
"Without an absolute sense of taste, it would definitely be impossible to do this."

"It’s not just the taste, the cooking skills are also terrifying. Isn’t Ge Lao’s taste awesome? But he doesn’t even eat the food he cooks."

"Mr. Ge was cueed inexplicably"

"Haha, Ge Laozhen's own cooking skills are not very good, I can only say that he is average."

Many chefs laughed.

Ge Fangzheng's taste and cooking skills are also a joke.

He can taste but not cook, and he doesn't eat what he makes.

But the top chefs did not laugh, but With some fanatical reverence on their faces, they looked at each other.

That's amazing!

They thought they had overestimated Jiang Feng before.

Perfect sword skills.

Perfect ability to control fire.

Perfect taste.

Hexagonal warrior.!

Jiang Feng can do it perfectly in every aspect they can think of! He is ridiculously strong!

But now it seems that they still think too little!

Jiang Feng can also cook French food!

The cooking is very good!

Better than the local chefs. Better!

This shows that Jiang Feng is also very familiar with foreign spices and foreign eating habits. You have to understand what they like to taste in order to know what they think is delicious.

Especially these cooking skills The big guys have all been exposed to some Western food.

There are even chefs who cook Italian and Sichuan cuisine.

The biggest difficulty when cooking is the use of condiments and spices.

Sometimes, you are not used to it. I'm just not used to it.

I haven't been exposed to things since childhood, and I don't have that familiar feeling. When I do it, I feel a little unfamiliar and unsure.

Once I have that feeling of uncertainty, I can't do it well.

Jiang Feng doesn't have this problem at all.!

This is what they think is the most powerful thing about Jiang Feng!

He is so strong!

"Can you tell us what he cooked?"

"How delicious is it?"

"What did you cook? How did you lose to Master Jiang?"

These chefs were very curious.

Jiang Feng actually competed quietly and beat Jamie!

This is a big deal!

They wanted to find out more about it!

Jamie thought for a while and said,"I really can't know what the specific dish is. Said, but the food he made was really delicious"

"What I cooked was a Chinese dish, and we swapped it, but my level was completely inferior to Master Jiang, so I naturally lost."

Jamie said everything he could.

"ah? Did you cook Chinese food?"

"It feels like there is no quality in winning."

"Why don't you all cook Chinese food or do you all cook Western food?"

Many chefs are a little disappointed.

They feel that Jiang Feng's victory is a bit incomplete.

Jiang Feng should cook Western food with Jamie, and then beat Jamie once, then cook Chinese food together, and win Jamie again. They think it is worthy. On Jiang Feng’s level!

Jamie said seriously:"Because there is no need to continue the comparison."

"He cooked the same Chinese food, much better than me. I was amazed by his knife skills..."

"I have made the dish he made many times, but the taste is not as good as his."

Jamie didn't shy away from talking about his loss at all.

This was not because he could afford to lose. Before he became famous, he was once compared to others when he was an apprentice. He was quite unwilling to do so.

He The main reason why he spoke so frankly about losing to Jiang Feng was because he really felt no shame in losing to Jiang Feng.

Everyone has to lose!

There is a gap between humans and gods.

Many chefs laughed and felt comfortable.

This is right!

Jiang Feng really won with great dignity!

"So that's it"

"To be honest, what you said makes sense, and there is no point in comparing. Master Jiang is indeed amazing!"

Jamie didn't refute

"I heard that Master Jiang and his father-in-law opened a new store together. I don’t know which store it is."

"Yes, I heard about this too! Recently, I was cooking for Zhou Yuxia, and Boss Zhou even talked about this matter. It was so confusing. I felt like he was about to pull his hair out."

"Isn't he bald and wearing a wig? Dare he pull his hair hard?"

"It’s so frustrating! urgent! He asked me to help inquire and see if I could get some news from the chef circle."

"I also recently went to two families for private dinners and discussed this matter."

Several chefs who are very powerful in the circle have heard similar things.

Now Jiang Feng's popularity is really high, especially in the circle of wealthy businessmen.

They all know that Jiang Feng has opened a store, but they don't know that Jiang Feng has opened a store. What is the store? I'm so panicked!

In fact, this is a trivial matter. Whatever store Jiang Feng opens has nothing to do with them and has no impact on them.

But they are really curious!

The more curious and the less they know, the more puzzled they are.!

Jamie listened to what they said and asked:"Could it be Gogu Yuxiang?"

He has tasted the steamed buns made by Wu Gu Youxiang.

It tastes really similar to the ones made by Jiang Feng.

But Jamie didn't think about it in other directions at first.

The cooking formula is not patented.

If someone else imitates it, There is no way to hold people responsible for the same taste.

There are many cases of this at home and abroad.

There are also cracked recipes everywhere on the Internet, imitating various burgers made by certain gays and certain workers.

This is all normal.

Jamie himself It has also been imitated by others, but he couldn't make the other party pay the price. The other party's store is still open.

But now that he thinks about it,

Jamie feels that the taste of this store is a bit too authentic!

It's really just like Jiang Feng The taste is very similar!

It's just that the details are a bit different from Jiang Feng's, but the basic seasoning and the ratio of various ingredients are really similar!

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