Jiang Feng smiled and said,"It smells good, but you might not like the fish soup too much."

Jiang Youyou asked doubtfully,"Why?"

"It will taste a little fishy when you drink it. Jiang Feng said,"Their seasonings are different from ours.""

The soup made from sea crabs does taste very fresh, and it tastes very fresh.

But the fishy smell is not completely removed.

Jiang Feng knows Jiang Youyou's taste very well. She eats a lot of fish and also likes to drink fish. Although the soup has a slightly fishy smell, she doesn't like it.

So until now, she almost never eats catfish, unless it is the kind that has been grilled over charcoal fire to remove the fishy smell.

Jiang Youyou was still a little greedy and said:"Just try a little bit, okay, dad, please."

She absolutely trusts what her father says.

This soup, if her father says it doesn't taste good, must not taste very good.

But it smells so delicious!

Jiang Feng didn't stop him and held Jiang Youyou in his arms. , arrived in front of the soup bucket.

Opened the bucket.

A burst of white gas gushes out!

The delicious flavor is overflowing!

Not to mention Jiang Youyou, even Rong Lijun and Jiang Jianye swallowed their saliva.

Rong Shuang also had some feelings about this pot of soup. Interested, he held Jiang Feng's arm and smelled the smell carefully.

It was indeed very fragrant.

The soup made by my husband was just a little more fragrant than others!

Song Jin was a little curious and asked:"Why is the soup you made white? And it smells so good? Jiang

Feng said with a smile:"It needs to be fried in oil. As long as it is fried, it will definitely turn into white soup.""

When making soup, you have to boil out the fat and part of the denatured protein to turn the soup into white.

Protein is very stable in its normal state, so no matter how long the chicken soup is simmered, it will still be a clear soup.

There are almost no nutrients in the chicken soup. They are all salt, fat and purine.

But it is different after frying. Part of the denatured protein can be boiled out.

Some people teach you how to make soup, saying that you need to use boiling water to make the soup white.

In fact, you don’t need to.

Whether the soup is white or not has nothing to do with the temperature of the water. When the protein is denatured, it is denatured. The advantage of adding boiling water is that the soup will cook faster. If you boil cold water for a while

, it can also turn white.

Therefore, use fish meat as the soup. When the soup base is cooked, whether it tastes good or not depends largely on the heat used to fry the fish. If the fish is fried well, the soup will be whiter.

Jiang Feng controls the heat very well and tries his best to cook as much as possible into the soup. Everything was boiled in.

In addition, after the fire was boiled, Jiang Feng crushed the sea crabs and the fish that had been made into the soup into pieces.

The taste was naturally very fragrant.

Jiang Youyou watched and found out Bai's soup made her greedy more and more.

But she didn't urge Jiang Feng, she just complained:"It's hot."

Dad will definitely give her something to drink. She is not in a hurry.

"The air conditioner has just been turned on, wait a moment."

Jiang Feng didn't turn on the air conditioner before he came over. He turned it on when he came over. The air conditioner hasn't come over yet.

"good."Jiang Youyou stared at the soup pot obediently and took a sip of saliva.

Several adults were amused by her.

Although everyone was equally greedy, the way the children were greedy for saliva was still very cute.

Especially Jiang Youyou and a porcelain Jiang Feng, who looked like a baby with small eyebrows, looked so good-looking.

Jiang Feng looked into the bucket.

There was some dried soup on the wall of the bucket, which had turned into dry lumps.

Jiang Feng took a spoon and scooped out I poured a small amount of soup and sifted it twice.

There were a lot of broken fish pieces and crab shells in the soup.

Jiang Feng was very careful. After sifting twice to make sure there were no small fish bones, he gave Jiang Youyou a lot of praise. After it was hot, put it to her mouth


Jiang Youyou didn't even test the temperature and drank it in one gulp!

When she was a child, Xu Na was often not at home, so Jiang Feng would make milk powder for her. When she grew up, he would feed her rice soup and meat.

So she was very interested in what Jiang Feng fed her. , very trusting.

Dad would not burn her anyway.

Sure enough, when the soup came into her mouth, the temperature was just right.

She felt a very fresh taste, the same as the smell, but much richer!

Taste It is connected to the sense of smell.

However, the umami taste has just dissipated, and together with it, there is still a little fishy smell.

There are also some strange tastes!

Chili flavor?

Garlic flavor?

Is there any other strange flavor here? It's sour. ?

Jiang Youyou actually wanted to spit out the soup in her mouth.

The taste was too early for her!

She couldn't accept the taste!

Children's taste buds are relatively sensitive, and they are exposed to less taste than adults. The things used to remove the fishy smell in this soup were completely different from the seasonings in Chinese food.

Jiang Youyou couldn't bear it.

However, her father had taught her to save food.

She still swallowed it.

After swallowing, she vomited Sticking his tongue, he said to Jiang Feng:"Dad, it doesn't taste good! This tastes so strange!"

Song Jin's expression tightened.

Jiang Jianye also became a little nervous.


Why does this fish soup taste strange?

Could it be that Jiang Feng did something wrong and he will lose?

On the contrary, Rong Lijun, after listening to Jiang Youyou's words , his eyes lit up!

Jiang Feng knelt down, looked at Jiang Youyou and asked:"Then why didn't you spit it out?"

"Dad said you can't waste food."

"It's so good, but next time it doesn't taste good, I'll throw it up. Don't make it uncomfortable after drinking it. Jiang Feng touched her head.

Jiang Youyou nodded and asked with some fear:"Dad, what exactly is used in this fish soup?" Why does it taste so strange?"

"Locally produced garlic chili sauce, as well as some orange peel, herbs, red wine and the like."

Use this in the soup?

Is it still drinkable?

Song Jin usually likes to drink soup, but she thinks it's okay to add chili pepper to the soup, but adding garlic will make the taste a bit strange.

Especially the taste after the garlic is cooked, She doesn't really like this kind of taste in soups.

Except for braised soup.

The taste of this thing is not popular.

The expression on Song Jin's face is not only disgusting, but also a little confused.

The videos she has watched these days But no one has taught me how to add this kind of thing.

Rong Shuang looked at Jiang Feng:"Let me try it?""


Jiang Feng also sifted some for her and fed it to her.

Rong Shuang frowned slightly, finished swallowing the soup, and said,"The fishy smell of seafood is so strong."

She hates the fishy smell of the sea more than Jiang Youyou. She doesn't even like the smell of shrimp if it's not handled well. She doesn't think this soup tastes good.

It's really average.

And it's also a bit salty.

There is some umami flavor, but because It was too strong and had a bit of a bitter taste.

Jiang Jianye asked,"Is your soup... overturned?""

This is the first time he has seen people taste the food made by Jiang Feng and think it tastes bad.

Rong Lijun opened his mouth and said,"Give me a taste?"

Jiang Feng nodded, sifted a little for Rong Lijun, and gave it to him to taste.

After Rong Lijun finished drinking, his eyes became brighter and he said,"Wait a moment. He sent a message to Zhou Linan:"Come here immediately and try this soup. It tastes very similar to what you said!""

After that,

Rong Lijun looked at Jiang Jianye and Song Jin who were a little confused, and explained:"The taste of this soup is very similar to the local bouillabaisse that my friend said!"

"I've asked him to come over and let him have a taste!"

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