Rong Lijun knew that Jiang Feng had an ex-wife, but he never minded or asked about her. He only knew that the other party had given up custody of Youyou, so there would be no trouble.

He asked:"How much do you know about Xu Xiuli and her daughter?"

Xu Mingqiang said with some anxiety:"I heard that they treated Boss Jiang very badly. It was because they looked down on Boss Jiang that they followed Jiang. The boss is divorced."

The old clerks all knew something about Jiang Feng's divorce. They heard about it from Yu Qing.

Xu Mingqiang told these things in detail.

Rong Lijun didn't speak, just listened, but his eyes were not kind, and he felt very sorry for his son-in-law.

Such a good son-in-law, is this how he is treated in their family?!

After Xu Mingqiang finished speaking, he said cautiously:"That's all I know."

"If you want to know more details, I'll ask now.

Rong Lijun's voice was calm, with no hint of emotion or anger:"No need.""

That's enough.

He knows what kind of life his son-in-law lived before.


From now on, he will treat his son-in-lawBe better and make up for the hardships Jiang Feng suffered before.

Although it wasn't that he was bad to Jiang Feng, he really treated Jiang Feng as his own son and didn't think too much about it.

When a child suffers, he, the parent, has the responsibility.

Rong Lijun pondered for a moment and asked a question that he cared about very much:"What happened next?"


Xu Mingqiang was stunned for a moment, and instantly realized what Rong Lijun wanted to ask.

He quickly said:"You know Boss Jiang's character. He won't get angry easily, but if he does get angry, he will go all the way."

"As far as I know, Boss Jiang’s life is getting better and better after the divorce. Xu Na once tried to remarry, but was rejected by Boss Jiang several times."

"The two of them have no private communication. I think the eldest lady knows this best."

Xu Mingqiang is a top migrant worker. He can guess his boss's thoughts very accurately.

After hearing this, Rong Lijun felt a little more relaxed.

Rong Lijun still likes Jiang Feng's character.

He won't swing around.

He must live a good life. , then we can live together, and it’s okay to suffer a little loss.

But once we agree to separate, we will never think about getting back together.

Very good.

Xu Mingqiang asked tentatively again:"Shall we just pretend that this matter didn't happen?"

It is true that the other party did not cause any damage.

Under normal circumstances, there is indeed nothing to pursue.

The other party did not really take action. Even if the prosecution is successful, the legal punishment will be very slight, and I am afraid that there will not even be detention. The most they can do is criticize and educate.

Of course.

Rong Lijun can do it through business means.

Xu Na's 50 million net worth, which she has always been proud of, is vulnerable to Rong Lijun.

If Rong Lijun really wants to deal with her, he can do whatever he wants He could squeeze her out of business.

Xu Mingqiang was actually asking whether he should use commercial means to deal with the other party.

Rong Lijun pondered.

It was not easy to handle.

The main reason was that as Jiang Feng's current father-in-law, he had to deal with Jiang Feng's ex-wife. , doesn’t seem very appropriate.

And Rong Lijun doesn’t know Jiang Youyou’s attitude.

If Rong Lijun deals with Xu Na, will Jiang Youyou be unhappy?

Rong Lijun thinks too much.

Think for a moment.

Rong Lijun He said to Xu Mingqiang:"You work first and do the things in your hands."

"I'm going to make a phone call."

Xu Mingqiang said quickly:"You are busy."

Rong Lijun called Rong Shuang.

Rong Shuang was about to put away his cell phone when he saw the call from Rong Lijun. He was a little surprised, but he still answered the call.


Rong Lijun said in a deep voice:"I have something to ask you, how to deal with it.""

Rong Shuang was a little surprised.

Her father would actually ask her opinion?

It's a bit rare.

The coldness in Rong Shuang's tone became less cold:"Ask.

Rong Lijun said:"Someone tried to smash our store door last night, and the person who did it was Jiang Feng's ex-mother-in-law.""

He simply explained the situation

"What should I do? Just leave it alone, or teach them a lesson? Or, let them leave Jiang Feng's sight?"

Rong Lijun was a little nervous, worried that someone would compete with him for his son-in-law.

Rong Shuang was a little confused and said,"Why are you asking me? Ask my husband.

Rong Lijun was a little surprised:"Can I ask him directly?" Rong

Shuang rolled her eyes:"Nonsense, what's not to ask?" He broke up with Xu Na very cleanly."

