Rong Lijun was a little confused.

This... is indeed Boss Xiaojiang.

It’s indeed Jiang Youyou

"Is he the boyfriend you are talking about? Rong Lijun asked.

Rong Shuang frowned slightly:"Yes.""


The corner of Rong Lijun's mouth wanted to raise crazily.

And what about this good thing?!

It turns out that his daughter's unlucky boyfriend is Rong Shuang.

That lucky old gangster... is him!


In front of Rong Shuang, Rong Lijun didn't want to laugh.

It had been so many years. The more the father and daughter quarreled, the more awkward they became. If Rong Lijun didn't hold back in front of Rong Shuang and laughed, wouldn't the character of the majestic father collapse?!

Rong Lijun slapped the table:"That's outrageous!"

Rong Shuang's body tensed up, like a little she-cat with fried hair, ready to protect her cubs and husband.

As long as Rong Lijun dares to say bad things about Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, she will definitely talk to Rong Lijun today. The army had a big quarrel!

"How can you do this?"

"How hard is it for Boss Xiao Jiang that you ask him to travel for more than two hours to come here for a meal?!"

"Too much!

Rong Shuang said coldly:"Why should I... huh?""

Her expression changed from cold to confused.



Is she too nervous, so she is hallucinating?

The reason why Rong Lijun lost his temper was actually because she arranged the meeting place too far away ?


Jiang Feng smiled and said:"Mr. Rong, I didn't expect to meet on this occasion."

As soon as he spoke,

Rong Lijun couldn't hold himself any longer.


His son-in-law!

Jiang Feng!!

"I didn't expect that either. You don't have to be so polite. My name is Rong Lijun. If you don't mind, just call me uncle."

He actually wanted Jiang Feng to change his name to father on the spot!

Isn't Jiang Feng going to stop him?!

But don't wait until Jiang Feng comes to his senses and thinks his daughter is stupid and then regrets it.

"Hello, uncle"

"Hello Grandpa Rong!"

Hearing Jiang Youyou's greeting, Rong Lijun couldn't hold back the smile on his face:"Hello, Youyou."

"Didn't you go to the garden today?"

"Yes, my father is coming to see my mother today. I didn’t expect it to be you."

"Wait a minute! Rong

Shuang finally came to her senses and turned to look at Jiang Feng:"Honey, what's going on?""

"Have you met him? Jiang

Feng smiled and nodded:"Uncle came to our store for dinner twice. We also chatted and asked him what kind of son-in-law he would like.""

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes were a little dull. She was shocked!

Her husband had a good relationship with her father, but she didn't know!

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and asked,"The store is closed?"

"Well, let’s lock it up for a while first. By the way, this is something I brought for you. It’s not something valuable, it’s just a thought."

As he spoke,

Jiang Feng put the things on the table.

Rong Lijun glanced over and knew what Jiang Feng had brought.

To him, something worth more than 20,000 yuan was indeed not very valuable.

However, this was a gift from Jiang Feng!

This is good stuff!

Rong Lijun stopped pretending and said with a smile:"Very good, they are all good stuff. You have your heart.""

"What's in this box? Rong

Lijun saw the gift box and guessed that it was something made by Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng said,"This is Phoenix Tail Cake, a Chinese dessert. Would you like to try it?""

"Try it!"

Rong Shuang's beautiful face was filled with a dull expression.

It seemed like nothing happened to her? Did her husband start chatting with her father? She also opened gifts on the spot and ate the food given by Jiang Feng?

Rong Lijun was not This kind of person!

In Rong Shuang's impression, Rong Lijun is a quite decent person. Even if someone gives him something, he will always put it away. Wait until the meeting is over before opening the gift.

Why is it different when he comes to Jiang Feng?!

"Mom, are you okay?"

Jiang Feng was opening the gift box, and Jiang Youyou was as considerate as Jiang Feng, caring about her mother.

Only then did Rong Shuang come back to her senses, with a strange expression:"Mom is fine, just a little... surprised."

What happened in front of her was completely different from what she expected!

Rong Lijun's voice was serious:"What did I teach you? Stay calm and panic when something happens."

Jiang Feng opened the box and handed 6 phoenix tail cakes to Rong Lijun.

"The ones with sesame seeds sprinkled on top are walnut nuts, and the ones without sesame seeds are red bean paste. You can try it. Rong

Lijun immediately beamed:"Okay, it looks really nice. It's called Phoenix Tail Cake, right?""

Rong Shuang:?

What do you mean?

His attitude when talking to her is so bad, it's like scolding his subordinates.

When talking to Jiang Feng, I wish I could laugh up to my ears!"


"Good name, I'll give it a try."

Rong Lijun opened a pair of chopsticks, picked out a piece, and ate it.

The phoenix tail cake that had been left for more than two hours was still very crispy.

Because the fried noodle mesh was very thin, it became moist slowly.

The red bean paste filling It has become a little hard, but it has more texture.

