Xu Mingqiang was very good at doing this kind of thing, so he quickly said:"I know, Mr. Rong."

After that.

Xu Mingqiang quickly contacted his classmates in the Municipal Management Bureau.

He was hired by Rong Lijun with a high salary not only because of his own abilities, but also because of his academic qualifications and his circle.

After the other party heard Xu Mingqiang's report, he knew what he was saying:"Okay, there happened to be a surprise inspection of food safety in the market recently. Please send me a few addresses of this store."

Xu Mingqiang:"No problem, thank you, Lao Yu."

The other party said with a smile:"Why are you so polite? It's nothing."

Xu Mingqiang said:"I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"Forget it, this isn't a big deal, it really should be checked. Xu

Mingqiang smiled:"That's okay. I originally wanted to find time to take you to eat Jiang Ji Baozi.""

"Wait a minute! Lao Yu was a little surprised,"Is the Jiang Ji Baozi you're talking about the one on Minwang Road?""

Recently, there have been many imitations of Jiang Feng's shop.

The names are also varied.

Some are named Jiang Ji, but they actually make beef noodles, and some make steamed buns, named Gongji, or Lao Jiang. Remember the steamed buns.

This kind of shop looks fake at first glance, and it is not illegal. Jiang Feng also knows it, so he doesn't care too much. It doesn't affect Jiang Feng's business anyway.

The taste is too different. If you mistakenly think that it is opened by Jiang Feng Customers of our shop probably won’t go after they go there once.

However, when regular customers make dinner appointments, they will still ask if it’s the Jiang Ji Baozi from Minwang Street.

Xu Mingqiang said:"Yes, it’s you. I’m thinking of that Jiang Ji Baozi, Boss Xiao Jiang, do you know? Lao Yu was a little excited:"

How could you not know?" Last time we went there for a spot check, we had a meal there and it was really delicious."

Jiang Feng's shop has also been randomly inspected. All procedures are complete, so there is no problem. The people who came to inspect even had a meal.

Since then, many people from the municipal management bureau have become Jiang Feng's diners. It's just that there are no problems.

It's really difficult to queue up.

The location of their bureau is a bit far away from Jiang Feng's store, and the surrounding houses are too expensive. They can't afford them, so they can only come here on weekends or during vacations.

Xu Mingqiang said with emotion :"Boss Xiao Jiang’s shop is really popular now, even you are his regular customers. Lao

Yu chuckled a few times and lit a cigarette:"This store is delicious, clean, cheap, and has a good atmosphere. Isn't it normal that we like it?""

"I was lucky enough to eat claypot rice last time, and the taste was really amazing! You can't describe the taste, but it's delicious anyway. If you eat other meals, it always feels a bit boring. Xu

Mingqiang agreed very much:"Indeed, the taste of boss Xiao Jiang's food is too harmonious. If you eat food made by others, you will feel that it is either salty or bland. Anyway, the taste is wrong." Lao Yu said quickly:"

Yes, yes, that's how it feels!" You said that when I was in school, I was such a lazy person, and so was my wife, but now we go out to eat twice a week, so that our stomachs can feel at ease."

Xu Mingqiang laughed:"Well, next time I treat you to a clay pot rice, you guys will check it out carefully this time.

Lao Yu responded:"That's okay!" This can be done!"

Lao Yu is not interested in other meals. Although his salary is not high, he still has enough food and drink these days. He is too lazy to attend the dinner party.

But the food cooked by Jiang Feng is different!

After agreeing,

Lao Yu Yu asked curiously:"How did you meet Boss Xiao Jiang? Can I still make an appointment for dinner directly?"

"Last time our director wanted to have a dinner alone, but he was scolded by the old director."

"Anyone who comes to eat at Boss Xiaojiang's meal must abide by the rules. Unless Boss Xiaojiang takes the initiative, no one can take the initiative to make an appointment for a meal in advance. Everyone has to queue up and cannot bring too much food."

When Lao Yu said this, he was quite gloating.

The current director was brought up by the old director. At first, the relationship between the two was teacher and student.

Even if the old director retires, scolding the new director is like scolding his grandson..

He was still very happy when the leader was scolded.

Xu Mingqiang said with a bit of showoff:"Boss Xiao Jiang is the son-in-law of our chairman. Now our relationship with Boss Xiao Jiang is unusual."

He didn't tell anyone about Jiang Feng's opening of Wugu Youxiang.

Before Jiang Feng wanted to take the initiative to talk about it, the fewer people knew about it, the better.

But there is no problem in telling Jiang Feng's relationship with Rong Shuang.

"Chairman Rong’s daughter?!"

Lao Yu was surprised.