After a moment of silence,

Rong Lijun asked:"What about little Youyou?"

He was also worried that his granddaughter would have objections.

The corner of Rong Shuang's mouth curled up.

She suddenly felt that she was a bit similar to her father.

Once she found someone she cared about, she would not be so decisive and consider who else. There are too many.

Rong Shuang said:"I'll ask Youyou, but she probably doesn't have any objections."

She respected Jiang Youyou's opinion.

Just then, a child was carrying a bench and passing by the corridor. He was a child in Rong Shuang's class.

Rong Shuang said:"Zhuang Zhuang, go and call Youyou over for me. I have something to ask her."

"Got it, Teacher Rong!"

Zhuangzhuang threw the bench and ran directly towards the classroom!

Children are not allowed to run in the corridor usually.

But it is rare that they can help the teacher, so the children will run. They think it is fun and they also feel that they have super powers. Quickly.

Zhuangzhuang arrived in the classroom and found Jiang Youyou who was reading an illustration book:"Yuyou, Teacher Rong Shuang is looking for you.""

"ah? where?"

"In the office, why don't you go there?"

"Oh, okay, thank you."

Jiang Youyou thanked her with a sweet voice, straightened her skirt, trotted outside the office, and knocked on the door.

The teachers all knew about the mother-daughter relationship between Jiang Youyou and Rong Shuang, and usually allowed Jiang Youyou to enter at will. From the office.

But Jiang Youyou was still very polite and would knock as long as the door was closed.

Rong Shuang opened the door, took her cell phone, carried Jiang Youyou to the chair, and said,"Mom, I want to tell you something."

She told Youyou about Xu Xiuli's attempt to smash the store door, and also showed the video to Youyou.

Jiang Youyou's face was filled with anger and her eyes were red:"What are they doing!"

"He will bully his father! My father was bullied when he was at home. He worked every day and was left out in the cold."

"Now that Dad is doing better, they still come over to smash up Dad's shop. Why should they bully Dad!"

Jiang Youyou is angrier than Rong Shuang and Rong Lijun.

She is a five-and-a-half-year-old child who is not very willful and very obedient. There is a reason.

When she was at home, she watched Jiang Feng sacrifice for this family. Something like that.

She finally got divorced. She was still being robbed of her formula.

Xu Xiuli also wanted to smash Jiang Feng’s shop!

What a bully!

As she spoke, she shed a few tears in anger.

Rong Shuang touched Jiang Youyou He raised his head and said,"Grandpa heard about this and asked us what to do."

"He can make your mother and grandmother disappear around your father, but he is worried that you will be reluctant to let them go."

Jiang Youyou said quickly:"No! Mom, I only have you as my mother"

"It’s true that she gave birth to me, and Yoyo will give her money in the future, but she has given up her visitation rights. Yoyo only has you as her mother."

Jiang Youyou and Jiang Feng are biological children after all. The personalities of father and daughter are surprisingly consistent in some aspects.

Whoever treats them well will treat others better.

But if someone treats them badly, then they are definitely not the Virgin. , it should be broken off.

Even though Youyou is only five and a half years old, her personality is already exactly the same as Jiang Feng.

Rong Shuang smiled lightly.

Heredity is really interesting.

"Your expression just now is really similar to your father's.

Hearing that she looked like her father, Jiang Youyou laughed happily:"Right?" Yoyo is very similar to her father."

The daughter does look more like her father.

Jiang Youyou only has a mouth that looks a bit like Xu Na's, but in other places, she looks more like Jiang Feng, with a bit of Song Jin's shadow.

Rong Shuang stood up and said,"Wait a minute, mom will get it for you. A good thing."

The teacher's office in the garden has good benefits and a refrigerator.

Rong Shuang brought Jiang Youyou a small chocolate-flavored ice cream

"Mother! I love you!"

Half of the food in Jiang Youyou's stomach has been consumed, and she just has a little appetite.

Ice cream!

She hasn't eaten it for many days!

Rong Shuang said:"The two of us will each eat half. We can't let you eat too much, or you will eat too much. My stomach is full, and my father wants to hurt me."

Jiang Youyou giggled:"Dad can't do it. I crushed his hand, but he didn't hurt me and even cooked for Youyou."

When she was three and a half years old, Jiang Feng was taking a nap and she pushed her to his knees. He injured his ring finger, rubbed it, and swollen it for several days.

