"Where are you from?"

Beside Jamie, a person said hello.

The place where Jamie is sitting is very close to Yan Chuang and the others.

This area is far away from the entrance of Jiang Feng's shop, and the chefs usually sit here.

Jamie listened I didn’t understand, so I gestured and said I didn’t know.

A chef with a southern accent asked in less proficient English:"I’m asking you, where are you from?"

Jamie understood.

He heard English with a strange accent just like people in China heard Chinese with a strange accent. Even if the grammar of the other party's expression was wrong, he could understand what the other party meant.

"France, hello, my name is Jamie.

The other party said:"Are you that Jamie?" The pretty famous one"

"Yes, it's me."Jamie said politely.

In fact, Jamie doesn't really like to be recognized when he is abroad.

Even if he is recognized, he can refuse to recognize it.

But he doesn't know what's going on. , anyway, outside Jiang Feng’s shop, looking at the customers eating and chatting around, Jamie felt that he was a lot more easy-going.

"Good guy, such a famous chef from abroad is also here?"

"Is he used to Chinese food?"

"Who? Is this person famous?"

The chef who knew English translated Jamie's words.

The chefs around him were a little curious.

Yan Chuang and the others were also there and looked at Jamie.

Jamie looked at the hands of these people and asked proactively:"Are you chefs too?"

"How did you know?"The chef who spoke English asked curiously

"your hands."Jamie said,"The hands of chefs are different from ordinary people."

A good chef has very strong hands.

And many chefs could not dry their hands in the early years. When washing and cutting vegetables, their hands were wet, and they had to pick up the vegetables frequently.

Master Bai An Not to mention.

So the chef’s hands are very special.

Jamie could tell at a glance that these people in front of him seemed to be chefs

"Yes, we are all chefs"

"So do you usually know each other? asked Jamie

"I didn’t know him before, but after coming outside Master Jiang’s store, I got to know him."

The chef used the word master.

Jamie agreed very much:"He can really be said to be a master, the only master."

"That's right!"

"This foreign product also has some discernment."

"Not bad, this guy can handle it."

After listening to the chef's translation, the people around him had a much better impression of Jamie.

The chefs who come to Jiang Feng's place to eat every day really treat Jiang Feng as a god.

As long as others praise Jiang Feng, they will I am willing to be friends with this person!

Jamie is also in a good mood, drinking porridge, basking in the sun, and chatting with them.

This kind of leisurely feeling is something Jamie rarely experiences.

Whether at home or abroad, It is very hard to be at the top in an industry.

Jamie usually only has very few holidays, so he has time to go to a farm in the countryside and enjoy the leisurely feeling.

But here.

In Outside Jiang Feng's shop.

Jamie felt an inexplicable feeling of relaxation.

There were many people, it was very lively, everyone was chatting, eating the same food, and they were all friendly.

Jamie even felt like following his father and uncle when he was a child The feeling of relaxation that we only experience when we go out to play in the car

"Isn’t it dirty sitting down? Are there many mazars? Give him one."

The chefs took a matza and gave it to Jamie.

Jamie thanked him, sat down, and sighed:"I can't squat like them."

"Normally, no one over there would squat like this. Jamie finished the porridge in the bowl and sighed:"It tastes really good. I never thought rice could taste so good.""

He really didn't think rice was delicious before.

But Jiang Feng made it really well.

The porridge tastes very good. It's obviously made of rice, but it has a thick texture and just the right taste.

This light sweetness, Jamie also thinks it is very high-end.

It is really high-end.

Except for a few special desserts, which are extremely sweet, the truly high-end meal desserts must be sweet, but not too sweet.

Jiang Feng puts this kind of It feels like a good grasp.

Jamie still doesn't like the texture of rice, but he really likes this taste. He can taste Jiang Feng's excellent grasp of the taste.

After drinking, he looked at the chef next to him, Asked:"Does the taste of what Master Jiang makes every day have the same taste?

The other party was a little surprised:"How do you know?""

"yes! It’s really consistent. We were all shocked when we tasted it. The taste has not changed even after many days!"

"I can confirm that the first time I came here to eat the food made by boss Jiang Feng, the taste was almost the same as the food he makes now!"

"There may be very subtle changes, but they are really so subtle that you can hardly feel them!"

These chefs have been eating at Jiang Feng's place for many days.

They are used to the fact that Jiang Feng's food tastes the same every day.

But when Jamie mentioned it, they remembered this matter again and started a lively discussion.

And when they thought about it, they felt more and more that Jiang Feng was awesome!

The taste had almost remained the same!

They were all very professional chefs. Although they did not have as perfect a taste as Jiang Feng, at least their ability to taste taste was still higher than that of ordinary diners. A little.

After all, this is the skill of eating.

They can be sure.

The taste of Jiang Feng’s food really hasn’t changed much!

It’s really amazing!

Jamie’s eyes also showed a bit of shock, and he widened his eyes, He let out a sigh of relief:"It's true, it's really amazing."

"You haven’t answered yet, why do you know that the taste of Master Jiang’s food is almost the same every time?"

The chefs were very curious.

Jamie said:"I had a competition with him."

Corricchio and Jamie have an agreement not to disclose the specific content of the competition or the prizes presented by both parties in the competition.

However, the competition itself can be talked about.

After all, Coricchio originally wanted to borrow money from Publicity of this matter will make Jamie more famous. Naturally, the agreement will not restrict Jamie and prevent Jamie from mentioning this competition. The chefs nearby were shocked.

"ah?! Are you competing against Master Jiang?!"

"Yes, compared once"

"So what did you compare to?"

"I can’t say the specifics. I signed the agreement, but Master Jiang is very good at cooking. He cooks a French dish that tastes better than the top local chefs!"

The chefs around were shocked!

Among the chefs present, the youngest has been working in this industry for several years.

They know very well that it is not difficult to make delicious food, but they want to achieve a local taste. , but it is not easy.

Because the ingredients, taste, and even altitude pressure will cause the dishes to taste different.

Jiang Feng can actually cook better than the locals?!

And it’s Western food?!


Yan After listening to Jamie's words, Chuang murmured:"I know why he can guess that the taste of Master Jiang's cooking is very stable."

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