Gu Xiyan was a little surprised when she heard this. She felt that Ming Jiu's words seemed to come from her feelings, as if she felt the same.

"Has Ninth Young Master been hurt in love before?" Gu Xiyan couldn't help but ask.

Ming Jiu smiled and shook his head: "I am a sick person and rarely go out to the underworld. Who would like me? How can I have the chance to get hurt?"

"Ninth Young Master's words almost made me think that I had been emotionally hurt." Gu Xiyan said and looked at Queen Ming.

The Queen of Hades looked too quiet, didn't know what she was thinking, and looked sad.

She met the Queen of Hades when she first entered the underworld. At that time, the Queen of Hades was chatting and laughing, and she seemed to have a good relationship with Lord Hades. But she had heard before coming to the underworld that Lord Underworld was a flirtatious king with countless beauties in his harem.

No matter how good the relationship between Lord Ming and Queen Ming is, Queen Ming still has to share her husband with many concubines in the harem.

She felt at that time that she was indeed lucky to have met the dedicated Zhou Mu.

There aren't that many dedicated men in the world, and there aren't that many men who can stick with each other until the end.

If Zhou Mu also had numerous harems, she would definitely not compromise and seek perfection. She might as well make peace with him and live a good life by herself.

If a man can't even be loyal, what's the use of such a man?

So sometimes she particularly admires those women who can share a man with other women, and the Queen of Hades will probably be the same type of person she admires.

Seeing the depressed look of the Queen of the Underworld at this moment, perhaps only the appearance of the Queen of the Underworld is the only one who knows whether she is truly happy or not.

Gu Xiyan and Zhou Mu chatted with Ming Hou and Ming Jiu for a while before saying goodbye to each other.

Gu Xiyan looked at the figure of Queen Ming supporting Ming Jiu as she walked, and suddenly felt a little emotional: "I think Queen Ming looks unhappy."

How can a woman who is not loved by her husband and has a child with poor health live happily?

Even if this woman is the Queen of the Underworld and is respected by thousands of people.

"Even if she is unhappy, she is asking for it. People like Ming Jun are not loyal to their feelings, are indulgent in love, and cannot be loyal, but she still clings to this position. If she is just greedy for glory and wealth, then stop trying. Ming Jun's heart. If she wants both glory and wealth and Ming Jun's heart, she will naturally not be happy..."

Ming Jiu and Ming Hou walked far away and could still hear the conversation between Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan.

He looked at the Queen of Hades: "Mother, don't take their words to heart."

Ming Hou patted Ming Jiu on the back with a calm expression: "It's just a few words from outsiders, mother will not be unhappy. Don't take it to heart, mother's biggest wish now is that you can recover well and not be disturbed by outside people and things. affected."

As for other people, even the Demon Lord and the Demon Queen, they can't affect her at all.

Ming Jiu looked back at where Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan were standing.

Even though they are far apart, I still feel that the couple is a perfect match. But how many people are as lucky as them in the world?

At least his mother was not so lucky. She married a romantic and unlucky man and gave birth to a child like him.

Sometimes, he really envied Gu Xiyan.

It's just that the happier Gu Xiyan is, the worse it seems to make his mother worse. How unfair is God?

After being reminded by Zhou Mu, Lord Ming began to secretly investigate which of his children were restless. Although it was a secret investigation, he felt that all of his children were excellent.

Although there are a few who are arrogant and indulgent, they usually love each other and there is really no sign of any discord.

After secretly investigating for nearly a month, Ming Jun not only failed to find out which child had ambitions, but also confused himself. He even began to suspect that Zhou Mu was deliberately causing trouble for the underworld.

This month Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan have also been secretly investigating which young master is suspected. Unfortunately, after carefully checking the information of more than a dozen young masters, they can't find any problem.

Moreover, Zhou Xing was in the underworld, but they didn't know where to look. They could only confirm that Zhou Xing was hiding in the underworld. This matter made him puzzled.

"It stands to reason that Ming Er, Ming Wu and the prince are the least likely to deal with each other. They are the most suspicious. However, these two are cowardly and do not seem to be people capable of seeking power. As for Ming Qi, when I first met him, I thought he was suspicious. The oldest, but after careful investigation, I felt that he was not suspicious." Gu Xiyan, who was as big as two heads, was suddenly confused.

Seeing her troubled look, Zhou Mu laughed and said, "If you can't find out, just check slowly. There's no need to rush."

"How can we not be in a hurry? This is the underworld, and it is also a household matter in the underworld. You are still the devil, how can you stay in the underworld forever? If we continue to live in the underworld, people who don't know will think that the underworld and the devil are joining forces." Gu Xi Yan complained angrily.

Zhou Mu laughed dumbly: "Your idea is different from others."

"We have no clue. There is no way to remain in this stalemate. Otherwise, think of a way." Gu Xiyan looked at Zhou Mu with burning eyes, "My husband is smarter than me, you can think of a way."

Zhou Mu was very happy to be coaxed by Gu Xiyan's words. In order not to disappoint his little wife, he really thought about it seriously.

After a while, he suggested: "How about we do a process of elimination and find the least likely and most likely person."

Gu Xiyan was stunned when she heard this: "Why do you want to find the most unlikely person?!"

"Just like when Zhou Xing hid in Wuxiangmen, it was the most unlikely place. This is called making it difficult. We can even list all the people closest to Lord Ming, including his concubines and daughters." Zhou Mu opened her lips calmly.

Gu Xiyan looked at Zhou Mu with increasingly intense eyes: "Young Master is right, you can't be excluded just because you are a woman."

Women can also have ambitions to be Hades.

After thinking for a moment, she added: "By the way, concubines with children should pay special attention to them!"

In this way, Zhou Mu and Gu Xiyan began to use the elimination method to find the suspect.

With their advanced cultivation, they only need to filter through their minds, and everyone's names and relationships will appear in front of them, making it extremely convenient to select.

After the selection, the most suspicious person was still Ming Qi. The reason was that Zhou Mu felt that he had thoughts about Gu Xiyan, was courteous for nothing, and was either an adulterer or a thief.

Gu Xiyan felt that Zhou Mu's behavior was not fair at all, but looking at Ming Jun's other children, Ming Qi was indeed better, whether it was character, power or other aspects, even including the Ming Qibeng after they entered the underworld. He is the most popular, and it is okay to say that he is the most outstanding.

Since Zhou Mu found the most likely suspect, Gu Xiyan found the least likely suspect, and that person was Ming Jiu.

Seeing Ming Jiu's name, Zhou Mu felt ridiculous: "How could it be Ming Jiu?" (End of Chapter)

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