On behalf of the Seven Heroes Town: Erha stole the shiny fruit

On behalf of the Seven Heroes Town: Erha stole the shiny fruit


610 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: On behalf of the Seven Heroes Town: Erha stole the shiny fruit

Chu Yun took a husky across to Qixia Town in the world of comprehensive martial arts, and became a catcher. As a result, the entire yamen went to Jingzhou for a meeting and asked him to patrol Qixia Town on his behalf. I wanted to fish for a living, but an accident happened. [Your husky disliked you for being too cowardly, so he went to another world overnight to learn the sixth style of the navy secretly, and brought you back a shiny fruit. 】 Chu Yun has become a Shining fruit capable user in the comprehensive martial arts world! Thus, the nightmare of those who love to fight and kill came. Wan Wan: "I accidentally smashed the Tongfu Inn when I got into a fight, why are you chasing me for dozens of miles and slapping me hundreds of times to arrest me???" Queen of the Yin, Zhu Yuyan: "What? A little catcher quickly arrested our saint, see if I don't... hurry, this catcher is so easy! I can't even see clearly..." Dongfang Bubai: "You may not believe me if I tell you, I have killed countless people in my life, and in the end I was imprisoned for eating the overlord's meal..."


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