Rong Lijun’s eyes lit up after eating one


"This is my first time eating this thing, I will eat it again."

Rong Lijun picked up another walnut nut.

The walnuts and nuts were dipped in sugar liquid. The first bite was sweet, nutty and fruity, and then burst out.


"Yoyo, do you want to eat one?"Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Youyou with a kind smile.

He had already wanted a grandson or granddaughter.

Although Jiang Youyou was not related to him by blood, he liked the sensible Youyou very much.

Moreover, the blood connection lies with Rong Li. From Jun's perspective, it was not a problem.

He received the certificate.

Jiang Feng had to call him dad.

Jiang Youyou was the same as his granddaughter!

There was no difference!

Jiang Youyou was a little hungry and swallowed his saliva, but still said:"This is for Grandpa Rong. Youyou won't eat it.""

"Just wait until dad gets back to do it."

Rong Lijun bent down, like an ordinary old man in his fifties, and said with a smile:"Isn't what's mine yours?"

"Come, have one. Are you hungry?"

Jiang Youyou raised her head and looked at Jiang Feng.

Dad, can you eat it?

She is very good. If Jiang Feng said not to let her eat, she would not eat anything.

Jiang Feng smiled:"Eat it, remember to thank Grandpa. , Dad can make it for Grandpa next time."

Rong Lijun felt so relieved after listening to Jiang Feng's words!

This son-in-law is so sensible!

What a good man!

Why are he with his daughter?

Rong Lijun felt a little ashamed.

Jiang Youyou stepped forward and asked Said:"Grandpa, can you give Youyou a bowl? Yoyo's hands are not clean."

She was groping around in the car, not wanting to get anything to eat.


Rong Lijun opened a bowl, put two phoenix tail cakes in it, and gave Youyou a chopstick.

"Sit down and eat."

Rong Lijun pulled out the chair next to him.

Jiang Youyou sat down and took a bite:"It's delicious. Thank you, Grandpa Rong.""

"You're welcome, just eat."Rong Lijun smiled even happier.

After speaking,

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng:"What do you want to eat? Just order anything on the menu"

"Rong Shuang told me that you have to pay the bill. But since it’s you, don’t be polite, I’ll buy it later.

Jiang Feng said seriously:"Uncle, although we know each other, I still have to pay for this first meal.""

"My mother specially told me that our whole family likes Rong Shuang very much and values ​​her very much. Rong

Lijun felt comfortable and said with a smile:"I understand what I mean. Didn't you already treat me to peanuts?""

"Just order it, it’s okay."

After that,

Rong Lijun looked at Rong Shuang and frowned slightly:"Sit down, don't stand stupidly. Rong

Shuang sat next to Jiang Feng and said coldly:"Since you know my husband, do you have any objections to us being together?""

Jiang Youyou looked at Jiang Feng with some confusion.

Dad, mom and her dad are so weird.

They all talk like this.

Jiang Feng pinched her nose and signaled her not to say more.

People get along with each other. There are many ways.

Jiang Feng did not want to express his opinion until he understood why Rong Shuang and Rong Lijun were so awkward.

It was Jiang Feng's courtesy to speak after understanding clearly.

Rong Lijun noticed the little actions of Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, and responded to Jiang Feng was even more satisfied!


But not smart!

What a good kid!

Rong Lijun even felt a little guilty for a moment.

Why did Jiang Feng end up with his daughter?

Feeling the change in Rong Lijun's eyes.

Rong Shuang's face turned even brighter. Weird, he said coldly:"No objection?

Rong Lijun nodded:"I have no objection."

Rong Shuang's expression softened a bit:"That's good, let's order."

Rong Lijun shook his head:"Let's speak clearly first.""

"What else to say?"Rong Shuang was a little nervous again.

Rong Lijun said:"You have to get married, right?

Jiang Feng nodded seriously:"Yes."

Rong Lijun said:"We have to talk about some details of this wedding.""

Rong Shuang frowned, a little dissatisfied.

When they first met, Rong Lijun wanted to put forward various conditions?

How inappropriate.

Jiang Feng was very calm. He held Rong Shuang's hand under the table with a smile on his face:"Uncle, you said"

"It’s time to get the certificate, so get it first. Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and automatically put on a smile,"We will choose another wedding day.""

Hurry up and get the certificate!

Push Jiang Feng to your home!

Don't let him run away!

Jiang Feng said apologetically:"I haven't bought a house yet."

"Can we wait another month? I bought a house and then got married. It took some time to get the loan approved."

Jiang Feng was very honest.

He really didn't have the money to buy the house in full.

He didn't feel there was any shame in it.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and said dissatisfied:"You still have to worry about money?"

"It just so happens that I have a small house in Runjin Guanlan. I will give it to you as a wedding gift."

"Just wait a moment, I'll arrange for a lawyer to go through the transfer process with you, and it will be in your name."

Rong Shuang was shocked.

Something was wrong with her dad!

There happened to be a house near Jiang Feng's store! She had made it clear that she had prepared it in advance.

