Changjin Lake.

The largest lake in the northern part of Chaoxian, the Changjin River originates from Huangcaoling and flows northward to form Changjin Lake between Liutanli and Xiajieyuli, and finally flows into the Yalu River.

At this time, the temperature has dropped to minus 30 degrees Celsius, and the severe cold weather with wind and snow, the thickness of snow reaches 40 centimeters, making it difficult to march… The conditions are very dangerous.

The only advantage is that the mountains are high and the roads are narrow, which is not conducive to large-scale armored combat, but is very beneficial to our army’s tactics.

For this reason.

In response to the Eagle Sauce military and political authorities’ misjudgment again, General Peng decided to take advantage of the Eagle Sauce army’s arrogant mentality and adopt the policy of”luring the enemy deep, defeating and annihilating the enemy one by one”, luring them to the areas familiar to the Volunteer Army in the first battle, and then suddenly launched a counterattack to annihilate the enemy and advance the front line to Pyongyang and Wonsan, so as to facilitate long-term combat; if the enemy does not advance, the Volunteer Army will fight out.

To achieve this goal, the 9th Corps was mobilized to take on the combat mission on the Eastern Front and change the situation on the Eastern Front.

The 38th, 39th, 40th, 42nd, 50th and 66th armies that entered North Korea earlier were responsible for the combat mission on the western front.

Each division maintained contact with the enemy, fought against the enemy step by step, and showed weakness to spoil the enemy and lure the enemy into deep.

At the same time, in consultation with the Chaoxian People’s Army, two battalions of the 42nd Army of the Volunteer Army and one regiment of the Chaoxian People’s Army were formed to form a guerrilla detachment to infiltrate the Mengshan, Yangde and Chengchuan areas behind the enemy, carry out guerrilla activities, cooperate with the battle operations of the frontal armies, and contact the Chaoxian People’s Army troops still behind the enemy.

On the US side, MacArthur mobilized almost all the troops on the peninsula to strengthen combat in order to realize the plan to end the war before Christmas.

At this time, the total strength of the first-line ground forces of the”United Nations Army” reached 13 divisions, 3 brigades and 1 regiment, totaling more than 220,000 people, and had more than 1,000 tanks, more than 10,000 guns of various types, and 1,200 air force and naval aircraft.

The equipment was very arrogant.

The 38th Army and the 39th Army received the order and hid in the mountains and jungles in the north of Chaoxian.

The 38th Army was located on the west side of Changjin Lake, and the 39th Army was located in the north and northeast of Changjin Lake.

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, two old comrades, met again.

“Lao Li, I never thought that we could fight side by side again… You better not let me down!”

“Do you know who attacked the 9th US Army? I did it!”Li Yunlong said proudly,”We, Li, are fighting against the elite!”

“You know what, Lao Li, in the Tokugawa Campaign, you blocked the US 9th Army three times. I guess the commander of the US 9th Army can only see your shadow when he closes his eyes when he goes to sleep at night!”

Li Yunlong:”You and Lao Kong are not bad either. You teamed up to kill the 5th Regiment of the US 1st Cavalry Division. You didn’t embarrass our brigade commander!”

“Hey, what’s a mere US cavalry division? Why bother talking about it?……”

“Look at how you act, you don’t even know your last name after eating a few peanuts…Hahaha!”

The two of them flattered each other.

“Hey, Lao Li, I didn’t know that we met that unlucky guy again today!”

“The best one is the US Eighth Army. Even if it comes, I will still beat them to death!”

“That’s right, it’s boring to fight against our own people, but it’s fun to fight against the foreigners!”

For Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, the civil war always felt a little lacking in flavor.

Li Yunlong:”It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a good time… This battle was so exciting. Old Ding, do you have enough firepower? Otherwise, I’ll transfer two machine guns to you.……”

“Lao Li, thank you for your kindness. Who uses heavy machine guns now? They all use 107 rocket launchers. This rocket launcher can take on a battalion… You should keep the heavy machine gun for yourself!”

Li Yunlong didn’t say anything. Then, the two sides began to make targeted coordinated deployments.

The two armies took the two regiments of the 1st Marine Division and the 31st Regimental Combat Team of the 7th Division as their main attack targets, and then besieged Hagaru-ri, and then launched a siege and interception on a passage from Hagaru-ri to Xingnan called the”Long Ai Road”.

Therefore, the two armies need to deploy a series of defenses on the passage.

Pre-buried bouncing mines, set up rocket launchers, Gatling heavy machine guns, and repaired bunkers, etc.

