However, there were six wolves when they went out, but only four came back smelling the meat: the alpha wolf, the broken waist wolf, the broken leg girl, and the sick wolf.

The broken leg girl did not enter the house. Although this evolved little female wolf would not attack Xia Qing because she had helped her, she was still wary and hostile to humans and was unwilling to enter a house that was like a cage and could not run away immediately.

Xia Qing did not ask where the broken leg wolf and the black wolf had gone. She took out the roasted chicken, tore it into shreds and put it in the rice bowl. The alpha wolf was still the first to eat.

It killed three chickens by itself, and the remaining three chickens were eaten by the remaining three wolves. The sick wolf's stomach and intestines had not yet fully recovered, so it only ate meat and did not chew bones. However, its bones were not wasted. She took them out with the bowl and gave them to the broken leg girl outside the door.

When Xia Qing finished her chicken, the bones were also taken outside by the sick wolf and fed to the broken leg girl.

Xia Qing confirmed that the status of the broken leg girl had been improved. Maybe its fighting power has improved, or maybe it's pregnant. Xia Qing stared at the belly of the alpha wolf.

The alpha wolf and the broken-waist wolf are a pair. They are in their prime. They should have wolf cubs next spring, right? Xia Qing remembered the pink and soft puppy sleeping, and was instantly melted by cuteness.

The cubs of the alpha wolf must be smart and cute...

Lazily lying on the tatami to rest, he keenly noticed Xia Qing's sight, opened his rich gold eyes, and saw Xia Qing smiling silly, not only closed his eyes, but also turned his head in a different direction.

Xia Qing smiled, cleaned up the dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash them, and the sick wolf went out to play with the broken-legged girl outside the door. When Xia Qing cleaned up the kitchen while listening to the radio, the broken-legged girl had already left. The sick wolf returned to the house and was watching the sheep boss riding a bicycle with the broken-waist wolf.

When the sheep boss saw Xia Qing finally came out of the kitchen, he immediately sped up, raised his head, and squinted at Xia Qing.

"Boss, you are awesome! You are worthy of being the evolved sheep who created the history of evolved sheep on Blue Star. You look so handsome when you ride a bicycle..." Xia Qing praised him endlessly.

Although it has not snowed in the past few days, the sunlight is insufficient and the power generated by the solar panels is not enough. Xia Qing works hard every day to maintain the enthusiasm of the sheep boss for power generation.

The broken-waisted wolf squatting next to the sheep boss turned his head and looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing explained, "The power-generating bicycle to be exchanged for handsome wolf brother has been ordered. After it is delivered in a few days, I will ask the second brother to go to the No. 60 mountain to ask you to come and pick it up."

Xia Qing said a new term this time. The broken-waisted wolf did not understand and tilted his head slightly, looking thoughtful.

That's right! Xia Qing suddenly remembered the video tutorial in her notebook, and ran to the bedroom to take down the notebook. She enthusiastically greeted the three wolves, "My Queen, the one with a broken waist, and the second one, come and watch the video to learn human language."

The sick wolf liked to watch this the most, and immediately ran to Xia Qing's side. The curious wolf with a broken waist also walked over to watch. The leader wolf was not interested and stayed on the tatami without moving. The sheep boss was even less interested and continued to play.

"My dear friends, today's study begins!" A sweet female voice that was more enthusiastic than Xia Qing came out. The sick wolf squatting at the table shook his tail and grinned with his tongue sticking out.

The wolf with a broken waist turned to the back of the notebook with a thoughtful look on his face, and then turned back to stare at the screen seriously.

After the opening of large pieces of colorful clouds that were soothing and relaxing, which might be very in line with the aesthetics of dogs, the teaching began.

"Let's review the content of the last class first, squat down."

The three people in the video wearing different breeds of dog doll costumes squatted on the ground in unison, and the sick wolf also sat in front of the low table, with the same posture as the three people in the video.

"Great. Next move, stand up."

"Great." Xia Qing praised the sick wolf, but her attention was on the phone.

She was seriously studying the high school chemistry knowledge that Yang Jin passed on to her. After reading high school chemistry, she would start studying college agronomy courses and strive to become a professional farmer and cultivate highly stable crop seeds.

The sick wolf stood up again, following the three people in the video.

"Great, next move, raise the left front paw."

When the broken waist wolf found that the sick wolf followed the human voice in the video and made the same movements as the strange creature in the video, it was angry. It pressed down its limbs to reveal its claws and sharp fangs, and roared at the notebook in a low voice.


The sound of wood breaking came from the tatami. The wolf leader used its sharp claws to break the tatami wood board. Its golden eyes turned to the notebook, full of murderous intent.

The two evolved wolf leaders were angry because of the content shown in the video in the notebook. Although the sick wolf didn't understand what happened, it also made an attacking move. This wolf, who was well-behaved and obedient in front of Xia Qing, was also quite deterrent when it showed its fierce and wild side.

It must have been an evolved wolf with high combat effectiveness before.

The sheep boss stopped pedaling and looked left and right without understanding what happened, but he still ran behind the wolf leader and called his younger brother to come quickly.

In such a tense atmosphere, the sweet teaching voice of the kindergarten teacher in the video seemed particularly abrupt.

Xia Qing didn't understand why this video angered the two brain-evolved wolves, but she still turned off the video.

After the video was turned off, the two wolf leaders didn't put away their fangs, but turned to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing did not feel frightened by the wolves' actions. She had been with them for a long time and could tell from their actions and expressions whether they had the intention to tear each other apart.

The two brain-evolved wolves were really angry. They were expressing their anger with actions, but they didn't mean to attack her. The sheep boss obviously understood this and turned around to continue playing with his toys.

Why did the content in the video make the two brain-evolved wolves so angry, but the sick wolf didn't think it was wrong?

Xia Qing couldn't figure out the brain circuits of the two smart wolves for the time being, so she carefully explained the reason for doing so, "This is for wolves to understand human language. I just want the Queen, the broken waist and the second child to understand what I mean more accurately."

"Woo--" The head wolf roared in a low voice, full of deterrence. Obviously, it didn't agree with Xia Qing's words.

Although she didn't understand the anger of the two wolves, Xia Qing didn't want to conflict with the wolf pack because of this matter. She promised seriously, "Okay, since you don't like it, I won't let the second child watch it in the future, I promise."

Obviously, the anger of the two brain-evolved wolves subsided a little, but the head wolf called the sick wolf to the tatami and didn't let it get close to Xia Qing who was holding a notebook.

Obviously, the two wolves thought Xia Qing did something bad to the sick wolf. Although the sick wolf lives in Territory No. 3, it is still a member of the wolf pack and an important companion of the two brain-evolved wolves.

Thanks to the book friends Nian Shao Bu Shi Shi Shi and Chen Xiao Meng for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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