The two of them devoured the buns and looked at each other, both of them regretting it.

Buy less!

Just now they were thinking about how delicious it was just a steamed bun.

Just take a few bites and taste it. I have to catch a flight back later.

There will be much more delicious food when we go back, why do we eat this steamed bun?

Now I regret it. regretful!

Not enough at all!

"How many more are you going to buy?"

"Buy a hammer, how many people do you think"

"Can I buy it directly at the counter? After all, we are also Mr. Rong’s partners, very important ones."

"Are we important? See who that is? Su Minrui and Feng Simin are all waiting in line. Do you dare to jump in their queue?"

Both of them were silent.

They didn't dare.

One of them complained in a low voice:"The customers in this store are too scary. They are both wealthy businessmen and directors. I saw several big bosses."

"This was just a casual glance."

He just took a look and saw so many people who are usually hard to see.

And people are all lining up.

They really greedy, but they don't dare to jump in line.

"Otherwise, come back at noon?"Another person suggested

"ah? What about our flight in the morning?"

"Change your ticket"

"When will it be changed?"

"Just...change it to three days later."

This bun is so delicious!

The various flavors are perfectly blended!

The person who eats it is in a happy mood!

This feeling of all the seasonings being just right makes it really comfortable to eat!

Eat it for three days!

Another bitter taste He said with a face:"My wife won't let me go back late. If I go back a few days later, she will definitely think that I am looking for a sweetheart outside.""

"Stop showing off your affection. I know your wife cares about you. Let her come over and let her have a taste too."

"Hey, this is a solution!"

"I also asked my wife to come over. If she also likes the food cooked by Boss Xiaojiang, I would like to settle in Imperial City!"

They have completely forgotten how they evaluated Jiang Feng's cooking.

Now they just want to eat more! They even want to settle in the imperial capital!

The two of them quickly picked up their mobile phones and contacted their wives.

After getting their wives' consent, they They quickly changed their tickets and arranged for someone to buy air tickets for their wives. They put down their mobile phones.

The two of them looked at each other and said,"I heard that the claypot rice cooked by boss Xiao Jiang is also very delicious."

Both of them swallowed their saliva.

The steamed buns are already so tasty.

Can't the claypot rice take off?!

Although they haven't eaten the claypot rice made by Jiang Feng yet, they are already very greedy!

"Let's make an appointment with Rong Dong, during dinner time"

"Yes, it’s okay to give a little more profit! Eat claypot rice!"

The attitude of the two of them towards Rong Lijun has also completely changed.

The full name they used to call Rong Lijun has now been changed to Rong Dong.

There is no way!

Who let the person be the father-in-law of Xiao Jiang? Who is not allowed to do this? How much face?

One of them called the secretary and asked him to make an appointment with Rong Lijun. He put down the phone.

He sighed:"No wonder Rong Dong's business has been doing so well recently. With such a son-in-law, my business That’s good too!"

"Indeed, I am envious, or try poaching?"

"Forget it, is your daughter's appearance comparable to Rong Shuang?"

Rong Shuang is even more famous than Jiang Feng in the circle of wealthy businessmen in the south.

She is really good-looking, and her style of painting is different from others. Many people like her, and even more people have heard of her.

The two people sighed.


The difference in appearance was too big.

Soon, the secretary called them back:"Dr. Zhang, it's not working. I heard that there are too many people who want to have dinner with Rong Dong. We have to queue"

"How long is the queue?"

"It is said that it has been scheduled to July 28th, which is half a month away."

"That's okay... Anyway, make a reservation early and tell Mr. Rong that the price for business is easy to negotiate, but when eating, it's best to have some claypot rice."

"Well done Mr. Zhang."

The secretary on the other end of the phone was secretly surprised.

Their boss had previously dismissed Rong Lijun's invitation to have dinner and discuss business, so why did he make an appointment now?

Still so humble. Is the price negotiable?

But they didn't ask much, so they just asked I was able to make an appointment with Rong Lijun's secretary again.


All the things Jiang Feng prepared in the morning were sold out.

The last group of guests put away their bowls and chopsticks, sprayed alcohol on the tables and chairs, and chatted casually with Jiang Feng.

"Steamed buns are better, they are solid and comfortable to eat."

"I prefer lion heads. Boss Xiao Jiang, when can I make lion heads again? I still have to go to work. Yesterday, it was rare that I got the dishes you cooked."