But Jiang Feng didn't say anything.

Rong Shuang shook his head:"What if you hurt mom? Jiang

Youyou suddenly felt a chill on her back:"No, dad will be cruel to Youyou.""

"Yes, if your mother makes you eat up your stomach, your father will also be cruel to your mother."

Although Jiang Feng has a good temper, he will be very angry when his family encounters trouble.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, and secretly shared an ice cream.

"Don't tell daddy"

"As long as he doesn't ask, I won't tell"

"Right."Jiang Youyou agreed.

Neither of them would lie to Jiang Feng.

If Jiang Feng asked, the two of them would definitely tell the truth.

But if Jiang Feng didn't ask, hehe, then the two of them would each mix half of the ice cream, Bai Bai Make money.

Jiang Youyou stared at Rong Shuang and said seriously:"Tell grandpa, I only have you as my mother.""

"Let grandpa take good care of dad and don't make him angry again. Although he won't say it, he will be in a bad mood when that person contacts him."

Jiang Feng no longer cares about Xu Na. When he was contacted, Jiang Feng only felt troublesome.

In fact, he never showed it.

But Jiang Youyou knew.

The female goose had an inexplicable sense of her father's emotions.

Rong Shuang touched her again. Touching Jiang Youyou's head:"I understand, I will let your grandpa solve it in an appropriate way."

Jiang Youyou returned to the classroom happily.

Rong Shuang called Rong Lijun and said,"Youyou has no objection. She asked me to tell you that she only has one mother and asked you to protect my husband."

Rong Lijun felt extremely at ease.


Granddaughter! Granddaughter!

His biggest worry is gone now.

"I understand, then I'll call Jiang Feng now. Rong Shuang:"

Well, then I'm going to work.""

Rong Lijun was silent for a moment, before Rong Shuang hung up the phone.Rong Shuang said,"Don't tire yourself too much."

Rong Shuang was stunned for a moment.

All these years.

This was the first time Rong Lijun said such words to her.

Rong Shuang's voice was calm:"Learned it from Jiang Feng?"

Rong Lijun admitted frankly:"Yes, is it inappropriate?"

Rong Shuang shook his head:"No, it's quite appropriate. Don't be too tired. In fact, The company will be fine if you don't do so much work."

For the first time, father and daughter expressed concern for each other.

Although his tone was somewhat imitating Jiang Feng.

Neither of them spoke, the corners of their mouths raised in tacit understanding.

But there was only so much they could say.

The two of them hung up the phone without chatting.

Rong Lijun called Jiang Feng and told him what happened yesterday.

"I can make them fail to do business and leave here, or I can give them a warning, or just ignore them. What do you think should be done?"

Rong Lijun didn't mean to test.

No matter what Jiang Feng said, he would not worry about it and would only deal with it in a way Jiang Feng thought was appropriate.

After hearing this, Jiang Feng sighed softly and said,"Take their business out of it.."

Originally, Jiang Feng was too lazy to take care of Xu Na.

But since the other party came to make trouble, he even tried to smash the store.

Jiang Feng also has a temper!

If it were not for Rong Lijun, Jiang Feng would also find a way to deal with Xu Na and the others.

With Jiang Feng With the current connections, it is too easy to cause some trouble for Xu Na and the others.

Jiang Feng directly told Rong Lijun his thoughts:"You can check their store first. Xu Na likes to use cheap prices when doing business." of raw materials and like to delay wages."

After signing a contract, wages are still in arrears. If employees pursue it, they will be in trouble.

Substandard raw materials are also a serious problem for the catering industry.

Rong Lijun smiled:"I understand.

Jiang Feng said:"By the way, we must not break the law. If we can't find it, don't use illegal methods."

Rong Lijun said:"No, just squeeze them out and spend some money.""

Whatever they want to do, let's build a better one next to them!

If the methods are worse, they can intercept the raw materials and brush off bad reviews.

There are many ways!

Jiang Feng said:"That's fine, as long as it's not illegal, it's not worth it. Get into trouble for them."

As long as Rong Lijun will not break the law, Jiang Feng will accept whatever the outcome is.

Hang up the phone. Rong Lijun immediately called Xu Mingqiang:"Go and make arrangements, say hello to the Market Administration Bureau, and report Xu Ji. There may be problems with the raw materials of the steamed buns, so let them conduct a random inspection."

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