After taking the Yi element stimulating liquid, Xia Qing carried the four wolves and entered the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain along a familiar road in only fifteen minutes. Then he heard the sound of Husband Feng coming from the headset-type walkie-talkie. the sound of.

"Third brother sent someone to deliver the antidote to Territory No. 3. You can just return to the territory from the north gate and hang it on the big chun tree."

Idol has already obtained the antidote before she comes back? How did he get it?

"Received." Xia Qing was overjoyed. He led the giant wolf through the third area and entered the third territory. He picked this light bag from the big chun tree. Xia Qing still couldn't believe it was true.

Hu Feng continued, "There are four injections in the bag. The third brother said to inject them directly into the muscle. The third brother also said..."

Hu Xiufeng paused for a second before continuing, "I also asked you to drive away the beasts immediately after the injection. When will you lie down and when will someone carry you to territory No. 7? Xia Qing, you are messing with the three Brother is unhappy?"

Xiao Jiang, who was hiding behind a tree, gave Xia Qing an idea, "Sister Qing, can you still hold on? Why don't you go over and kill two animals and then lie down, and we will carry you to territory No. 7 immediately."

"It's okay, I can hold on." Xia Qing took the medicine bag and immediately ran towards home.

Xiao Jiang exclaimed, "Sister Qing is so awesome. She can run so fast with three evolved wolves on her back."

"There are four. The weasel on her head is also a wolf." Er Yong asked in a low voice, "Guan Tong, do you think Sister Qing's power evolution level has been improved again?"

Guan Tong nodded and told Hu Feng, "Boss, Sister Qing's condition is not right."

It was impossible for her to improve so much in a short period of time. She might have taken some medicine to hold on.

Chen Cheng muttered softly, "The smell is wrong, too. Do you smell a bad smell?"

Hu Huifeng ordered, "Jing Kuan and Peng Jian, the three of us will follow Xia Qing to the east isolation zone later. The others will guard their territory. Remember, don't get close to the village. That giant wolf is not easy to mess with."


When Xia Qing ran to the entrance of the village, the sheep boss had already rushed out. He raised his nose and sniffed, then took two steps back and said, "Hey!"

"Boss, I'm back." Xia Qing responded, ran home and quickly untied the three wolves, then took off protective gloves to disinfect his hands, and injected the antidote to the three wolves.

"Hey--" After discovering that the three wolves couldn't move, the sheep boss couldn't care less about what smelled good or bad, and rushed into the house to ask anxiously about the situation.

Time was urgent. Xia Qing didn't even take off his protective mask. He took off his protective clothing and injected himself with the antidote. "Don't be afraid, boss. The Queen will get well soon. You and Brother Giant Wolf, the hair-pluckers... eh? The hair-pluckers Where are you going?"

After injecting the antidote, Xia Qing began to put on protective clothing. He looked around and didn't find the weasel, so he ignored it. He quickly went to the basement to take out all his ammunition and shoulder-mounted howitzers, and told his companions, "Boss, Queen, they are I'll leave it to you and the giant wolf to protect me. I'll deal with the beast tide and come back later."

After saying that, Xia Qing rushed out and said hello to the giant wolf at the door, then ran towards the south gate of the territory. To go to the east isolation zone of this territory, take the east-west passage outside the south gate, which is faster than taking the north gate.

After rushing out of the south gate, Xia Qing rushed straight towards the east isolation zone where the flames were blazing into the sky.

"Holy shit! Xia Qing actually came back alive?! Damn the howitzer she carried!" Zhou Xun was shocked inside the grass wall in Territory No. 2, "The trapping team in Territory No. 9 actually failed to kill her!"

"Shut the hell up, are you afraid that others won't hear?"

Xia Qing rushed through the cursing Territory No. 2, ran past the surrounded Territory No. 9, raised his hand to say hello to the people in Territory No. 7 and Territory 15, and rushed into the fire.

This fire wall is used to defend against snakes, insects, rats, and ants crawling on the ground. It cannot protect against large animals. Large animals must be eliminated by the defense team members outside the fire wall.

Fortunately, this time the gas bomb exploded on Hill 50, which is close to human territory. This hill was previously occupied by two evolved bears. There were no other large predatory beasts. In addition, the base increased this territory. The number of people and weapons and equipment of the platoon were so large that all the animals that rushed over were stopped by the wall of fire and the platoon.

"Xia Qing? The person who ran over and greeted us just now is Xia Qing, the No. 3 lord, right?" The person guarding the northern thorn wall of the No. 15 territory couldn't believe his eyes.

Another person replied, "It must be her. There are no female evolvers in the investigation team in this territory. Apart from her, there will be no other female evolvers to say hello to us."

Xia Qing accurately found Tan Junjie, who was directing the operation, "Team Tan, I'm back and applied to join the first combat echelon."

Tan Junjie didn't waste any time. He pointed to the exit of No. 50 Mountain outside the northeast corner of Territory No. 18 and assigned Xia Qing a task, "Intercom channel 3536. In two minutes, at least twenty adult wild boars will come from that location." We rushed out of the second exit and our ammunition was low. Reinforcements arrived an hour later."


Xia Qing handed the howitzer, submachine gun and matching bullets and artillery shells to Tan Junjie, and immediately adjusted the intercom channel in the protective mask, passing through the third echelon of using chemicals to exterminate insects, and the second echelon of using knives and guns to exterminate small animals. The first combat echelon at the front using sniper rifles and submachine guns to eliminate large animals heard Tan Junjie ordering through the walkie-talkie:

"All personnel in the first echelon of the second exit will be withdrawn. Half will go to the third exit and half will go to the fourth exit. Xia Qing will be in charge of the first echelon of the second exit."


After the first echelon of snipers retreated, Xia Qing took up a sniper position, aiming at the animal frenzy pouring out of the exit, specifically targeting the big ones among them.

After killing several monitor lizards and five unknown evolved animals, a herd of wild boars appeared in her night vision goggles. The huge tusks, bloodshot eyes and reflective fur all demonstrate the strength of this group of wild boars.

Wild boars in the evolutionary forest will repeatedly rub themselves against pine tree poles, coating their bodies with thick layers of rosin and mud, making their skin stronger than armor. Therefore, to kill a wild boar with one shot, you must shoot it in the eye. Or an open mouth.

Xia Qing remained calm and aimed at the wild boar's eyes.

After using sniper rifles to eliminate eight wild boars, the remaining three were five meters away from Xia Qing, and the members of the second echelon screamed.

Xia Qing simply put down his sniper rifle, rushed forward, picked up the wild boar at the front, and threw it hard at the other two wild boars. Xia Qing had already mastered this move on Boss Yang, and he could hit wherever he pointed.

Before the three wild boars could stand up, Xia Qing rushed forward and punched one wild boar in the head, then picked up the second wild boar and hit the third wild boar hard.


Two wild boars hit their heads together and died at the same time.

"Top power evolver!" After seeing Xia Qing's move, the second echelon immediately became excited and their confidence soared.

No wonder Captain Tan wanted to evacuate the first echelon here, but top power evolvers came to reinforce him!

Hu Feng, who had just arrived, saw what he didn't understand when he saw this scene. Xia Qing, she actually took the Yi element stimulating liquid! (End of chapter)

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