Several chefs gathered together, took their chopsticks, and each dipped a little of Jiang Feng's soy sauce.

The moment of entrance.

They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"I'm not as good as him"

"I'm not as good as him either. This taste is so balanced. It's so good."

"It turns out that it can still be done like this. I feel that my teacher is not as good as him."

"Where did this person come from? Which master's apprentice are you?"

"Xu Renjie?"

"Shouldn't it? I have eaten the steamed fish cooked by Teacher Xu, but I feel that the taste is not as good as his preparation."

"Who else can be his teacher?"

Xu Renjie is the top boss in the Cantonese cuisine industry today.

The master of Xiao Zhang, the chef of Su Minrui's family, is a master of Sichuan cuisine. He is occasionally invited to do various important banquets.

Xu Renjie is even more powerful than him!


The young and handsome chef just made the soy sauce that tastes better than Master Xu!

What a god!

One of the chefs suddenly said:"No, I want to take a bite of the fish he made!"

He Zhen was shocked:"Are you crazy?" That's the dish Chairman Rong asked for. Can you go over and take a bite?"

"I want to go too! I must try it, what does it taste like!"

"Count me in!"

"Yes, this fish costs RMB 11,000. We will share it evenly and just have a bite!"

According to the rules.

After the store brings it to the table and takes one bite, the dish will be free of charge.

The chefs looked at each other, turned around and walked out.

He Zhenren was numb:"Wait a moment!"

"Is it about money?! Didn't you see who wanted the food?!"

"If you go in and grab the food, our store will be closed tomorrow!"

"That's Rong Lijun! Is your son-in-law? Can you be pampered?!"

He felt that these chefs were delusional.

Rong Lijun was just nice to his son-in-law and granddaughter!

Do you really think Rong Lijun was an easy person to get along with? If he went in to grab food, there would be big problems!


How many times ? The chef has already made up his mind:"I really can't settle down until I try this.""

"Yes, I'm very curious about how the fish he cooked was cooked."

"If his cooking skills are really good, if we go there now, the bone-in fish meat should be just cooked."

"No matter what, if it doesn't work after a while, I will tell someone my idea and let the boss fire me! I must try it!"

"You can fire me!"

With that said, they left the kitchen.

He Zhen quickly followed them and persuaded them,"I know you are good at craftsmanship, but your reputation for stealing food from guests is too bad."

"right? Let's restrain ourselves and discuss it later."

He Zhen didn't dare to put the trouble directly on these people.

Is Rong Lijun easy to fool?

They are really angry. They want their store to collapse. They don't even need a reason!

The Rong family has been working in the imperial capital for many years. It's not just about money!

However, as if they couldn't hear He Zhen's words at all, several chefs chased outside the private room and knocked on the door.

As soon as Jiang Feng and the others sat down, they heard a knock on the door.

"Who?"Rong Lijun originally wanted to express his dissatisfaction, but looking at Jiang Feng and Jiang Youyou, he suppressed it into a question.

Don't scare Xiao Youyou and his son-in-law.

The expression on Rong Shuangqiao's face became even weirder.


Her father She likes Jiang Feng more than she thought!

The door was pushed open.

Several chefs walked in, walked through the corridor, and walked to the table, staring at the steaming fish.

"Chairman Rong, I'm really sorry. We know we shouldn't bother you, but we are just too curious!"

"Can we have a taste of this fish?"

"We are all chefs, and Mr. Jiang’s skills are far beyond our imagination. We want to see the heat."

Rong Lijun felt inexplicably relieved.

I guess you know the stuff.


Rong Lijun looked at the fish on the table and felt very reluctant to give up. After finally returning to the imperial capital and eating the steamed fish that he had longed for, he still... How many bites do you want to share?

If he takes less than one bite, he feels like he has lost money today!

But he really wants to show off his son-in-law's craftsmanship!

He is not a person who likes to show off, but his son-in-law has nothing good to do , just like showing it off.

Just when he was struggling,

Jiang Feng said,"Guys, you can take a look at the heat first.""

"When uncle finishes eating, I can steam another one for you and let you try it, okay?"

It's not troublesome to steam the fish anyway.

These people took the risk and came here just to try Jiang Feng's cooking.

Not to mention anything else.

They are obsessed with the taste of the food.

Jiang Feng is willing to spend a few minutes. , steamed fish for them.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng, the more satisfied he became!


In Rong Lijun’s decades of business career, he understood a truth very well.

Generosity is a kind of power!

Within the scope of ability Helping people who are worthy of help will often give back to you when you don't expect it!

His son-in-law is really perfect!

Rong Shuangqiao looked at Jiang Feng with a smile on his face.

