Out of the private room.

The waiter rushed over:"Hello, Mr. Rong, do you need anything?"

"I'd like to use your kitchen to cook a meal, and I'll pay for the ingredients."

Rong Lijun's tone was calm, with a bit of majesty gained from being in a high position for a long time.

The waiter was a little nervous:"Huh? Could you please wait a moment? I'll have to discuss it with our executive chef."

The kitchen involves food safety, and it is too easy for problems to occur. Generally, outsiders are not allowed in easily.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng:"Wait a minute? Jiang Feng understood very well:"

Okay, there's no rush.""

The waiter was secretly surprised.

Rong Lijun has been eating here for many years. They, old employees, have dealt with Rong Lijun many times.

When did Rong Lijun ask other people's opinions when doing things?!

Surprised Yes!

Does the father-in-law dote on his son-in-law so much?!

Rong Lijun looked at the waiter:"As soon as possible"


The waiter didn't waste any time. He took out the walkie-talkie and communicated with the executive chef He Zhen.

"Chef He, Mr. Rong wants to use our chef and let his people cook a meal. Do you think that's okay?

He Zhen was a little surprised:"Ah?" Is there something wrong with what we made? The waiter said quickly:"No, Mr. Rong hasn't ordered yet. It's not that we have a problem, it's that he wants to use the kitchen.""

He Zhen was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to show it. He quickly said:"Okay."

"Now I ask them to clear out a piece of the kitchen for Mr. Rong’s people to use"

"What ingredients are needed? I'll get people ready now.

The waiter looked up at Rong Lijun:"Mr. Rong, what do you need?" Jiang

Feng also looked at Rong Lijun:"You can tell me what you want to eat. Sichuan, Cantonese and Hunan cuisine, Japanese and Korean food, all are fine.""

The waiter looked at Jiang Feng with a bit of surprise.

Is he an expert?

Rong Lijun swallowed his saliva after listening to Jiang Feng's words.

How to choose? It

's so hard to choose!

Everything my son-in-law makes is delicious!

Rong Lijun Said:"Make twice-cooked pork, fish-flavored shredded pork, and mapo tofu. If it's convenient, how about a steamed fish with soy sauce?""

"Is it too much? I can do whatever you want."

Rong Lijun actually doesn't want too many dishes. Just enough for the next meal.

After knowing that Jiang Feng is his son-in-law, Rong Lijun feels very sorry for Jiang Feng. He usually works alone in the store and is very tired.


I'm so greedy!

I keep talking about it!

I want to eat everything!

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Just these four dishes, they are all quite simple."

"Could you please tell the chef to soak 1 pound of northern tofu and fungus in salt water, prepare lettuce, black bean sauce and bean paste?"

"There are also two cuts of pork and tenderloin, both of which are better. It is best to buy them this morning."

"As for fish, do you have any better fish?

The waiter quickly said:"The wild yellow croaker was just delivered two hours ago. It weighs three pounds and one tael. It's very fresh.""

"OK, I can have one."

The waiter conveyed the ingredients Jiang Feng asked for to He Zhen.

Although this Xinsui restaurant is a Cantonese restaurant, it has a wide range of businesses, including Sichuan-style bean paste and tempeh.

He Zhen thought about it in his mind and felt that something He was able to gather it together and said:"Okay, I understand, get ready now."

After finishing speaking,

He Zhen turned off the intercom and said to the assistant next to him with some dissatisfaction:"The chefs in our store are all top-notch."

"Who can cook better than our chef?

The assistant persuaded,"Maybe it's because people want to experience the taste of home-cooked food.""

He Zhen's unhappiness gradually disappeared and he nodded:"If that's the case, it's understandable."

"Forget it, who makes people rich and well-connected? Hurry up and get them ready"

"For wasting time, our boss has to come over and apologize in person."

In the kitchen, several chefs responsible for hygiene and cutting, and a waiter led a family of four to the back kitchen.

The entire restaurant is very large.

It took more than seven minutes of walking before reaching the back kitchen.

A man wearing a white chef's uniform middle-aged man, already waiting at the door

"Hello, Mr. Rong, long time no see."

When He Zhen came to have a meal with Rong Lijun before, he always visited in person when the dishes were being served.

Rong Lijun nodded:"Are you ready?"

"It's ready. Come with me."

He Zhen led Rong Lijun and the others to two stoves.

The stoves are similar to those in Jiang Feng's store. They are both kick-controlled, have gas pressurization devices, and have strong firepower.

They are basically standard equipment.

Various ingredients have been put aside.

