Between integrity and eating, Zhao Fuchuan chose to eat! no way!

The food made by Boss Xiaojiang is so delicious!

Rong Lijun looked at the message from Zhao Fuchuan and could hardly hold back the smile on his face.

He didn't reply and looked at his circle of friends again.

Tang Shun:"Bullshit!"

This post was posted on Moments less than five minutes after Rong Lijun posted it on Moments.

Tang Shun didn’t include any pictures or explain anything.

There are dozens of likes below.

They are all people Rong Lijun knows.

Zhao Fuchuan quietly liked it and quickly canceled it.

This is the first time Rong Lijun has been scolded and he feels a little happy.

"The speed of company relocation should be accelerated"


"Buy me another apartment nearby. Wang

Zhe was a little embarrassed:"I'll look for it as soon as possible, but there are more people buying houses near Boss Xiao Jiang now.""

"add some money"


Wang Zhe quickly arranged for people to find a house.

At this time,

Jiang Feng had already driven the Phantom, took Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, and set off to the shopping mall.

His car was parked outside the New Sui Pavilion.

When he went home later, He went to exchange the car and someone would take the Phantom back.


Get in the passenger seat.

Rong Shuang's beautiful eyes stared at Jiang Feng, with a smile that couldn't be hidden on her pretty face.

Although she still called her husband

, this husband was certified by her father! He will be able to prove it soon. That kind of thing!

Jiang Feng was also in a good mood:"Yeah."

Rong Shuang kissed Jiang Feng on the face.

"How did you feel after meeting my dad?"Rong Shuang lazily leaned on the seat and asked happily.

Jiang Feng felt warm in his heart:"I didn't expect him to be so kind to me."

Compared with Xu Xiuli's eccentricity and harsh treatment.

Rong Lijun was really kind to Jiang Feng.

Rong Shuang smiled sweetly:"Because you deserve him to treat you well. you are the best"

"And I will treat you better! Husband, I love you the most"

"Yoyo can too! Yoyo loves her dad so much!"Jiang Youyou, who was sitting in the back row, said loudly.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang both laughed.

Jiang Youyou was in the back seat, with excitement on her face:"Dad, when will you and mom get the certificates?"

Jiang Feng said:"When the house transfer is completed, our two registered permanent residences will be transferred here."

"Can we go see the house?!"Jiang Youyou is looking forward to it. She has her own house!

Although she followed her father and was kicked out by Xu Na, she didn't feel any uneasiness.

But how can a rented house be as good as her own house?!

Jiang Feng thought for a while and said:" Then after playing for a while, let’s go back and look at the house?

Rong Shuang also agreed:"Hurry up and go see it, hurry up and transfer the title!""

She doesn't want to live a day without a certificate!

Hurry up and get the certificate!"

"Great! Jiang Youyou cheered,"Dad, I'm so happy today, can Youyou have some ice cream later?""

While you're happy, it's not too much to let the little cutie mix an ice cream, right?

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang both laughed:"Okay, eat it."

"Dad is the best!

Rong Shuang asked:"Yuyou, what are we going to play later?""

"Well, want to go see a movie? Nuan Nuan said that there was a really good movie recently, and Youyou forgot what it was called.……"

Jiang Feng said:"It's okay. I'll go to the theater door later and pick one you like. Besides watching movies?"

"Dad, can I buy some clothes?"Jiang Youyou asked with a little tangle on her face.

She was a little reluctant to spend Jiang Feng's money.

All the money was earned by her father little by little.

She felt sorry for her father.

But she did like new clothes, so she still asked..

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"You can buy it, buy a few more, we will buy them all. Now we have no shortage of money to buy clothes."

"good!"Jiang Youyou shook her feet happily.

Jiang Feng was also in a good mood.

He was able to earn money and let the people he cared about spend it well. He was in a really good mood.

The three of them drove to the mall and parked the car in the underground parking lot.

A family of three After getting out of the car,

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and read the messages.

Rong Lijun:"Send me your current address and I'll send you the key."

Jiang Feng sent him the address:"Thank you, uncle.""

Rong Lijun was reading the meeting minutes.

Normally he would not send a message at this time. When

Jiang Feng's message was sent, he immediately replied:"As a family, we don't say such polite words."

Of course you have to treat your son-in-law with double standards. Isn't this normal?

Jiang Feng felt warm in his heart and replied:"Okay."

After replying to Rong Lijun's message,

Jiang Feng read the message from Song Jin.

Song Jin:"How's it going? Did the negotiation go smoothly?

Jiang Feng smiled and messaged her back:"It went very well.""

Song Jin was eating fruit on the sofa, and Jiang Jianye was sleeping next to him.

When she saw Jiang Feng's news, she replied in surprise:"Really?!

Jiang Feng:"Well, Rong Shuang's father is a regular customer of my store. I have talked with him before and we have a good relationship."

Song Jin was shocked:"Is there such a thing?"!

Jiang Feng:"I'm also surprised."

Song Jin gradually became excited:"That's good!" Have you talked about when to get married?

Jiang Feng:"He has prepared a house for us, waiting for the settlement to be completed."

Song Jin was stunned:"House?"!

Jiang Feng:"Well, Rong Shuang's father is very rich. I plan to accept it first and then slowly give him the money for the house."

Song Jin was a little excited:"This is not bad!" Can get married sooner."

She just thought that she shouldn't get the house. It

's too expensive.

But her son was really more thoughtful than she was.

It's good to pay and get the house first!

Song Jin said with emotion:"Your father-in-law is very good to you.."

She felt a lot more relieved.