She suddenly realized:"Is he the person you want me to see?"

Rong Lijun had some disgust in his eyes, but he didn't show it in front of Jiang Feng:"Just reacted? Rong

Shuang looked at Jiang Feng with a strange look on her pretty face:"Husband, when did you meet him?""

"It was many days ago, uncle was brought here by Uncle He."

He Guangyi!

When Jiang Feng mentioned this name, both Rong Lijun and Rong Shuang reacted.

He Guangyi made it clear that he brought Rong Lijun here on purpose!

"This Lao He knew clearly and didn't say anything."Rong Lijun was a little serious.

Jiang Feng smiled and persuaded:"Don't be angry, Uncle He probably found it interesting too."

"Isn't the result good? If Uncle He hadn't brought you here, our meeting today wouldn't have been so smooth."

Rong Lijun's mood immediately improved!

The more he looked at Jiang Feng, the more he liked him! What a good boy!

When he is with Jiang Feng, he is in a good mood!

He thinks about others and likes to think about the bright side of things.

"Right."Rong Lijun nodded and agreed,"I originally wanted you to cut off his food, but forget it."

"Okay, after the house transfer is completed, I'll go see your parents and say hello to them. After the meeting, you will almost receive the certificate."

"I will prepare another dowry."

The expression on Rong Shuang's pretty face softened a bit.

No matter how Rong Lijun treats her, if

Rong Lijun treats Jiang Feng well, she will be in a better mood.

Jiang Feng said seriously:"Uncle, we can meet at any time, today. Okay, my parents are at home"

"However, I really can’t ask for the house. If there is no gift, don’t prepare a dowry."

"By the way, I will also do a pre-marital property notarization with Rong Shuang. Your family shares belong to Rong Shuang and have nothing to do with me. Of course, the money I earn belongs to our family, and Rong Shuang has a share."

This is what Jiang Feng had thought about before he came.

Rong Shuang held Jiang Feng's hand with his backhand:"I won't do it."

"If he doesn't give me the shares, then he keeps them"

"If you give it to me, it will be our family's money, and both you and Youyou will have a share."

Although she thinks she can have the house, it would be better to get married early.

But she supported Jiang Feng's decision unconditionally.

If you don’t want it, don’t.

She and Youyou are gangsters, and her husband earns money.

Rong Lijun frowned, a little dissatisfied:"What you said?"

"I only have one daughter, all the money belongs to you, and you don’t want the house, so why should I keep it in my hands?"

"As for notarization, since she said it was not necessary, it was not necessary."

Rong Lijun sighed in his heart.

Jiang Feng is a good boy, but he is too strong.

Maybe it has something to do with his previous marriage.

The child thinks a lot and is sensitive.

Rong Lijun likes Jiang Feng and feels a little sorry for his son-in-law.

Rong Shuang There was a bit of surprise on the pretty face.


How much do you like Jiang Feng?!

Didn’t you say before that the family business must survive, and the purity of the decision-making level must be ensured, and it must not be left in the hands of outsiders?!

This is a direct request Did she give half of the family property to Jiang Feng?

The relationship between her husband and her father was beyond her expectation!

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment and said,"I can take over the house, but when I make enough money, you can let me pay the market price." give you the money"

"Don't be too busy refusing. Anyway, you said that the money will be ours from now on."

"If you give me the house, you have to collect the money."

If you take over the house and prepare to get married soon, you can have a lot of money in your hands. At least open three new stores.

This is also good.

Jiang Feng is not the kind of person who can't turn his head around. Others are really good to him, so he should He took what he received.

However, he still had to give money.

He wanted to ensure that he bought the place where his family lived. Only by being independent and not owing debts can he be free.

Rong Lijun thought for a moment and agreed. Come down:"That's okay too"

"good. Jiang Feng was happy,"Thank you, uncle.""

"What are you being polite about?"Rong Lijun said seriously,"You don't need to say thank you for anything I give you. If you don't mind, we are a family."

Rong Shuang rolled her eyes quietly.

Rong Lijun never told her that they are a family!

Now she has found the son-in-law that she likes! She must spoil her.

Complaints are complaints, but the corner of her mouth is full of complaints. With a smile, he looked at Jiang Youyou.

Both mother and daughter smiled even more happily.

Rong Lijun said:"Okay, let's order, don't waste any time.

Jiang Feng asked,"Do you want to eat my cooking?" If you want to eat, I will cook it for you."

Rong Lijun's heart suddenly moved! He

's so greedy!

He's been so greedy these days!


Rong Lijun said with some regret:"I guess I won't have time to go back to your store."

He has to go to the company at three o'clock in the afternoon.

After all, the company is relocating and there are many things that need to be dealt with.

Jiang Feng said:"You don't have to go back to the store, just borrow the kitchen in the store. Aren't you a VIP? It might work?

Rong Lijun's eyes lit up instantly:"Okay!""

"Walk! Go to the kitchen!"

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