The weather forecast was very accurate. After Xia Qing delivered pork to Ji Li at the north gate of the territory, the dark clouds in the sky began to scatter snowflakes.

Unlike the dirty yellow color of snow, this time the snowflakes were white. Xia Qing, standing in the territory, took off his protective mask and night vision goggles and raised his head. Snowflakes and cold wind fell on his face together. It was freezing cold, but Xia Qing was very excited.

After returning home, Xia Qing said to the sheep boss who was lazily lying by the fireplace, "Boss, it's snowing outside. Real snow, white snow, do you want me to take you out to see it?"

Xia Qing hasn't seen white snow for three years, and the two-year-old sheep boss has never seen it.

The sheep boss glanced at Xia Qing, who was empty-handed but very excited, and still squinted his eyes and lay by the fireplace chewing, recalling the delicious potato skins he had just eaten in the evening.

The snow fell slowly all night. Xia Qing got up every two hours to clean the snow on the greenhouse, shed and roof, and also confirmed that the thickness of the snow exceeded fifteen centimeters.

The next morning, the snow became lighter, but it still didn't stop. Xia Qing told her two companions to keep an eye on the territory with Dajiang and Xiaojiang, while she stepped on the snow that covered her feet and rushed to the gathering place.

Walking on the land covered with white snow was completely different from walking on the land covered with dirty yellow snow. Xia Qing felt that her breathing was smoother.

"Xia Qing!" Zhao Ze, who had been waiting outside the thorn gate, waved excitedly.

After the two met up, they walked forward while chatting about the progress of the project, met with allies from the 5th, 6th, 10th and 15th territories, and rushed to the construction vehicles parked on the east isolation belt with laughter.

Wen Nengjie from the 17th territory saw Xia Qing, ran over to say hello, and then stepped back very tactfully. Just as Yang Jin said, the people from the 17th territory were very obedient and hardworking after participating in the mission, and did not dare to make trouble at all. With their joining, the progress of the project was accelerated a lot.

Arriving at the foot of the 50th mountain, Xia Qing, Shi Du, Qi Fu and Yu Shou, four power evolvers, got off the car, holding a large shovel that was at least two to three times wider than a normal shovel, and took on the task of clearing the snow on the uphill road.

The engineering vehicle followed behind them, climbing the slope at a normal speed.

The others also got off the car and walked up along the roadside. Zhu Li stared at Xia Qing's back for a while, and whispered to Yuan Yan and Shi's mother, "Aunt, sister-in-law, can you use such a big shovel?"

Shi's mother, who had just become a second-level power evolver, shook her head, "I haven't tried it, I don't think it will work."

"I can use it for a while, but I can't hold it for a long time." Yuan Yan replied. Among the power evolvers performing tasks in front of the car, her husband Qi Fu was the lowest level, standing near the roadside to shovel snow. If Yuan Yan was allowed to take this position, she would definitely not be able to keep up with the speed of others.

The gap between power evolvers of different levels is too big.

Zhu Li muttered softly, "It would be great if I could also stimulate the power evolution ability."

For farmers, power evolution is more useful than other abilities. If she can become a power evolver, the territory can hire fewer people and have fewer mouths to feed.

In the front snow-shoveling team, Shi Du shoveled snow and rocks while inviting Xia Qing to join the team, "Sister Qing, after finishing this task, how about we go hunting together? I also got a gun."

Xia Qing did not refuse, "I will be free at the end of this month. If Shou Ge, Qi Ge and sister-in-law are also free, let's go together?"

Xia Qing promised to take Qi Fu and his wife to the Evolution Forest, but she has been busy this winter and has not been able to find time.

"Okay!" Qi Fu has been waiting for this day for a long time, and Yu Shou also agreed happily. Team hunting in winter, if you are lucky, you can also hunt edible animals and improve your meals.

After arriving at the construction site, the four power evolvers put down their shovels and replaced them with machetes, and began to clear the small trees and large stones in the isolation zone.

The big trees were handed over to the excavator, and the cleaning of weeds, shrubs, and fallen leaves such as pine needles on the ground was done by ordinary people.

"Is that Lord Xia Qing No. 3?" Xia Qing, who was swinging a knife to cut trees, heard someone whispering about her.

The location where the voice came from was in the high-risk area within the isolation zone. Only the second echelon of disaster elimination responsible for monitoring the changes of super-evolved bacteria could enter the high-risk area.

This echelon was composed of the Qinglong team and the scientific researchers of the No. 9 territory. Xia Qing had never heard the voices of this man and woman, so they should be scientific researchers of the No. 9 territory.

Xia Qing felt a little strange that he could hear their voices. Aren't the scientific researchers all wearing dense protective clothing and communicating with walkie-talkies? How could the voice come out?

"Looking at the power she burst out, she should be above level 4. She should be the only young female evolver above level 4 who can participate in this mission."

"It's incredible that Teacher Fu, who has a weird temper, can let her be the manager of this mountain." One of them said sourly.

"What's so incredible about this? The spinach grown in her territory suits Mr. Fu's taste."

They call the big brother Zhang San "teacher". Could it be that they have learned from Zhang San?

After the sound of the electric saw and the roar of the machine of the construction team sounded, Xia Qing could no longer hear the conversation between the two people. While throwing the small tree, she looked in the direction of the sound.

Two people wearing level 3 protective suits were squatting in the danger zone to take soil samples from various places. They wore level 3 protective suits instead of airtight protective suits. They should be evolvers with certain combat power.

Not far away, there were two members of the Qinglong team who were also wearing level 3 protective suits. These two people were performing guarding and protection tasks.

The people in Territory No. 9 are both members of the disaster relief team and criminal suspects, so they need to be guarded.

The two researchers changed positions and continued to take samples. This time they were closer to Xia Qing.

"By the way, have you found out the source of the spinach in Territory No. 3?"

Xia Qing was also very interested in this question and listened carefully while working.

"No edible spinach was found in other territories. Sister Qiong speculated that the spinach seeds were spread by birds or other animals that eat grass seeds. She is really lucky." The person who spoke had a sour voice.

Another person continued, "The soil in her territory is good. If she allows me to enter the No. 3 territory, I don't need to be paid, as long as she gives me 10% of the vegetables and food I grow. I am confident that the crop yield in her territory can be increased by at least 20%."

The other person raised his voice a little, "I am willing to do so too. This is much better than going to the Red 11th Base. There is spinach in her territory. I specialize in spinach cultivation. Once the quality of spinach is improved, it can be used to produce premium nutrient solution. This is a big business with a huge profit."

The expressionless Xia Qing realized that these two people were talking to her specifically.

Want to enter my territory? And you want me to take the initiative to invite you? Haha.

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