The soldiers lay motionless in the snow. The warm clothes and military coats could not hold up for long, and they could only rely on drinking warm water to maintain their body temperature.

“Damn it, are the American troops coming yet?” Li Yunlong lost his patience:”The intelligence can’t be wrong!”

Zhao Gang:”Old Li, don’t worry, the enemy must pass through here if they want to retreat south, otherwise, they will have to take a detour for three days.……”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Dabiao shouted,”Commander, here they come, the American troops are coming!!”

Everyone looked towards the road, and one American soldier after another came into view.

The eyes of the volunteers were full of light.

In their view, what was in front of them was not the American troops but”gold”.

The northwest wind rolled up the snowflakes, making it hard for people to open their eyes.

The 1st Marine Division and the 7th Infantry Division of the United States were marching along a mountain path. The entire team formed a column and extended for 50 kilometers.

Like a big snake.

Walking in the front were the infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles of the 1st Marine Division, followed by the US infantry. The 1st Marine Division, whose full name is the 1st Marine Division of the Eagle Sauce, is the oldest and largest active division-level unit in the US military.

In the early days of the Chaoxian War, the 1st Marine Division had a strength of 25,000 troops, but during the Battle of Changjin Lake, the number of troops deployed was about 15,000.

These 15,000 troops were the actual combat force of the 1st Marine Division in the Battle of Changjin Lake. The remaining nearly 10,000 troops were mainly non-combat units, which had little impact on the combat effectiveness of the 1st Marine Division.

This unit has three Marine regiments under its jurisdiction, namely the 1st Marine Regiment, the 5th Marine Regiment, the 7th Marine Regiment, the 11th Artillery Regiment and the 1st Tank Battalion.

The equipment of the 1st Marine Division is also very modern, including an unknown number of M-19 twin 40mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 12.7mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft machine guns, as well as 63 M-26 Pershing heavy tanks equipped by a tank battalion.

In addition, the artillery configuration of the 1st Marine Division is also very luxurious. The 11th Artillery Regiment has 4 battalions under its jurisdiction, of which 3 battalions are equipped with 18 105mm howitzers each, and another battalion is equipped with 18 155mm howitzers. Such an artillery configuration is very powerful.

At this time, what appeared in front of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei was the 1st Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, a tank company, and two artillery battalions.

In other words, the entire unit is equipped with 18 105mm howitzers and 18 155mm howitzers, 16 M26 Pershing tanks, 8 M-19 twin 40mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and 8 12.7mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft machine guns. This is almost the entire strength of the 1st Marine Division.

This does not include the equipment of the 7th Infantry Division of the United States.

“My goodness, the US military’s equipment is too luxurious!” Li Yunlong drooled:”An armored vehicle and a tank.……”

Zhao Gang joked,”Old Li, you don’t even care about howitzers now?”

“That thing is heavy and has insufficient firepower. It is not as powerful as our 107 rocket launcher. I don’t want it even if you give it to me!” Li Yunlong changed the subject and said,”But then again, when can we have our own armored forces!!”

“”Commander, the enemy has entered the ambush circle. Should we fight or not?” Zhang Dabiao asked.

Li Yunlong deployed:”Let the enemy’s armored vehicles and tanks go, and attack the enemy’s infantry. Zhang Dabiao, you lead the 113th Division to kill the enemy’s armored vehicles and tanks with all your strength.”

“The rest of you, fight the American infantry. Remember, don’t save your bullets for me… After the bombardment, charge forward… The battle must be over before dawn!”


At the command, earth-shaking military trumpets and shouts suddenly rang out from the mountains and forests. The 38th and 39th Armies launched a fierce attack on the U.S. Army. Sixty thousand volunteer soldiers stood up from the snow at lightning speed.

The U.S. Army encountered an unexpected attack without any preparation.

In a moment, the 7th Division of the U.S. Army and the 1st Marine Division were divided into five parts by the 9th Corps.

The entire”big snake” was targeted by the volunteers, and the head, middle, and tail were divided into five parts for attack.

107 rocket launchers, thousands of cannons fired at the same time… chirp chirp… boom… boom…

The 107mm rockets exploded, destroying everything in their path… mountains collapsed and the ground cracked… flames suddenly appeared… boom boom boom…

The huge shock waves were like sickles, harvesting the U.S. Army, and the latter had no power to fight back.

Da da da…

The Type 49 automatic rifle was like a tongue of fire, constantly pressing towards the U.S. soldiers.

