Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1253: Quasi-Emperor

"you are?"

Holding tightly in his arms, the child who had already fainted, Li Mo asked cautiously.

"I... is the spirit. You can call me Lingxiao"

The sound of the mountain-like creatures is old and weak, and while speaking, it moves in the direction of Li Mo.


Murmured, and Li Mo suddenly lit up

"This Lingxiao Mountain is a weapon?"

"Yes, Lingxiao Mountain is a quasi-imperial weapon."

The mountain-like instrument Linglingxiao nodded and responded.

"Part of the formation that guards Lingxiao Mountain is partly the formation contained in the quasi-imperial weapon, and some are the formations built under Lingxiao Mountain. The quasi-imperial weapon of Lingxiao Mountain is also the entire Jiulian formation. Where the heart is.

The Jiuli Grand Formation is different from other large formations. The Jiuli Grand Formation consists of a heart, four eyes and countless flags. Only the grandpa of the Jiuli tribe knows this, and any elder is not qualified to know. "

"Then why are you telling me?"

Li Mo asked suspiciously.

"Because...the world is going to be chaotic! Lingxiao Mountain should also be born!"

With that, a breath of magnificent breath came from Lingling Xiao.

That's the temperament of who competes with others, who gives me away!

It seemed that the sword was shielded by the scabbard for tens of thousands of years, and the scabbard came out. The sharp edge is going to stir up Jiu Xiaoyun, let this world know that my Lingxiao is here again!

"What do you mean, you have to recognize me as the master?" Li Mo asked.

The instrument Ling Lingxiao suddenly gave Li Mo a glance and said

"I am the genius of a generation of quasi-imperial weapons. You have to pass the test if you want to be my master. How can it be so easy to be my master directly?"

Ling Xiao's eyes seemed to be saying, why do I love you so much and still recognize you as the Lord?

Looking at Ling Xiao's eyes, Li Mo felt embarrassed for a while. But there are still a lot of questions: "Ling Xiaoshan is the weapon of the Jiuli ancestors? Shouldn't the Jiuli ancestors cultivate the same as the ancestors? How could the strong gods of heaven and **** realm become quasi-imperial weapons?"

Refining implements, like cultivating, are not strong enough, nor can they refine those extraordinary artifacts.

In Li Mo's cognition, shouldn't the Guzu be above the heaven of heaven, the existence of the peak of the god?

Whether it is in the previous life or this life, the universe is recognized as the strongest state. Heavenly God Realm, God King Realm, Quasi-Emperor Realm, Great Emperor Realm.

How could the strongest of Heavenly God Realm refine the treasures of Quasi-Emperor?

Looking at Li Mo seriously, Ling Xiao smiled.

"Your kid is a bit knowledgeable, but do you think that the practice of the Guzu is only as simple as the peak of Tianshen Realm?"

"Oh? Didn't the Guzu..."

"Yes! The ancestors of the ancestral ancestors and my family are both gods and kings. Otherwise, how can they serve as the generals of the heavenly court! Once the heavenly court ruled over half of the universe, and the powerful people stood, do you think the heavenly court is so good?

And the resources of heaven are endless. In addition, there are so many kings and emperors in heaven. It is not difficult to help my family master to refine a quasi-imperial weapon. "

"So, Guzu should also have a quasi-imperial weapon?"

Li Mo is a little stunned. What kind of strong man can be called an emperor? Li Mo's previous life was a generation of quasi-imperialists, of course.

The prospective emperor can stick a word of emperor, and the weapon of the prospective emperor is equally extraordinary.

"Well, Guzu has a fist and it is also a quasi-imperial weapon. At that time, the ancestor and the quasi-imperial weapon also wanted to count the master and win Lingxiao Mountain. Eventually, they fought with the master for a day and night. give up.

The old guy was alive and breathless all these years, so he didn't dare to move in order not to waste his life. Due to the erosion of the years, his self-cultivation also fell to the peak of the heaven and **** realm. However, if the old guy fights for a fight, he can temporarily return to the realm of God. "

Ling Xiao nodded and explained to Li Mo.

