On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 441 The red squirrel living in the sheep shed

This year will be a cold winter, and the lords are actively preparing cold-proof materials - cold-proof materials for crops to survive the winter.

Everyone followed the measures introduced on the radio, such as winter irrigation, spreading plant ash, and covering dead plant leaves or crushed straw, as Qi Fu and Shi Quan said on the radio. Now they dig cold trenches to separate the greenhouses and farmland where wheat and rapeseed grow. Encircling it is the last step everyone can take.

If this can't help wheat survive the cold winter, then everyone can only accept their fate.

Therefore, for this last measure, each territory takes extra serious measures. If they encounter something they don’t understand, they communicate with each other in the lord channel to find solutions.

Yue Haiying provided new ideas, "Brother Qi, is there any antifreeze for plants?"

The lowest temperature in winter before the natural disaster at Huisan Base was minus 5 degrees. Even Qi Fu and Shi Quan, who had farming experience, did not know much about cold resistance in farmland. Qi Fu really doesn't know about Yue Haiying's problem. "I don't know either. Logically speaking, there should be something before the natural disaster, right?"

Kuang Qingwei immediately went online, "I'll ask someone to find out, but even if this thing exists, the price probably won't be cheap."

Hearing that the supplies were not cheap and might be scarce, Xia Qing, who was driving a tiller to dig ditches, began to count silently: 1, 2...

"There's antifreeze for plants."

Sure enough, a big boss came online, but it was not Li Si but Zhang San. Zhang San was in a good mood and his voice had a little more energy. "But the best temperature for using plant antifreeze is 5-15℃, and at -5 Disabled below ℃.”


Zhao Ze couldn't help but mutter, "Third brother, it won't freeze between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius, so why do you need antifreeze?"

Zhang San was in a good mood and talked a lot, "Plants that are not cold-tolerant will be frozen and lose their activity at this temperature."

After waiting for a while, no Li Si or assistant Xiao Liu came online to promote the specialties of Territory No. 9. Xia Qing knew why Zhang San was in a good mood today.

Sure enough, Zhang San's phone call came quickly, "Xia Qing, after the green light soybeans are delivered, do you want to store them in my storage room or put them in your own territory?"

Xia Qing immediately replied, "I'll leave it with you first, and I'll get it from you when it's time to plant. Third brother, did the people from Liehuo agree so easily?"

Zhang San snorted, "The evidence is solid, she dare not agree."

No need to ask, this "she" must refer to Shan Ying, Liehuo's vice-captain. Xia Qing was so happy that when she went home to rest at noon, she took a bag of green light pecans from the underground storage room and gave two kilograms to her idol in exchange for a potion that could drive away small reptiles. Eat a pound by yourself to replenish your brain.

When Xia Qing returned after exchanging potions with Ji Li, Xia Qing cut another bag of chun bells from the big chun tree and took it home. After pruning this time, only the tops of the trees are left with fruits hanging on them, which cannot be reached with long branch pruners. If you want to get it off, you have to tie a sickle to a long bamboo pole and use the sickle to cut down.

It's not urgent, we can do it when we come over tomorrow.

At this time, the wolves and the Bearded Front team had left, and only Xia Qing, the sheep boss, and the sick wolf were left in the territory. Although the territory was lonely, Xia Qing felt warm and fulfilled.

After chatting with the boss, I returned home and said hello to the sick wolf who was looking after the house. I took the Chun Lingzi back to the house and put it on the large balcony on the second floor to dry, when I heard the sound of hay being plowed.

Xia Qing turned around and found a red squirrel with a white bandage around its waist crawling out of the haystack. It was holding on to the cage with its little paws and looking at Chun Lingzi eagerly, its big fluffy tail wagging.

It wants to eat.

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows and walked over with a bunch of chun bells. The red squirrel immediately shrank into the haystack. After Xia Qing put the food he wanted into the cage, the red squirrel immediately hugged a string of chun bells as tall as itself and dragged it into the haystack.

After finding that he couldn't drag it in, the little guy started to break the small bells one by one, skillfully peeled off the hard outer skin, and ate the toona seeds inside.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qing's confidence in using toon to cultivate toon buds increased.

She was still wondering before, if the seeds of the Green Lantern Toon tree could germinate, why it produced so many toon seeds every year but not many toon seedlings. Even if the sheep boss likes to eat, it is impossible to eat all the toona seedlings all over the mountain.

Now she understood: Most of the seeds produced by this toon tree were eaten by this red squirrel.

Xia Qing was pulling the toon seeds drying on the balcony while chatting with the red squirrel in the cage eating toon seeds, "You are just a rat with no home and no job. Do you store so much food every year, or have you noticed it?" It will be very cold this winter, so why store so much?”

The red squirrel sat on the hay, skillfully peeling toon seeds with its little paws and stuffing them into its mouth. It had no time to talk to Xia Qing. To be more precise, it couldn't understand what Xia Qing was saying at all. It could only feel that this human being had no ill intentions toward it, so it dared to sit in the cage and eat as much as possible to replenish the energy it had lost in the past two days after being injured. and energy.

After Xia Qing finished drying, he turned around and asked, "How old are you this year? The sheep boss is only over a year old, so you're probably not that old either, right?"

When the red squirrel noticed that Xia Qing was staring at it, its big tail immediately became furry, and it hid in the hay holding two red squirrels.

Xia Qing was happy. He opened the door of the cage and took out the red squirrel hiding in the hay. Ignoring its squeaking, he held it down with one hand and untied the bandage on its abdomen with the other to check the wound on its abdomen. .

When the sheep boss and sick wolf heard the noise, they all ran to the second floor to watch. Xia Qing no longer emphasized that they were not allowed to go upstairs. He said hello and continued to check the red squirrel's wounds.

As expected of an evolutionary animal native to the evolutionary forest, red squirrels have very good recovery abilities. Xia Qing applied topical medicine to sterilize and reduce swelling, put a bandage on it, and opened the window on the second floor.

"Go ahead. Your wound is not infected with severe evolutionary bacteria. It will be completely healed in three or two days."

The moment Xia Qing opened his hand, the red squirrel jumped out of Xia Qing's palm almost instantly and ran away quickly. But what surprised Xia Qing was that the red squirrel did not escape to the squirrel hole in the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain, but plunged into the sheep shed and got into the haystack.

Xia Qing watched for a while and then asked the sick wolf who was standing next to him, "Second brother, the grass in the sheep shed is prepared for the winter for you two. The red squirrel won't urinate in it, right?"

The sick wolf raised his head and looked at Xia Qing, with a simple look on his face.

The sheep boss was squinting as he studied how to open the refrigerator. He was more interested in the food in the refrigerator than what was going on in the sheep shed.

Xia Qing closed the window, turned around and saw the sheep boss studying the refrigerator, and told him, "Don't look at it, boss. It's full of python meat. You don't like to eat it."

Of the more than 500 kilograms of python meat left by Xia Qing, only a small amount was made into dried meat, and most of it was frozen and stored in the storage room and refrigerator. Zhang San said that one hundred kilograms of meat would be enough for her, and Xia Qing began to think about how to maximize the value of the extra hundred kilograms of meat.

Thanks to book friends Xue Ling'er, Daqingshan Grassland, Favorite Manbao, and Chen Xixiao for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription support.

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