【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mass production of the Guardian-2 rocket launcher and successfully cultivating hybrid rice. Reward: the production drawings and structural principles of the H-6, as well as the formula of Coca-Cola, Sprite, and coffee, and 30 million points! 】


The Sixth Master is here?

“”Sixth Master” uses a medium-sized twin-engine jet strategic bomber with a length of 34.8 meters, a wingspan of 33.0 meters, a height of 10.36 meters, a maximum take-off weight of 79 tons, a maximum range of more than 8,000 kilometers, a combat radius of more than 3,500 kilometers, and a maximum bomb load of up to 12 tons. It is mainly responsible for tactical and strategic bombing, reconnaissance, anti-ship, patrol and surveillance and other tasks.

If the”Sixth Master” is developed, it can completely make up for the gap in the rabbit’s bomber.

Eagle sauce can bomb our army’s supply lines, and Sixth Master can naturally bomb their supply lines.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was very excited.

As for the formula of Sprite, Coca-Cola and coffee, Jiang Chen plans to develop it and give Eagle sauce a backyard fire.

Do it as soon as you say it.

Jiang Chen began to develop”Sixth Master” and brought together the best dynamics researchers in the arsenal

“At present, the situation on the peninsula is that our army is advancing triumphantly, capturing cities and strongholds, and is omnipotent… But there is also a huge problem: the battle line is too long, and our army’s supply lines are exposed to the enemy’s artillery fire.”

“In order to solve this problem, I decided to set up a bomber research and development project… codenamed Project 107, to make up for the shortcomings of our army in bombers”

“Next, I will arrange the work and tasks that each department needs to be responsible for!”

Before that, we need to solve the research of aerodynamic models, subsonic flight and supersonic flight, and flight research under research assistance conditions.

Secondly, the cruising altitude of the”H-6″ aircraft is 12,100 meters, and it carries 4 air-to-air missiles and 4 air-to-ground missiles.

The second is to solve the problem of missiles.

According to Jiang Chen’s settings, the 4 air-to-ground missiles are 2.94 long, 0.156 meters in diameter, 85.5 kilograms in weight, 18.53 kilometers in range, and a maximum speed of 2.2 Mach. The head-on attack is no more than 1,102 kilometers, the tail pursuit attack is about 7 kilometers, the killing radius is about 10 meters, and the probability of single-shot killing is 2.5 kilometers. 50%-70%, plus infrared guidance, it has close combat and all-weather combat capabilities.

The two air-to-air missiles weigh 85kg, the high explosive in the warhead is 30kg, the maximum range is 10km, the minimum range is 1300m, and the maximum speed is 2.2M.

It will adopt a canard aerodynamic shape layout, consisting of guidance and control components, warhead, infrared proximity fuze or radio proximity fuze, solid rocket engine, canard rudder and triangular wings. The infrared seeker is cooled by compressed air, has high sensitivity, and has the ability to resist background radiation interference.

The warhead uses high explosives, which is effective The infrared proximity fuze with a killing radius of 10m has strong anti-interference ability and high detonation reliability.

In addition, Jiang Chen made great changes to the appearance of the H-6 aircraft, from the nose part to the fuselage expanded to the wing root part. A large radar ball is installed in the nose part, and there is also a sighting instrument frame in the central part of the nose. Therefore, the nose part of the H-6 is very wide in appearance.

Of course, a huge bomb bay can also be directly connected to the nose part.

A lot of thought was also spent on the fuselage part. Generally speaking, there is only one principle: carry more weapons.

Jiang Chen wanted”Sixth Master” to be able to fly in the air. In order to perform hovering operations, the wing parts are widened and thickened.

In terms of safety, Jiang Chen also painted a layer of aluminum paint on the cockpit body of the H-6 aircraft for protection, which can also prevent the aircraft from being hit by lightning during high-altitude flight, thereby further protecting the cockpit.

Of course, as a high-altitude flying aircraft, the H-6 can be said to be omnipotent, but as a super-heavy aircraft, it will appear very clumsy when moving in the air.

Therefore, Jiang Chen adopted a small duck wing design on the tail of the H-6 aircraft, which makes the flight more flexible and stable, and also provides a series of operating space for the pilot.

……Wait, there are many more designs like this…

Soon, the research of”Sixth Master” gradually entered the preliminary stage.

