"Uh-huh. Jamie nodded and took another mouthful of fish from the pot.

It was so delicious!

Coricchio was a little anxious, and his tone was a little higher:"Don't eat it!" Leave more for me!"

"Eat quickly, Lena will come down soon."Jamie reminded.

Lena went to find a house for Coricchio.

Coricchio and Jamie wanted to eat more now, lest Lena would have to take away some more when she came.

Although Coricchio Keogh said he would sell some fish to Lena.

But when he smelled the fish soup, Keolichio regretted it and wanted to break the contract and finish the fish.

The two grown men lowered their heads to eat the fish.

They had just eaten a few mouth.

Lena walked in with a few folders and saw the two of them eating. She rolled her eyes angrily:"You two are going too far!"

"uncle! You are my elder! What he said didn't mean what he said!"

Colricchio was caught and said without any embarrassment on his face:"Do you have a contract? You didn't pay either"

"But we agreed!"

"You are still too young."Colricchio put his hands behind his back, with the attitude of an elder educating a child,"I'm telling you, people's hearts are evil, remember to sign a contract next time. Lena picked up the folder in her hand:"But I have all the information about the house you want to buy.""

"I could give them to you, or I could give them to Thomas, or I could buy them myself."

Lena is also very rich.

Although the value of these houses has increased several times, it is really not difficult for her to buy them.

Corricio was stunned for a moment and laughed a few times:"Education is over, uncle is I'm just kidding you, look, isn't this still happening? This is given to you, free of charge."

Houses near Jiang Feng are now in very short supply. It already feels like you can't even buy them with money. In the first half of the month, countless wealthy businessmen have come to buy houses.

Basically, those who are willing to sell their houses at high prices are It has been sold.

The remaining residents are those who are not short of money, have feelings for the neighborhood, or want to keep Jiang Feng.

These people will not move.

If it drags on, they may not be able to buy houses around Jiang Feng. The information in Lena's hand was still very valuable. Coricchio really didn't dare to deny her fish. She was so anxious that she bought the house, so that she could manipulate Coricchio at will.

"That's pretty much it. Lena sat down with satisfaction, took a small portion of fish soup, frowned and said,"Is that all?" Is this enough to eat?"

"Be content, it’s just a little bit of fish soup. Who can eat it?"Colricchio lit the cigar, took a sip, and said casually.

Lena didn't pursue it any further. After all, it's better to have something than nothing.

She took a bite and handed the folder in her hand to Coricchio. Ricchio

"We are lucky. At least we still have the opportunity to buy a house. This is a house we can buy within 15 minutes of Jiang Feng's store."

Lena's business ability is actually very strong.

She is particularly good at searching online information and organizing intelligence.

Colicchio took a look and was a little surprised:"How can you buy just such a small number of houses in such a large area? Are you looking for a problem? Lena rolled her eyes:"We are late, most of the good houses have been bought.""

"The community where Jiang Feng lives has exploded. Let me tell you who is in the same community. Rong Lijun, Tang Shun, Su Weimin……"

Colicchio had a headache.

In the community where Jiang Feng is located, in addition to the wealthy businessmen from the imperial capital, there are also some wealthy businessmen from the south.

You can see it.

Those who are willing to sell their houses have probably already sold out.

Jiang Feng's entire community has a total value of tens of billions, and almost all of them are Jiang Feng's loyal customers.

It's impossible for Colicchio to buy a house from here, everyone is not short of money.

"Have you talked about it?"Colricchio asked,"Have you talked to these wealthy businessmen about whether they want to sell their houses? Lena took a bite of toasted bread and frowned slightly, feeling unsatisfied.

She swallowed the bread and said,"I asked several of them, but they all refused to sell it.""

"I told them, should I pay a high price? Coricchio asked.

Lena was a little helpless:"I have said it before, and they also know that you can give a lot of business benefits, but no one is willing.""

Colricchio's energy is really great.

Not only can he give money, but more importantly, he can provide business benefits and business opportunities to many people.

Originally, he thought that this condition was very attractive to these wealthy businessmen..

However, no one cared about him.

In order to eat Jiang Feng’s cooking at close range, they even adjusted their business structure and went to the Imperial Capital.

Annual profits of hundreds of millions of euros?

These big guys who live around Jiang Feng, really No one cared about this profit.

Coricchio was very helpless and could only look at the contents of the folder.

There were seventeen houses in total.

Coricchio sighed.

He really didn't expect such a large scale. , he could only pick out a few houses that met his requirements.

But after thinking about it,

Colicchio felt that he had arrived early.

At least he could still buy the houses he wanted. These houses It all met his requirements. The security was good, it was quiet, and the area was large enough. The price was ignored by Colicchio.

When Colicchio really wanted something, he wouldn't look at the price. Yes.

Just pay directly.

"Let's buy all these houses."Colricchio said,"Believe me, there will be many wealthy foreign businessmen who want to buy houses nearby."

The houses near Jiang Feng are now several times the market price.

But Colicchio knows that this is definitely not the highest price!

All commodities whose demand exceeds supply will continue to increase in price!

Colicchio plans to make a first-hand investment.

The profit is definitely not much.

Even if Colicchio really sells the house to the big bad guy, the net profit of a house can be doubled, which is about 300 million. It is really not worth it to Colicchio. Much.

But Colicchio would never stop doing it because he thought it was a small business.

Lena showed a proud expression that predicted Colicchio's operation and said:"I'm ready, our people will To acquire these houses, let’s find the buyers ourselves. Coricchio showed a malicious smile:"It doesn't matter, the buyer is easy to talk to. I just need to bring a few people over and have two meals cooked by Jiang Feng.""

As long as they have eaten the food cooked by Jiang Feng, those wealthy businessmen who like to enjoy themselves and are not short of money will definitely be willing to come and buy a house.

These people are the big enemies that Coricchio wants to find.

Lena will eat it quickly After finishing the food in her bowl, she licked her lips and wiped the plate with bread.

Although the sauce was not delicious, the bread was well toasted.

The plate was also wiped, and Lena sighed, feeling a little unsatisfied..


Lena wanted to eat the steamed buns made by Jiang Feng again.

She stood up and said,"Then I'll go back to bed first, and I have to get up early to queue up tomorrow."

Colicchio nodded and said,"Go ahead and remember to bring me some buns back.""

He is also a little greedy for the steamed buns made by Jiang Feng!

They are so delicious!

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