"Do you still take on apprentices?"

The chef who took the lead asked

"It doesn't matter how much you want, just tell us a price and we want to learn.

Several other chefs also followed suit.

Jiang Feng shook his head and declined politely:"Your level is quite high. I don't have the energy to teach students now.""

He Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Several chefs had disappointed expressions on their faces.

Jiang Feng took off his apron, mask and hat and handed them to He Zhen:"It's nothing, we'll leave first."

"Okay, walk slowly, Mr. Jiang."

He Zhen casually took what Jiang Feng handed over.

In fact, as an executive chef at his level, he has not done things like taking clothes for others for many years.

But today, he is really convinced and very He willingly took over the apron worn by Jiang Feng.

He was even a little honored!

This is what a real master wears!

"Let's go."Rong Lijun took the lead and walked out of the kitchen.

The waiter followed them all the way and wanted to take them to the parking lot, but Rong Lijun refused.

The family of four walked out of the restaurant.

Rong Lijun spoke and asked,"You don't want to open it? A branch or something? Recruiting a few of them can expand the business."

Rong Lijun was a little confused just now.

Even if these chefs are not as good as Jiang Feng, they are at least top chefs.

It is no problem to support a small restaurant alone!

Jiang Feng let this opportunity go.

"I have opened a branch. Jiang Feng said frankly.

"oh? Rong Lijun was a little surprised,"When did it open?""

"It's been half a month"

"Why doesn't everyone know?

Jiang Feng said:"Because the new store is definitely not as good as mine, and I don't want customers from the old store to go to the new store for my reputation.""

Rong Lijun listened to Jiang Feng's words with more appreciation in his eyes.

Jiang Feng continued:"I plan to continue to expand new stores, with the same idea, as long as it is clean, hygienic, affordable, and tastes good."

"If chefs like them opened a branch for me, they would overkill their talents and use them sparingly. I would still have to pay each of them a salary of hundreds of thousands a month."

"You have to put the right people in the right positions so that they can stay for a long time, otherwise they will become dissatisfied sooner or later. Rong

Lijun was thoughtful. After a moment, he said with admiration:"Well said.""

"The right person, put in the right position"

"If you are overly capable and stay in a small position, problems will occur sooner or later."

Rong Lijun admired Jiang Feng before.

Now, he admires Jiang Feng a little!

He thinks clearly!

He sees clearly!

He thinks that inviting a few famous chefs to support the business is very beneficial to the business.


Jiang Feng Clearly, such a famous chef is not compatible with his business!

Don’t be blinded by fame and fortune, and have your own judgment!

This son- in-law is so good! Rong Lijun thought about it, and looked at Rong Shuang with a lot of joy in his eyes. A bit disgusted.

Compared with Jiang Feng, his daughter is like a fool.

Several people were chatting, and Jiang Feng arrived in front of his car.

"You can take them to play. I'll have someone give you the keys later."

"Let me take you to the car. Jiang Feng said.

The better Rong Lijun treats him, the more he respects Rong Lijun.

"Let's not talk about this. Rong Lijun patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder and said,"Just treat me as your dad. You're welcome."

Jiang Feng insisted:"I'd better send you there, it's not far."

Jiang Youyou said in a sweet voice:"Grandpa, let's walk together for a while."

Rong Lijun smiled very happily:"Okay, let's go.""

The four people walked out of Rong Lijun's car.

The driver got out and quickly opened the door.

Wang Zhe walked to Rong Lijun's side.

The moment he saw Jiang Feng,

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment:"Boss Xiao Jiang?"

"Hello."Jiang Feng said hello with a smile. He also had an impression of Wang Zhe.

"Is the eldest lady’s boyfriend yours?"Wang Zhe was shocked

"Yes, I never made it clear before"

"What a coincidence. Wang Zhe was a little excited,"Then...can I go to your restaurant to eat often?" Jiang

Feng nodded:"Of course, when I was cooking for uncle, I made yours too.""

"Thanks! Boss Xiaojiang, you are so kind!"Wang Zhe was extremely excited.

He got it!

He will also be able to earn a living in the future.

Rong Lijun said to Wang Zhe:"I will give the key to my son-in-law later."

