"Sister Yan."

Zhang San's research room uses the best sound insulation materials and is equipped with anti-eavesdropping equipment. Yanlong is standing far away in a measured manner, so he will definitely not be able to hear the conversation in the room, so Xia Qing is not nervous. He walked over, greeted Yanlong, and looked up at her calmly.

Just when Xia Qing thought Yanlong was going to warn him, Yanlong issued an order in a cold voice: "Special training will begin at 8:35 in the morning on the 16th, 10 hours a day, and the first day will be at The second peak of Mount Fifty.”

Xia Qing stood up straight and replied loudly, "Copy that. I will do my best. Please give me sister Yan's advice."

Huo Zhun watched this scene on the surveillance camera, and inexplicably felt that Xia Qing looked very similar to the power-evolved sheep in Territory Three.

Yanlong was very satisfied and raised his chin, indicating that she could leave.


With such a simple movement, Yanlong unleashed an extremely powerful aura, which made Xia Qing's blood boil with excitement, and every step he took was full of momentum.

Huo Zhun felt bad in the monitoring room, so he immediately took out his cell phone to contact his father and asked him to quickly deliver the hardness evolution snakeskin clothes, otherwise Huo Zhun was afraid that Xia Qing would not be able to withstand Yanlong's special training.

Xia Qing returned to the territory, picked up his tools, and immediately rushed to the third peak of No. 50 Mountain. When she was about to arrive at the Bear Cave, she sent a message to her idol and waited for Yang Jin to leave before going up the mountain. Xia Qing said hello to Hu Feng before using the key to open the heavy iron door of the Bear Cave command room.

This key was given to her by Yang Jing just this morning. She didn't expect to use it so quickly.

After entering the bear cave, Xia Qing went straight to the stone houses and tombs in the hidden valley.

The family portraits in the stone house, the clothes that had begun to rot, bedding and other small items that could reveal the identity of the owner were all put into her bag. Large pieces of furniture, cooking utensils and tools were directly smashed.

After cleaning up the house, Xia Qing carried a hammer and shovel and walked towards the grave where Shi Jiayi's family was buried.

The five beautifully carved stone tablets were lifted up and erected by Xia Qing when he first came in. Now it was pushed down again and smashed with a sledgehammer.

The roar of the fire extinguishing isolation zone being opened at the foot of the mountain and the sound of chainsaws logging were very loud. In addition, Hu Feng was at the construction site. If the people over there heard any sound, Hu Feng would also smooth things over, so Xia Qing felt relieved.

After smashing the stone tablet, she dug open the tomb, opened the sarcophagus, and put the bones of a family of eight into bags. The easiest way to collect Shi Jiayi's bones is to lift the bag containing Shi Jiayi's bones out of her husband's sarcophagus.

Xia Qing put this bag in not long ago.

After smashing the sarcophagus, Xia Qing carried several large bags that needed to be brought back. He contacted Hu Feng at the construction site and reconfirmed the positions of the second echelon of disaster relief and the members of the construction task force before carrying the heavy backpack. Leave the Bear Cave and take a detour down the mountain to return to Territory Three.

The eight bags of bones were placed directly into the basement of the deserted village in the territory by Xia Qing and buried. This basement was dug by Xia Qing to store food. It turned out that there was no equipment to control temperature and humidity. After the basement became unable to store food at all, Xia Qing gave up.

Now, it is used as a burial chamber for this family of eight.

After burying the bones, Xia Qing completely burned the other things he brought back, leaving only the family photo, kindergarten textbooks and homework books placed together with the mobile phone.

Xia Qing took these three things, thoroughly disinfected the protective clothing and sprayed odor isolating agent, and then went to Territory No. 7.

Not long after Yang Jin left, Xia Qing left and returned. No one else in Territory No. 7 felt anything was wrong. Because one of the two people is responsible for the disaster relief on-site command, and the other is responsible for the management of No. 50 Mountain, it is normal for them to report the situation to Zhang San.

After scanning the equipment and confirming that Xia Qing did not carry dangerous goods or weapons, Ji Li walked her off for a while and then stopped, "Yanlong is in front, you can follow her."

"Okay, thank you Brother Ji." Xia Qing walked quickly to Yanlong and greeted her.

Yanlong looked at Xia Qing quietly. Through the smell, she judged that in addition to the faint smell of weasel, Xia Qing also had a faint smell of mold.

This smell is the most familiar to humans during natural disasters. There is nothing wrong with it. Yanlong nodded slightly and sent her to Zhang San's laboratory.

After Yanlong walked away, Xia Qing locked the door and took out the things. "Third brother, I think these things should be kept. Do you think they should be placed with you or with me?"

Zhang San rolled his eyes at Xia Qing, "Do you have a first-level bulletproof chamber over there that can withstand the blast wave?"

Xia Qing immediately replied, "No, just keep it. Your place is the most reliable and safest. Only by putting it here will it be foolproof."

Zhang San snorted and said the harshest words in a calm tone, "It can't be considered foolproof. Maybe someone caught me after breaking through Ji Li's heavy defenses and forced me to take him into the secret room. After entering the secret room, I Activate the immediate self-destruction mode. No one can come out of it alive, including myself."

"Third brother."

Xia Qing stood up with a solemn look on his face, "Third brother, such a person is not worth losing your life. You must have a way to save your own life and kill him at the same time. You must live. Only by living can you have hope and ability." Towards happiness.”

Zhang San stared at Xia Qing silently for a few seconds, then leaned his head on the back of the chair with a look of disgust, "Back off, you've hit me again."

Xia Qing, who had long since stopped smelling the odor on his body, sat back on his chair and discussed with his idol, "How about you take the time to study how to eliminate the odor of the evolved weasel as soon as possible?"

“No time.” Zhang San refused. “Yang Jin only entered the valley once to get supplies. He didn’t wander around inside and didn’t find the tombstone or the photos in the stone house. Have you seen all the photos and videos in your phone?”

Xia Qing replied, “No. I only browsed the ones after the natural disaster, and only watched the last two videos carefully. I remember she mentioned in the previous video that she had a sister who was in college and lost contact.”

Zhang San turned the laptop screen to Xia Qing. “The photos and videos before the natural disaster are of no reference value. Remember this face. This is what she looked like when she was just rescued. No matter how a person disguises, her pupil distance, eyeball position and orbital bone shape cannot change, because these are determined by the anatomical structure.”

On the screen, Shi Jiaran, who had her head shaved, was wearing a loose hospital gown and curled up in a small ball on the bed. She was pale and thin, staring at the camera dully. Both her appearance and expression were very similar to Shi Jiayi in the last video in the phone.

There were bright red scratches on her head, face, and neck that had not yet healed, as if she was scratched by a glass-like material when it exploded.

These skin injuries were not serious. What shocked and horrified Xia Qing were the purple patches and pinholes on the back of Shi Jiaran's hands and arms as he hugged his body.

Is this the state of the precious experimental subject who suffered less than the Fire Phoenix in the underground experiment project?

Thanks to the book friends October's Upper Thousand Moon and Le Sanye for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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