His family My husband is so kind.

Jiang Youyou blinked her bright eyes and looked at Jiang Feng.

She still didn't understand the principles that Rong Lijun knew, but she felt that her father did the right thing.

She was quietly learning from Jiang Feng's words and deeds..

The chefs looked at Jiang Feng and were stunned for a few seconds before saying gratefully:"Thank you!"

"What is your name?"

"Jiang Feng"

"Hey, there seems to be a store called Jiangji Baozi that is particularly good recently. The owner is named Jiang Feng."

Jiang Feng's shop is really popular now.

These chefs often go to prepare private banquets for rich people in the imperial capital, so they naturally heard about Jiang Feng's shop.

At first, they were a little unconvinced.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still a young man. , how good can it be?


Looking at Jiang Feng in front of them.

Their faces were full of surprise

"Are you the boss of Jiangji Baozi?"

"it's me"

"Okay, we know you. These are clean chopsticks. Let’s pick up a piece of fish body, okay?"

Jiang Feng looked at Rong Lijun.

Rong Lijun is an elder.

Of course you have to listen to him.

Rong Lijun felt relieved and nodded with a smile:"Okay, let's do it."

The oldest chef among them picked up a piece of fish meat with chopsticks.

The fish meat has turned white and is completely cooked, but it is not dead white. The closer to the fish bones, the tenderer the fish meat is. The closer to the bones, the more tender the fish meat is.

Apparently more familiar soon

"We are convinced"

"We all admire your magnanimity and craftsmanship."

"I didn’t expect that there is such a number one person in the imperial capital as you. We will change the promotion tomorrow."

Xinsui Restaurant has been saying before that their Cantonese cuisine is the best in the imperial capital.

There are several other good Cantonese restaurants, and they have tried each other's dishes.

But no one is convinced by the other.

They all say that they are number one.

Because it is true that the difference in level is not big.

But starting from today.

As long as Jiang Feng still opens a restaurant in the Imperial Capital, they will no longer use the title of the No. 1 Cantonese restaurant in the Imperial Capital to promote themselves.

The gap is too big!

The chef holding the fish is very careful I put the fish back

"Then we are waiting for you"


The chefs turned around and left.

Suddenly, the leading chef asked:"I heard that all you cook in your store is sea bass?"



With that said, the chef turned and left.

Jiang Youyou waited for them to leave, blinked her big eyes, and asked curiously:"Dad, why did they say they admire you again?"

"Because my father used to cook sea bass, this time he cooked yellow croaker, and the heat was different. Jiang

Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, that’s it. Dad is so awesome. Can Yoyo have a bite of fish?"

"Let grandpa eat first."Jiang Feng said,"Dad taught you that elders have to take care of their elders, right?"

"Yes, Grandpa Rong, you eat first."

Jiang Youyou swallowed, a little greedy, but still nodded obediently.

Rong Lijun laughed out loud:"Your father taught you very well, but from now on we will eat together, Youyou can eat first."


"Really, but you have to call me grandpa."

Jiang Youyou looked at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng nodded slightly.


"Be good, eat quickly."

Jiang Feng picked up a piece of meat for Jiang Youyou, and took the serving chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat for Rong Lijun.

Rong Shuang took the opportunity to pick out a good piece of fish for Jiang Feng and put it on Jiang Feng's plate.

Husband eats it best. Yes!

Whatever she puts in her father's belly will be a waste.

Jiang Feng smiled and picked out a piece of fish for her.

"Okay, let's eat."

All four of them had a taste of the fish.

The meat of the wild croaker is very fine, with a bit of texture and a lot of umami! It is indeed more delicious than the sea bass.

But the difference in taste is actually not worth the money. The main purpose of eating this fish is to eat it fresh and not to eat it often.

After Rong Lijun finished a bite of the fish, he felt better instantly!

This is the taste!

He has been craving for it for several days!

He has eaten it!

This craving is finally solved!

A fish weighed only three kilograms with bones, so it was eaten quickly.

Rong Lijun picked up the rice and stretched out his chopsticks to pick out the fish-flavored pork shreds.

Suddenly, he stopped his chopsticks.

Jiang Feng looked at him curiously:"What's wrong? ? Is there something wrong with the food?"

"No, I'll take a photo."


Rong Lijun took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the three dishes left on the table.

Rong Shuang had a ghostly expression on his face.

Rong Lijun had said more than once before that he didn't like to take pictures before eating. , but also the behavior of posting to Moments.

Now Rong Lijun is actually taking photos!

After taking the photos,

Rong Lijun posted the photos to Moments.

"My son-in-law’s cooking is really delicious."