This Lingxiao can be regarded as an old guy who has experienced Jiu Li's era, so he knows much more than Li Mo.

"That's their heritage? No wonder the crickets dare to set up a pseudo heaven."

Li Mo murmured to himself, feeling a little stressed.

But fortunately, listening to the meaning of Ling Xiao. The old man of Guzu didn't dare to appear in this world, and he didn't dare to return to the pinnacle.

His life-threatening personality can't live to the present if he dares to fight hard.

"I should have said everything. Do you want to take part in the assessment and become the current owner of Lingxiao Mountain?"

Ling Xiao then asked, Li Mo's performance outside. Ling Xiao looked in his eyes.

It is impossible to enter the magma for an ordinary child of the Jiuli tribe, not to mention talent. This mindset alone can already be qualified to participate in the assessment.

Besides, Li Mo was allowed to come in, Ling Xiao also took a fancy to Li Mo's talent. In his late twenties, he was able to enter the late stage of the fairyland. Which major force in Kyushu is so proud?

"How long can I finish the assessment?"

Li Mo frowned and asked.

The war is imminent, Li Mo does not want to delay too long to assess what the owner of Ling Xiaoshan.

As for the quasi-imperial weapon, Guzu may be greedy.

But Li Mo, who is holding the staff of the origin of the human race's originator, this Lingxiao Mountain is optional.

Of course, the rod of origin is now incomplete. Moreover, Li Mo's cultivation ability cannot exert the power of the rod of origin, nor can he wake up the sleeping spirit.

But if Li Mo is given time to grow up, the rod of origin is now in the world, who is just around the corner?

"This one……"

Qi Lingling Xiao felt like an individual, touching his chin. Frowned, said after a moment of contemplation

"Looking at you, you haven't got enough chances. You will be able to complete the assessment all your life."

"I'm dizzy!"

Li Mo's current practice is that it has a life span of thousands of years. So Li Mo didn’t want to stay in this place all his life, so Li Mo immediately waved his hand and said

"Forget it, let us go out."

"Go out?"

Listening to Li Mo's words, Ling Xiao suddenly became angry. "This is the master, your ancestor Jiuli's weapon! It is also a generation of quasi-imperial weapon! Change to other strong I heard that I am qualified to participate in the assessment . Can’t inherit the quasi-imperial weapon, I’m not happy."

"If it wasn't for seeing the Jiuli Tribe going to fight this time, I would still say that I was born. Now it's cheaper for you, but you look disgusted?"

As a generation of quasi-imperial weapons, Ling Xiao was certainly hot.

"You also know that the Jiuli tribe is about to fight now. I have to go back to the war quickly. How can I have time to participate in your assessment?"

Li Mo spread his hand and said helplessly.


Having said that, Ling Xiao turned around directly and no longer looked at Li Mo.

Ling Xiao at this moment seems to be a stubborn child, and he shouldn't do it if he shouldn't. Anyway, Li Moneng came in and brought it in himself. As long as he doesn't agree, Li Mo doesn't want to go out!

"The owner had stipulated that the Jiuli people who came in could only go out after being evaluated. I have no right to let you go."

Ji Ling's loyalty is unquestionable, even though Jiuli has passed away for many years. However, Ling Xiao still has to follow Jiu Li's will and dare not go against it.

Even if Lingxiao Mountain has a new owner in the future, it is in Lingxiao's heart. The second-generation master is never as good as the first-generation master, because his birth is caused by the first-generation master.

"Okay, okay, you always let me take the assessment. Always tell me what to evaluate?"

Li Mo responded a little helplessly, looking at Ling Xiao's back, his teeth clenched.

If you don’t think you can’t beat Ling Lingxiao, the quasi-imperial weapon, otherwise Li Mo would have dismantled it.

Grandma drops, dare to play temper with Lao Tzu!

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