“Fuck… it’s the damn volunteers again… call me………”

As expected of the 1st Marine Division, in the face of such powerful firepower, they quickly entered combat status and counterattacked on the spot. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The two sides started a fierce fight.

Moreover, the commander of the 1st Marine Regiment, Jack, did not forget to call for air support immediately. According to MacArthur’s instructions, no matter where the volunteers were encountered, air support should be called as soon as possible.

Da da da…

The 1st Marine Regiment fought desperately and counterattacked with all their strength.

Seeing this, Li Yunlong immediately ordered:”Shen Quan, where is your fucking Gatling? Fuck it for me!”[]

Shen Quan only then reacted:”Yes, Commander!”

“Quick, use all five heavy machine guns. We must not let the Americans counterattack.”


Da da da… Da da da…

The Vulcan Gatling gun continuously sprayed 6,000 bullets per minute.

At night, the barrel looked like it could spit fire.

It was very conspicuous.

Wherever it went, no American soldier could stand up… It crushed the American soldiers with overwhelming force.

The US military could not resist at all.

Mortar counterattack? It was directly killed by our sniper rifles!

Sniper counterattack? The powerful firepower could not even raise its head.

With the five Vulcan Gatling guns firing at full power, the whole situation quickly reversed.

The US military could not resist at all.

Ding Wei’s side.

The soldiers of the 39th Army were killing vigorously, but they were attracted by the super firepower of the Vulcan Gatling guns.

“.Look, what kind of machine gun is the 38th Army using?”

“Oh my goodness, this is so awesome!”

“Commander, look, the 38th Army has something good.……”

Good stuff?

Ding Wei looked up and drooled:”Oh my goodness, could this be the heavy machine gun that Lao Li just mentioned?”


Ding Wei wanted to slap himself twice:”Why would I not want this good stuff that was delivered to my doorstep! Oh… What a pity!!”

Da Da Da!

Bang Bang Bang…

Boom Boom… Boom Boom…

The battle was very intense


Zhang Dabiao’s side.

With the front and rear connections cut off, the US troops were unable to take care of the rear, and heavy weapons such as armored vehicles and tanks could not play their due role.

Zhang Dabiao commanded the soldiers of the 113th Division to start the battle

“Call me now.……”Zhang Dabiao ordered:”107 Rocket Artillery Regiment, bomb them!……”

Chirp chirp… whirr… boom boom boom… countless shells fell from the sky and hit the US armored convoy… boom boom… artillery fire covered!

In a moment, the convoy was completely enveloped in artillery fire.

18 105mm howitzers and 18 155mm howitzers turned into a pile of rotten iron in the blink of an eye.

The US soldiers were directly blown several meters away.

The ground was full of potholes.

However, 16 M26 Pershing tanks and 8 M-19 twin 40mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, as well as 8 (Zhao Hao) 12.7mm quadruple self-propelled anti-aircraft machine guns, did not suffer any obvious losses in the face of rocket attacks.

The shrapnel did not cause any damage to the 100mm thick M26 Pershing tanks.

“Damn it, commander, the Japanese tanks are too thick, we can’t blow them open!!”

“With anti-tank missiles……”

“No, the logistics supplies have not arrived yet!”

In the Tokugawa battle, Li Yunlong faced the armored vehicles and tanks of the US 9th Army. At first, the soldiers thought that the Type 50 individual anti-tank missiles were easy to use, so they all used them to bomb tanks.

Now, the battle line is too long, resulting in the supply of supplies to the 38th Army has not arrived yet.

“Damn it……”Zhang Dabiao asked:”What other weapons do we have?”

“Only the Type 50 individual soldier cloud-explosive bomb is left!”

“I haven’t used this thing yet, so I don’t know how powerful it is.……”

As they were talking, the U.S. M26 Pershing tanks launched an attack in a triangle.

Boom boom boom… Boom boom boom… Da da da… Da da da…

The 90mm caliber artillery and three machine guns were firing at full power.

The artillery could penetrate 147mm thick armor at a distance of 1,000 meters.

One shell after another flew into the trenches of the Volunteer Army.

Boom boom boom…

Many Volunteer Army soldiers fell down as a result.

“Damn it… Never mind!!”Zhang Dabiao threw his hat away, picked up the individual fuel-air explosive rocket launcher, and gently pulled the trigger.


The fuel-air explosive bomb flew out quickly.

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky.……

…… ps: Chapter 85 has been reviewed, and it will probably be in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can go back and take a look in the evening. In addition, please vote for flowers, monthly tickets, and free evaluation tickets. Thank you very much! In addition, 10 automatic subscriptions will be added


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