After returning to the territory, Xia Qing, who was in a complicated mood, did not go home. He took a small hoe from the hut next to the farmland and went to the rape field to clear weeds.

The combination of cold-proof measures such as digging cold-proof ditches, applying more fertilizers, and covering with rainproof cloth at night has indeed achieved a certain effect on farmland insulation, but it also gives the grass a chance to germinate during the cold snow-free period.

The unmelted snow continues to release chlorine elements outwards, causing the content of chlorine elements in the atmosphere to be higher than normal during the period after the snow falls, so turfgrass will continue to emerge.

Although the concentration of moth elements is not enough to cause moth grasses to grow wildly, they also grow faster than normal crops, taking away the growing space and nutrients of crops.

Therefore, weeding is a daily farm work during this period. Fortunately, there are few fields in Xia Qing and it has been cultivated for a year. There are far fewer weed seeds in the soil, so the weeding task is not too heavy.

After experiencing this thrilling scene recently, Xia Qing felt extremely satisfied and cherished to be able to stand in the farmland with all hands and feet and weed weeds.

She is satisfied that there are still seedlings in her fields after killing the snow, and cherishes her peaceful life now.

After a while, the sick wolf opened the bamboo pole door of the greenhouse and walked in. He placed the small basket next to Xia Qing and looked at her eagerly.

Looking at the sick wolf who was getting healthier and healthier, Xia Qing's eyes reappeared with Shi Jiaran's body covered with needle holes, curled up in a dull manner on the hospital bed.

Shan Ying paid a "high price" to buy Sick Wolf because he wanted to do to Sick Wolf what they did to Shi Jiaran!

There are many people like this who are single. It is not enough to rely solely on others to protect it, it must return to its peak state as soon as possible.

Xia Qing stopped digging grass, walked to the sick wolf, bent down and scratched its chin, and explained gently, "Look, second brother, these are all grasses. The grass contains high levels of grasses and cannot be used to feed chickens." , feed the fish, feed the rabbits, otherwise they will get sick.”

After Xia Qing finished speaking, he actually saw a disappointed expression on a wolf's face.

She held the sick wolf's face in surprise, rubbed it, and praised loudly, "Boy, your expressions are getting richer and richer. It's really amazing! Let's continue watching the video tonight, okay?"

The sick wolf who received the praise grinned and was happy, hahaha.

The notebook that Yang Jin exchanged with Xia Qing contained a video tutorial on training tame animals. The content and format were similar to those in "Teletubbies" before the natural disaster:

A group of people put on animal doll costumes, followed instructions to perform various actions, and then happily spun around in circles.

The sick wolf likes to watch it very much, but the sheep boss is not interested at all, and sometimes he finds it noisy and has a bad temper.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the sheep boss is unhappy, because the video tutorials include ones for wolves, bears, and even birds, but not for sheep.

Because no one has thought about taking the dishes on the recipe and training them into tame animals.

After a period of time when he is no longer busy and Tang Huai's injuries have healed, Xia Qing can discuss with him and let him wear a sheep suit and shoot a few videos for the boss to see.

If you find someone else, Xia Qing will definitely have to pay points before they are willing to cooperate with such a weird request. But if you ask Tang Huai, he will definitely bring his own clothes and ask Xia Qing to take pictures for him.

Such an excellent trading partner may be rarer than a Resilience Evolver on Blue Star, so Xia Qing decided to maintain a long-term friendly trading relationship with him.

When it was getting dark, all the team members who went to No. 50 Mountain to clean up the fire-fighting isolation zone returned. Zhao Ze reported to Xia Qing in detail the progress of today's mission through the intercom.

Knowing that they had exceeded today's target and that no one was seriously injured, Xia Qing praised Zhao Ze's project scheduling ability and affirmed the work of the escort team composed of Qinglong and the members of the investigation team.

As soon as Xia Qing finished speaking, and before Zhao Ze had time to express his position, Tang Huai came online, "Okay, Sister Qing, you've already done a good job in just a few days after taking office. You have to manage both the territory and so many places by yourself." It’s a big mountain, so I’m definitely too busy. How about I be your assistant? I don’t want points, I just want to learn management skills from you.”

Xia Qing, who had just decided to maintain a long-term friendly trading relationship with Tang Huai, politely said, "I have no say in this matter. You have to go to Territory No. 7 and apply to Third Brother."

Before Tang Huai could speak, Zhang San went online feebly, "You can't even manage Territory No. 2, and you still want to manage a mountain that is 1,500 times larger than the territory?"

Tang Huai quickly explained, "Third brother, I don't want to take care of the mountain, I just want to run errands for you and Xia Qing and gain some management experience."

Zhang San became impatient, "When can you carry 2,000 kilograms of supplies and kill a group of evolved giant lizards alone? Then come talk to me."

Hearing Evolver Tang Huai was wilted, and Zhu Li went online to ask, "Third brother, can I use green light mung beans to exchange with you for some anti-inflammatory, swelling and analgesic medicine after being hit? Gently sprout green light mung beans, add vinegar and chili and stir-fry , tastes very good.”

Zhang San responded feebly, "Okay."

Xia Qing asked, "Sister-in-law is injured?"

Zhu Li was a little embarrassed, "I overestimated my ability and hit my foot while moving a large rock. No bones were hurt, but I couldn't walk well."

A mission with 15 points a day and a low level of danger was too tempting for ordinary people. Zhu Li did not expect that she would be injured.

Although two crops of mung beans have been planted in each territory, and the price of green light mung beans has dropped now, Zhu Li is still heartbroken to exchange grain for medicine.

If her toenails hadn't been smashed off and she was afraid of contracting superbugs, she would definitely not have changed them.

Xia Qing asked, "Mountain No. 50 is a dangerous zone. Are there any holes in my sister-in-law's protective clothing and boots?"

Zhu Li responded quickly, "I checked it carefully after it hit me, and there was no crack. Thanks to Lao Kuang for insisting that I wear new protective clothing. I would definitely be infected if I wore the old protective clothing. Thanks to the two sisters-in-law for helping me, otherwise I would definitely not be able to complete today's task. Lao Kuang brought some dried wild fruits that I dried to you, please don't dislike it, sisters-in-law."

Zhu Li worked with Shi's mother and Yuan Yan today, and was not in the same group as Kuang Qingwei. Kuang Qingwei knew that his wife was injured, so he wanted to finish his work quickly and did her part. But he is also an ordinary person, not as strong as Shi's mother and Yuan Yan, and he doesn't work as fast as them.

Kuang Qingwei, standing outside the north gate of the No. 10 territory, was handing a bag of dried green snake berries to Shi Zhong, thanking Shi's mother for helping his wife with work.

Shi Zhong was not good at talking, and he couldn't refuse Kuang Qingwei, who was good at talking, so he had to accept it. Kuang Qingwei smiled and whispered, "Brother Shi, I think you can take your sister-in-law to Territory No. 1 or Territory No. 7 to test the level of power evolution. I think your sister-in-law must have reached level 2. At level 2, she will be considered an evolver, and the points for participating in the mission can be doubled."

Shi Zhong smiled, "Xiao Du told Captain Yang today that they will go there later. This time it is really thanks to Xia Qing."

As for why they thanked Xia Qing, the two smiled tacitly. After Kuang Qingwei gave Qi Fu some dried green snake berries, he wrapped himself in a cotton coat and stepped on the uneven snow and returned to the territory.

Thanks to the book friends A Big Bowl of Beef Noodles Without Coriander and I Love Handsome Wolf Brother (I feel that this name has something to do with Broken Waist Wolf) for their rewards. Thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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