After serving,

Rong Lijun said with satisfaction:"Okay, let's eat."


Rong Lijun picked up a chopstick of fish-flavored shredded pork and took a bite.

It's delicious!

Take two bites of the rice. The twice- cooked pork is also delicious!

It has just the right salty and spicy taste, coupled with the fragrance of garlic sprouts, plus a little bit of non-greasy taste The light sweetness!


Two more bites of rice!

Mapo tofu is still as delicious as ever!

The spiciness and salty taste are delicious!

The tofu is also processed very well, without any beany smell, and it is very soft and tender!

This A few more mouthfuls of rice?!

Rong Lijun’s usual food intake is only the size of a bowl of rice.

Today he ate two and a half bowls in a row!


Rong Lijun leaned on the chair and burped!

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang, they were all about the same. They were a little too strong and didn't want to move.

Jiang Feng poured a glass of water for all three of them.

"Drink slowly and rinse your mouth."

Jiang Feng said to Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou.

The mother and daughter nodded obediently and moved in unison, which was very cute.

Jiang Feng smiled.

Rong Shuang looked like a cold lady today, but she turned out to be cute.

I My wife is so pretty.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and said with emotion:"I've been on a business trip for a few days, and the food I'm craving the most is your cooking."

"Well done."

Jiang Feng said:"You are welcome to come at any time, just send me a message in advance."

"If you are busy, tell me a time and I will prepare it in advance. You can come and eat directly or have someone take it away."

"But it’s not good to take away, the taste will be worse, and the dishes will not be like the steamed buns."

Rong Lijun felt so comfortable after listening to Jiang Feng's words.

Jiang Feng was really considerate!

And Jiang Feng was willing to take care of the people around him.

Not like his silly daughter.

Rong Lijun thought of Rong Shuang and handed it to her A look of dissatisfaction.

Rong Shuang ignored him at all, gently scratching Jiang Youyou's face and playing with Youyou.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and showed an extremely kind smile:"Okay."


He feels sorry for his son-in-law, and is willing to share the family property with Jiang Feng.

He is determined to eat this meal! He has to move the company quickly!

Now he can eat the food cooked by Jiang Feng every day, and if he misses one meal, he will lose one.!

It would be too uncomfortable to not be able to eat because of the distance!

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng and asked,"Are you working too hard? Send two people over for you?"

"They are all very reliable and have been cooking with me for several years."

He wanted to send his chef over to help Jiang Feng, so that Jiang Feng could relax.

Feng smiled:"I'm not used to it. I'm more comfortable with the placement of various things."

Rong Lijun expressed his understanding:"If your skills are at your level, maybe you really don't like other people's help."

"In this way, you can always sell less when you are tired. I don’t have much money, so I can still support you and Youyou."

Rong Shuang slowly typed a question mark.

The outsider turned out to be herself.

But she didn't mind either.

Father and daughter have been at odds for many years.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Okay, I'm not tired now, so I'll just do it normally. Bar"

"Can."Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng with a look of genuine fondness.

He wanted to give it, and Jiang Feng accepted it calmly. This is the best!

They are all members of the same family, and it would be meaningless if they pushed him back and forth.

His son-in-law Sure enough!

It suits him!

"What are you doing this afternoon? Rong Lijun asked,"Do you have time to transfer the ownership of the house?""

Jiang Feng said:"I plan to take the two of them to play."

"After opening the store, I haven’t taken Youyou out for a long time. Rong Lijun nodded:"

Then the transfer will be later. Anyway, sooner or later it will be yours.""

"I'll have someone send you the keys later, and I'll send you some decoration drawings."

"You choose the style you like, and you don’t have to worry about the rest, I will arrange it for you.

Jiang Feng nodded:"Okay.""

"Then you take a rest and I'll steam the fish for them?"


Rong Lijun stood up with Jiang Feng.

Watching Jiang Feng cook, he found it really pleasing to the eye and very relieved.

The craftsmanship is as good as art!

Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang, one controlled by his father and the other controlled by his husband, naturally followed him..The four of them went out and saw the chef who was waiting. When they got to the back kitchen

"Do you have marinated fish?"

"have! Is erythema okay?"

"Okay, I'll just use your fish and show you how hot it is."

"no problem!"

Jiang Feng looked at the condition of the fish, put on the soy sauce, and put it into the steamer.

In less than 8 minutes, the fish was taken out.

Several chefs quickly came over and picked up a piece with chopsticks.

The fish was medium rare and close to the bone. The place was changing from transparent to white.

In their extremely admiring eyes, the bone-like fish meat next to it slowly turned white and was completely cooked.


They looked up at Jiang Feng, with incomparable eyes. Words of admiration!

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