"okay."Wang Zhe's tone of voiceBecome happy.

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Feng:"Okay, you go ahead. By the way, let's increase our prestige."

Jiang Feng and Rong Lijun added friends

"If you have anything, please tell me anytime. Rong Lijun was very serious,"We will be a family from now on.""

"good."Jiang Feng responded.

Rong Lijun got in the car.

Wang Zhe also got in the car and looked at Jiang Feng reluctantly.

"Boss Xiaojiang, let’s go first."


The driver started the car, turned around and drove away.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Rong Shuang, and opened his arms:"Wife. Rong

Shuangqiao's face turned red, and she threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms:"Husband!"!!"

"Can get married!"

She is so happy!

She even feels less disgusted with Rong Lijun!

"dad!"Jiang Youyou shouted from the side.

Jiang Feng also picked her up, and the family of three hugged each other.

Jiang Youyou giggled and was very happy.

"Come on, let's go play."Jiang Feng said.

At this time,

Rong Lijun was in the car and said to Wang Zhe:"Relocate the positions of Xu Jing, Liu Mingshu, Zhang Kaiwen, and Yu Mingzhi."


"Give them an exceptional promotion. They have been working at their posts for two years."

These four people, whose names can be remembered by Rong Lijun, are naturally outstanding.

However, in the company, if you want to be promoted, you need to go through seniority.

Rong Lijun also feels that they should be placed at the grassroots level.

However, after listening to Jiang Feng's words,

Rong Lijun changed his mind. Wang

Zhe was a little curious:"Didn't you say you should let them temper themselves at the bottom first? Rong

Lijun shook his head:"The training does not have to be at the bottom. They are very capable, and the position can provide them with too few challenges.""

"Putting the right people in the right place will last long."

After Wang Zhe heard this, he always felt that it was interesting. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that it made sense. It is true!

People who can do big things are placed in small positions. No matter how long they are honed, their abilities will also be improved. You can't improve much, you can only feel dissatisfied

"You are right. Wang Zhe looked impressed.

Rong Lijun smiled and said,"I didn't say that.""

"That is……"

"My son-in-law said so.

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment and said with emotion:"Boss Xiao Jiang is really awesome.""

"Of course, my son-in-law. Make arrangements now"


Wang Zhe sent a message to personnel and sent them the transfer orders for these four people.

"Within 24 hours, give the transfer order"


The HR department responded quickly.

Then the other party replied with another message:"By the way, I selected a few single girls and went to the store you mentioned."

"The boss is not open today."

Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then his scalp went numb!


I forgot about this!

He also arranged for a few girls in the company to meet Jiang Feng!

"Get them back quickly! Don't go!"


"We must not let them go! If you don’t want to die, just listen to me!"


If the eldest lady knew about this, he would arrange for someone to meet her husband.

He must not be sharked?!

Fortunately, Jiang Feng came out today and did not open a store!

After Wang Zhe dealt with this matter, he breathed a guilty sigh of relief.

I hope the eldest lady will never know about this.

And at this time.

The personnel department quickly issued a transfer order.

The four people named for promotion by Rong Lijun were all extremely surprised!

"I actually got promoted!"

"I was thinking about changing jobs... Oh, let's just do it."

Their reactions were reported to Wang Zhe by the Human Resources Department.

Wang Zhe said to Rong Lijun with some fear:"Two of the four of them are already considering changing jobs."

"We really didn't expect this. The wages we usually give them are not low."

The performance bonuses of these four people are very large, much higher than their current positions.

It is equivalent to paid growth experience.

Originally, Wang Zhe thought it was impossible for them to leave, and the treatment was not bad.

As a result, half of them had to change jobs!

Rong Lijun Said:"It’s normal to want to leave if you can’t use your abilities. Wang

Zhe admired Jiang Feng a little more:"Thanks to boss Xiao Jiang this time, he saved two important people in our company.""

After these four people have been trained, they can all stand alone and can even support half of the company!

Talent is the foundation of the company.

These half of the important talents were saved by Jiang Feng with just one word!

The corner of Rong Lijun's mouth rose crazily. :"This is the first time we met, the gift he gave me was a bit heavy."

