On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 518: First use of a single-soldier flying vehicle

When the video introduced ways to prevent super-evolved bacteria infections, it mentioned regular disinfection and taking insecticides, and Xia Qing pressed pause again.

When the Broken Waist Wolf looked over with its amber eyes, Xia Qing introduced, "Brother Handsome Wolf, take this pill and take it regularly to greatly reduce the risk of parasite infection."

Xia Qing pointed at herself and proposed a deal, "Humans, I, also need to take this kind of pills regularly. Brother Handsome Wolf, do you want to exchange the pills and give them to your wolf companions? One pill for each wolf every half a year is enough."

After Xia Qing expressed it seriously twice, the Broken Waist Wolf seemed to understand. He turned around and left the greenhouse. After a while, he picked up the pigeon egg-sized stone from home and placed it in front of Xia Qing.

Xia Qing shook his head very seriously and gestured, "You have used this stone in exchange for this laptop and the knowledge inside. If you want to exchange pills, you need to give me another stone like this."

Friendship is friendship, business is business.

Knowledge, knowledge that improves the probability of survival, is extremely valuable. Xia Qing exchanged precious materials for Yang Jin. The wolves wanted and needed to exchange.

Potions are even more precious, and if you want them, you have to exchange them with materials.

The Broken-Waist Wolf understood, closed the laptop with his paws, put it into its basket, took it home, put it in the cabinet that Xia Qing gave it in the storage room on the second floor, and then left San No. territory.

Xia Qing understood that Broken Waist Wolf had gone back to get Yi Shi, so she immediately contacted Ji Li. After learning that her idol was not busy at the moment, Xia Qing called her idol and explained why she was looking for him.

"Third brother, I would like to exchange with you 100 parasitic-killing pills that evolutionary wolves can take. Can you think of it?"

"Okay." Zhang San agreed very neatly, and the exchange conditions he proposed also made Xia Qing happy. "In exchange for herbs, I will ask Ji Li to bring you the pictures."

"Thank you, Third Brother." Xia Qing asked, "Do you have a video introduction about the herbs you want to pick? If so, please give me a copy. I have a laptop now. Using videos can help the wolves understand what you want. Types of herbs and methods of collection.”

Although the notebook was exchanged with the Broken Waist Wolf, it was still kept at Xia Qing's house, and Xia Qing could also use it. This business is really suitable for Xia Qing!

Zhang San yawned, "Not this time. I'll find a way to make a video later."

About an hour after Ji Li delivered the pills, the Broken Waist Wolf came back. There were bulging words in the side pockets of the full protective suit, which looked like three round things.

The Broken Waist Wolf turned sideways and motioned for Xia Qing to take it out.

Xia Qing was excited, and with trembling hands, he took out a walnut-sized stone and...two pecans.

Although it is not three pieces of Yishi, Xia Qing is very contented, "One such big Yishi is enough. Thank you Handsome Wolf for the pecans you gave me."

Xia Qing took out the small bag containing the pills and told the broken waist wolf seriously, "This is medicine. You can't take more. A wolf can only take one tablet."

Afraid that the Broken Waist Wolf wouldn't understand, Xia Qing called the sick wolf next door who was watching the fish, took out a piece of medicine and put it in front of the sick wolf, then took out another piece of medicine and placed it in front of the Broken Waist Wolf, "A wolf, only You can eat one piece. If you eat too much, you will get sick. Do you understand?"

When he heard that he was sick, Sick Wolf immediately stopped smiling, closed his mouth and looked at Xia Qing.

The Broken Waist Wolf stared at the pill bag thoughtfully for a few seconds, then turned and walked to the exit of the greenhouse, looking back at Xia Qing.

"You want me to go to No. 60 Mountain with you? Deliver to your door? Okay!" Xia Qing, the second-level dealer,'s eyes suddenly lit up.

The broken-waisted wolf grinned, revealing the cute little tips of its fangs.

