Jiang Feng did not deny it, nor did he ignore Xu Na.

Jiang Feng thought it would be better to explain the matter clearly directly and tear his face apart, so as to avoid Xu's entanglement.

Xu Na was shocked:"It's really you?!"

She never expected that it was really Jiang Feng who was dealing with her!

When she saw the news about Jiang Feng, she was in a very bad mood.

Originally Jiang Feng's wife was hers.

In front of outsiders, Jiang Feng defended her.

When another little girl wanted to increase Jiang Feng's prestige, Jiang Feng refused because of her.

But now.

She divorced Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng's wife became someone else.

And the moment she saw the news, she actually didn't believe it.

How could Jiang Feng have the ability to let her store be investigated?

But think about it carefully.

Xu Na's mood is getting worse and worse.

Jiang Feng is really good!

Since she found Jiang Feng, it was because she felt that Jiang Feng could settle this matter.

Since people can settle this matter, if they want to cause her some trouble, isn't it easy? and.

Jiang Feng told the news that her store was inspected.

It was obvious that Jiang Feng had no feelings for her and could not pay attention to her affairs.

That Jiang Feng knew so much about her situation could only mean that someone told Jiang Feng about the situation in her store.

She knew that what Jiang Feng said was true.

After hesitating for a moment, she became furious, typed a long message, and sent it to Jiang Feng

"Is it fun to torment me? What's wrong with me? Why do you want to find someone to report me? Why didn't I realize before we were divorced that there was something wrong with you?"

"I've already complied with your wishes and cut off contact with my daughter, but you opened a store next to me. This doesn't even count, and you still want to report me. You're so disgusting!"

"If you do this, the agreement we signed before will be invalidated, and there is no way I can cut off my relationship with my daughter!"

Xu Na didn't dare to curse.

Before the divorce, she would occasionally curse Jiang Feng at home.

Fortunately for Jiang Feng, she really had no restraint when she scolded Jiang Youyou. She scolded her very fiercely and unpleasantly.

But now, she She didn't dare to scold Jiang Feng.

Although Xu Na was very angry, she really didn't dare to scold Jiang Feng. Now Jiang Feng was someone she couldn't afford to offend.

After she scolded Jiang Youyou, she would say that she couldn't control her emotions.

Jiang Feng Looking at her message, he sneered.

She was obviously under control, but Jiang Youyou felt that she could scold him casually, so she scolded her so harshly.

As for her daughter's visitation rights, Jiang Feng knew it well, and Xu Na actually didn't care..

If Xu Na really couldn't let go of Jiang Youyou, she wouldn't have broken off the relationship with her and come to exchange for the formula in Jiang Feng's hands.

She had a purpose in saying this. She wanted Jiang Feng to give in and help her settle this matter. However,


Feng underestimated her ambition.

Before Jiang Feng could reply,

Xu Na sent another message to Jiang Feng:"If I expose your behavior like this, you will be scolded in your store." Fall!"

"If you don’t want others to know about this matter, you should settle the matter you caused by yourself and compensate all the losses in my store. Moreover, you have to provide training to the chefs in my store and teach at least ten dishes. Give them the recipe."

Xu Na felt that she was taking advantage of her.

Why don't she hurry up and get more benefits?

In fact, she thought about asking Jiang Feng to divorce his current wife and remarry her.

Jiang Feng is the real money tree!

How much does it cost to be with Jiang Feng ? Can't earn it?

But she also knows that she is not as good-looking as Rong Shuang, nor has her personality as good as Rong Shuang. It is probably impossible for Jiang Feng to divorce. So she simply asks for the benefits!

Jiang Feng is not done settling things for her. Give her the formula!

As long as she asks for a few more formulas from Jiang Feng, she is confident that she can open her own store as popular as Wu Gu Youxiang!

Making money is like drinking water!

Jiang Feng replied:"Are you awake?

Xu Na replied instantly:"I didn't wake up?"! It's you who are sick! Why did you report me when you seemed fine?! What happened to me?! Jiang

Feng didn't tolerate her at all, and replied directly:"Your mother wanted to destroy my store, but she didn't do it in the end. Do you need me to send you the surveillance camera?""

