Ming Qi had experienced Zhou Mu's skills before. If Zhou Mu is really pushed into a hurry, Zhou Mu will probably kill him, and he will never be Zhou Mu's opponent.

Many people had told him that no one knew how deep Zhou Mu was. Just because Zhou Mu's unintentional move many years ago amazed everyone, they were also afraid of Zhou Mu from the bottom of their hearts, so that no one dared to challenge Zhou Mu easily.

Some people even say that Zhou Mu is so strong that no one in the Three Realms can rival him, but they don't know if this is an exaggeration.

Of course, because those who cultivated immortals cherished their lives, no one dared to take action against Zhou Mu easily.

After all, as long as you don't mess with Zhou Mu, you may live forever and live as long as heaven and earth. If he offends Zhou Mu, his years of cultivation may be destroyed and disappear forever.

Ming Qi was struggling in his heart, but it didn't show on his face. He happily took the tea flower, put it between his nose and smelled it, and then said with a drunken look on his face: "It is indeed a gift returned by the devil queen. It is extraordinary. It is common in daily life. These flowers are not as fragrant as this bunch..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange odor suddenly spread from the palace, and the flowers in his hand quickly turned into yellow objects, which were human excrement.

No matter how good Yao Mingqi's psychological quality was, he was so panicked that he threw away the things in his hands. He cast a body purification technique and finally suppressed the stench.

Zhou Mu seemed unable to see Ming Qi's embarrassment, and raised his lips with a half-smile: "Isn't it fragrant? Why don't you keep it well and put it on the bedside to smell it every day?"

Ming Qi took a deep breath and suppressed the depression in his heart. This devil couldn't afford to offend easily. He was indeed a vengeful person, especially when it concerned Gu Xiyan.

He finally managed to control his expression and said calmly, "Your Majesty really loves to joke."

"I will not leave the underworld for a while, and there will be many days of dealing with you in the future. If you still want to send gifts to the guest garden, we and my wife will definitely like it. Ming Qi, I will not disturb you when you enjoy the flowers. Okay, farewell."

Zhou Mu said and left the palace.

Just when Ming Qi breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly the clean palace was quickly occupied by the excrement just now, threatening to flood the entire palace.

Not only Ming Qi was shocked, but the other people serving in the palace were also frightened.

Ming Qi tried to fight against him, but how could he be Zhou Mu's opponent?

In the end, he escaped from his palace in embarrassment and cast a magic spell to purify his body. However, he saw Zhou Mu standing not far away, with a sarcastic smile on his face. Leaving him with a look of disdain, Zhou Mu walked away briskly.

Ming Qi gritted his teeth with hatred and understood that Zhou Mu deliberately used this method to touch his face. At the same time, he was also warning him to be honest and not to provoke Gu Xiyan at will.

Today it was just harmless excrement, but what awaited him tomorrow was likely to be the light and shadow of a lethal sword.

Gu Xiyan was waiting in the guest garden. When she saw Zhou Mu coming back, she took a closer look and felt that the man looked happy and in a good mood.

This is strange. Did he do something to take revenge on Ming Qi? Otherwise, I would have been so unhappy before, and my mood would have changed once I went to see Ming Qi.

She stepped forward curiously and asked, "Did Young Master do something to make Ming Qi unhappy?"

Zhou Mu thought of Ming Qi's embarrassment, so he told what he had done, and then looked at Gu Xiyan as if asking for reward.

Gu Xiyan's expression was hard to describe when she heard this. She really didn't expect Zhou Mu to do such a childish thing. Just imagining such a scene made her feel terrible, let alone Ming Qi who was immersed in it.

I wonder if Ming Qi will leave a psychological shadow from now on. When he sees Zhou Mu and her, he will think of those terrible things.

"Madam, don't you think it's interesting to do things for your husband?" Zhou Mu said with a half-smile, "Or maybe Madam sympathizes with Ming Qi?"

"Ming Qi brought it upon himself, why should I sympathize with him?" Gu Xiyan said angrily.

Zhou Mu was very satisfied with Gu Xiyan's answer.

Ming Qi wanted to respond to him, so he made Ming Qi feel sick when she saw him and Gu Xiyan.

In fact, Ming Qi is really not having a good time. Even though the palace returned to normal, the psychological shadow was too great. As long as he stood in this familiar palace, he seemed to see the palace being flooded with excrement.

He shuddered, stormed out of the palace, and then found a random palace to stay.

When he saw Gu Xiyan the next day, he immediately turned around and left, as if she was some kind of savage beast.

Gu Xiyan saw it so clearly that she couldn't even laugh or cry for a moment.

Not to mention, although Zhou Mu's methods of doing things were a bit childish, they were effective and Ming Qi would never be able to get close to her again.

I just don’t know if this Ming Qi is the young master who is colluding with Zhou Xing, or if Ming Qi is approaching her purely to antagonize her and Zhou Mu.

She and Zhou Mu deliberately walked around the underworld and unknowingly arrived at the bank of Wangchuan River.

In front of the blooming ghost flowers, the Forgotten River sparkles, so quiet and peaceful.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the Wangchuan River and the fantasy flowers of the underworld, but the Queen of the Underworld and a frail young man dressed in white.

As if sensing her and Zhou Mu's gaze, the young man turned his head. He was a young man with pale skin that was almost transparent. His fair complexion had an unhealthy blue color, and his facial features were a bit feminine. He looked like a good girl. .

Gu Xiyan remembered that the day they first arrived in the underworld, many people from the underworld came, but she was sure that she had never seen the young man in white.

At this time, Queen Ming also saw Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan, and they walked over together. Queen Ming took the initiative to introduce the identities of Gu Xiyan and Zhou Mu, and then introduced the identity of the young man.

Only then did Gu Xiyan realize that this was another son of Queen Ming, ranked ninth, and the prince was the eldest son of Queen Ming, and Ming Jiu was the second child born to Queen Ming.

"Ajiu is not in good health and rarely goes out for walks. Today I specially took him to the Wangchuan River for a walk." Ming Queen was gentle and kind, and her tone was particularly gentle when she mentioned Ming Jiu.

Gu Xiyan had been a mother in the human world and knew what it was like to be a mother. She was sure that the Queen of the Underworld loved her child very much.

Ming Jiu was indeed good-looking, and with her poor health, it was only natural that Queen Ming would pamper Ming Jiu.

Ming Jiu's eyes fell on Gu Xiyan from time to time, and he suddenly said: "I heard that the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen have a deep relationship. When I saw them today, I knew that the two of them have a good relationship. This is really an enviable thing."

Gu Xiyan found it funny: "If the relationship is not good, we will not be together. What is there to envy? In the future, the Ninth Young Master will also meet a woman who suits his heart and be with him."

Ming Jiu turned around and looked at Wangchuan River, with a touch of sadness between his brows: "Perhaps we will never meet each other in this life. There is not much love between two people in this world. The devil and the devil are lucky enough to meet each other. Lucky man.”


Lord Demon: Ming Qi, I just want to ask you if you are afraid?

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