"I also want to eat the lion's head, it's so delicious! I added that sauce to a bowl of rice and it was very filling! Jiang

Feng cleaned the kitchen utensils and chatted with the guests:"If you like to eat, just eat more.""

"Next Monday, but we will switch to other dishes next Monday. As for the lion's head, we have to wait a little longer."

Old customers have mixed feelings.

"Tsk, I want to eat lion heads and try new dishes. It’s hard to resist. It’s so hard to choose."

"Boss Xiaojiang, you are right. All the dishes are so delicious. It makes you feel uncomfortable if you can’t eat any of them."

"Forget it, let’s eat whatever Boss Xiaojiang does. Anyway, it’s delicious. I’ll leave first."

"That's right, Boss Xiaojiang, you can make your own arrangements. Let's just have a casual chat and come as convenient as you want.

Jiang Feng laughed:"Okay, don't worry, I promise it won't taste bad.""

The regular customers left one after another.

Jiang Feng cleaned up the kitchen and arrived at the door. The person in charge of the decoration whom he had met before quickly came over.

With a bit of flattery, he asked with a smile:"Boss Jiang, are you free now? ? Can I tell you about the decoration?"

"Okay, come into the store and say, are you in charge here too?"Jiang Feng took him into the house and got him a bottle of iced Coke.

Liu Changhe took the Coke given by Jiang Feng with both hands and said quickly:"Yes, it's close anyway, and the two of us have also said hello, so Dong Rong took it. I've arranged it"

"Thank you, Boss Jiang. Jiang

Feng smiled and said,"You're welcome, thank you for your hard work. I'll get you some food at noon." Liu

Changhe was a little surprised, but he quickly waved his hand and refused:"No, we can just find a place nearby to have something to eat.""

"There is a Wugu Youxiang nearby, which is quite affordable. I can just take them there to eat."

Jiang Feng didn't expect to hear Wu Gu Yuxiang's name from someone else's mouth. He thought it was quite interesting and asked,"How is that store?"

Liu Changhe said quickly:"It's not comparable to what you made, but it's clean and hygienic, and it's okay to eat."

Jiang Feng is quite satisfied.

What he wants to achieve is the same as what the guests have reported.

"Then I'll make some for you, steamed buns and porridge. It won't take much trouble to make more."Jiang Feng said,"That's it."

The home is a bit far away, and Jiang Feng doesn't have time to deliver meals to them.

But since he is working nearby, Jiang Feng plans to take care of a few meals.

Liu Changhe said with some embarrassment:"We have meal supplements.……"

Now Rong Lijun's real estate business has been cut off.

The workers who are still retained all performed very well at the beginning and are naturally paid well. They receive a meal subsidy of 15 yuan at noon every day.

Liu Changhe was indeed a little embarrassed.

Taking Rong Lijun's meal supplement and eating Jiang Feng's rice.

Everyone's things belong to the same family.

Jiang Feng said:"Save the meal for you to eat something good. You are all working next to me, so I can't ignore you."

Liu Changhe was a little moved, nodded and said:"Then I won't be polite to you."

"By the way, here are the decoration drawings. Do you have time to take a look?"

Jiang Feng took the drawing and looked at it.

The structure of the kitchen has basically remained unchanged. The store has been replaced with new soft furnishings, the walls have been re-scraped, and the partition between the kitchen and the lobby has also been redone.

The renderings look very good. Okay, the atmosphere in the store is clean.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied and said,"The kitchen door has a lock. I may not go there sometimes."

Usually, the door will be opened over there to let guests eat.

Jiang Feng is not there, so he still has to take care of the kitchen to prevent others from sneaking in.

Although he gets along well with the regular guests, he still has to take care of the kitchen. It’s not that he has no social experience, he has seen a lot of things being framed.

Take precautions when you need to. It’s better to prepare in advance for trouble that can be avoided with a lock.

Liu Changhe wrote it down carefully:"I understand, but I still need to What?"

"Two more cameras"

"OK, no problem"

"Not much else."

Jiang Feng thought about it and felt that there were no other problems.

Liu Changhe put away the iPad and said,"That's it. If you have any opinions, come to us at any time, or send a message, and I will come over at any time. Jiang

Feng nodded, took out a dozen bottles of drinks from the freezer, and put them into bags:"Give one to the workers. It's hot. Don't get heatstroke.""

