Jiang Jianye was a little confused:"What do you mean?"

Rong Lijun said:"This stuff doesn't taste very good to begin with. You know sour bamboo shoots, right? Or maybe it's 癙痧"

"Huh."Song Jin made a sound of disgust.

She and her colleagues had eaten snail noodles before.

The taste of sour bamboo shoots was still fresh in her memory!

To be honest, she usually wasn't very resistant to smelly things, and occasionally ate stinky tofu. A little, she would also eat some of the rotten eggs that the parents in her hometown used to cook when she was little.

However, she really couldn’t stand the taste of sour bamboo shoots!

The taste of the noodles is still very good, and it tastes very good, especially the chili oil. , very fragrant and full of flavor.

But this sour bamboo shoot is really not good!

After eating it, she felt that the smell was in the gaps between her fingers, and she could not sleep well.

Jiang Jianye suddenly understood and said:"What do you mean? , this is what the locals eat, but outsiders think the taste is average? Rong Lijun nodded:"

Yes, that's what Lao Zhou told me anyway.""

"Lao Zhou will come over later and let him taste it. I feel that the soup made by Jiang Feng tastes very similar to what he said."

Less than 20 minutes.

At 7:55,

Zhou Linan rushed over.

He took a bite of the soup made by Jiang Feng, nodded and praised:"Yes, that's right, it tastes like this!"

"Good guy, Boss Xiao Jiang, how come you can do everything? The taste is quite the same as the one recommended by a local that I tried before!"

Zhou Linan and Tang Shun are the kind of people who like to eat.

Three years ago, Zhou Linan went on a business trip and arrived in Provence. He searched locally for a long time and asked many people, hoping to try the authentic Bouillabaisse. As a result , The taste is not as good as those open to guests in the scenic spot.

How should I put it?

The fish head is served in one piece, and the meat is a bit woody, even a bit like chicken.

The fish soup tastes okay, but fishy.

That fishy smell The smell really couldn’t be removed.

Zhou Linan was a not-so picky person. He could tolerate the smell of fish, so he thought it was okay.

The bread inside was quite delicious.

Later, Zhou Linan returned to China, and when he was fine, I also tried bouillabaisse twice.

But the results were overturned.

The two most famous Western restaurants in China that make bouillabaisse have the same taste as in scenic spots that receive foreign tourists.

The real taste Zhou Linan has never tasted the taste in China anyway.

But Zhou Linan also understands.

That taste may not be popular in China, and it may not even be available.

However, the taste made by Jiang Feng is very good!

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye looked at each other, a little surprised, but also a little relieved.

Jiang Feng could even cook such foreign dishes well?!

That's amazing!

The son they gave birth to didn't look like their cub at all!

The child Sure enough, it had grown up without even realizing it.

Zhou Linan smacked his lips and said,"Boss Xiao Jiang, can I taste some more?"

"Okay. Jiang Feng said while serving the soup,"If you're fine, just leave later. This soup can be made into a midnight snack." Zhou Linan's eyes lit up:"

Okay, then I'll make a meal later!""

He really didn't expect that he could have a free meal!

Jiang Feng filled the soup and handed it to Zhou Linan.

Zhou Linan drank it, tasted it carefully, his eyes lit up:"I don't like your fish soup. I would say, but I feel that it tastes authentic, but not quite like theirs, and tastes better than theirs.

Song Jin was a little confused:"Ah?" If it tastes better than theirs, doesn’t it count as unauthentic? Improvements can’t be considered authentic, right?"

According to her understanding, the taste of the improved dishes may not be bad, but the local people probably won't recognize the taste.

Jiang Jianye and Rong Lijun also looked at Zhou Linan, with a bit of questioning in their eyes.

Zhou Linan said:"I really don't know. would describe this feeling."

Jiang Feng's overall use of ingredients and the method of making soup are all right.

The fish soup with a bit of fishy smell also tastes very good.

Zhou Linan thinks it is very good.

But it is true that in terms of seasoning, Jiang Feng is better than the locals. More.

What Zhou Linan meant was that Jiang Feng used local ingredients, local cooking techniques, and condiments that local people would use.

But when making it, Jiang Feng adjusted the taste of the fish soup, making it To achieve a more balanced state.

Jiang Feng said:"Are you trying to say that if this taste is given to locals, they will also find it delicious? Zhou Linan slapped his thigh, nodded and said,"

Yes, yes!" That's what I mean!"

"That's all I want to say!"

"The soup made by Boss Xiaojiang tastes like the local taste, but Boss Xiaojiang’s seasoning is very good, in line with local tastes, but even better."

The local taste can also be divided into good and bad.

Not to mention anything else.

Even the Imperial Capital, which is known as a local food desert, had the Eight Buildings in the early years, which was known as the most authentic restaurant.

But the taste produced by the eight restaurants, It's not the same.

Even if the same recipe and the same ingredients are used, but the heat is different and the seasonings are different, the taste will be different.

After all, there is a store that people find delicious.

Song Jin suddenly said:"Indeed, I understand what you mean. For me, bouillabaisse is just what I heard from your mouths, but in fact, the locals live there, and just like us, the local recipes also taste good. And the bad ones."

Jiang Jianye said with a smile:"You also complained that the tofu noodle in the city is not authentic enough and does not have the same stewed taste as before."

"But didn’t your colleague say that she prefers the one without bitterness?"

The tofu puffs that Rong Shuang ate when she was a child had a bit of a bitter taste, and because the way of ordering the tofu was different, the taste was different from the ones around her home. But to be honest, all of them are considered local and authentic.

It has been a shop here for many years.

For the same reason.

Jiang Feng’s bouillabaisse is authentic, and it tastes quite good locally!

Zhou Linan looked at Jiang Feng with admiration and said,"Your craftsmanship is even better than Even if you go abroad, you can become popular!"

It's amazing!

Even if Jiang Feng goes abroad, his cooking skills will become a fairy figure locally!

And at this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Coricchio took Jamie and his people , walked into the store, smelled the smell, frowned and said:"Is this the soup you made?"

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