A yellow croaker was placed on ice and covered with a plastic sheet.

Jiang Youyou was very curious about the fish and poked it with his finger.

"Dad, it's slippery.

Jiang Feng squatted next to her and said with a smile,"Would you like a squeeze?""

He hopes Jiang Youyou can use more hands to feel things in this world.


Jiang Youyou didn't dare to pinch it just now.

With her father's support, she stretched out two cute fingers and pinched the fish's belly.

"Cool and a little soft. Her eyes were bright and she felt it was very fresh.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"This kind of fish is called yellow croaker. You can touch it, but dad didn't bring you the fish you have seen, so you can't touch it casually. Do you understand?""

"Youyou know~"


Jiang Feng held the fish in both hands and touched Jiang Youyou's forehead with his forehead.

Rong Lijun and Rong Shuang both smiled when they looked at the lovely Jiang Youyou.

Rong Shuang looked at her husband and daughter with eyes His love can no longer be hidden.

And Rong Lijun not only likes Jiang Feng and Youyou, he also likes Jiang Feng's education method.

Proper protection.

More personal experience.

The children taught in this way are courageous and not reckless.

Rong Lijun is really very satisfied with Jiang Feng!

He even feels that he does not need to step in to teach Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang's children. He can just let the children take over the company when the time comes.

Jiang Feng must be able to teach well.

How could it be possible? Such a good son-in-law?!

When they were sighing,

He Zhen asked:"Hello, what do you call me?"

"Jiang Feng"

"Mr. Jiang, is this fish okay?"

Jiang Feng opened the fish's gills, checked the fish's eyes, turned over the fish's body, and especially checked the fish's mouth.

"sure, no problem."

He Zhen's expression was a little more surprised.


Whether the yellow croaker is good or not depends on its appearance.

A layman may look at the color of the fish and think that the fish should be golden.

But in fact.

Fishing time , determines the color of the body of the yellow croaker.

The color will be lighter when caught during the day.

It will turn golden yellow at night.

Jiang Feng looked at these.

Where he looked, only an expert would look.

The fish eyes are clear and the fish body is complete. , the gills of the fish are bright red.

The mouth of the fish is more important.

Wild croakers usually have orange-red mouths because they eat different things.

He Zhen noticed the way Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and knew that Jiang Feng must be the favored one at home. The cub quickly blew a rainbow fart

"You are really discerning.

Jiang Feng smiled politely:"Do you have an apron, mask and hat?""


He Zhen quickly found the things.

Jiang Feng got dressed and checked the ingredients.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou also put on masks and hats tacitly.

This can prevent droplets and hair from falling into the dishes.

Rong Lijun also He dressed up accordingly.

Usually he doesn't like to follow other people's actions.

However, when he is with his son-in-law and granddaughter, Rong Lijun's awkwardness completely disappears!

When the family gets along together, he Don't be nervous as the chairman.

After checking the ingredients, Jiang Feng nodded.

"Your doubanjiang is good"

"That's good Douban aged for more than three years. You are really an expert."

"Is it convenient for me to watch you do it?"

He Zhen's contempt for Jiang Feng has completely disappeared.

He is also a little more curious about Jiang Feng's cooking skills.

But he has to ask before he can stay.

Among chefs, unless they are apprentices, they generally do not start over in front of their peers. Cooking a dish from end to end.

It’s easy to be stolen.

Jiang Feng didn’t mind at all:"Okay."


Jiang Feng began to prepare the ingredients.

Erdao Pork was put into the pot first, added with ingredients and started to cook. The yellow croaker was opened, the internal organs and gills were removed, the belly was cleaned, and then marinated.

The fish was pickled and seeded, and the lettuce and fungus were cut into chunks and watercress. Chop the sauce into fine pieces.

After this set of actions, the more He Zhen watched, the more serious he became.

Don't say anything else.

Jiang Feng's knife skills are so good! The fungus and lettuce are cut into shreds really well!

There is almost no error between each shred.!


Just this knife skill.

He Zhen thought about it in his mind and felt that even the best masters in their shop couldn't beat Jiang Feng.

"Can I get two more people to come over and check it out?"He Zhen's tone was already very respectful.

Not just the kind of respect that comes from blowing rainbow farts.

It's the kind of respect that is truly convincing.

Jiang Feng still didn't mind:"Okay."

He Zhen quickly called a few more masters over:"Come quickly,Experts come to show off their skills."

A total of five chefs rushed over, all in their forties or fifties.

They looked at Jiang Feng and frowned slightly. They didn't say anything yet.