"If you don't have enough water to drink, just come to my place to pick it up."

In such hot weather, even working in the store is quite difficult.

Liu Changhe insisted on giving money, but Jiang Feng took it away, but promised to give him money next time he bought something.

He took the drink and went next door

"Brothers, please take a break. Boss Jiang has brought some drinks. Come on, share some."

There are a total of 14 workers in the store.

In fact, this kind of modification work, which is not heavy, can usually be completed by 3 to 5 people.

But this is Jiang Feng's store, not to mention that this store is also related to the annual revenue of 500 million euros.

Rong Rong Lijun mobilized all the people who could be mobilized, trying to hurry up.

The workers were a little surprised and wiped the sweat from their heads:"Boss Jiang is a nice guy, are you giving it for free?"

"He is worthy of being the boss's son-in-law. Like the boss, he is very particular."

"Give me a Sprite, it's cool, it's so cool."

We worked until we were too hot, so we took a sip of cold drinks to feel comfortable.

Liu Chang drank a cigarette and exchanged words with the workers:"What's this? Boss Jiang takes care of our meals at noon and makes us steamed buns and porridge."

The workers’ eyes lit up!

"I heard that the food cooked by Boss Jiang is very delicious! How can we still eat for free?"

"Boss Jiang is really a good person and can handle it! No wonder Rong Dong likes him so much, he is so particular"

"When I went to the village to help in the early years, everyone was in charge of the food, but now that’s no longer the case. Tsk, I really miss it."

"Not so good? We take the meal subsidy and eat other people's food for free?"

The workers have different ideas.

Some are greedy for food, some lament that Jiang Feng has good character, and some are more particular and feel it is not good. It is not appropriate to take the boss's meal subsidy and have to eat for free.

It is not appropriate.

Liu Changhe He took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile:"I told Boss Jiang that he asked you to keep your meal allowance. He is in charge of the meal these days."

"Okay, Boss Jiang is a happy person. When people give us food, we just keep it. It’s just time to try Boss Jiang’s cooking. I’ve been greedy for a long time."

"Let’s just get the job done, isn’t that true?"

The workers were convinced

"Indeed, why are you thinking so much? Boss Jiang said that he wanted to invite you, so let’s eat"

"If you work harder, Boss Jiang will do this job well."

"That is required! People think highly of us, so we can’t let them down."

In their eyes, Jiang Feng is the chairman's son-in-law, and he is not the same type of person as them. He still takes care of their food and gives them drinks.

The workers felt warm, rested for a while, and started working quickly. Alive.

At this time,

Rong Lijun had just finished the company's morning meeting.

He was just about to take a drink of water.

Xu Mingqiang suddenly sent a message to Rong Lijun:"Director Rong, something went wrong.

Rong Lijun:" Say, what's wrong?""

Xu Mingqiang:"Last night, around 12 o'clock at night, the surveillance camera in front of the store captured a person. The person lingered for 5 minutes. It seemed that he wanted to smash the door of the store, but in the end he didn't do anything and left.

Xu Mingqiang:"She may not know that the surveillance camera at the entrance of our store has night vision, and we took a picture of her face."

Rong Lijun frowned slightly:"Is there anything wrong with this person?""

Even if the store was smashed, it was just a trivial matter.

What's more, this person just wanted to do it, and he didn't really smash it. It was a trivial matter among trivial matters, the kind that you don't need to worry about at all.

Logically speaking, Xu Mingqiang can handle it by himself. , but Xu Mingqiang came to ask him.

It was not the first day that Rong Lijun and Xu Mingqiang worked together. Xu Mingqiang knew the rules, but he still reported this matter to Rong Lijun.

That can only mean that there is something wrong with this person..Xu

Mingqiang replied instantly:"This person should be the mother of Boss Jiang's ex-wife. Store Manager Yu has met this person. Her name should be Xu Xiuli."

Xu Mingqiang:"And I just learned that they are the ones who sell the Xu Ji Baozi on this street, and the recipe was forced out of Boss Jiang.

Rong Lijun's mood suddenly became much worse:"Forced?""

Xu Mingqiang:"Yes, I asked lawyer Xu, who was also present at the time. Xu Na gave up the custody rights of Youyou, exchanged two kinds of steamed bun formulas from Jiang Feng, and then opened a shop.

Xu Mingqiang:"I would like to ask you, how to deal with this matter?""

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