"You are well aware of what you have done."

Xu Na was stunned for a moment, and the momentum that had just risen instantly withered.

Jiang Feng knew...

She thought Jiang Feng didn't know.

If this was the case, then her threat to Jiang Feng would be useless..

Even if she really made the matter a big deal,

Jiang Feng had too much room for maneuver.

Taking a step back, Jiang Feng’s reported operation was in compliance with regulations. Xu Xiuli held a brick in front of her store. He swayed and made several motions to smash, but failed in the end.

This scene is somewhat scary.

If it were to be shown, I guess not many people would say there is something wrong with Jiang Feng.

In the end, the one who gets scolded the most is Xu Xiuli.

But Xu Na has no choice.

The operating conditions of her store are average, and this rectification has been spread in several of her customer chat groups.

Although there is no relevant news on the Internet yet.

But it is inevitable that her business will deteriorate, and she knows it herself.

If she doesn't find a solution from Jiang Feng, she may really be unable to resist this time.

Think about her store being completely deducted, and all her wealth The loss made Xu Na's scalp numb.

She had just calculated the accounts yesterday.

If her store couldn't make money and could not transfer it out smoothly, she would not only lose all the money she spent to open the store.

The beauty shop she had mortgaged before was gone.

Moreover, the house she lived in now was gone.

She could only go back to her hometown in the county with Xu Xiuli and live in the dilapidated house she lived in when she was a child!

"That was her business, and she didn't break it in the end. I already scolded her. If you are not satisfied, I can ask her to apologize to you, but the situation in my store is really not good right now."

"After being rectified again, my store will almost no longer be able to open. Please help me. We are still a couple after all. You can't see me losing money to death, right?"

"You are so powerful now that you can help me solve my troubles with just a casual word. With a little leakage between your fingers, I can solve my current troubles. Considering that I am Youyou’s mother, okay?"

Although Xu Na didn't want to admit it, she still lowered her head. She had already found all the people she could ask for in the morning.

People knew her current situation, and no one was willing to help.

When she went on a blind date before, she even hooked up with two people. It was a man, but as soon as he heard that she wanted to borrow some money to turn around the business, he ignored her.

So she had no choice but to speak softly to Jiang Feng for the first time and put herself at ease.

Jiang Feng was not soft-hearted.

He replied:"When you called Jiang Youyou unlucky and a broom star who would only cause trouble in the family, called her a money-losing thing, and called her a loser, did you ever think that you were her mother?"

Jiang Youyou was scolded with these words when she was two or three years old.

There are some others that Jiang Feng did not write down, but Xu Na should know them in her heart and remember them all.

Jiang Feng still remembers the way Jiang Youyou shed tears in pain.

He She and Xu Na had quarreled twice over this matter, but Xu Na said nonchalantly, what does a three- or four-year-old kid know? Her life is so stressful, what's wrong with a few curse words? In the end,

Jiang Feng was firm and said She talked several times, and after she felt impatient, she restrained herself and stopped scolding.

Jiang Feng had no extra sympathy for Xu Na.

But Xu Na's face gradually turned pale when she saw Jiang Feng's news.

She did not reflect on it. Her own problem, just by looking at the message Jiang Feng sent, she could feel Jiang Feng's anger.

She was afraid

"In this case, you can smooth things over for me and I'll remove the stores near you. I don't want the recipe anymore. Let's keep it to ourselves from now on, okay?"

Xu Na took a step back.

What she needs most urgently now is to unblock the store.

As for the recipe, she plans to buy it online, copy it in other stores, and let her chefs imitate it in other stores..

She can always find a few delicious recipes.

Anyway, she has the store in hand, and she still has some room for turnover. As long as she unblocks the store and doesn’t put the video of her store being inspected online.

She still has Opportunity.

Jiang Feng coldly refused:"Just follow the regular procedures. I reported you, but as long as you make corrections, the store can open normally."

In the final analysis, Jiang Feng's store was also inspected and the same standards were used as Xu Na's, but there was nothing wrong with Jiang Feng's store.

Xu Na's store was rectified because she didn't do it well.

Jiang Feng didn't use his connections and treated her specially. Strict.