"really. Wang Zhe agreed very much,"Our company can make a lot more money in twenty years if we keep two people."

Rong Lijun said:"Arrange the decoration as soon as possible, get it done as soon as possible, and get married as soon as possible.""

Quickly pull out the evidence!

Lock it up!

Wang Zhe, like Rong Lijun, is very motivated:"I will definitely handle it well!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"Boss Xiao Jiang and the eldest lady are married, so I can keep making money!"

Rong Lijun suddenly felt a little unhappy.

His son-in-law still had to cook for his secretary?

"You work overtime today"


Wang Zhe agreed without saying a word!

He has already been locked in the company!

As long as he has food cooked by Jiang Feng and doesn't have to queue up, he won't go to other companies to the death!

After Rong Lijun finished chatting with Wang Zhe, He looked at his phone.

The post he just posted on Moments already had a lot of likes and replies.

"It looks delicious, but it looks a bit familiar, like it was made by Boss Xiao Jiang"

"The life of a chairman is so exquisite!"

"I also like Sichuan food. Chairman, you really know how to eat it. You found the fish-flavored shredded pork with shredded lettuce."

These replies are almost all from the board members of his group.

There are also some out-of-town partners and friends.

Only his friends in the imperial capital have not liked a single one.

He is also a friend of Zhao Fuchuan.

However, no one expressed envy, but Rong Lijun was secretly happy!

In their circle, there were not many people who posted in their circle of friends. Once in a while, everyone would take a look. Most of them must have seen this circle of friends. But there is no response!

Just don’t like it!

When Zhao Fuchuan posted his son’s performance before,

Rong Lijun didn’t like it either. He was so angry that he pretended it was invisible!

Rong Lijun felt so happy!

This is not the end yet.

Rong Lijun Li Jun rummaged through his address book.

He wanted to find out where Zhao Fuchuan was!

Why don't you send a message to Zhao Fuchuan?

At this time,

Zhao Fuchuan was in a meeting.

He was a little distracted and his expression was not quite right.


His mobile phone Suddenly it rang.

The secretary handed him the phone.

It was a message from Rong Lijun.

He opened it and took a look.

Rong Lijun:"[Picture]"

Rong Lijun:"Look, our Jiang Feng cooks a lot of food." Okay, whenever you have time, I'll treat you to a meal.

Rong Lijun:"I can go to have dinner at any time now. We are also old friends. It's not impossible to take you there twice now and then."

Rong Lijun:"This braised pork is really delicious. Our Jiang Feng also knows how to cook Hunan cuisine. He hasn't cooked it yet, right?" Shall I take you to try it?"

This is the first time in more than ten years that

Rong Lijun has sent such a multi-word message to Zhao Fuchuan.

Zhao Fuchuan was very moved. He patted the table and greeted Rong Lijun cordially.

"It belongs to me! Rong Lijun, this old beast!"

Zhao Fuchuan couldn't stand it any longer.

It's so sour!

This old boy Rong Lijun really got caught!

From now on, eating the food cooked by boss Xiao Jiang will become eating the food cooked by Rong Lijun's son-in-law?!


He couldn't accept it!

The employees next to the conference table all looked at Zhao Fuchuan in shock.

What happened?

Zhao Fuchuan raised his head and explained:"It's okay. You can discuss the personal issues between Rong Lijun and me first." one time."

He can do a good job in the company, and he is also a thoughtful person. He is not superior, but specifically explains to the employees.

It is difficult for employees to work stably with a moody boss.

Zhao Fuchuan just didn't hold back.

Rong Lijun didn't care about posting on WeChat Moments, but sent him a message alone!

What a beast!

Is this all about personnel matters?!

He hasn't eaten yet at noon, and Rong Lijun even took photos for him! Let him see Jiang Feng Cooked!


Three seconds later,

Zhao Fuchuan picked up the phone, gritted his teeth and wrote back a message to Rong Lijun.

He originally typed a few words

"You old beast, eat your uncle!"

"Even if I starve to death, I will not eat the food cooked by your son-in-law! I'm a man of integrity, and I won't go there even to death!"


The words were typed in the chat box and were eventually deleted by Zhao Fuchuan.

He typed a few more words and sent them out:"Okay." walk slowly!

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