He Zhen pointed to the cut shreds.

The five chefs took a look and were about to say The words were all swallowed.

At this time, the two-knife meat was cooked.

Jiang Feng took the meat out, passed it through cold water, and began to slice it.


The sound of the knife hitting the chopping board was dense.

The thin ones were like five-cent coins. The same pieces of meat were cut out quickly.

The five chefs' eyes widened and their scalps were numb. They turned half a circle and arrived on the other side of Jiang Feng.

After seeing Jiang Feng's movements clearly, they looked at each other and everyone was in the same mood. A question mark on my forehead.


Is this a knife skill that a person can do?!

To be honest.

Let them slice it, and they can cut it very thinly and evenly.

One of the masters often makes Lizhuang white meat.

The meat slices should be as thin as cloth, and they can be rolled directly on the chopsticks with a flick of the chopsticks. But there is absolutely no way they can cut it so fast like Jiang Feng!

And it is cut so evenly!

They even think Jiang Feng is a little bit tighter. Kung Fu, no need to use all your strength!

The master who makes Li Zhuang's white meat even feels that if Jiang Feng makes white meat, he can cut it very well and slice it so fast! It's beyond the standard!

This is not a skill they can learn!

The use of magic is prohibited in the kitchen!

Looking at the confused expressions on the faces of several chefs.

Rong Shuang, Rong Lijun, and Jiang Youyou, three generations stood together and smiled happily.

Seeing Jiang Feng being praised, they I felt very happy!

Very quickly.

Cut the meat slices and put them aside.

Jiang Feng looked at the tofu.

It had been 20 minutes and it was almost soaked.

Heat the oil in the pan.

Jiang Feng added the beef cubes and fried them until crispy.

Take out the tofu and start stir-frying. , pour in the broth, cook the tofu, sprinkle with beef cubes, chili powder and pepper powder.

Pour in hot oil.

The aroma is overflowing!

"Uncle, would you like to eat first?"

"I...I'll wait for you."

Rong Lijun was so greedy that he almost went to eat it. But he endured it and decided to wait for a while. After all, it was not appropriate for him to eat first.

Jiang Feng nodded, put the dishes aside, and burned two pots at the same time. , and started frying fish-flavored shredded pork and twice-cooked pork almost at the same time!

This way, you can eat faster.

His daughter and wife were almost starving.

The chef and He Zhen next to him were also stunned.

Is this okay?!

Fry two at the same time. In fact, pots are not common, and there are usually no chefs doing this.

If you really want to make the dishes perfect, the heat must be precise!

It is too difficult to fry two pots at the same time!

If you are not careful, you will miss the best heat.

However, they looked at Jiang Feng's movements, and the more they watched, the more dumbfounded they became!

Jiang Feng moved very quickly, and perfectly controlled the heat of the two dishes!

The two dishes were cooked one after the other. The twice- cooked pork was bright red in color, and the lamp nest was perfect..

The fish-flavored shredded pork is also bright in red oil, and the cookedness of the shredded lettuce is just right!

The chefs present are all experts.

When they make it, they may have various problems, but their vision is absolutely fine.

These two The dish is cooked perfectly! It

’s not even almost perfect!

It’s just really perfect, with no faults to be found!

Then, Jiang Feng started steaming the fish.

The fish was actually not very well marinated.

But the meat of the wild croaker was good. , can make up for some deficiencies in taste.

While steaming,

Jiang Feng made some soy sauce again.

The soy sauce in their restaurant tastes okay, but it is definitely not as good as Jiang Feng’s.

The faces of the several chefs became serious.

Jiang Feng The Sichuan cuisine they made was indeed amazing.

They were convinced.

But they were quite good at making Cantonese cuisine.

Jiang Feng actually looked down on the black bean sauce they prepared?

That was too much!

Very quickly.

Jiang Feng opened the steamer, took out the fish, and poured it on Black bean sauce, green onions and a few sections of red pepper, sprinkled with oil.

The aroma is filled with fragrance! It comes out of the pan so quickly?

Jiang Feng took out the fish a little earlier than several chefs expected.

Is it cooked?


They were quick. The reaction came!

Jiang Feng's heat was so powerful that Yu Wen could suffocate the flesh of the flesh?!

I was shocked!

This is too powerful!

Jiang Feng didn't say much. After he was done, he clapped his hands and said,"Trouble! Can you help carry it over?"

"OK. He

Zhen said quickly.

When Jiang Feng left,

He Zhen and the others gathered around the soy sauce made by Jiang Feng.

Try it?

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