On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 508: Mother Time's Evolution of Ability

While Xia Qing was making dinner at home, she received a call from Qi Fu.

"Xia Qing, Lao Kuang has something to report to you." After Xia Qing agreed, Qi Fu handed the phone to Kuang Qingwei.

Kuang Qingwei said a few polite words and got to the point, "Wen Nengjie from Territory No. 17 came to me just now. He wanted to take the people from the territory to participate in the task of Mountain No. 50 to earn points. Sister, do you think it can be done? Wen Neng Jie knows the person in charge of evolved bees in our safe zone breeding center, and I want to get bees through this method.”

During the last meeting of lords, Qi Fu and Kuang Qingwei mentioned raising bees, and they have been actively looking for ways to do so.

When the Lords Alliance team went to No. 50 Mountain to dig out yellow clay and build a greenhouse, they met Wen Nengjie. I also have a deep memory of the money-grubbing and lustful looks shown by those people when they saw me for the first time.

There are too many people like this now. Xia Qing will not give up this path just because these people are not pleasing to his eyes. "Brother Qing, how sure are you of getting the green light bee?"

Kuang Qingwei replied, "About 40%, the yellow light ones can definitely get it."

If this is the case, this path must be kept. Xia Qing replied, "The main force for clearing the fire extinguishing isolation zone is those large machines. I will ask Brother Zhao first to see if we can add more people."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing walked to the East Rail network wall and shouted through a loudspeaker, "Brother Zhao, Zhao Ze, are you free now?"

Zhao Ze didn't have a phone, so Xia Qing had to use the loudspeaker to find him. This matter cannot be discussed in the lord channel, because Zhao Ze said that there is no need to add more people, and Wen Nengjie will probably hate him.

"Here we are, we'll be there soon." Zhao Ze replied with a loudspeaker, and quickly ran to the river through the snow, and asked through the iron mesh wall, "What are Mr. Xia's orders?"

"Brother Zhao, just call me by my name." The name Mr. Xia really didn't suit her. After Xia Qing corrected Zhao Ze's title, she told the story again.

Zhao Ze immediately replied, "I think we can add eight more people, so that the project can be completed two days ahead of schedule. But... we will earn fewer points. And Wen Nengjie and his gang are not on the right path at first glance. What if they take the opportunity to cause trouble?"

Xia Qing made a decision directly, "If this mission can be completed two days earlier, the mountain can be burned two days earlier, and the potential danger of our territory being invaded by super evolutionary bacteria can be eliminated two days earlier. I will discuss with Captain Yang, and there will be Qinglong The team and inspection team were watching, and they didn’t dare to cause trouble.”

"Okay, I will do whatever my sister tells me." Zhao Ze agreed bravely.

During the years of natural disasters, order was chaotic. People with abilities crushed ordinary people, and the powerful among ordinary people crushed the powerless. If there was no power, then it would depend on whose fist was stronger.

Zhao Ze is not as hard-fisted as Wen Nengjie's gang, but he is now in a group with Xia Qing and the boss Zhang San, so he is powerful and does not need to be afraid of Wen Nengjie's kind who rely on their fists.

After Xia Qing returned to the territory, she immediately contacted Yang Jin.

The task of clearing the fire-fighting isolation zone cost Team Agni's points. Of course, Yang Jin had no objection. When Xia Qing mentioned that Wen Nengjie's group was difficult to manage, Yang Jin laughed.

"Isn't he the deadliest hero in West City before? In front of the Qinglong team, his waist has never straightened up. Don't worry, if he dares to cause trouble, I will punish him until he can't stand up."

"Okay, please excuse me."

If others said this, Xia Qing would think he was bragging, but when Tie Gongji said this, Xia Qing felt that he was already very restrained and kind.

With his ability, Wen Nengjie ordered the entire team to strip off their clothes and collect points to pay the fine for the items listed with his words!

Early the next morning, Xia Qing went to the gathering point on the east side of Territory No. 7 and sent the task team to Mountain No. 50. Before she could walk over, Wen Nengjie trotted over, nodding and bowing to show his courtesy, "Mr.

Looking at Wen Nengjie's unable to straighten his waist, Xia Qing corrected him expressionlessly, "Just call me Xia Qing."

Wen Nengjie immediately changed his mind and said, "Okay. Thank you Sister Qing for giving our brother a few opportunities to earn points to support our family. From now on, if Sister Qing has something to say hello, brothers will never be vague."

Xia Qing remained expressionless, "Complete this mission first and then talk about other things."

"Okay, Sister Qing, you are busy."

Wen Nengjie was very measured. After being attentive, he returned to the crowd. When he saw Xia Qing walking up to Kuang Qingwei, his eyes flashed. He made the right bet this time, and finding Kuang Qingwei worked really well.

Xia Qing asked about Zhu Li's injuries and felt relieved after knowing that she was not infected with superbugs.

Shi Mu also came over and gestured excitedly to Xia Qing, "Qing, after I came back yesterday, I went to Territory 1 to test my strength, and now it's this number!"

Two and a half levels?

Xia Qing was also happy for her mother, but she still told her to act according to her ability, "If Auntie wants to take on the mission as an evolver, just tell Zhao Ze and let him arrange it for you. Control your speed and don't do it. Don’t get hurt even if you are tired.”

Evolvers have to work more if they want to get more points. If you receive a task and fail to complete it, points will be deducted.

"I received a workload of one and a half people yesterday, and I didn't feel tired at all. Today I received a double share." Shi's mother understood Xia Qing's good intentions and looked at Xia Qing with a smile on her face. Because there were too many people, she expressed her gratitude. I didn’t dare to say it out loud, it was all in my smile.

Shi Mu looked like she was several years younger, and the scars on her face seemed to have faded.

Evolution of abilities not only means being stronger, but also means a longer lifespan. So, although the age of the evolved Time Mother has not changed, she is really "younger" than before.

Time Mother is the first person in the Lord Alliance to have evolved abilities after eating the Green Light Advanced Evolution Python. After a few days, when the mountain is burned and the allies drink filtered hot spring water, more may appear.

Xia Qing is most optimistic about Zhu Li from Territory No. 6, because she has all four limbs and a healthy body. More importantly, she is only 22 years old this year and is still in the age range for evolution.

Even if they cannot become evolvers, the probability of survival will increase after the physical fitness of the allies improves. As long as the lords are there, her alliance will become more and more stable and better.

After watching the task force enter the valley between Mountain No. 49 and Mountain No. 50 by car, Xia Qing ran back to her territory. Before she returned home, she saw the red squirrel squatting outside the window sill of the second-floor bedroom from a distance, eagerly waiting for water.

Hearing that Xia Qing was back, the red squirrel jumped onto the roof, poked out its little head, and looked at her eagerly.

This guy seems to be more energetic than yesterday.

Xia Qing opened the window after returning home and put warm water in it.

The red squirrel jumped down immediately, and after drinking enough water, it looked at Xia Qing eagerly, waiting for a free meal.

You wish, I have given you enough food! Xia Qing closed the window expressionlessly and stopped looking at this shameless neighbor.

Eight days later, before the fire isolation belt was cleared, Zhong Tao's convoy arrived and brought Xia Qing key equipment: her advanced hardness evolution snake skin jacket.

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