The Broken Waist Wolf understood Xia Qing's words, tilted his head slightly to the left, grinned and smiled, revealing the cute tips of his fangs.


The wolf smiled and seemed prettier than before. What's going on?

"I understand." Xia Qing did not agree immediately and stepped forward to open the bag to inspect the goods.

The bag was littered with pecans and some roots.

This shape of this rhizome...

Xia Qing pulled out the picture Zhang San gave her and checked it carefully, what a guy! The wolves dug up a root herb that the idol wanted!

After distinguishing pecans from herbs, Xia Qing did not find a piece of Yishi. He turned his eyes to the bulging side pockets on the Broken Waist Wolf protective suit, "Brother Handsome Wolf, I told you about this big mirror yesterday. You need to use it." Yi Shi Exchange."

The Broken Waist Wolf looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully for a few seconds, then walked over and stood sideways in front of her.

Xia Qing took out a dove egg-sized piece of stone from Broken Waist Wolf's pocket, with an unbroken outer shell. He immediately beamed, "Brother Handsome Wolf is so particular. This piece of stone is enough to exchange for a large mirror. You can Why am I embarrassed to bring you such supplies? Handsome Wolf, do you want to stay for breakfast before leaving?"

The broken-waisted wolf turned to the low table, put his paws on the low table, and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing...

Although I really don't want to understand, the Broken Waist Wolf expressed it so clearly, and it would be a bit unreasonable to pretend not to understand. Xia Qing took a deep breath and said, "Broken waist, you want to exchange the laptop you put here last night?"

The broken-waisted wolf revealed its iconic, snow-white, cute little fangs and smiled at Xia Qing.

What does it mean to plant flowers intentionally but not live, but to plant willows unintentionally to create shade?

This is!

I have to say that the Broken Waist Wolf is too discerning and shrewd. Although it likes mirrors, mirrors are worth a few walnuts and grassroots in its eyes, but the information in the laptop is worth a stone in its eyes.

It was shrewd, and Xia Qing was not stupid. She quickly came up with an exchange plan that satisfied both parties.

Taking down the notebook placed in the cabinet in the bedroom, Xia Qing patiently showed it to the Broken Waist Wolf, letting it understand that a notebook was something that a wolf simply couldn't operate, even if its brain evolved.

"Brother Handsome Wolf, this thing is called a laptop. Look. If you want to use a laptop to play videos, you must first know human characters and pinyin before you can use this - keyboard, and this - mouse..."

Xia Qing showed it over and over again how to find the popular science video played yesterday from hard drives and folders, and click to play it.

The operation of a laptop has exceeded the cognitive scope of a brain-evolved wolf. Its amber eyes moved back and forth between the keyboard, mouse, and screen, with a serious look on its face.

Next, it’s time to talk about the deal.

"This laptop requires electricity and is very fragile. It will be damaged by impact, scratches, moisture, and exposure to water. Handsome Wolf, do you think this is okay? This laptop belongs to you from now on, and then you put it away At my place, when you want to watch a video, you can come over and watch it, and I will play whatever you want to watch, how about it?”

Xia Qing explained it seriously three times, then held the Yi stone and waited patiently for the smart wolf to make a decision.

In fact, the price Xia Qing and Yang Jin exchanged for this notebook and the information inside was lower than a piece of Yi stone. But Xia Qing couldn't let the Broken Waist Wolf take away supplies that it couldn't use just to get a piece of Yishi.

To do so would be to destroy her own brand.

Moreover, all her deals with the wolf pack include after-sales service. If the broken waist wolf takes the notebook back and gets it back, he will definitely bring it back to her to repair it. Xia Qing does not have this ability, and is unwilling to waste resources like this.

"Brother Handsome Wolf, please think about it for a while, and I'll go cook." Xia Qing left the notebook on the table, took out more food from the refrigerator, and prepared breakfast.

