On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 440 The wolf capable of housekeeping service

In the past, Xia Qing had heard a saying: the same rice can feed all kinds of people.

Now that she has more contact with them, she has discovered that animals have different personalities. For example, the pack of wolves she knew; the alpha wolf was capable and responsible, and was an excellent leader; the broken-legged wolf was an idiot who jumped up and down, causing trouble; the black wolf was silent and quiet, always vigilant; the broken-legged wolf Not only are wolves very clever and fond of home decoration, they are also extremely curious.

Xia Qing held up the new protective boots with the laces broken and several cuts in front of the Broken Waist Wolf, and asked, "Broken Waist Wolf, what happened to my shoes?"

New shoes, these are new shoes she has just worn for a few days!

The Broken Waist Wolf turned its head and concentrated on studying the cracks on the wall, pretending not to hear Xia Qing's words, but its slightly turning ears betrayed it.

Xia Qing sighed, "Forget the shoes. I know you mean well. You saw my shoes were dirty and took them off for me. Where are my socks? Where did you put them?"

The broken-waisted wolf twitched its ears and refused to look back.

Xia Qing could only change her tone and speak softly, "You helped me take off my shoes and socks, but you didn't hurt my feet. I broke my waist. You are really amazing."

She is also very good at it. She sleeps like a dead pig and doesn't even feel it when a wolf bites her shoes and takes off her socks!

However, Xia Qing knew very well that it was because she trusted the sheep boss and the wolves that she slept so deeply.

"It feels so good to have a companion." Xia Qing, who has been alone for five years, sighed sincerely.


The broken-waisted wolf moved its ears greatly, turned its head, and exposed its snow-white, cute, and pointed fangs towards Xia Qing.

Xia Qing also laughed, pointing to her bare feet covered with wolf hair and asked, "Brother Handsome Wolf, where are my socks? They are the layer of cloth worn on my feet. Look, my feet are hairless and hairless." The pads don’t have sharp nails, and without socks or shoes, it’s easy to get injured.”

The Broken Waist Wolf stared thoughtfully at Xia Qing's feet for a few seconds, then happily ran up to the second floor and opened the bathroom door.

In the hand-woven wooden basket hanging in the bathroom, there were the clothes Xia Qing took off before taking a bath yesterday. On top of the clothes were the socks she wore last night, arranged neatly.

"So, you often go to the second floor for walks when I'm not around. You even know where I put my dirty clothes."

Xia Qing was speechless, rubbed the head of the broken waist wolf, and asked in a gesticulating manner, "Do you know where I put the protective clothing? It's the clothes and hat I wear when I go out to work and fight."

The broken waist wolf immediately turned around and happily pushed open the door of the storage room next to the bathroom.

Xia Qing...

"Do you know where I put the food?"

The Broken Wolf immediately ran to the locked refrigerator and used his paws to pull at the iron lock.

Xia Qing...

Very good, very smart, trained to be able to do housekeeping service.

When she was free, Xia Qing made a mop that a wolf could use, and asked the broken-back wolf to mop the floor, the sheep boss pedaled the car to generate electricity, the sick wolf caught insects and fed them to the poultry, and the Queen guarded the territory.


Xia Qing asked Broken Waist Wolf to play on the first floor. She washed her feet and put on indoor shoes, then went back to the bedroom to check on the red squirrel.

The timid red squirrel was hiding in the haystack in the cage, with its big furry tail exposed.

The indoor temperature is higher than outside, the pollution-free spring water in the cage is not frozen, and there are fewer dried fruits in the small bamboo tube. The immunity of evolved animals is very strong. This little guy can eat and drink and recover quickly.

"When the wolves leave, I will put you back in the sheep shed. You can go back to your den if you want." Xia Qing confessed, not caring whether the red squirrel understood it, so he turned around and went downstairs to cook quickly. Eat and start a busy day.

The first thing, of course, is to patrol the territory.

Xia Qing dug out a pair of winter protective boots with several patches from the box in the storage room, put on a protective mask, and first went to check the holes in the East Rail network wall.

The Beard Feng team has used the remaining iron mesh from the wall construction to weld the gap firmly.

Xia Qing rushed to the farmland and found that the Huxufeng team had already had breakfast and were helping her dig a cold-proof ditch around the greenhouse.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning, and Xia Qing woke up late for the first time.

Seeing Xia Qing coming over, the talkative Chen Cheng immediately shared the latest news with her, "Sister Qing, you don't know yet, Xu Pin was killed in a bomb!"

Xia Qing asked in surprise, "It's confirmed that he's dead. Didn't the golden cicada escape from its shell?"

Chen Cheng nodded, "The investigation team confirmed on the spot that he was blown up by explosives and died. Tang Zhengsu was in trouble with Liehuo because of this."

Chen Zheng, who has always been a man of few words, also commented, "They are dog eat dogs."

Eryong gloated, "Sufeng lost a helicopter, a deputy captain, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and several reconnaissance birds, Lihuo lost a tame eagle owl, and offended Zhang San to death. The base will still investigate They challenge the responsibility of the evolutionary bears, and they are in big trouble this time.”

Xiao Jiang joined the discussion, "If Xu Pin dies, the trouble will be great. If Xu Pin dies, it will be easy. Liehuo and Sufeng will soon reach an agreement and put all the blame on Xu Pin."

"This is definitely the result, but it is a great joy to be able to get rid of Xu Pin this time." After Xia Qing finished speaking, he went into the breeding greenhouse to check on the animals.

The sunshine is good today, the cold-proof straw curtains of the breeding greenhouse have been rolled up by the Bearded Feng team, and the indoor temperature is slowly rising. Xia Qing opened the ventilation belt on the top of the greenhouse and poured the chicken feed into the trough.

The chicken feed is made from ground corn, wheat bran, and chopped vegetable leaves, mixed with pollution-free spring water, and has a good smell.

The 22 green light chickens in the chicken coop immediately ran over and stuck their heads out to eat. The white hen with the highest evolutionary level occupies a unique position, and no chicken dares to compete with it.

Xia Qing has no objection at all to the distribution of positions among the chickens according to their strength, and will not interfere at all.

After feeding the chickens, Xia Qing went to see the spring fish in the water tank. Although there is no oxygen pump, the water tank in Xia Qingnong is large enough, and a certain proportion of non-polluted spring water is added to it. Some aquatic plants are transplanted into the water tank, and a large bottle is hung to continuously drip water into the water tank, so There is no lack of oxygen in the water tank, and the spring water fish are living well.

Looking at them, Xia Qing is already looking forward to the beautiful days when the fish tank will be filled with fish eggs next spring and she can eat fish at will tomorrow summer.

It would be perfect if there was a cute and clingy kitten who could only accompany her to eat fish.

After watching the fish, Xia Qing went to see the green light mealworms she raised. To be honest, bugs, no matter what kind of lamp they are, make Xia Qing want to crush them to death when they squirm. After digging around to confirm that there were no dead insects, Xia Qing poured some cabbage sticks into the tray for the insects to chew on, then threw a few more cabbage sticks for the yellow lantern rabbits, and then went to the greenhouse to look at the green lantern leek roots she planted yesterday.

Over the course of one night, there was no change in the leek root. Today, she will start soaking seeds in preparation for planting other vegetable species.

Both Agricultural Knowledge Broadcasting and Qifu recommend waiting until the snow is over before planting vegetable seeds to prevent vegetables from being adversely affected by excessive exposure to elements during the germination and seedling stages and reducing the quality of vegetables.

But Xia Qing doesn't need to consider the impact of snow removal on vegetable planting, because she has Yishi.

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