These people really have a good relationship with Song Jin, and they don't have any bad intentions.

They simply felt that someone like Song Jin, who went home after work and was not very sociable, was somewhat unreliable as a store manager.

I also wanted to retain Song Jin, and suggested that Song Jin not give up his iron rice bowl.

In their eyes, maybe earning 50,000 yuan a month is not as good as earning 10,000 yuan in their company.

Jiang Feng replied:"Don't listen to them. They haven't opened a store, right? Their statement has no basis."

When persuading people, Jiang Feng was very logical.

These people have no experience in opening a store, so what they say has little credibility.

After reading Jiang Feng's news, Song Jin felt more at ease and replied:"You're right. They haven't opened a store before, so how do they know I'm not good?"

Song Jin:"And isn't there your dad? He is pretty good after all."

Jiang Feng smiled and replied:"This is the right mentality. When the new store opens, you can share your performance with those aunts."

He knew that the store would not lose money. of.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were mainly responsible for supervision. After all, the chefs whom Jiang Feng trusted had been assigned to several branches one after another.

Although the chef assigned next was relatively reliable after passing the assessment, he did not get along with him for a long time.

Therefore, Song Jin and Jiang Jianye must keep an eye on the minimum food safety and store hygiene.

If they complete this task, there will be no problem.

The employees have been trained and will handle the specific operations of opening a store.

Song Jin:"Okay, you guys go to bed quickly."

Jiang Feng put down his phone after reading the message, hugged Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou, watched an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, and fell asleep at eleven o'clock.

Song Jin originally planned to wash up and then go to bed.

However, several of her friends sent messages in the group

"Will you be back on Monday? Song

Jin replied instantly:"I'm not going back. The store has been installed. I have to go to work tomorrow.""

"Wow, you are now a store manager?"

"I feel like you'll be back in a month"

"Indeed, opening a store is not that simple, especially now. There is a lot of competition in physical stores. It doesn’t feel very reliable for your son to open a new store so quickly."

"Otherwise, please advise your son to make some money at last and don’t waste it all."

Song Jin didn't tell her colleagues how much money Jiang Feng could earn, but she said it was quite earning.

Her colleagues felt that Jiang Feng might just earn enough to buy a house.

So they sincerely advised Song Jin , asked Jiang Feng not to open the store so fast.

There is a high probability that he will lose money.

Song Jin replied:"My son knows what he is doing. He is much better than me. Just listen to him.""


"If you lose money then, don’t blame us for not reminding you."

"Please share with us what performance your store has achieved."

"If you lose money, we can also help you with advice. Song Jin:"

Okay, I'll tell you when the time comes.""

At this time,

Jamie hasn't slept yet.

Corricio hasn't slept either.

Their jet lag has almost been adjusted. They can't sleep now because they are just greedy. Jiang Feng gave them too little fish!

So a little bit, enough for anyone!

After Jamie got the fish soup, he came directly to Coricchio’s villa.

Coricchio’s kitchen contained a lot of ingredients flown from abroad, and Jamie was in them The fish needed was the same as the fish Jiang Feng used.

However, in order to avoid wasting the fish soup given by Jiang Feng, Jamie was very cautious and made something else first to get a feel for it.

Wensi Tofu was very destructive to him. Deep, when he holds the knife now, he will want to find tofu. He has to find the feeling again.

He grilled two fish first. He used lemon and basil leaves, and paired them with a sauce made of garlic chili sauce.

After grilling.Jamie and Colicchio took a few bites in the kitchen first

"Almost meaningless."Colricchio took two bites and frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

Jamie himself was silent for a moment and said,"I seem to have really regressed. Does this Wensi Tofu have such a big impact on me?"

The stamina is too much!

After learning Wensi Tofu for a few days, can't you even cook grilled fish?

Colicchio shook his head and said:"Wait a moment."

As he said that,

Corricchio called his personal bodyguard and asked his personal bodyguard to take a bite of the grilled fish cooked by Jamie.

This bodyguard is a gold medal fighter in the family and has been with Corricchio for many years. , if Coricchio attends some important occasion and can only bring one bodyguard, he will definitely take him with him.

Coricchio is also very kind to him. Over the years, he will take him to taste good food.

Today Except for the bouillabaisse in the evening.

Jiang Feng’s cooking was so delicious that he didn’t want to let his bodyguard eat it.

"You take a bite."

Colricchio handed half of the grilled fish to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard took a bite and his eyes lit up:"It's delicious, Chef Jamie. You cooked it as soon as I ate it. It's quite delicious."

Corricchio also took this bodyguard with him and ate the food made by Jamie before.

Corricchio asked:"How did you taste it?"

"The heat and taste are the same as what I had before. The bodyguard said naturally,"Didn't he do it?" Colicchio shook his head:"No, you tasted it right. It was made by him. Are you sure there is no difference from before?" The bodyguard smiled:"You took me to eat so many things, and I have learned to taste them. I am very sure that there is no difference.""

Whether it is the texture of the meat or the taste, it is no different from the one he has eaten before.

The fish used this time is fresh, but because it is grilled, there is a difference in the texture of the meat, but it is not too obvious.

Colicchio looked at Jamie and said:"Look, it's not your problem. Vince Tofu is a very tortured dish, but it has no magic power.""

"The person with magical powers is Jiang Feng."

Jamie had a complicated expression.

He was relieved that there was no problem with what he made.

At least his level had not declined. He was still one of the top chefs besides Jiang Feng.


Jamie also felt a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't compare to Jiang Feng. He thought it was normal and he could accept it.

What made him uncomfortable was that he felt that the food he made was not as delicious as before.

He used to cook all his meals by himself, and he was very happy when eating.

But after eating the food cooked by Jiang Feng, he felt that eating the food he cooked was not as enjoyable as before.

In fact, the food he cooked was quite delicious.

But it always felt a bit boring.

It was not as perfect as the dishes made by Jiang Feng. , there is no defect in the taste.

The more sensitive people are to the taste, the more obvious the difference will be.

Colicchio looked at Jamie and said:"I'm afraid it will take a long time to settle in the imperial capital."

"Lena, buy me another house! It's best to be near Mr. Jiang Feng! I want to live upstairs with him! No matter how much you want!

Jamie looked at the fish soup and said,"I'll make the bouillabaisse first.""

He wants to give it a try.

Can Jiang Feng's fish soup taste like Jiang Feng's?

If possible, at least he can pack some of Jiang Feng's fish soup and go back and eat it slowly.

It should be okay, right?

Jamie has some He was unsure.

The more he thought about Jiang Feng, the more he thought Jiang Feng's cooking skills were terrifying!

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