Pollution-free spring water is a precious and scarce resource. It used to be one thing to tacitly acknowledge it, but now Xia Qing takes the initiative to tell herself, it's another thing.

This is the greatest sincerity she can show in cooperating with herself. Zhang San smiled, "You should know that there are several pollution-free springs in Huisan Base, right?"

Xia Qing replied, "I know. There were originally four places, but two of them were destroyed, and now there are two left."

Zhang San nodded, "One of the conditions for me to join Huisan Base is that the base must supply enough spring water for my research, so I don't need to get it from your territory now. Just give me the hot spring water from No. 50 Mountain." It is also safer. Excluding the two elements, the water quality of No. 50 Mountain is basically the same as that in your territory, and it is a high-quality spring water. "

The word "insurance" really touched Xia Qing's heart. She took the opportunity of her idol's good mood and humbly asked for advice, "Third brother, what criteria do you use to evaluate the quality of spring water?"

Zhang San is indeed in a good mood now, so he patiently answered Xia Qing’s common sense question, “Spring water gushes from the mountain, so most of the chemicals in the spring water come from various minerals in rocks, minerals or volcanic gases. Spring water in geographical areas contains different chemical substances. The basis for judging the quality of spring water is whether the minerals contained in the spring water are harmful or beneficial to the human body. "

Zhang Sanyang raised the test result in his hand and asked Xia Qing to look at the element content. "These two springs belong to the top grade of the four categories of spring water - carbonate spring. They also contain calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and sodium carbonate. The spring water with a slightly alkaline PH value is the top grade carbonate spring water and is known as the water of life.”

Wow wow, wow wow!

Xia Qing's eyes were bright. No wonder she brought the spring water to Territory No. 1 and Team Doctor Wang was so excited after testing the water quality. It turns out that her pollution-free spring water is the best of the best.

King of Kings!

"You can check the importance of calcium, magnesium and sodium to the human body if you are interested. In short, this spring water is very beneficial to the human cardiovascular system, nervous system and endocrine function, and has high medical and Therapeutic value. When you take a medicinal bath, you use spring water, right?"

Xia Qing nodded immediately.

"Continue to use it. You can also take more bubbles when not taking a medicinal bath. This spring water can soften skin cuticles, moisturize and whiten the skin. The quality of natural hot springs like No. 50 Mountain was known as the 'Beauty Soup' before the natural disaster. "

After hearing the three effects mentioned by her idol, Xia Qing's first reaction was not to soak more, but to soak less. She wanted to moisturize her skin and whiten it, but, "Third brother, the cuticle of the skin has been softened. Is it easy to get injured?"

Zhang San rolled his eyes at her, "Theoretically yes. But, do you think the potion I prepared for you was just for fun?"

That can't be done, absolutely impossible!

Fan Xia Qing immediately expressed her opinion, "After using it for two months, I feel like my bones and joints have been coated with a thick layer of lubricant, and I feel comfortable everywhere. Although I have never used anyone else's medicine, I believe in yours." It’s the best, because you are a scientific research leader standing at the top of the Blue Star Pyramid!”

"The top of the pyramid is too narrow, and I can't squeeze in with my current ability."

Zhang San showed a satisfied expression, said something modest, and told Xia Qing, "Now is the year of natural disasters, the living environment is harsh, and it is indeed of great benefit to have a certain thickness of cuticle on the palms and soles of the feet."

"I understand, thank you third brother." Xia Qing told the issue that he was most concerned about during this trip, "Third brother, tell me, would the hot spring at No. 50 Mountain have been a pollution-free water source before?"

Zhang San lowered his eyes and stared at the test results, "It is possible, but it is unlikely. There are pollution-free water sources in the two adjacent mountains. There is no precedent in the country."

Xia Qing listed the reasons why he said this, "The people living in the valley moved into the bear cave next to the crack in the winter of the second year of the natural disaster. Then they dug a passage from the bear cave to the crack in the mountain, then widened the valley and filled it with soil. Farming.”

"The rock there is very hard. The length of the passage they dug from the bear cave into the valley is more than 8 meters. The entrance of the cave is more than 300 meters away from the spring, and the width of the valley is about 20 meters. According to the video on the mobile phone, although they have more than 20 people , but there are only 8 strong laborers. In the process of opening up the valley, the rain and various dangers in the evolutionary forest coexisted, causing a high proportion of casualties. Therefore, it took them at least half a year to widen from the entrance of the cave. The location of the hot springs.”

"In the past six months, they must have drained the spring water and used it as domestic water. This should improve their resistance, stimulate birth and promote evolution." Xia Qing handed the penultimate video to his idol and continued.

"The population evolution rate in the first two years of the natural disaster in our country was 3‰, but the three people in the video survived into the third or even fourth year of the natural disaster without protective clothing and medicine. Third brother, can this be possible? Does it mean that all three of them are evolutionaries?”

Zhang San raised his eyes and paid attention, "The probability is very high, especially this old man. The evolution rate of the population over fifty years old is less than one in 500,000, so this elderly evolver is a small probability phenomenon. Is there a high possibility of the blessing of polluted spring water? Is this the final record?”

Xia Qing was very happy that her speculation was recognized by her idol. She opened the next video and introduced to her third brother, "This is the person who shot the previous video. She is the last person in the valley and survived the seventh natural disaster. The third rain of the year.”

After Zhang San watched the video, he asked Xia Qing seriously, "Besides you, who else has watched this video?"

Xia Qing's heart immediately rose, "Except for you, I haven't shown it to anyone else, and I haven't mentioned it to anyone else."

Zhang San asked again, "Who else has entered that valley besides you?"

Xia Qing replied, "Yang Jin, I asked him to go in and get the peanuts for me. He set up the on-site disaster control command room in the bear cave. I don't know whether he went in or not. But he agreed to help me. It’s kept secret, so no one else has gone in except him.”

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, "Have you heard of the underground experimental project of the Huiyi Base Research Institute, right?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Have you ever heard that Shi Jiayi is related to underground experiments?"

Zhang San leaned back on his chair weakly. Judging from his expression, it was clear that he was extremely reluctant to mention these things. "Shi Jiayi's sister Shi Jiaran is one of the victims of the underground experimental project. She is a resilience evolver."

Xia Qing was shocked, "Like the Fire Phoenix?"

Zhang San nodded slowly, "Her evolutionary level was higher than that of Fire Phoenix, so she was treated as a precious experimental subject and suffered much less than Fire Phoenix. She disappeared not long after she was rescued."

Xia Qing felt heavy, "Who captured her?"

Zhang San rolled her eyes at Xia Qing, "I secretly let her go. Only three people know about this. Me, Shi Jiaran and you."

Xia Qing immediately straightened her back and was about to make a promise never to reveal secrets, when she was stopped by Zhang San.

"In the past few years, all forces have been tracking her whereabouts. Leave the phone with me, and you go to the valley immediately and remove all traces of Shi Jiaran's relatives in the valley that may reveal their identity. Completely remove them. You arrive at the Bear Cave Let me know later and I will call Yang Jin over. The fewer people who know about this, the better."

"Understood." Xia Qing stood up, opened the door and entered the long and narrow corridor, and found Yanlong standing in the corridor.

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