria bit her lip and gave a tough order with a determined gaze.

“Supply or something, this situation doesn’t matter anymore, shoot!”

“…… Be!

Alicia, who looked struggling, gritted her teeth and nodded and ran out quickly.

Commands were conveyed extremely quickly.

After that, several goblin shooters sprinted to the edge of the rock plate, condescendingly mounted their bows, and aim! Drop the arrows!

“Get me down, disgusting guys.”

“Poof, poof,

poof, poof—” The goblins’ powerful bow and arrow skills, coupled with the dense group of monsters and the generally more than three meters of body, made these cold and fine arrows easily hit them and penetrated deep into their bodies.

But…… The results were not ideal.

Just like the scene in Tianna, as soon as the arrow hits the monster’s body, the corrosive body fluid that emits a foul smell will dissolve the foreign object and then break.

The damage is minimal.

However, because of the strong inertia of the arrow, the monsters will fall directly off the cliff due to the impact force, and even the surrounding accomplices who have suffered will also fall down.

It finally slightly eased the speed of the enemy’s attack, but it was a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause.

Not only the archers, one by one, orders were given, and everyone took spare weapons and frantically fought off the monsters.

Supplies and supplies were visibly consumed and destroyed, and the camp had become fragmented. The terrifying new breed left the adventurers helpless – the breath of despair quietly rose and permeated the entire front.

A cold sweat broke out on Riveria’s forehead, anxiously waiting for the return of her companions.



A shout came from the forest, and then the slender figure fell from the sky, and the heel smashed the boulder, and then… With a “boom”, like a collapse, the samurai rolling stone fell from above, burying all the monsters alive.


This amazing scene, time reflected in everyone’s eyes – the atmosphere of despair was easily pierced by the returning partners.

“Yes… It’s Miss Tiona!

“So, isn’t that an explanation!”

“Miss Thiony is back too!”

“And Mr. Burt!”

Seeing the cadres returning, the morale of the expeditionary team climbed at an alarming rate!


“It’s really unpleasant to have no weapons, tied hands!”

Tiana pouted, standing in front of the monster’s group, and said with a look of displeasure.

“Idiot Amazon, there is still work to complain, hurry up and help Ace!”

Bert shouted in annoyance as he kept jumping repeatedly in the monster group with his superior agility.

“Ace? Oops? How did one rush out!

That’s right, with wind magic attached to weapons, Ace is one of the few who can fight a new type of melee combat.

I saw her like a gust of wind, streaking through the dense group of monsters, and then splitting their huge bodies, and then… Repeat the steps above!

In the face of wind-like speed, these bulky and puppet-like new species could do

nothing at all… Unfortunately, as far as Ace’s killing speed is concerned, compared to the endless monsters at a glance, it is really a drop in the bucket!


“Finn, Grace, you’re finally back!”

Seeing the return of the main forces, Riveria’s anxious face showed a hint of joy, and her heart was heavily relieved.

“Talk about it after the loss of the camp, we cover you, you and your goblin magic troops chant magic!”

“Okay, Lephia, you come too!”

“Good, okay!”

Compared to Floen’s mobile cannon, Lephia consumes a lot less, and at least a third of her spiritual power remains.

Moreover .

. Looking at the large number of wounded being transported to the center of the camp, the young man knew that he had no need to make a move, because he had more important work.

With the return of the main force of the team, the defeated front was turned around in one fell swoop.

The monster group that had been attacking in an orderly manner instantly panicked.

“Alas, alas, who is that! And are there any spare weapons! It’s a big sword, a spear or something! If there is, throw it down for me!


The companions standing on the stone plate heard Thiona’s shouting.

“Miss Tiona? Yes, yes. But not much! You must save some money!

It seems that even among the dependents, the nickname of Thiona’s vandal is well known.

“Less verbose, hurry up and give it to me!”

A little annoyed, Thiona raised her voice and ordered.

“Good, good…”

The partners wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and then threw the spare greatsword directly from above.

“Hey—” With

a “whoosh”, the great sword plunged accurately into the ground in front of Tiona.

A weapon that was not proportional to her size, the Amazon girl waved it casually and shook her head in disappointment.

“Cut, fluttering. Let’s make use of it for now.