Xu Na was completely anxious and sent a message to Jiang Feng:"If you really want to ignore it, I will go to that bitch Rong Shuang's garden and tell the parents that she seduced my husband!"

"Let's see if she can get through it! Jiang

Feng's eyes became colder:"You can try it and bear the consequences yourself.""

After replying to the message,

Jiang Feng blocked her number directly.

There was nothing more to talk about.

After thinking for a moment, he called Xu Liren:"Brother Xu, do you have anyone available over there? I have something that I want you to send a few people to keep an eye on for me."

If Xu Na really wants to cause trouble, Jiang Feng doesn't need to take action. Rong Shuang can take care of Xu Na by himself.

However, this kind of thing that will cause harm to Rong Shuang, try not to happen.

Jiang Feng told Xu Liren the situation and planned to pay For wages, arrange for two lawyers to keep an eye on the gate of Dianyuan. If you see Xu Na, persuade her to leave directly or call the police.

Xu Liren said:"Okay, no problem. In this case, I will arrange for four people to go there and take them all." A copy of the agreement"

"As long as she appears near the park, she has violated our original agreement. We can call the police directly and have her taken away first."

Xu Liren has handled a lot of divorce cases and is very experienced in this kind of thing. The original agreement was very good and almost prevented Xu Na from appearing near Jiang Youyou in various ways.

As long as Xu Na appears in something related to the kindergarten Any place, including near kindergarten, and in parents' chat groups, will be regarded as a breach of contract.

It would be easier to deal with Xu Na and make her pay for her death.

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said,"I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Xu. In such a hot weather, I can spend more money to reimburse them for gas and let them stay nearby and turn on the air conditioner."

The gas price is a bit high now. It is estimated that if the car is parked where it is, it will cost a lot of gas money for a whole day.

Jiang Feng is also very considerate.

He wants to give the person who comes to help him a good experience as much as possible. A little bit.

Xu Liren said with a smile:"No, you can just pay the normal consulting fee, which is quite a lot. They can make enough."

Now that Xu Liren is dealing with Jiang Feng, he has gradually understood Jiang Feng's character.

Jiang Feng must give the money that should be given, otherwise Jiang Feng will feel uncomfortable all over.

So Xu Liren did not refuse Jiang Feng's offer of money, but just give it normally. Xu Liren would give a preferential price.

This made Jiang Feng feel at ease. Xu Liren came to Jiang Feng to eat and drink without any burden.

Jiang Feng finally agreed.


The lawyer arranged by Xu Liren set out from the law firm. , went directly to the entrance of the kindergarten.

A total of four people stared at the entrance of the kindergarten in batches. One group stared at noon and morning, and the other group stared at the afternoon.

Jiang Feng told them that they would have to watch for at least a week.

It took a total of 14,000 yuan.

Jiang Feng paid the full amount directly.

After arranging this matter, Jiang Feng felt a little more at ease.

He finished the meal, took a brief rest, and sent a screenshot of the message Xu Na sent her to Rong Shuang

"Wife, I will report the situation to you promptly."

I still have to coax my little jealous person. I told her the message from Xu Na in time and nothing happened.

Jiang Feng has always felt that it is best to communicate many things in time.

After sending the message,

Jiang Feng went out to buy something for the evening. The raw materials to be used.

Xu Na, after reading Jiang Feng’s news, was angryHe put his phone on the table and broke the screen.

She rarely loses her temper like this.

Because usually when she was angry, she would vent her anger by scolding Jiang Youyou and then letting Jiang Feng calm her down.

And when she had no choice before, Jiang Feng would give her ideas and tell her what to do. If she felt bad, Jiang Feng would think of other ways.

But now.

Jiang Feng became her enemy and the one who dealt with her.

She suddenly realized that she could do nothing but sulk.

As for going to Rong Shuang's door to cause trouble, she really didn't dare.

She also saw how the agreement was written and she didn't want to lose money.

And Jiang Feng is really powerful now.

If Jiang Feng really gets angry, she might be in even more trouble.


Before she could figure it out.

Xu Xiuli suddenly sent her a message saying that a video had appeared online.

The situation in their store was exposed by the city management!

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