Hu Xiu Feng received a call from Xia Qing, asking him to send someone to guard the territory. Xia Qing would be out for a long time.

After seeing Xia Qing leaving the territory with a large backpack, a long cardboard box and two wolves, Chen Cheng asked his brother in a low voice, "Brother, what do you think Sister Qing is doing?"

"Want to know?"


Chen Zheng picked up the hoe and walked to the greenhouse calmly, "You can catch up and ask Xia Qing or ask the wolf. If you don't want to chase, you can ask the sheep boss."

The sheep boss, who was watching his companions leave, heard someone calling him angrily. He turned around, narrowed his eyes, dug up the snow on the ground, and rushed towards Chen Zheng.

"I...fuck! Can it hear it from so far away?!" Chen Zheng dropped the hoe and started running wildly. Chen Cheng pretended to be innocent and leaned against the big tree to act as bark, feeling happy in his heart.

The two wolves and one person left the third area of ​​No. 49 Mountain and entered the Qinglong Team training base, and were immediately captured by the surveillance camera. Jing Kuan in the monitoring room looked at Xia Qing's equipment and was also very surprised, "There is snow everywhere in the evolutionary forest. What are Sister Qing and the wolves going to do?"

The civet cat sleeping on the table raised his head and stared at the two wolves on the screen.

"Xiao Lao Wu, you seem to be paying close attention to Xia Qing and the wolves." Jing Kuan reached out to touch Xiao Lao Wu's head.

Xiao Lao Wu quickly dodged away, opened his mouth wide and showed his fangs, and yelled at Jing Kuan, warning him not to get close to him.

Jing Kuan clicked his tongue twice, "So stingy? Spit out my green lantern bamboo rat meat!"

The two wolves avoided the No. 50 Mountain construction team and the second disaster relief team and walked forward through the snow for more than 40 minutes. Xia Qing stopped.

The two wolves thought Xia Qing was going to rest again, but they didn't expect her to open her backpack and start tinkering with things. The sick wolf waited obediently, and the broken wolf came back to see what Xia Qing was up to.

"This is a single-soldier flying machine. I can fly it later. I can run faster than you two." Xia Qing put the single-soldier flying machine on the cleared space, then stepped on it, fixed his shoes with the upper fixing buckle, held the control handle, and greeted his companions excitedly, "Broken waist, second brother, I'm going to start flying, you follow me!"


Xia Qing pressed the switch of the handle, and the turbine engine started to run. The sound was indeed not small, but this place was far away from the dangerous area of ​​​​No. 50 Mountain where the machine roared, so there was no fear of being heard. Instead, it scared the two wolf companions.

The broken waist wolf jumped out several meters, blocking the sick wolf behind him, staring at Xia Qing who was slowly leaving the ground with wide eyes.

Xia Qing, who was flying for the first time, stood in the posture shown in the teaching video, slowly rose to more than 100 meters, and happily greeted the two companions on the ground, "Broken waist, second brother, let's speed up and see who runs faster!"

When the broken waist wolf was still in shock, the sick wolf was already running wildly to chase Xia Qing.

Flying at low altitude, Xia Qing could not only clearly see the footprints left by the wolf pack on the snow, but also the birds that were startled by her, the running rabbits, wild boars, pheasants, foxes, deer and other animals. This feeling is really different. Although the wind resistance is very large and the balance in the air is not well controlled, resulting in her flying speed not being fast enough, it is much more labor-saving and faster than walking through the dangerous evolution forest on the snow.

The feeling of flying is so exciting and tense, Xia Qing likes it so much!

Carrying a mirror on her back, Xia Qing flew over more than a dozen bottomless mountain cracks that seemed to be the open mouths of huge beasts, flew over the crocodile area where there was no ice on the water surface, and also flew over the high-risk evolution plant area where vines were flying randomly. Ten minutes later, she landed on the animal path more than ten miles away from the No. 60 mountain.

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