After delivering rooting powder to Territory No. 8 and retrieving the exchange materials, Ji Li got off the car and returned to Territory No. 7. Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui continued to drive the patrol car south to deliver supplies to the lords of Territory Nos. 11 to 26.

After seeing Ji Li walk away, Zhong Tao couldn't wait to open the cold black packaging bag Xia Qing gave him. He was shocked when he saw the note and supplies inside.

Zheng Kui, who was driving, glanced at him, "What scares you like this?"

Zhong Tao was afraid of being heard, so he didn't dare to say anything and waved the note next to Zheng Kui.


After Zheng Kui saw what was written clearly, he was so shocked that he stepped on the brakes.

Under the influence of inertia, Zhong Tao's body rushed forward, and his head was about to hit the front windshield. But he didn't care about his head and guarded the black bag in his hand.

Zheng Kui grabbed Zhong Tao to prevent his head from hitting the bulletproof glass. After looking around to make sure there was no one around the car, Zheng Kui lowered his voice and asked, "How much?"

Zhong Tao stretched out two fingers and gestured: Eight pounds! ! !

Zheng Kui took a deep breath and read the note written by Xia Qing several times before saying, "Take it all back and feed it to your child."

The nutritional value of meat from advanced evolved green-light animals grown in the evolutionary forest is much higher than that of poultry meat fed in breeding centers. If eaten by children, it is very likely to give birth to evolutionary abilities.

Zheng Kui's wife and children died in the third rainstorm this year, and now he is alone. The children of Zhong Tao's family are still young and are in the stage of rapid growth.

Of course Zhong Tao wanted it, but he knew better that ordinary people like him and Zheng Kui might only be able to eat meat of this quality once in their lives.

Therefore, no matter how much he wants to, he can't reach out. "Xia Qing wrote clearly, - eat it by yourself. Old Zheng, you can eat it by yourself. Even if it doesn't give rise to evolutionary abilities, it can definitely improve your resistance. I'll wrap the meat with insulation film." "Hold on, let's deliver the supplies quickly, and then go back as soon as possible. We should be able to get back to the safe area before the ice melts."

Zheng Kui nodded, restarted the car, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

"To be honest, Lao Zheng. When Xia Qing came out of the territory, I saw that she was one of the rare evolver lords, and the territory was on the edge, so I wanted to get closer to her and get some benefits." Zhong Tao wrapped the meat. Okay, I put it in the carton at the back. I worriedly placed two more boxes on top, and then continued, "At that time, I really didn't expect that she could be so capable."

Zheng Kui responded and reminded Zhong Tao, "We are the only ones who know about this matter, and our family members can't talk about it."

"Don't worry, I won't even kill you." Zhong Tao calculated, "We can't take this meat for free. We have to get some supplies that Xia Qing needs and send them over. What do you think is suitable? Fertilizer?"

Zheng Kui had a different opinion, "The compost bacterial powder in Territory No. 8 has begun to be sold. With Xia Qing's ability, she cannot lack fertilizer. Insulation materials are more suitable than fertilizer."

"What you said makes sense. Let's work together to figure out what to do..."

In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing put two thousand kilograms of crab shell fertilizer into the warehouse. After returning to the house, she first washed away the rooting powder with non-polluted spring water, and then soaked the two hundred leek roots exchanged in the water.

While Xia Qing was operating, he told his two companions, "These are leeks. You two don't like them. They are my food. They are delicious with scrambled eggs and meat fillings."

The sheep boss stood watching with squinted eyes. The sick wolf sniffed and lost interest. He walked to the food dryer, raised his head and sniffed.

Xia Qing soaked the leek roots and walked into the kitchen. "It will take another two hours to dry the dried meat. We will cook snake meat porridge for lunch, and the boss will eat cabbage gang. How about it?"

The snake meat was very hard, and Xia Qing was afraid that it wouldn't be able to bite it when it was fried, so she decided to cut it into small cubes and make snake meat and vegetable porridge.

She and the sick wolf had eaten well, so of course she couldn't wrong the sheep boss. Xia Qing took a piece of Chinese cabbage from the vegetable storage room, cut it and mixed it with wheat bran for the sheep boss, and added a little salt to make nutritious food for the sheep boss. Delicious ingredients.

The cabbage was very fresh. Xia Qing picked up a piece and gave it to the sheep boss. He gave a small piece to the sick wolf and ate a piece of it raw himself. It was obviously fresh cabbage that had just been harvested for a few days. It looked juicy, but had an astringent taste when eaten. This is a common taste of edible vegetables after natural disasters.

Some people say it’s the smell of the elements, while others say it’s the smell of other pollutants. It doesn't taste good, but it makes people feel satisfied, because many people can't afford natural food and can only eat compressed rations to satisfy their hunger.

It was only after Xia Qing started farming that she could eat vegetables and grain every day. After eating more, Xia Qing discovered that the vegetables native to this territory had a lighter astringency.

After one person, one sheep and one wolf carefully tasted the cabbage, Xia Qing commented, "This cabbage is very moist and tastes good. Do you like it, boss?"

The sheep boss had no expression on his face.

"Do you like it, dick?"

The sick wolf who was hahahaing immediately shut up and looked at Xia Qing seriously.

Come on, get it, they don't like either of them.

Xia Qing pinched half a piece of compressed grain and mixed it into the concentrate. While stirring, he said, "I think the bells on the toon tree are about to mature. Let's cut them off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, collect the toon seeds inside, and put them in the greenhouse to grow. How about eating toon sprouts?”

Toon bells are the fruit produced on the toon tree. The fruit of toon is a capsule, which is called toon bells or toon bells. It is oval in shape and hangs in bunches on the tree like grapes. After the toon bell matures, the color of the fruit changes from green to yellow, and then gradually turns to dark brown.

When the fruit is fully mature, it will split into five petals, revealing the white central axis and seeds inside, which look like a small bell, so it is called Xianglingzi.

This knowledge about toon trees was collected by Tan Junjie and sent to Xia Qing. When Xia Qing saw the information, he could not imagine the long bunches of green grapes on the toon tree.

This year, Xia Qing watched the toona flowering in May and June, and then the green fruit grew little by little, and then she realized that its capsule grew upward like a banana. Clusters of fruits grow together, really like grapes.

When Xia Qing returned to the territory with the python in hand this morning, she passed by the toon tree and found that the fragrant bells on the tree had turned from yellow to yellowish brown and showed signs of splitting. They had reached the time when the information said they were ready for picking.

After harvesting, toon seeds can be used to propagate saplings, sprout vegetables, extract oil and have medicinal purposes.

Of course, this is the toon tree before the natural disaster. The use of the toon seeds in the tenth year of the natural disaster must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, because the degree of evolution and even the direction of evolution of toon trees in different natural environments are different.

With the experience of Green Lantern Chestnut in mind, Xia Qing is not sure whether the seeds from this toona tree can grow and whether they can germinate after being planted.

Therefore, after harvesting the toon seeds, Xia Qing first wanted to see if the toona seeds could germinate.

"Hey." The sheep boss has a special liking for toon buds. After hearing Xia Qing's words, he immediately responded happily.

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