Ten minutes later, the Yi element stimulating liquid began to take effect, and Xia Qing felt that his physical strength was rapidly recovering and soaring.

She unzipped the back of the shoulder bag, took out the folding stretcher from the interlayer, quickly fixed the alpha wolf and the broken-waisted wolf on the stretcher and carried them behind her. Then she put the sick wolf into the backpack, hung it in front of her, and tied it with a rope. The belt is fastened.

This kind of front-carrying equipment is specially designed for situations where vehicles cannot pass after natural disasters and is used by Power Evolvers to carry the wounded. In this manner, a single Power Evolver can carry two to three wounded at a time.

Xia Qing's current appearance, at a glance in the dark evolutionary forest, looks like a special two-legged evolutionary beast with three heads.

Carrying three evolved wolves weighing a total of eight to nine hundred kilograms and moving forward quickly is beyond the capabilities of a level six power evolver, but Xia Qing feels very relaxed now. This is the effect of using the Yi element stimulating fluid.

Before Xia Qing could move his legs, the plucked weasel shivering in the cold wind gave a "squeak" sound twice and started running down the mountain.

Xia Qing asked, "The one who plucked the hair wants me to follow it? Your Majesty, the one with a broken waist, does the one who plucked the hair mean this?"

The alpha wolf, who was tied to Xia Qing's back, tilted his head and touched the protective mask on Xia Qing's head.

This action of the alpha wolf immediately brought Xia Qing back to the night when the wolf, snake, and bear fought.

That night, the evolutionary bears poisoned the alpha wolf and after all four legs were clawed to pieces, they went to Hill 61 to provoke him. Before the alpha wolf went to fight again, he touched Xia Qing's protective helmet with his head.

Xia Qing suddenly felt a complex feeling that was difficult to describe in words. This feeling seemed to be amplified by the stimulating liquid, which made Xia Qing's eyes become astringent, having forgotten what tears were.

She raised her hand and touched the weak head of the alpha wolf, her voice was gentle but firm, "I understand, please rest assured, Queen."

The weasel jumped and ran down the mountain along an animal path that was not covered by poisonous gas. Xia Qing spotted where it landed and followed it at full speed.

The weasel is about the same size as a domestic cat. When Xia Qing and the three evolved wolves walked on the animal path chosen by the weasel, they would be scratched by branches and rocks at high places and on the left and right sides.

Xia Qing directly chopped off the branches with sharp thorns with a knife. The branches that attacked when touched were too late to be chopped with the knife, so Xia Qing just pulled them off with her hands.

Her strength is so strong now that, let alone pulling on branches, she can overturn even an elephant blocking her path!


The weasel leading the way suddenly stopped and screamed in panic. The sound was like a human sneezing, and the wolf also moved.

"I heard it, look at me."

Without their reminder, Xia Qing heard a large animal quickly crossing the dense woods and rushing towards this direction.

This evolved animal looks like some kind of bison and is taller than Xia Qing. It has red eyes and heavy breathing. It is obviously a violent evolution or mad animal. It will never stand up until it is beaten. The attack will stop.

Xia Qing was quick and quick, punching it hard on the cervical vertebrae, directly breaking its neck, and kicked away several evolved hares and mice that wanted to bite her, reminding the stunned weasel, "Plucking hair." , lead the way, you are very close when you hear the howling of wolves."

Seeing that Xia Qing still had such strong fighting power, the alpha wolf closed his eyes and rested to conserve his strength. The Broken Waist Wolf turned to look at Xia Qing, thoughtfully.

The further you go down, the more animals are running wildly. Xia Qing originally thought that they were just animals south of the third peak of No. 50 Mountain, but they were driven to the south by the poisonous mist that spread with the wind. But I didn't expect that the animals north of the poisonous fog were also running wildly.

If these animals are all heading towards human territory, then this tide of beasts will be more than small.

Xia Qing urged the weasels to speed up again. She must join the wolves as soon as possible and she could not let them howl like this anymore. Wolves are large predatory beasts. A group of evolved wolves howling and running wildly will undoubtedly frighten a large number of animals and make them run faster.

"Ouch - ow -"

When the distance between Xia Qing and the wolves was only five to six hundred meters, the Broken-Waist Wolf raised its head and howled.

Soon, Xia Qing heard "Whoosh——" and "Whoosh——" several times. The handsome giant wolf led three wolves to block Xia Qing's path, formed a siege and attack formation, and bared his fangs at her and growled softly. .

Ten seconds later, more than twenty evolved wolves arrived and surrounded Xia Qing, including the broken-leg girl. Xia Qing stood quietly, waiting for the two wolf leaders to communicate with the wolves.

The broken-leg wolf jumped over from the pack and anxiously circled around Xia Qing. It raised its two front legs and pulled at the head wolf and the broken-waist wolf, hoping that they would get off Xia Qing's back quickly.

The plucked weasel stopped trembling and climbed onto Xia Qing's shoulders, making it clear that he was on her side.

The alpha wolf opened his golden eyes and looked at the wolves. The wolves, including the giant wolf, put away their fangs. The handsome giant wolf came over and stared at Xia Qing for a few seconds with its ice-blue eyes, then lowered its head and sniffed the two wolves on Xia Qing's back.

Xia Qing clenched her fists, her whole body tense and motionless. Even after taking the Yi element stimulating liquid, she still dare not stimulate nearly thirty evolved wolves!

After the handsome giant wolf confirmed some information and took a few steps back, Xia Qing discussed with the wolves, "Your Majesty, we must rush back to my territory as soon as possible to detoxify. The wolves cannot follow, so it is better to let them stay here to stop them. Animals rushing over, otherwise the humans in the territory will be busy dealing with the tide of beasts and will not be able to concentrate on detoxifying you. "

Xia Qing couldn't see the expressions of the two wolves on her back, nor could she hear their response, but she had no time to waste here and ran directly to No. 49 Mountain on the opposite side of the valley.

In the valley, animals of all sizes running southward have merged into a roaring river.

The plucked weasel jumped off Xia Qing's body, rushed towards the tide of beasts, and released poisonous gas. The rushing river of animals immediately exploded and fled in all directions.

Xia Qing rushed forward without hesitation, seizing the opportunity created by the weasel to "cross the river".

The Broken Leg Wolf brother and sister immediately followed, and the handsome giant wolf paused for a few seconds before rushing forward with the pack to escort Xia Qing.

"Fuck! Boss, it's that weasel!" The team members who had followed Yang Jin to collect medicine from the lake next to Mountain No. 61 recognized the terrifying weasel that climbed onto Xia Qing's body after releasing the poison gas. .

Yang Jin, who was standing at the foot of Mountain No. 49 on the opposite side of the valley, immediately ordered, "Get out of the way and let Xia Qing and the wolves enter."

The Qinglong team members obeyed the order and retreated, looking at Xia Qing who was being protected by the wolves and rushing over with mixed emotions.

Xia Qing rushed into the animal interception net of No. 49 Mountain and stopped. He waved to Yang Jin in the distance and found that a group of wolves were also rushing towards the No. 49 Mountain. He discussed with the two wolves on his back, "Queen Sir, with a broken leg, who of you two can still speak and tell the wolves that they can't move forward any further."

The alpha wolf raised his head and roared at the pack of wolves, which was not loud but powerful. All the wolves immediately stopped and lowered their heads. Except for the handsome giant wolf, the other wolves were slowly retreating.

The handsome giant wolf and the plucked weasel lying on Xia Qing's head should be the "guards" chosen by Her Majesty the Queen.

Xia Qing stopped talking nonsense and ran towards his territory.

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