Jamie, like Jiang Feng, took out the fish soup and started stewing the fish.

In fact, it's really not difficult.

Bouillabaisse does not require high heat, basically it just needs to be cooked, even if it is overcooked, there is no problem.

If it takes a long time, the flavor of the soup can be soaked into the fish.

If time is short, eat fish with fish soup.

But to be honest, the meat in bouillabaisse itself is not very flavorful.

Jamie was nervous.

He felt inexplicably like he was on a pilgrimage.

Coricchio stood nearby, wanting to take a puff on his cigar.

Jamie glared at Colicchio:"Go smoke a cigar somewhere far away, don't ruin this pot of soup."

Normally, Colicchio would have smiled contemptuously and lit the cigar.

He didn't care if the soup was ruined, he could just buy another pot.

And how could smoking a cigar affect this pot of soup?

However, after listening to Jamie's words, Colicchio really took the cigar in his hand.

He stared at the pot and asked,"When will it be ready?"

"It's still half an hour."Jamie also stared at the pot.

"Does it taste the same as him?"Colricchio asked a little nervously and swallowed his saliva.

He just ate some grilled fish, but not much, and he was even hungrier. He just wanted to eat some fish pieces and toast.

Jamie shook his head , said:"Theoretically it should be the same, but I’m not sure."

When he said this, Jamie rubbed his hands together and seemed a little nervous.

Colicchio looked at Jamie's small movements and comforted him."I am somewhat confident that you lost not because you are weak, but because Jiang Feng is too powerful."

Although Jamie lost, the commercial value is still very high.

And Coricchio liked to eat Jamie's food before, and the two of them are friends.

Coricchio didn't want Jamie to lose to Jiang Feng once, just like that. Confidence.

Jamie took a breath, then exhaled it deeply, and said with some helplessness:"I understand the truth, but I have to slow down, my loss... was too miserable."

His performance and Jiang Feng's are not at the same level at all.

This is indeed a big blow to a very confident and talented player like Jamie.

Colicchio thought about it, thinking about how to continue to persuade.

Jamie continued He opened his mouth, looked into the distance, and said with some admiration:"However, he is really powerful. I really didn't expect him to do so well."

"When I make Wensi Tofu, I'm not as good as he is."

Colricchio comforted:"Maybe we picked a dish he can cook."

"And Rong Lijun had said before that Jiang Feng knew how to cook, but I didn't pay attention at the time."

Colricchio also thinks that Jiang Feng's talent is very strong.

Even if Jiang Feng knows how to cook, it is not easy to cook a classic French meal so well.

But stillGotta comfort Jamie.

Jamie wiped his hands, looked at Colicchio, and said,"You don’t understand if you don’t cook."

"If you want to be familiar with the combination of seasonings, you need a strong intuition. Sometimes it's not a matter of experience, but talent. How can I put it?……"

"When you watch professional players play, you will also have that feeling. It is incredible and you cannot understand the actions they make, but for them, it is very easy."

"I am like an audience, and Jiang Feng is like a superstar that everyone is watching. Put it this way, can you understand how I feel?"

Jamie is very clear that he has not made any progress in many years.

There are some problems that he can never solve.

For example, he cannot control the heat so finely.

Although he can make a pretty good brown, it is always poor. A little.

And the taste.

Jamie couldn't make the taste so harmonious.

However, Jiang Feng easily did what he thought was impossible.

This was the thing that impacted him the most.

And the more he thought about it, the greater the impact..

He also admired Jiang Feng more and more.

Colicchio understood a little more, looked at Jamie, and asked:"What should we do?"

"practise."Jamie said,"I hope I can use a lot of practice to develop a sharper intuition."

"I originally thought I was good enough, but when I saw Jiang Feng, I felt that I was still far behind. Colicchio's eyes lit up a little:"

Come on, I can provide you with the help you need.""

It would be great if Jamie could reach Jiang Feng's level!

He no longer has to be like his grandson, begging Rong Lijun and eating Jiang Feng's food!

Jamie saw what Coricchio was thinking, With a wry smile, he said:"I believe I can improve, but it is absolutely impossible for me to be the same as him."

"His talent makes me...daunted."

Some things can be changed through practice.

Such as experience, such as the understanding of taste, such as controlling the heat as carefully as possible.

But some things have nothing to do with practice.

The limits of talent are different between people.

Jiang Feng can grasp that The difference between the slightest taste is perfect.

Others, even if they are exhausted and have not slept in their lives, they probably can't be like Jiang Feng.

The difference in talent limit lies here, there is no way.

Ke Ricchio sighed:"Then I can only live next to Jiang Feng. At least I can queue up for something to eat.

Jamie said:"Can I stay at your house often?""

Colricchio shook his head:"There are no villas nearby, and I don't have any extra room for you to live in. You can rent it yourself."

"Or, if I can buy an extra house, I can give you a room, but I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Colricchio has already inquired about it.

The houses near Jiang Feng's store are ridiculously expensive!

Although the houses near Jiang Feng are in the school district, they are generally two or three times more expensive than other places!

And there are very few houses, so it is difficult to find them. Look for it!

Let alone houses for purchase, there are very few houses for rent!

Colicchio even heard that,Someone rented a parking space in a nearby community and drove over in an RV!

Off the charts!

Jamie said:"Then you buy it then, I will live nearby, and then come over to eat."

Colicchio sighed:"I hope I can buy it, it will be difficult to queue up. I heard that the neighbors are strange, Hang up at the door of Jiang Feng store"

"Hang up?"Jamie didn't understand.

Coricchio didn't say anything and looked at the pot:"Is it ready?"

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