The sick wolf squatted at the door of the kitchen, watching Xia Qing cook, and the sheep boss lay by the fireplace chewing cud. The broken-backed wolf squatted beside the low table. After staring at the notebook for more than ten minutes, he finally raised his paw and carefully pulled the mouse on the table. With a little tug, it looked up at the screen and pondered the relationship between the screen and the mouse.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qing suddenly felt that if she was willing to teach seriously, this wolf might really learn to use a laptop.

After breakfast, Xia Qing contacted Ji Li, gave him the herbs collected by the wolves, and then went to the greenhouse to weed weeds with a hoe.

The impact of the snow was gradually decreasing, so Xia Qing collected the Yi stones in the green light wheat fields, planting and breeding greenhouses, leaving only the white-feathered hens and black-feathered roosters still wearing a small Yi stone.

After the rocks are collected, the weeds and weeds that have grown up in these areas need to be cleared regularly.

Before Xia Qing had finished cleaning a vegetable patch, she heard the door of the greenhouse open, and the Broken-backed Wolf walked in with a basket containing its laptop.

This basket was made by Xia Qing for Broken Waist Wolf after breakfast, and was specially used to hold laptops. The edges and interior of the basket are sewn with EPS foam, so the notebook will not get damaged when placed inside.

"Have you finished watching another episode of Handsome Wolf?" Xia Qing took off his protective gloves and walked over, took the basket, took out his laptop, placed it on the wooden pier, opened it, and gave Broken Waist Wolf another episode.

This episode is about super-evolving bacteria. After the opening credits, the video screen zoomed in, zoomed in, and zoomed in again, showing the microscopic world before the eyes of this brain-evolved wolf.

"The most dangerous thing in the evolutionary forest is not the large beasts, but the hundreds of thousands of evolved microorganisms, and the super-evolved pathogenic microorganisms among these microorganisms..."

The broken waist wolf squatted in front of the computer, watching the video he had watched last night very seriously.

Xia Qing did not disturb it and continued to weed.

Half an hour later, the playback stopped again. Without waiting for the broken waist wolf to call, Xia Qing went over to open the next episode for it. But when Xia Qing opened the folder, the broken waist wolf raised its paw and pointed accurately to the box on the screen that had just been seen, which introduced the super-evolved bacteria.

Although the viewing method of the laptop folder is super-large icons, Xia Qing was still surprised that the broken waist wolf could understand the connection between the video and the file so quickly.

"Still watching this episode?"

The broken waist wolf grinned, revealing its fangs, but it did not laugh very happily, and it was obvious that its attention was all on the video.

Xia Qing did not disturb it much, and clicked on the video to play it again, and then weeded.

When the broken waist wolf asked Xia Qing to play it for it for the third time, Xia Qing already understood why the broken waist wolf attached so much importance to this video.

Because it shows the miserable state of humans and animals in the Evolutionary Forest after being infected with several common super-evolutionary bacteria. Broken Waist Wolf realized that this information is very important for the survival of the wolf pack, and it is trying to learn.

Xia Qing stopped weeding and sat next to Broken Waist Wolf to watch with it.

"... This is a common variant of the evolutionary blood-sucking worm. It parasitizes in the portal vein system of humans or other mammals. The adult worms mate and lay eggs in the blood vessels. A female worm can lay about 1,000 eggs a day, and most of the eggs are retained in the liver and intestinal wall of the host... causing the host to experience symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea, and abdominal pain."

Xia Qing pressed the pause button, and when Broken Waist Wolf turned his eyes to her, she pointed to the wild boar on the screen that was parasitized and died, explaining, "The second one was infected with this parasite, which caused diarrhea, illness, and almost death."

Pathogenic evolutionary microorganisms are one of the main reasons for the shortened average life of animals living in the Evolutionary Forest.

Thanks to the book friends Huanhuan, Neihao Haofan, and Lemon Mengmeng for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription and support.

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