At this time.

Yang Siruo brought Lu Fei in:”Jiang Chen, our pilots can graduate!”

Jiang Chen looked at the flight captain Lu Fei:”Are you sure you have mastered all the techniques?”

Lu Fei said with a firm look in his eyes:”The flight team is very confident in facing all flight missions and all flight difficulties, and can complete all tasks assigned by superiors… The flight team is now applying for combat……”

“Our air superiority is indeed very tense now!” Jiang Chen thought for a moment and said,”Well, it’s time for you to fly into the sky and have a world-shaking aerial battle with the invading enemy!”

“Comrade Lu Fei, I am waiting for your good news at the Arsenal.”

Lu Fei:”I will ensure that I complete the mission and defend your honor and our country to the death!”

Jiang Chen then called Liu Yalou and explained his intentions. When the latter heard this, she was as happy as a child.

“Jiang Chen knows me very well, you understand me too well… Haha, thank you so much!! Our army is in need of air force support to defend our airspace……”

Liu Yalou praised Jiang Chen excitedly.

After hanging up the phone, Chen immediately asked Lu Fei to drive the”Wu Ye” to report to the Air Force.

At the same time, Babayang also arrived at the arsenal. According to the agreement, the Type 49 automatic rifle will be delivered in one year.

When Babayang got the rifle, he was as happy as a little lamb, walking with the wind, and he was determined to take these weapons back to teach Bai Xiang a lesson.


At this time.

In Beiping.

The big boss and the boss were anxiously waiting for the battle situation in Fuzhou. Facing the provocation of the US military, if the war really started, what would Jiang Chen’s newly developed Guardian-2 rocket launcher do? Could it deter the US aircraft carrier?

If they didn’t fight, they couldn’t swallow the anger of the four hundred million compatriots.

If they didn’t fight, how could the flower-growing family gain a foothold in society in the future? ? Do you still want to save face?

“Beat… We must teach these robbers a lesson……”The big boss said domineeringly:”What was the purpose of resisting the US and aiding Korea? Wasn’t it to defend our country?”

“Now, the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier has come to our doorstep to show off its strength. If we don’t fight, what is the point of resisting the US and aiding Korea? ?”

“Yes, one punch is better than a hundred punches!”

That being said, fighting is the worst option. A true master or a top student is not about how many points he gets in the exam, but about how to control the points. The true strength of a country is that I can fight whenever I want and stop whenever I want.

But the Flower Planting Family did not have this strength at this time, so they could only resort to the worst option.

“Boss, Boss… the fight has started… the fight has started!” Chief of Staff Nie said excitedly:”Just now, the US warship entered our territorial waters and overturned a small boat of our army, wantonly encroaching on our sovereignty, so our army issued an order to open fire.”

“The Guardian-2 rocket lived up to expectations and hit the target with one shot, sinking a 30,000-ton cruiser of the US military, and two battleships fled the area.……”

“Good!!”The big boss said in a strong and powerful voice:”Great, we must draw our swords when we meet an enemy. This shot shows the majesty of the flower-growing family. This shot makes my rabbit’s backbone stand up!”

“Well done to the Fujian Military Region……”

Everyone finally relaxed their anxious hearts, and their expressions were very happy, excited, and excited.

Everyone knew what this shot meant. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

From then on, the Western powers no longer dared to easily provoke the Rabbit’s waters.

From then on, the Western powers’ door-kicking weapons, warships and cannons, had become history.

Boss:”Boss, this battle showed the prestige of our army, and made the blockade of the B Island Strait by the US aircraft carriers a virtual failure. The Guardian-2 rocket launcher played an indispensable role!”

“Comrade Jiang Chen has made another contribution……”The big boss laughed happily and said,”The range is more than 480 kilometers, covering the entire island. This is the first time I have seen a rocket launcher with such a long range!”

Chief of Staff Nie:”If you ask me, it is not an exaggeration to call it a missile… It has a long range, dense firepower, and the key is that the cost is cheap. It is a heavy weapon for defending the country!”

Rockets are much cheaper than missiles.

The big boss:”How many weapons like this do we have in our arsenal?”

Commander Ye:”Just one?”

What… one?

