
The data on this test result...

Xia Qing flipped through the photo album on her phone and found the picture she was looking for. She connected the printer to Bluetooth and printed it out. After comparing the two test results, she was surprised to find that the content of various components in the hot spring on the 50th mountain was very similar to that of the unpolluted spring water in her territory. In addition, neither spring contained harmful substances such as radioactive elements. The biggest difference was the content of the toxic element.

The spring water in Xia Qing's territory contained 4 toxic elements and less than 1 toxic element; the hot spring on the 50th mountain contained 1 toxic element and 17‰ toxic element.

The toxic element content was similar to that of the river water flowing through her territory, but because the hot spring water did not contain other harmful substances, the overall water quality was better than that of the river water.

If the filter element sold publicly in the safe zone was used to filter out the excess toxic elements, this hot spring would meet the standard for yellow light drinking water.

If the toxic elements in the spring water were driven away by the toxic stone, the hot spring water would become green light drinking water. No wonder the two evolved bears threw Yi stones into the pool, and no wonder the loaches and eels in the pool can maintain edible quality.

Xia Qing tested the soil quality in the valley again. There were too many indicators and chemical compositions that she couldn't understand. She could only understand that the soil in the valley was not high in Yi elements. This is normal, because the hot springs that irrigate the valley farmland do not have high Yi elements.

Could it be that the hot spring on the 50th Mountain was also a pollution-free water source before, but due to the cracks in the mountain or the artificial blasting of the cracks, the mountain structure was destroyed, causing the water quality to degrade and become ordinary mountain spring water?

I don't know if such water quality can arouse the interest of idols.

Xia Qing contacted Ji Li, and after learning that the third brother was free, she immediately carried the samples and test results and rushed to the No. 7 territory.

Although she could go to the No. 7 territory openly as the manager of the No. 50 Mountain and report to the head of the laboratory, Zhang San, she still chose to walk on the undulating northern isolation belt instead of the flat passage outside the south gate of the territory.

Because the northern isolation zone is her own territory on one side and her allies on the other, this road is safer than the southern gate.

Nothing is more important than safety.

After entering the No. 7 territory, Xia Qing first delivered the frozen green light eels and green light loaches.

Zhang San's sickly face became visibly kinder under the illumination of the green light food, "It can raise such a big eel, it seems that the valley is not useless."

Xia Qing nodded and looked at her idol eagerly.

Zhang San understood, picked up the remote control on the table and pressed it twice, "Go ahead."

Finding that Zhang San had cut off the surveillance, Huo Zhun discussed with Yanlong, "The lord doesn't want us to know the content of his chat with Xia Qing. Do we need to report this to the captain?"

Yanlong raised his hand and pushed down the brim of his hat, "No. I'll go over. I'll be responsible for his personal safety during the conversation with Xia Qing."

"Brother San, look, these are the test results of the spring water and soil in the valley. I found that the water quality of the hot spring is very good." Xia Qing handed the test results to Zhang San with both hands.

After Zhang San took the two test results and looked at them, he turned around and took out a folder from the filing cabinet, flipped out a test result from it, and handed it to Xia Qing.

Hmm...Hmm? !

Xia Qing was stunned when he saw the source of the soil sample in the upper right corner of the test sheet.

In February of the eighth year of the natural disaster, someone took soil samples from the cracks in the third peak of the 50th Mountain and tested the soil quality. "Brother San, has this valley been discovered long ago?"

"Look at the sample name: mountain cracks. This was the team that was looking for unpolluted water sources at the time. They found that the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the mountain cracks was large, so they took soil samples from the cracks and sent them back to the safe area for testing." Zhang San explained, "After testing, it was found that the content of the element Yi in the soil was not high, so the possibility of unpolluted water sources in the cracks was directly ruled out."

When the team goes out on a mission, they will look for unpolluted water sources. The name of the team that submitted the soil sample is not listed on this test sheet, so Xia Qing doesn't know which team has been to the third peak of the 50th Mountain.

In February of the eighth year of the natural disaster, it was just half a year since Shi Jiayi died.

Before September of the seventh year of the natural disaster, someone must have been to the 50th Mountain. These people didn't find Shi Jiayi who was still alive. Did she hide, or did they miss her because of the high mountains and dense forests?

Xia Qing came back to his senses and asked his idol, "The water quality of the hot spring is better than the water quality of the river flowing through us. I want to allow alliance members to draw water from the 50th mountain as a source of drinking water. Do you think it's okay?"

"Yes, improving water quality is beneficial to improving human immunity." Zhang San had no objection, "You can send my share, you don't need to send too much, 20 liters a week is enough, I have equipment for purifying and making distilled water in my territory. You want me to shut down the surveillance for this matter?"

"Not all, there is one more thing." Xia Qing took out the third test result from his backpack very solemnly, "Brother San, please look at this first."

Zhang San took it and glanced at it, "This is the one in your territory, then what?"

Xia Qing was shocked.

Zhang San rolled his eyes at her, "What's with that expression? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Xia Qing calmed down, "Brother San, how could you..."

The disgust on Zhang San's face became more obvious, "I thought that when I asked you to exchange eggs with me first and then with Territory No. 9, you already understood that I had confirmed whether there was any polluted water source in your territory."

Xia Qing put away her expression and explained to her idol, "I did guess that you knew it at that time. I was surprised because how could you know that this was the result of the water quality test in my territory just by looking at the list?"

Zhang San leaned back in his chair weakly, "Whose test results could you have brought if not your own? Before this, I had tested the soil in your territory, so I knew it as soon as I saw the trace elements on the test report."

In fact, she could also get the test report of the hot spring in the Sea of ​​Death, but this was Yang Jin's secret, and Xia Qing would certainly not tell anyone, even if the person in front of her was her idol whom she completely trusted.

Xia Qing sincerely flattered him, "The memory of a brain evolver is really amazing."

"This is a basic professional quality and has nothing to do with brain evolution." Since Xia Qing mentioned the spring water, Zhang San asked directly, "The water source should be underground, how did you find it?"

Xia Qing explained, "It's not underground, it's in the cracks of the rocks on the hillside. I participated in the task of cleaning up this territory last winter and found it by chance."

Zhang San looked at Xia Qing for a few seconds and sighed, "In February this year, I sent a team to test the soil and water samples of this territory. After weighing between Territory No. 3 and Territory No. 7, we finally gave up the Gaoyi element terraces in Territory No. 3 because of the thicker and more fertile soil layer in Territory No. 7. It is estimated that the water source was in the dry season at that time, so it was a bargain for you."

Xia Qing secretly rejoiced and asked sincerely, "Do you need spring water, how much do you need? I'll send it to you."

Thanks to the book friend October's first quarter moon for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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