Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1254: 9 Li assessment

"The first level of fighting power, the puppets of the nine nationalities fight against you. The time limit is uncertain, when can they win them, when will they enter the next level."

After all, Ling Xiao waved.

Behind Lingxiao suddenly appeared nine sturdy golden armor puppets. These puppets were expressionless, holding an axe that was half a man in hand, majestic and majestic.

Don't look at the nine puppets can't move now, but Li Mo can feel it. These nine puppets may be able to exert their early fighting power in heaven.

"Don't be afraid, I will suppress their cultivation to be with you."

Seeing that Li Mo didn't speak, Ling Xiao thought Li Mo was afraid, and then the old **** said.

Lingxiao is very proud, how about the kid? I also had a disdainful face just now, and now I am free to show both hands enough to surprise you?

Alas, it is still too young to know the power of the quasi-imperial weapon.

Is Li Mo afraid? Of course not, Li Mo has other plans.

"I didn't expect this quasi-imperial weapon to be a space by itself, but I don't know if it can only contain items or can store creatures together..."

"Accommodate souls?"

Ling Xiao stunned, then nodded and responded, "It's okay, but if there are a large number of creatures, they can't stay here for too long, otherwise they will be easily suffocated."

Listening to Ling Xiao's words, Li Mo's eyes lit up.

"The master of Lingxiao Mountain, I'm set!"

Jiuli is about to fight, and is facing the puppet heavenly courtesy of the Crow. So Li Mo knew that it was difficult for the Jiuli tribe to win.

And once it fails, it is the death of all the strongmen and the lower-level tribes become slaves.

However, it is not necessary to have this Lingxiao Mountain right now, it is possible to put the Lingxiao Mountain tribe into the quasi-imperial weapon. The people of the Jiuli Tribe will not be in danger within a certain period of time in Lingxiao Mountain.

When Li Mo was faced with the army of pseudo-Tianting, he wanted to leave. With Li Mo's methods, no one can stop.

"Cut, speak up!"

Ling Xiao gave Li Mo a glance, and really didn't know where Li Mo's confidence came from.

The master is a strong king of God Realm anyway, so the assessment set by the master is so easy.

Just talking about this first hurdle, facing nine puppets in the same realm who don't know the pain. In Ling Xiao's mind, without a year or two of hard work, this kid may not be able to pass the test.

Of course, if Lingxiao is here, Li Mo will not be in danger.

Without paying attention to Ling Xiao's eyes, Li Mo put the child in his arms far away. After confirming that the strong wind of the battle could not hurt him, he rushed back.

"Come on! Let them attack me!"

Li Mo waved his fist and shouted vowedly.

"Uh... Are you sure you don't take a break?"

Ling Xiao asked in amazement, his eyes constantly looking up and down at Li Mo.

Li Mo had a lot of injuries in the body of the real dragon in the volcanic war of Panlong Village. Even now, it has not completely recovered.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. Hurry up."

Li Mo shook his head and said.

At present, the Puppet Puppet Heavenly Court does not know when it will attack the Jiuli Tribe, not to mention that the Jiuli Tribe is rampant now, and Li Mo does not want to delay a moment.

As if guessing what Li Mo thought, Ling Xiao's gaze finally turned to Li Mo.

Immediately Ling Xiao waved his hand, and a touch of golden light entered the bodies of the nine puppets.

For a time, eighteen beams of light came. Those are the sharp eyes of nine puppets.

With those eyes opening, Li Mo seemed to hear Qiang!

Even though the cultivation of these nine puppets was suppressed to the late stage of Dixian Realm, the coercion was still impressive.


The nine puppets are like one person, only listening to them shouting at the same time. Lifting the giant axe in his hand, he rushed towards Li Mo.


The stars are shining and the sky is full of swords.

Li Mo turned around and walked freely between the nine puppets.


The wind was roaring, that was the sound of a giant axe.

These harsh voices roared beside Li Mo's ear, but could not reach Li Mo's body.

The nine puppets are not Li Mo's opponents at all in terms of speed, plus they are puppets after all. Li Moqiang's ability to adapt is not as strong as Li Moqi, so Li Mo is like a cat or a mouse at the moment. Nine puppets can only look at their backs.

"It's not enough to evade, only to beat the puppet is to pass the customs."

Qi Ling Ling Xiao said silently.

Upon hearing the sound, Li Mo frowned. Afterwards, Li Mo held the Fanxing sword to the oncoming giant axe, and Li Mo also wanted to see how powerful this puppet had.


Even though Li Mo's current strength has completely abused the same realm, but in the face of these no pains, the real cultivation is far more than his own puppet. Li Mo also fell into a disadvantage.

I saw that Li Mo took a step back, but took three steps back.

Just when Li Mo's body retreated uncontrollably, the other eight puppets also seized the opportunity to lock Li Mo's body. The overwhelming giant axe came to Li Mo's front, back, left, and right.

For a time, Li Mo had no choice but to swing away the giant axe of the other eight puppets.


The eight impact sounds were combined into one, a burst of blood immediately poured into the throat, and Li Mo flew out again uncontrollably.


Seeing Li Mo deflated, Ling Xiao seemed very happy. Just listen to Ling Xiao's playful laugh

"Stinky boy, stop if you can't do it. Otherwise, these puppets will be of no importance, and they will kill you. Took every opportunity to mock this Li Mo as much as possible.


Li Mo slapped the ground with his palm and jumped up. Only Li Mo snorted and wiped the corner of his mouth. Those sharp eyes looked at the nine puppets, unyielding and determined.


The star-sword is long, and the spirit of the star-sword is influenced by Li Mo, even showing endless fighting intention and sword intention.

"Human sword unites!"

The voice fell, and Li Mo's figure and the star sword in his hand showed an amazing sword light. That one person and one sword seems to be mixed into one, this is the real sword fairy.

Then, with only one swish, Li Mo shot at the nine puppets.

Between swords and swords and shadows, a sword pressed down nine giant axes!

Correspondingly, these nine puppets also fell into the disadvantage and were beaten by Li Mo.

Looking at this scene, Ling Xiao also froze.

The power of these nine puppets is even stronger than that of the gods and demons, and it is not afraid of pain. Therefore, if the gods and demons who are in the same territory come to be suppressed, the human clan will definitely fail if they come to fight. So Ling Xiao thought that this assessment was very difficult.

But who could have thought that Li Mo was so powerful that he directly prevailed and pressed the nine puppets?

"Hum, maybe you will win the game if you go on like this. But to think that this competition is just something, you are wrong."

Ling Xiao smiled, and then Ling Xiao's palm changed for a while.

Bursts of golden light were born in Lingxiao's hands, and turned into a breeze blowing towards the nine puppets, and golden light sank into it.

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