"As soon as I saw this person, I felt that he was the most unlikely person. He and the prince are biological brothers from the same father and mother. They are not in good health, and Queen Ming seems to like Ming Jiu so much. Logically speaking, Ming Jiu He is the least dangerous among all the young masters. Even if he wants to take over the throne of the prince, he cannot be the prince's biological brother. If he has the idea of ​​taking over the throne, how can he be worthy of the queen who loves him the most? I think of the queen again. She was not favored in the past few years, and she should have looked unhappy, but the Ming Queen we saw was so peaceful, and she seemed to have no feelings for Ming Jun. I heard that Ming Queen once loved Ming Jun, but Ming Jun There were too many women in love, and too little love was given to her. Later, she no longer desired the love of Hades. A woman who no longer had illusions about love, would she transfer this feeling to her desire for power? superior?"

Gu Xiyan kept talking, and Zhou Mu frowned as she listened.

He was suddenly glad that he only married Gu Xiyan and had no extra energy to deal with other women, let alone be interested in other women, so the back house was peaceful and the husband and wife were harmonious.

"Listening to your analysis, I think the most suspicious person is Ming Hou, and the least suspicious person is Ming Jiu." Zhou Mu said thoughtfully.

Gu Xiyan smiled and said: "We have put the mother and son in the most conspicuous position, which means that they are both suspicious, so let's investigate together?"

If we find out everything that happened in the past between Ming Queen and Ming Jiu, there may be clues.

Now that these two people have become their targets, is it possible that Zhou Xing is also hiding in the palace of Ming Jiu or Ming Queen?

That night, Zhou Mu planned to go to Ming Queen and Ming Jiu's palace in person, but the premise was that Gu Xiyan had to stay in the guest garden and not step out of the barrier he had set.

Gu Xiyan was afraid that Zhou Mu would be distracted by her, so of course she agreed wholeheartedly.

Although she knew Zhou Mu's abilities, she still worriedly warned him to be careful and not to be careless. If one of the mother and son colludes with Zhou Xing, then they must be scheming people.

Entering the territory of this mother and son, you have to guard against being discovered by them.

But she also knew Zhou Mu's cultivation level, and this person had few opponents in the three realms. She believed in Zhou Mu, but caring about him would lead to chaos, and she would still worry about his safety.

Zhou Mu was about to go out when he saw Gu Xiyan still following him, like a cute little tail, giving him a few words from time to time. He found it funny and very heartwarming.

"Don't worry, I will come back as soon as possible. Just wait here for me. If someone tempts you to go out, don't ignore it." Zhou Mu in turn told Gu Xiyan.

Gu Xiyan responded repeatedly, and finally let Zhou Mu go, otherwise it would be dark if she kept reminding her.

With Zhou Mu's cultivation, there was no pressure to move around quietly anywhere in the underworld. He entered the underworld's palace invisibly.

This palace seems to be no different from the palace in the underworld, but after all, it is a palace after the first world. It is more solemn and covers a wider area than other places.

He walked around the Queen's palace and found nothing strange.

Afterwards, he went outside the dormitory where the Queen of Hades lived and heard the conversation between the Queen of Hades and the maid next to her.

The maid was just complaining that Lord Hades had only come to Queen Hades's chamber for so many years, and so quickly returned to his old ways, being restrained by other beauties, and forgetting about her as his real wife.

The Queen of Hell listened quietly to the maid's complaint, and then she said calmly: "You don't have to feel sorry for me. I hope he never comes again. I don't want to deal with him."

Zhou Mu felt that there was no resentment in Queen Ming's tone, which meant that Queen Ming did not love Lord Ming, so Lord Ming's love affairs could not affect her at all.

To say that the Queen of Hades is someone who values ​​power, it doesn't seem like it.

"Send some food to Ah Jiu tomorrow. He likes the delicacies of the human world the most." After a pause, the Underworld Queen added, "That's all, I'll go there by myself tomorrow."

Zhou Mu listened quietly for a moment, but did not get any useful information.

After leaving Ming Hou's palace, Zhou Mu went to Ming Jiu's palace.

As soon as he entered Ming Jiu's palace, Zhou Mu felt that the yin energy here was heavier than other places in the underworld, a bit similar to the feeling the Wangchuan River gave him.

The Wangchuan River is the only way for all those who have passed away. I don’t know how many lonely ghosts have walked through that river. It is precisely because the place where countless ghosts have walked that the Yin Qi is particularly heavy.

Why does Ming Jiu's palace have such heavy Yin energy?

If your cultivation level is not high, you won't be able to sense it when you enter Ming Jiu's chamber. But an expert like Zhou Mu can easily sense changes in the environment, even a small change.

He strolled around the palace and visited every corner of the palace. He was a little curious whether Ming Jiu would know that he was coming with his ability.

If Ming Jiu could sense an outsider breaking into his palace, then Ming Jiu must not be as sick and weak as he seems on the surface.

It's a pity that no one found him when he walked throughout the palace.

Finally he went to Ming Jiu's bedroom.

Of course, the attendants guarding the door didn't know that Zhou Mu was coming. Zhou Mu walked slowly to Ming Jiu's bed and looked at Ming Jiu's sleeping face intently.

Even in his sleep, Ming Jiu's face looked too pale.

He looked at it intently for a long time, thinking that Ming Jiu's body was in such bad shape, why didn't he practice well?

If it were him, if he was in poor health and had a powerful father like Ming Jun, he would definitely seize every opportunity to practice hard.

He sat for a long time, Ming Jiu remained unconscious, seemingly unaware that someone was sitting in front of the bed looking at him.

Did Ming Jiu really not know of his existence, or was he pretending not to know of his existence?

If Ming Jiu is pretending not to know, then this person's cultivation level is frighteningly advanced.

He came forward and stared at Ming Jiu's face carefully.

He didn't know how long he watched, but he lost interest. Just as he was about to step back, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He hesitated for a moment and looked into Ming Jiu's nose. It was indeed not his imagination. Ming Jiu was not breathing at all, as if he was dead.

Even if the soul is out of the body, it is impossible not to breathe. So what is Ming Jiu's situation like?

He originally wanted to sit for a while and then leave, but after discovering this novelty, he left in no hurry and simply sat in front of the bed to see if Ming Jiu would open his eyes.

Only the dead are silent, right?

He sat leisurely and looked at Ming Jiu with good eyes. Although he was a little bored, time passed quickly.

At dawn, the silent Ming Jiu's eyelids trembled slightly and he opened his eyes.

At this moment, the attendants who were standing outside came in to serve.

Zhou Mu watched quietly from the side and found that Ming Jiu was dressed neatly under the service of everyone, just like a young master from a wealthy family in the human world.

During this period, Ming Jiu coughed several times, looking pitifully sick.


Woohoo, another year has passed.

The extra chapter will probably be completed in ten chapters. Daqian has to think carefully about the new article. This article is about to be concluded. I will start adding one chapter a day starting tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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