Then, Thiona interspersed the monster group and began her performance.

I saw that with the terrifying 4S attribute, she deftly dodged the corrosive liquid spray from the enemy, and then these attacks directly injured other monsters!

This kind of interspersed tactic is a classic case of fighting more with less, and a girl from a warrior’s country uses these techniques to use them when attacking dungeons.

In a short time, a huge riot was caused among the enemy group.

On the other side, Ace, who had almost killed twenty or thirty monsters in one go, rested a little under the cliff of the rock plate. The side effects of magic have begun to gradually affect her ability to fight, and her leg muscles have begun to numb, and there are faint cramps.

“Ace, give me some wind!”

Bert blurred his figure at an unparalleled speed, constantly wandering, interspersing, and fighting at the forefront.

After passing by Ace’s battle range, he hurriedly shouted hello.

As teammates who know each other well, this kind of cooperation is familiar to them.


Ace glowed her short sword, and a swirling breeze burrowed into Bert’s special armament.

“It’s time to kill this garbage and give the master a !!!!!!!!!”

Bert’s feet were wrapped in a violent storm, and he pulled his speed to the maximum, and then jumped up, like a nuclear bomb, directly smashed into the monster’s army.


, boom-” A terrifying shock wave erupted from the center, like cutting wheat – the monster turned into flying ash in pieces.

A magical attribute that belongs exclusively to Bert, Devouring.

A hybrid strike that combines Ace’s wind magic with a physical attack with a speed increase!

With just one hit, the victory was set.



The fierce battle did not end until ten minutes into the night on the ground, as the goblins’ last furious wide-area annihilation magic washed the ground.

At this time, from the bird’s eye view of the dome, the camp located on the rock plate has long been destroyed.

As long as the new terrifying corrosive venom is stained, it will definitely not escape the result of being destroyed.

Everyone stood in front of the camp that was still smoking black, their faces livid.

“Well, this expedition can only go so far, Finn.”

“Ahhh… It’s nothing, anyway, there will be a chance next time, it’s just… If Loki knew the news, he would probably go crazy.

Riveria’s face was full of exhaustion, and she shook her head with one eye closed:

“This expedition has almost exhausted the savings of the dependents, anyway, even if you sell the loot, you still lose a lot in the calculation.”

The royal goblin said it quite tactfully, but everyone is not a fool.

Flohn, who was treating the wounded, took the time to look up and say a cold joke.

“The translated meaning is that this expedition is bloody, and the dependents are about to go bankrupt.”


The Big Three were quite embarrassed, and the expressions of Ace, Bert, Thione, Tiana and other cadres were also quite subtle.

But no one spoke out to refute it, because it was just a well-known fact.

“Well, it’s time to go back to the old days, let’s explore the dungeon dungeons diligently to earn coins.”

Flohn raised his eyebrows, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, even if he is a first-level adventurer of Lv.6, he is also an adventurer, and he can’t move in this maze city without money. Originally, the consumption of the expedition was extremely exaggerated, and the resources that had been brewing for a long time were empty.

Not only the equipment and medicines prepared by the partners, but also a large number of spare parts prepared by the dependents are also finished.

From the family to the individual, the next days will be difficult.

I didn’t see that Thiona was still teary-eyed, and she kept reciting her “Olga” in her mouth.

120 million is not a small amount.

Of course, it’s not just Tiona, Tione’s 50 million “Recurve Blade” made of dragon teeth was thrown by her in a hurry, one blow is 50 million, and the two knives go down and make a whole.

Plus Finn’s “Magic Gun” made of Iron and Walnut, Grace’s Tomahawk, Bert’s “Floversville”…

All of them start at 100 million.

Roughly calculated, the total loss price of this expedition exceeded 1 billion faries, which was an astronomical amount for that dependent!

But now everyone has no effort to sigh, the crisis has not been solved – this is the 50th floor of the dungeon.

“Okay, pack up the supplies that can still be used, we have to return to the ground as quickly as possible, we must inform Loki of the events here, and I always have a bad hunch.”

The regiment commander gave the order to retreat, and although Thiona, Bert and others were quite upset, they also had to carry out the order.

Soon, everyone took action, including the cadres who also carried the wounded to speed up the retreat.

The destroyed camp was spread out and full of wounded.

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