The big boss and the others were a little disappointed.[]

“After the successful test, the Guardian-2 rocket launcher has entered the mass production stage. I believe that it will not be long before we can have as many of these rocket launchers as we want!!”

When these words came out, everyone was amazed.

So, the Guardian-2 rocket launcher that hit the target with one shot was actually a test?

A rocket launcher scared away three US warships?


It was too explosive.

The big boss:”Comrade Jiang Chen is really skilled and daring. He dared to fight against the US military with a rocket launcher. His courage is commendable!”

Boss:”It is precisely because of this courage that he can move forward on the road of scientific research. This spirit and courage are worthy of learning from all of us!!”

Everyone began to praise Jiang Chen endlessly.

At this time, Liu Yalou walked in quickly:”Boss, boss, good news, good news!”

“The Russian Bear’s air advance team has arrived? ?”

“That’s right, this time the Russian advance team brought MiG-15 fighters, and the initial combat mission was to defend the airspace of our logistics and supply lines and ensure that supplies arrived at the front line!”

The MiG-15 fighter is the first generation of jet fighters of the Russians in the late 1940s, with a maximum flight speed of 0.88 Mach (1078 km/h), a practical ceiling of 15544, a range of 1782 kilometers, a flight time of 3 hours, a climb rate of 50 meters/second, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.53.

The MiG-15 fighter has three machine guns: one H-37 machine gun and two HC-23KM machine guns, which can carry 200 rounds of ammunition. The avionics equipment includes sights, radio stations, radio compasses, altimeters, beacon receivers, etc., but it is not equipped with radar and does not have all-weather combat capabilities.

Big Boss:”This time, the Russians finally kept their word. In this way, our army’s supply lines have an additional layer of protection.”

Liu Yalou:”According to the Russian bear’s combat plan, the combat is to enter deeper areas step by step.”

In short, the US military still has absolute air superiority over the volunteer army on the front line.

General:”It’s better than nothing. This is a good start. With 1, there will be more 0s later!!”

The big boss:”That’s right, at least everything is developing in a good direction!! Comrade Liu Yalou, don’t be disgusted!”

Liu Yalou:”Boss, you all misunderstood. In fact, what I mean is, can we discuss letting the Russian bear advance group enter the enemy’s rear to fight, and our pilots will protect the rear supply line. After all, they are more experienced than us.……”

“Jiang Chen handed over a flying group, we can’t be so casual……”

“What?”The big boss heard the key words:”You just said that Jiang Chen handed over a flight regiment?”

This is definitely another explosive and shocking news.

Handing over a flight regiment?

A flight regiment is usually equipped with 24 to 36 aircraft. The specific number varies according to different organization and mission requirements. Under normal circumstances, a flight regiment is composed of 3 flight squadrons and 1 maintenance squadron. Each flight squadron has 3 flight squadrons. The squadron is the smallest unit of the air force.

Hahaha… Rabbit finally has its own air force.

And it is completely independently developed and cultivated… This is absolutely epoch-making. It is of great significance.

The whole country is excited!

“Yes, after the training of Comrade Jiang Chen, the pilots have fully mastered the skills of the Wuye fighter, and Captain Lu Fei has applied to enter the front line to assist our army in combat!”

“But they were all on the battlefield for the first time.……”

Big Boss:”So, you want them to fly in the rear first, gain some experience, and then go to the front line to fight?”

“Yes, I hope to discuss it with the advance team of the bear!”

After thinking for a while, the big boss said:”How confident are Lu Fei and other pilots? ?”

“They are confident, but……”Liu Yalou was still a little worried.

After all, that was the first generation of Rabbit fighters, the only air force of the Flower Planting Family.

If anything unexpected happened, he, the Air Force Commander, would be left alone.

Big Boss:”Since they are confident, let them fly… There is a first time for everything. We need to be world pioneers. Don’t be afraid and retreat because of the first time… You will never break through yourself this way!!”

Boss:”I agree. This time, the Guardian-2 rocket launcher destroyed the US warship in its first test. What does this mean?”

“This means we should trust Jiang Chen and our soldiers… In the future, the flower-growing family will be theirs.……”

With the support of the general manager and others, Liu Yalou gained some confidence and went back to let them join the battle.

The general manager also looked towards the peninsula, muttering in his heart: The next battle is about to begin…

At this time, the peninsula… The Battle of Changjin Lake broke out……


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