He was not from the circle of wealthy businessmen. He knew that Jiang Feng's wife was super beautiful, as good-looking as a fairy, and he always thought she was a perfect match.

But this was the first time he heard that Jiang Feng's wife had such a background.!

Xu Mingqiang hummed:"Yes."

Lao Yu said with a bit of envy:"That's great. He's good-looking and has a great background. But boss Xiao Jiang is also a good man, so it's a good match."

"But boss Xiao Jiang is really good. He is a good person and can be dealt with.

Xu Mingqiang asked:"How do you say this?"

Lao Yu clicked his tongue and said,"If my wife was so rich, I would have retired!" Why are you so miserable? I heard that Chairman Rong seems to have a daughter, right?"

Although Lao Yu is not from the circle of wealthy businessmen, he is a staff member in the industry and commerce sector after all, and he has heard of some wealthy businessmen.

What's more, Rong Lijun has actually been in the news several times.

Although Rong Lijun pursues a low-key approach to making a fortune , the strategy of reducing the sense of presence is completely different from that of the bosses of major Internet companies.

But being too rich, it is inevitable that there will be several interviews that are not convenient to refuse.

Xu Mingqiang said:"Yes, just a daughter. Lao

Yu slapped his thigh:"Yes, doesn't this property belong to Boss Xiao Jiang and his wife from now on?" But boss Xiao Jiang still opens the store normally, it feels like it’s just for the customers."

"He hasn't raised the price yet. To be honest, if his price were doubled, the store would definitely still be full."

Speaking of this,

Lao Yu's tone became more admiring.

Xu Mingqiang smiled:"Okay, you can work first. Let's talk about Boss Xiao Jiang after we meet."

"If I keep talking like this, asking you to do things will become a fan exchange meeting."

Xu Mingqiang is also a fan of Jiang Feng.

Lao Yu is almost the same.

The two of them chatted about Jiang Feng, which was very topical. Let's talk about it next time.

Lao Yu laughed twice:"Okay, since you have this relationship with Boss Xiao Jiang, then We need to keep in touch in the future."

Xu Mingqiang laughed and scolded:"You are such a bad person. If you have something to eat, you will contact me more, and if you don't have something to eat, you will contact me less, right?"

Both of them laughed a few times.

Lao Yu said:"Ask the last question."


"Why did Xu Ji Baozi offend you?"Lao Yu was a little curious.

Rong Lijun's family has a big business, and I have never heard of him doing catering.

According to Xu Mingqiang, Xu Ji Baozi only has 11 stores in total, which must be quite a lot for ordinary people..

But compared with Rong Lijun, they are not on the same level.

How did they get into trouble with Runhua Group?

Xu Mingqiang lowered his voice a little:"The owner of this store is Boss Jiang's ex-wife. When they divorced, Boss Jiang was kicked out. It’s out, have you heard of it? Lao

Yu's voice was a little more serious:"I heard from other neighbors that it seems that boss Xiao Jiang moved out with his daughter without getting a penny?"

Xu Mingqiang:"Yes.""

Lao Yu put out his cigarette and sighed:"Okay, I know how to deal with this matter. I will look through it carefully, buddy. Okay, I'm going."

Originally, Lao Yu planned to check Xu Ji Baozi in the afternoon.

Every time he went out to randomly check the store's operating conditions, it was divided into sections.

However, since this is the case, Lao Yu planned to handle this matter as soon as possible.

He now It was the director of the office, who looked like the fourth or fifth leader in the bureau. He arranged for random inspections of the stores. It was easy and no problem. He hung up the phone.

Lao Yu immediately arranged a team of random inspection personnel to investigate several Xu Ji Baozi stores..At this time,

Xu Na had just gotten up and was chatting with an agent.

Her store was listed yesterday. After waking up this morning, she was asking the agent if anyone had asked about the price.


The real economy is not good now. Do, six or seven out of ten newly opened stores are losing money.

There are fewer and fewer people willing to open a store.

The transfer fee she wants is also high, and no one has asked.

The intermediary suggested that she lower the price and let With one hundred thousand yuan, it would be easier to rent out.

Xu Na refused decisively.

She calculated her loan situation a few days ago and found that the interest rate was really high.

Especially from the financial institutions she was looking for. The interest rate was said to be very low at first, but after careful calculation, she found that it was actually a bit high.

She was panicking now, so she thought that where she could avoid losing money, she must lose less.

After talking to the agent, she hurriedly took a look Looking at the situation in other stores, it's okay.

In other stores, the sales today are pretty stable.

However, in terms of takeout, the ratings of several of her stores have dropped to about 4.4 points.

Some people say that their ingredients are not fresh.

Xu Na didn't pay attention to these things.

