Coricchio's eyes widened and his lips moved.

He instinctively wanted to blurt out, what's wrong with this?

As the spokesman for such a large business family, Coricchio is quite influential throughout Europe.

Jiang Feng is just a boss of Minwang Street.

Coricchio instinctively felt that what would happen if he copied Jiang Feng's formula?

Being able to successfully imitate and circumvent patents is a skill in his opinion.

They've done this all the time before.

Even though Coricchio looks casual when he talks, Coricchio is a predator who has done many malicious attacks and caused many people to go bankrupt.

He is as smart or cunning as Rong Lijun, but he is much worse than Rong Lijun.

This is caused by the environment.

There are far fewer restrictions on big businessmen like them abroad than at home.

However, the sentence"What can't be offended" stuck on Colicchio's lips, and eventually turned into:"It's indeed a bit troublesome."

Jamie shrugged:"He has much more connections than me, and The relationship between me and my guests is much closer."

Colicchio became friends with Jamie because of Jamie's good cooking skills.

People who are top-notch in any field are rare talents, the kind that money may not be able to buy.

Jamie's status in Europe is somewhat similar to Jiang Feng.

Jamie is often invited to important banquets, and Jamie is also very popular and has a good reputation.

Therefore, many people who need votes for support will also get closer to Jamie.

In addition to these people, there are also some big guys who simply like to eat Jamie's cooking and have a good relationship with Jamie.

Like Coricchio.

If Jamie is in any trouble, ask Colicchio for help, and Colicchio will be happy to sell Jamie a face.

This is the importance of having a technology in hand.

So although Jamie is just a chef, his status is actually very high.

Jamie has this status.

Not to mention Jiang Feng.

The father-in-law is Rong Lijun, who is married to the only eldest daughter of the Rong family. In the future, Jiang Feng's children are designated to be the talkers of the Rong family.

Thomas was Jiang Feng's guest. He was so greedy for Jiang Feng's food that he was even willing to fly here and spend a lot of money to eat Jiang Feng's food. and.

Rong Lijun only mentioned the name Thomas because Thomas was powerful enough.

Thomas is not the only loyal customer of Jiang Feng.

Colicchio sighed:"I can already think of it. If I really make Jiang Feng angry, the consequences may be more terrifying than making Rong Lijun angry."

Jamie agreed:"Yes, he just needs to Spread the news and treat anyone who makes you lose money to dinner, and it will be difficult for you to do business."

Needless to say, this goes without saying for the wealthy businessmen in the imperial capital.

Jiang Feng's influence is astonishingly great.

As long as Jiang Feng is willing to invite people to dinner, Colicchio's business can basically withdraw from the domestic market quickly.

What’s even more terrifying is that Jiang Feng now has a lot of loyal diners from abroad!

Ultimately, the reason why Coricchio approached Jiang Feng was because Jiang Feng was famous enough that even Coricchio had heard of Jiang Feng's name.

With such a great reputation, one can imagine how many people like Jiang Feng's cooking.

Not to be offended.

Corricchio is also a person who can recognize reality very well.

Really untouchable.

Jamie said:"So, if you want his formula, you must get his consent. I can give him money, as long as he is willing to let me learn to imitate it."

Colicchio was a little worried:"Is it possible? What if you don't let him know? Anyway, there are so many mayonnaise recipes, why don't you avoid him?"

The nature of a businessman is difficult to change.

Coricchio felt that Jiang Feng would not agree to their request, and after he made this request, Jiang Feng probably would not allow him to take Jiang away.

Therefore, Coricchio still wanted to take Jiang away directly.

The difference is that just avoid Jiang Feng and don't let Jiang Feng know.

Going beyond the rules often yields benefits beyond the rules.

Corricchio firmly believed in this, so he was very interested in imitating Jiang Feng's formula.

Jamie said:"I feel bad. Although there is a high probability that he will not know, but what if? You will not be able to eat the food he cooked in the future."

Colicchio choked. makes sense.

The cost of being discovered seems a bit high.

Compared with being jointly sanctioned by other businessmen, Jiang Feng's decision to not let Coricchio eat in the future would be more harmful to Coricchio.

Jamie continued:"Jiang Feng has many good qualities. He is very generous. As long as you get along with him honestly and talk to him sincerely, he is still easy to get along with.""

"Believe me, he is different from you and me, he is a very likeable person."

Jamie feels that his own character is too easy to be suspicious.

Coricchio is too cunning and always wants to go beyond the rules.

Jiang Feng is a frank but very smart person, much more likable than the two of them.

So the two of them are not You should use your own thinking to understand Jiang Feng and talk to Jiang Feng frankly. The effect should be better.

Colicchio thought for a while, nodded and said:"That's okay."

That's all.

Talk to Jiang Feng and see if you can try to imitate his formula.

The risk is minimal.

Jamie said:"I can probably pay about 1 million euros. If it's more, it's a bit expensive."

He spent 1 million euros to buy the qualification for imitation.

If he bought the formula directly, the price would be a bit lower, but he thinks the qualification for imitation is still okay.

Colicchio nodded and said:"Okay, I I even think it can be more expensive. The two of us cooperate, I make up the remaining money, and the money you sell is divided between the two of us."

If you can buy Jiang Feng's sauce recipe, you will definitely make a lot of money!

Coricchio is a little excited!

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