Jiang Feng:"If you're not in a hurry, just go back tomorrow. Let's talk in detail when we go back in the evening. Song Jin:"


Jiang Feng:"Then I'll take them two for a walk first."

Song Jin:"Go and buy more things.""

After replying to the message,

Jiang Feng looked at the messages sent by Yu Qing and Zhao Zhigang again.

The business of the new store is still booming, and the number of customers is still rising.

Jiang Feng can earn more than 80,000 yuan even if he does nothing today.

Look. After finishing the video,

Jiang Feng put away his phone.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou had been waiting for him obediently.

Several people passing by cast envious glances.

"Is this woman a celebrity? No, she’s prettier than a celebrity"

"I'm so sore that such a beautiful goddess is so obediently waiting for him to play with his mobile phone?"

"It's a bit sweet. After getting married and having a baby, the relationship is still so good."

"My daughter is so cute too!

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Let's go, let's go see a movie first.""


Jiang Youyou reached out and took Jiang Feng's hand.

Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang each held one of Youyou's hands and took the elevator upstairs.

When they reached the top floor of the mall, Jiang Youyou chose a cartoon.

Watch the 94-minute movie Finished.

The three of them went downstairs, bought two ice cream balls for Jiang Youyou, and picked out clothes.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou picked out four parent-child outfits.

Jiang Feng also liked them very much.

He also bought a few pieces for Jiang Youyou. Song Jin and Jiang Jianye also picked out clothes suitable for kindergarten.

Jiang Youyou happily shopped and found a baseball cap with orange characters on a white background that she liked.

Jiang Feng bought three.

Buy them. After that,

Jiang Feng also picked out a suit, vest and two ties for Rong Lijun.

The things were not expensive.

However, when the family bought clothes, they naturally had to bring Rong Lijun with them. Whether the things are expensive or not is not important.

Buy well. Something.

It's already four o'clock in the afternoon

"go back? Shall we take a look at the house?"


Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou are both well-behaved. They are too lazy to use their brains.

They can just follow whatever Jiang Feng arranges.

Leave the mall.

Jiang Feng drives the two of them outside the New Sui Pavilion.

In the car,

Rong Shuang said :"Husband, do you like this car? Otherwise, don’t change it, right?"

She wanted to give this car to her husband.

Jiang Feng said with a smile:"Forget it, when our shop can make so much money, we can buy it ourselves."

Of course he also wants to be a rich man.

But he has to spend the money he earns to be practical.

He is not in a hurry.

It is better to be a rich man if he can earn more money. If he can't, forget about it.

Money is not a constraint for him. Rong

Shuang pouted:"Okay then."

Outside the New Sui Pavilion.

The three of them exchanged for Jiang Feng's car.

Someone ran over and took the car key:"Then I'll drive the car away, eldest lady."

"Go ahead."

After getting in the car,

Rong Shuang stretched out.

Jiang Youyou also half-slumped in the back seat.

From a car worth several million to a car worth hundreds of thousands, the two of them felt that there was no problem.

As long as Jiang Feng It's nice to be around~

Jiang Feng drove and started to rush home.

There was a traffic jam on the road.

Jiang Feng drove slowly.

The whole family was in the car.

There was nothing urgent to do, and it was very comfortable.

Rong Shuang kept looking at Looking at Jiang Feng's profile



"It's okay, I just wanted to call you"

"good."Jiang Feng laughed.

It wasn't until nearly 7 o'clock in the evening that the three of them arrived at the door of the house.

Someone was sitting in the corridor.

When he saw Jiang Feng, he ran over quickly:"Hello, is this Mr. Jiang? Jiang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"

It's me, hello." Why don't you knock on the door and go in?"

Waiting in the corridor?

" The other party quickly said:"No, I just arrived a few minutes ago, so I don't want to disturb you.""

"This is the key. The administrator password is 952788. Just go and change your password."

"This is for emergency use, you can just poke the door lock and put it away."

Jiang Feng took two access control cards and a long emergency key.

"Then I'll leave first"

"Wait, are you going to see your uncle? Jiang Feng asked

"Well, I'll go back to the company"

"Help me bring this to him."Jiang Feng handed the tie and vest to this man.


The other party picked up the things, insisted not to come in to drink water, and left directly.

Jiang Youyou pressed his fingerprints and opened the door.

Jiang Jianye and Song Jin both walked out of the house quickly:"Daughter-in-law!"

"Wow, you are so beautiful too! Is this really my daughter-in-law?"

Looking at Rong Shuang, who was wearing a light blue suit and Yu Jie's makeup, Song Jin was stunned!

Rong Shuang threw herself into Song Jin's arms:"Yes, unless Jiang Feng doesn't want me anymore, I will be your son. daughter in law.

Jiang Jianye walked up to Jiang Feng and patted Jiang Feng on the shoulder:"As long as everything goes well."

Jiang Feng smiled and said,"I bought clothes for you and my mother.""

"You guys take a look, and then we go look at the new house together?

Song Jin was a little excited:"Okay!""

Before she and Jiang Jianye were so frugal that they didn't eat meat for ten days and a half in order to buy another house for Jiang Feng.

Now they have it.

Song Jin feels much more at ease and wants to go and see it.

After looking at the clothes, the family of five He opened the door and drove out.

In 5 minutes, he arrived at the door of the new community.

After registering the license plate information, Jiang Feng parked the car in the parking lot. He went upstairs.

He opened the door and took a look.

A large flat floor fell into Jiang Feng's house. In his eyes!

The living room is huge!

Every place is huge!

Jiang Feng was shocked. He thought Rong Lijun would just buy an ordinary house at most.

But it turned out to be a large flat!

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