She did compress the budget for purchasing raw materials, and the employees responsible for purchasing had to check that the ingredients were fresh.

As for what the ingredients looked like after they arrived, she didn't check carefully.

But she She felt that she had given the order, so there must be no problem.

She just felt that someone came here deliberately to cause trouble. There were too many negative reviews on this kind of platform. She just finished watching.

Xu Xiuli called Xu Na


"What's wrong?"

"The business of my store is getting worse and worse. Not many people came today. The business of Wugu Yuxiang is getting better and better. Those who kill a thousand cuts are really ruthless in robbing business.

There was a hint of hatred in Xu Xiuli's tone. Xu

Na had a headache:"Mom, don't go to that store. Go to our No. 7 store."

Xu Xiuli gritted her teeth and said,"I'm just going to leave like this?" Let this kid make money?"

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been so soft-hearted yesterday and smashed their store door to see how they were doing business. Xu

Na frowned and asked,"Did you really go there yesterday?" Xu

Xiuli snorted angrily:"I carried the brick over and had a look, but in the end I didn't smash it, so I let him go.""

Xu Na breathed a sigh of relief.

That should be nothing.

As long as it was not smashed, no one would be free to check last night's surveillance.

And even if they were checked, nothing would happen. What's wrong with carrying a brick around twice?

Is it illegal?

Xu Na advised:"Forget it, don't argue with him, let's make money first"

"From today on, if you keep an eye on a store and do a good job of hygiene and so on, I won’t believe it. We can’t win against him!"

Xu Na had a sense of superiority when she mentioned Jiang Feng.

Although she owed money and her business was at a loss for a time, and she almost couldn't even pay the interest.

But as long as she talked about what Jiang Feng could do, she felt that she could do it. It can definitely be done.

How could a family man who took care of her at home do better than her?

Xu Xiuli also became energetic:"That's right! We must have this spirit!"

"Okay, then if I go to Qidian, I don’t need to take care of this store? Xu

Na hummed and said,"Let them do whatever they want. This store will be sold out in a few days anyway.""

Xu Xiuli left quickly and headed to the Seventh Store.

Xu Na put down her phone and took off the mask on her face, feeling a little uncomfortable.

If she had known that she would stop doing catering, she wouldn't have broken off her relationship with Jiang Youyou. Maybe she would still be there. I can start with Jiang Youyou and get more benefits from Jiang Feng. These two formulas are not enough.

Do you want to think of another way?

Go to the kindergarten to find Rong Shuang and disgust her?

After all, Rong Shuang is with the child. Now that her father is together, Xu Na feels that if she adds a little fuel and jealousy, many people will misunderstand her.

Rong Shuang should be unable to do her job.

Moreover, the agreement between Jiang Feng and her is that she cannot see Jiang Youyou and Jiang Feng.

He didn't say that he couldn't see Rong Shuang.

When Xu Na was distracted, the phone suddenly rang.

The shopkeeper of the Sixth Store called her.

"Boss Xu, there is something wrong in the store. The city management came and checked our kitchen.

Xu Na frowned:"Then what?""

"They said that the sanitary conditions were not up to standard, the health certificates of two people had expired, raw and cooked meats were not stored separately, and the shelf life of the ingredients was not specified. They asked us to close the business for two days and make improvements in the kitchen. Xu

Na was instantly annoyed:"How do you do your job?"! He actually had it sealed?!"

The store manager hesitated, a little helpless:"There are too few people in the kitchen, and even less cleaning.……"

The staff in the store are already full just serving customers.

Xu Na had indeed told us that the hygiene situation should be done well, but after a day's work, everyone was exhausted.

The food in the store is average, the treatment is average, and there is no incentive.

Even the contract says that Xu Na can fire them, but they cannot leave at will.

In this case, some work can be saved in invisible areas such as the kitchen, so all of it can be saved.

Anyway, usually the guests can’t see it.

The sanitary conditions did not meet the regulations, but it did not upset the guests' stomachs.

Xu Na slammed the table and said angrily:"All of you, one month's salary will be deducted! Make rectifications quickly! Let me handle this matter!"

Although she has a bad temper, she has a brain.

The businessman is not the second uncle of her family. It is very serious to issue a rectification order.

They were all sealed, and she had no choice but to make rectifications quickly.

After Xu Na finished speaking, she planned to hang up the phone.

As a result, the store manager suddenly spoke and said angrily:"There are only eight people in the store, and they have to be responsible for the lobby, cooking, and good hygiene. They stay there for more than ten hours!"

"I told you to hire a few more people and do a good job of cleaning, but you refused. We are humans, not cows and horses!"

"Also deduct wages?! What a bully!"

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