Why? Xia Qing sat by the fireplace with her notebook in her arms, thinking carefully about this matter.

Are they angry because they found that the sick wolf obeyed the orders of the strange voice in the video and acted, or are they angry because the sick wolf completely obeyed the orders of "humans"?

Or maybe they saw humans driving evolutionary dogs in the evolutionary forest, and thought they were going to turn sick wolves into evolved dogs that were tied up by ropes and had no freedom?

Maybe, it's possible.

Now we can no longer think about the relationship between humans and evolved animals, especially brain-evolved animals with certain thinking abilities, using the way of thinking that humans stood at the top of the biological chain before natural disasters.

The evolved wolf has its own territory and can exchange it with Xia Qing when needed. Maybe in their eyes, there is not much difference between humans and bears. They are all animal groups with territories?

This may be the reason why humans are still unable to successfully tame the evolved wolf even after the natural disaster has reached its tenth year. This is also the reason why Shan Ying spent a lot of money to "buy" the sick wolf from himself.

In the past, humans have tried to capture wolves for breeding. But without exception, they all encountered fierce resistance from the wolves. When captured wolves have no hope of escaping, they will go on a hunger strike. Even if humans use force to force the mother wolf to give birth to cubs, they are still too weak to be domesticated.

Shan Ying believes that the sick wolf that can move with Xia Qing is a "special case" among evolutionary wolves. It has been domesticated by Xia Qing, so Shan Ying wants to use this wolf to breed the next generation of domesticated wolves.

Shan Ying guessed wrong. The relationship between Xia Qing and the wolves was not domestication, but a true companionship based on a certain amount of trust, or a companionship based on "exchange."

Xia Qing explained sincerely again, "My Queen, with a broken waist, I don't want the second child to obey my orders completely. I regard it as an important companion as the boss. It's my way that is wrong. I will never give it to the second child again." Watch this video.”

The alpha wolf and the broken waist wolf were still extremely serious. The sick wolf looked at Xia Qing with clear eyes, as if he was seriously thinking about the current situation.

Xia Qing opened the notebook again, "This is not a bad thing. There is a lot of knowledge in it. Not only the second brother is learning, but I am also learning. Look."

In order to quell the anger of the two brain-evolved wolves, Xia Qing opened the notebook again and played a popular science video explaining the knowledge of natural disasters. "Look, this is the process and characteristics of plant evolution filmed by humans."

The first shot of this popular science video is an aerial shot of an evolutionary forest, with dense vegetation and brilliant colors. The narrator is still a woman, but her tone is very different from the kindergarten teacher teaching kindergarten babies just now. The sound is smooth, smooth, and full of magnetism.

"What the audience is seeing now is Forest No. 9 of Hui Yi Base, located five kilometers south of the safety zone of Hui Yi Base. Just two days have passed since the third rain in the ninth year of the natural disaster, and Forest No. 9 is full of murderous intent..."

The two brain-evolved wolves put away their fangs and stared at the screen seriously, and the sick wolf also followed suit. Judging from his facial expressions, this kind of popular science video is not as interesting as the instructional video to Sick Wolf.

Xia Qing breathed a sigh of relief, put the notebook back on the low table, and stood aside to read it. The sick wolf watched for a while, then walked to Xia Qing and rubbed her leg with his body. Xia Qing sat down next to the sick wolf and gently ran her hands along the hair on its neck.

After the thirty-minute video was played, the screen stopped moving. The two brain-evolved wolves turned their heads at the same time and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing, who was doing strength training, stopped and said, "Do you like watching this? Okay, I'll find it for you again."

When the second video introducing the evolutionary forest was finished, the two wolves looked at Xia Qing again, and Xia Qing could only let the third one go for them. In this video, a large beast—a golden leopard—appears.

The two evolved wolves stood in front of the low table, growling lowly at the same time, looking very engrossed. Xia Qing was afraid that they would pounce and smash the notebook, so she quickly stepped forward to protect it.

She got this in exchange for the meat of the precious advanced evolved green lantern python, and it was filled with the knowledge that she spent a lot of money to exchange with Yang Jin. She hadn't learned much yet, and she was so heartbroken after being clawed by a wolf.

After the popular science video about No. 9 Forest in Huiyi Base was finished, the two evolved wolves still wanted to watch it. Xia Qing realized that it was getting late, so he played the video introducing weeding and insect removal.

The alpha wolf was not interested in this and turned around to sleep on the tatami. The broken-backed wolf was still squatting in front of the notebook, watching with great interest.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when Xia Qing put away her notebook, the Broken Waist Wolf was still staring at her with lingering interest. Xia Qing warned her very seriously, "Don't look at this too much, otherwise it will hurt your eyes."

The broken waist wolf tilted his head and stared at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing resolutely held her notebook and went upstairs to sleep. She didn't dare to put the notebook here because it couldn't withstand the claws of a wolf.

The next morning, Xia Qing was woken up by a red squirrel that came to drink water. After feeding the neighbor water, Xia Qing refused to feed him again. When he went downstairs, he found that there were no wolves or sheep on the first floor.

The eldest sheep was grazing under the eaves, and the three wolves were not in the territory.

Sick Wolf, gone.

Although he had thought that such a day would come, Xia Qing still felt empty in his heart when that day came. But she quickly cheered up and patrolled the territory carefully.

When the sick wolf is around, it does all this because its sense of hearing and smell are both sharper than Xia Qing's. Now that the sick wolf is gone, of course Xia Qing has to do it.

Xia Qing regularly sprayed medicine to repel small reptiles in the weed wall around her territory. In addition, since the snow had not melted yet, it was easy to see whether any small animals had crawled into her territory.

After a round of inspection, Xia Qing went to the low-slope planting area of ​​the northern buffer forest to check the weeds in the spring cave.

It was found that the flower buds of the weeds had grown a little. At this rate, it might bloom between the end of this month and the beginning of next month.

With a full bucket, Xia Qing returned to the territory and started to make breakfast.

When she took out the frozen snake meat from the refrigerator and smashed it to make snake meat pies, she heard the mobile phone in her pocket making a "beep", "beep", "beep" sound with a certain frequency, and her eyes were immediately lit up.

The broken waist wolf is back!

Does that mean that the sick wolf has also come back? !

Xia Qing put down the snake meat and immediately took out her mobile phone to check.

It was found that the sick wolf had walked to the big tree with a hide bag in its mouth, and the broken waist wolf was still going in and out of the north gate again and again.

What's in the animal skin bag? Xia Qing rushed out immediately and joined the sick wolf at the entrance of the village. The broken waist wolf saw Xia Qing coming out, and it took two or three seconds to get to the sick wolf from the north gate.

The sick wolf put down the animal bag and wagged its tail at Xia Qing, with a very happy expression.

Xia Qing was also very happy, "Second brother, you are back. Did you go back to Hill No. 60 with the queen and the others this morning?"

Seeing the broken waist wolf holding the animal skin bag, Xia Qing also greeted this brain-evolved wolf who seemed to be in a good mood, "Broken waist, are you back to exchange mirrors?"

Xia Qing was not guessing randomly, this bag was bulging, and the side pockets of the broken waist wolf's protective suit were also bulging!

It can be bulging like this, either it is hickory or Yi stone!

Xia Qing brought the two wolves back home. After the clever broken waist wolf rinsed its claws, it walked to the mirror on the wall with the dirty bag in its mouth, put the bag down, and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing, who was cleaning the shoes for Lao Er, smiled happily, "Brother Shuailang, do you want to exchange the things in the bag for the big mirror?" (End of this chapter)

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