The pinholes and bruises on Shi Jiaran's arms and legs touched and shocked Xia Qing more than Shi Jiayi's self-mutilation in the video.

Because Shi Jiayi's brain was invaded by excessive killing elements, and she lost control and self-mutilated, while Shi Jiaran's miserable condition was caused by humans. No, those participants in the underground experimental project are no longer considered human beings.

Xia Qing took a deep breath, "Third brother, I remember, do you think she is still alive now?"

Zhang San nodded very affirmatively, "She is a resilience evolver, and her survival ability and desire to survive are very strong."

Xia Qing was silent, "Since she is a resilience evolver, why are there so many bruises and pinholes on her arms and the back of her hands?"

"She resisted the experiment fiercely, so she was injected with neurosedatives. Her body was in a weak state and her recovery ability was weakened." Zhang San paused for a moment, but decided to tell Xia Qing, "She was four months pregnant at the time. If the child is alive, she should be four years old now."

Xia Qing was stunned, "The fetus is also..."

Zhang San nodded, "Experimental project. When you walk out of this door, you should pretend that you know nothing and do whatever you should do. But if you meet her one day, help her if you can, while ensuring your own safety. The existence of Shi Jiaran and her son is of extremely important value to all mankind no matter from which aspect."

Xia Qing's mood was indescribably complicated, "Third brother, the resilience evolver should Very rare, right? "

Since Zhang San chose to form an alliance with Xia Qing, he no longer hid it from her, "This is also a secret in the scientific research circle. A total of four were found in the ten years of the natural disaster: one is dead, one has become a poisonous person, one is missing, and one is in the Red One Base. If Shi Jiaran's child is still alive, there may be one more now. Of course, there must be undiscovered or unannounced resilience evolvers, but the number is definitely not large. "

"Then... why don't you keep Shi Jiaran and let her cooperate with your research project? You are different from the beasts in the underground experiment project. You can definitely study her abilities without hurting her. "

Zhang San rolled his eyes at her, "You should know my origins, right?"

When listening to Yang Jin talking about the Huiyi underground experiment incident before, Xia Qing had guessed it, and now she is very sure, "You are the top surgeon, plant and pharmacist, and vice president of the Huiyi Base Research Institute in Huicheng Base, Fu Tianfeng!"

The name of Fu appeared in the news broadcast of Huicheng Base from time to time.

He is one of the earliest technicians in China to engage in the research of the two elements of the Yi-Yi, the backbone of the research team of the protective mask filter, and the developer of a variety of anti-evolutionary bacteria agents...

Now, he has one more halo: one of the whistleblowers of Huiyi's heinous underground experimental project, and the person in charge of the project's victim recovery treatment project.

I am proud to have such an idol!

I am honored to be able to form an alliance with my idol!

If the allies knew Zhang San's identity, they would probably scream and run around this territory three times.

"You also said that I am just a small vice president. I can't control the institute, let alone shake the decision-making of the base, and I can't get Shi Jiaran's trust, so I can only let her go." Zhang San yawned, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

Xia Qing suddenly remembered something, "Brother San, in early July, Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui were robbed of some supplies by a woman holding a child when they passed the ruins of the town south of our territory. In mid-July, during the agricultural product fair, Tang Huai and I heard the crying of a child when we passed the ruins."

Zhang San was no longer sleepy, "Who is Zhong Tao?"

Xia Qing...

"He is the captain of the patrol team who drives over every once in a while and honks to ask us to go out to exchange supplies. He is the captain Zhong we often mention in the lord channel."

Zhang San deduced, "He should not have reported the robbery, otherwise the base would definitely send people to search the ruins."

Xia Qing Although she didn't ask Zhong Tao, she was sure that he wouldn't report it. "Zhong Tao and Zheng Kui are both ordinary people. They will definitely not report it, otherwise they will lose their jobs."

Zhang San nodded, "You don't have to worry about it. Your main task now is to get well as soon as possible, improve your strength, and farm steadily. According to the cultivation guide I gave you, use Yishi to build a small experimental field and improve the quality of spinach within three years. Your water quality is better than Liehuo's. What they can do, you can do. What they can't do, you can do too."

Xia Qing, who has only been farming for a year, doesn't think she can surpass the cultivation results of Shan Ying's professional planting team within three years. But if the idol says she can, she must be able to do it:

"I have the cultivation guide you wrote yourself, and I have better water than theirs. I can definitely grow better spinach in three years!"

After making an impassioned promise, Xia Qing discussed with the idol in a gentle voice, "But this winter, I didn't grow Gaoyi elemental spinach because I was afraid of being discovered by the people of Liehuo. Can the three-year period start from next year? Our alliance is not strong enough, and we can't go head-to-head with the Liehuo team at this stage."

Zhang San nodded and said pleasantly, "You did the right thing. The order is chaotic now. You must keep a low profile until you lose strength. When the alliance is strong enough, we will build a standardized planting greenhouse next to the hot spring to specialize in the research of high-stability grains." "From now on, you will test the soil of the experimental field every half month and send the test results with a piece from No. 50 Mountain. Your storage room should be filled with Yishi, right? Is the Yishi enough? If not, you can exchange it with me for supplies. "

no, no, no. It is much more cost-effective to exchange stones with Broken Waist Wolf, who loves beauty and has great taste in life, than exchanging stones with idols. "Although I don't have many, I still have stones to build a small experimental field. Don't worry. Third brother, your territory Are the greenhouses inside also made of Yi stone?”

The greenhouses in Territory No. 7 are the same as the standardized planting greenhouses in the safe zone planting center, using steel structures and new glass materials. Such greenhouses are equipped with ventilation and air filtration systems to reduce the content of chlorine elements in the air.

Zhang San looked forlorn and told Xia Qing a little-known secret, "The greenhouse is not used. I am allergic to the element of chlorine. Before anti-allergic drugs are developed, I must wear Yishi."

ah? ! ! !

Xia Qing simply couldn't imagine how painful it was to be allergic to the ubiquitous poisonous elements. No wonder the idol guarded seven standardized greenhouses, but was so thin that there was only a handful of bones left.

Xia Qing, a hardcore fan, swallowed up all the surprise and sympathy, and vowed to be more serious than promising her idol to cultivate spinach that is better than the fire in three years, "Third brother, I will raise chickens well, Plant vegetables to make your food more comfortable.”

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